

Why do people say this?



cause she is :^)

She's badwinston

Or alternatively, Winston is goodD.va

Because they're mad they got destroyed by a d.va main.

Winston is absolute garbage, almost everything he has is useless other than his mobility. even then his weapons do no damage. easily worst tank.

Stop using Winston wrong, senpai

He's supposed to be a hard to kill harasser that, with ult, can push people off the objective and tank damage

All of which D'va is made for, and all of which Winston is better at except the ult, D'va's ult is better imo

Because they don't know how to play her. She's not a tank like Reinhardt or Zarya. D.Va should constantly be flying around to different spots to annoy the enemy or take out weak units.

Winston doesn't spawn a Diddy Kong with a much better weapon that takes over when he dies.

He should though.

the difference Winston dies nearly instantly after getting on point. you should almost never die as D.va

D.Va is decent but she can be A Lot better then she is now

I get numerous POTG with her still in high level play and the upcoming buff will only make it more easier for me

Because the devs already said they're going to buff her, not her damage but survivability in some way. Personally I hope it would be removing the movement penalty from shooting the guns. Although that might accidentally buff her dps too.

>gigantic headshot hitbox
>zero damage outside of extremely close range
>defense matrix's cooldown is way too long for so little benefit
>ult is dependent on the enemy players being blind, deaf, and stupid



They don't? D.Va is one of the better tanks.

>Can sprint/fly that resets every 5 second
>Has projectile shield
>Has Reaper's damage close-range at infinite rounds with no kickback
>Has Ultimate good for chasing off crowds
>When Mech is destroyed, has a better, faster and more powerful weapon that's good for long range
>can almost immediately get back into mech

A good or even average D.Va player can be hard to keep down with the constant back and forth between in and out of mech suit.

>Winston loses hp
>Turns into the scientist that takes care of him in his cinematic
>The gorilla is dead, it was the scientist all along using the gorilla as an experiment

Why the fuck didn't you say "gooD.va"?

>D.Va has a headbox that's the size of the front of her mech.
>Has to burn two cooldowns just to reach Widow or Hanzo to survive long enough to harass them.
>Slow as fuck, basically a walking ult charge for everyone shooting at her.
>Useless ass damage if they're more than 30 feet away.
>Virtually no ult.
>Generally spends 20-50% of the match as a useless little girl with no abilities.

she's getting a buff at the end of the month.
mobility while shooting
mcree is being nerfed because he is a faggot picked by massive faggots and can kill everything with a stun

Honestly they just need to cut defensive matrix's cooldown by half and change the shotguns to dual miniguns that have to spend 2-3 seconds spinning up.

>D.Va ult better than Winston ult
found the shitter

D.Va's ult is the worst in the game, makes her vulnerable, is not effective at clearing an area (just hide behind a light pole), and only actual retards die to it. Winston's ult heals him and turns him into a massive distraction plus he can shove people away, McCree's ult is way better at clearing an area.

>mfw people try to say a character is good when said character isn't used in competitive play at all

Congrats, your favorite character works against people who are worse than you are.

So you just charge headfirst into all your opponents? That explains why you think D.Va is bad.

I want to suck on her titties.

>mfw people who don't play at a competitive level base everything on competitive play

Not even gonna waste a face on you.

because i can beat her shit in with most other heroes
the only redeeming quality about her is the retarded large and wall penetrating aoe of her ult

Zero Suit D.va's pistol is amazing, your just garbage.

>wall penetrating aoe of her ult


>Zero Suit better than the mecha/power suit


>a good or average D'va player

Same can be said with all the other heroes, any hero, played efficiently, is a menace.

1v1 D'va would win
Winston in a team would help the team more than a D'va imo

Those unlimited automatic shotguns are great to apply suppressive fire on the enemy team.

And when she's out of her mech, her pistol is great for popping headshots (just done use her in the front line tho).

>Competitive play
How nice of you to out yourself as the cancer for us

Nobody said better. It's just actually really useful if you don't suck shit.

If you think D.Va is sneaking up on anyone in a giant loud mech you're playing against massive shitters in the depths of the trash-heap. This isn't a question of whether you need to use the abilities to do your job.

Yeah, it does a whopping 98 DPS if you manage to land every single shot. She can be out-dueled by literally everyone in the game, including Mercy, who has more life and has a weapon that does more damage.

Worst tank. Please stop playing her and just give your team another McCree instead.

sup moron, go back to the battle.net forums

>Can sprint/fly that resets every 5 second
That's good
>Has projectile shield
You can't shoot while using the shield and it has a long cooldown
>Has Reaper's damage close-range at infinite rounds with no kickback
Has the worst movement speed while shooting and has the worst damage falloff in the game. No reload means jack shit, it's not like her guns can be used for suppressing fire because they do nothing past 10 meters.
>Has Ultimate good for chasing off crowds
It's poor as chasing off crowds. The enemy will simply keep shooting you then duck behind a lightpost to avoid the explosion.
>When Mech is destroyed, has a better, faster and more powerful weapon that's good for long range
Her dinky pilot pistol is better than a huge mech's dual cannons.
>can almost immediately get back into mech
You are more likely to be killed while popping out of the mech, and if not then it takes about the same time to respawn and run back that it does to charge up a new mech.

Because she's a fucking chink eyed GOOK!

Winston is good in areas with pitfalls for knocking people off. Dva is good in all areas, and pitfalls for being able to fly back up. Dvas shield is just better, and her ult is better in more situations. Zero suit Dva popping out mid range Widow damage while building a secondary Ult is also nice if you're using her as a secondary attack tank.

Also much better range than Winston. He only has two levels I would want him over a Dva.

Had a shitter in an earlier game mad I wouldn't rush into a meat grinder as Zarya with my 3 second, 200 hp shield when the team was just chillin in the back doing shit.

Said he was going to go tank and show me how it's done.

He picked d.va. I laughed audibly.

Do you even play the goddamn game?

There are literally NO Korean girls with her body proportions, how they got her design is beyond me.


"Why is she bad?" "Because they're going to buff her."

Clearly they have a REASON to buff her, dipshit. How about giving the reason instead of sheeping it up?

She just doesnt bring as big an impact on the game as the other tanks.

Reinhardt has the shield and the stun ultimate that can win teamfights on its own.

Roadhog can defend enclosed spaces almost all by himself, pick off and kill any weaker hp character instantly and his ultimate is a major distraction in any teamfight.

Winston can harass the enemy backlines almost endlessly and his ulti makes him a general pain in the ass to deal with for the enemy.

Zarya has ability to push the frontline forward with her shields and her constantly rising damage, she can also substitute as a pseudo-support with her shields.

D.va can do what Winston can do, except she dies more easy. Her ultimate is only good for destroying stationary targets like turrets, or to use as an enemy deterrence field when pushing for payload when they're forced to duck and cover and get away from the payload.

I guess one neat way to buff her would be to shorten her ultimate cooldown dramatically. Then you would have a slightly worse Winston who can spam large bombs the whole match.

People keep comparing the tanks to each other instead of realizing that a lot of them are made to complement each other. Tank in this game doesn't mean what it means in other games. This isn't some MMO where every tank is the same shit. Get it through your thick skulls.

Do you? Everything I said is 100% true, and you can't refute it.

I snipe that fat floating bitch out of the air all day, because she's a loud ass idiot that makes snarky korean noises in giant mech while she tries to sneak around to flank me.

D.Va is useless 9/10 times. If she's on top of Widow she does 168 DPS at point-blank range, if she lands every pellet on her massive spread, which is rare. But I can just jump, then grapple away while I blow her slow ass headbox up for over 260 DPS with the automatic fire and she's sent running like a fat pig.

D.Va is the worst character in the game atm, and I hate seeing her on my team. You shitters need to play someone useful.

you have no idea how Winston is supposed to be played.

because she sucks ass, she's a giant, immobile, shit-damage, shit-tank that has effectively 250hp because of her fuckhuge critbox.

>winston is good in areas with pitfalls for knocking people off

lucio does a way better job at that

>Dva is good in all areas
Except she can't tank due to her fuckhuge crit box
You're playing against really awful players if you don't turn into swiss cheese outside fighting snipers and support.

>Dvas shield is better
If the other team is retarded and just doesn't bother with you. Meanwhile, Winston and Reinhardt have shittons more universal usage due to being both crowd control and actually protect the rest of the team.
>Much better range than Winston
Only by extremely technical reasons. The damage mitigation makes that difference useless. Winston can do way faster and less obvious position changes which makes range completely pointless an advantage when you're entire gimmick is RAMMING THE FUCK OUT OF WEAKER OPPONENTS.

>shit damage
LMAO what the fuck are you nerds smoking? D.Va has Reaper-level damage.

Or Roadhog. Got so many kills in that Hanamura pit when I hooked enemy heroes attempting to cross it, they fell straight to their deaths.

Except Reaper doesnt get a movement penalty when he's shooting.

Because he's fragile as shit.

gonna be a great day when they add ranked so I don't have to see shitters like you anymore.

Reaper out-tanks D.Va in 1v1 because D.Va has damage falloff out the ass and half her front is a critbox.

But out-DPSses D.Va because no movement penalty.

>D.Va has Reaper-level damage.
D.Va has a MAXIMUM of 168 dps if she lands every single pellet.

Reaper has 280 DPS, and he doesn't slow to a crawl and watch as the enemy just strolls away to safety.

D.Va is shit. Deal with it.

I think you might be retarded.

If you're shit at D.Va maybe.

Reaper: 250hp
D.Va: 250hp because every hit is going into her giant critbox

>Reaper level damage
In melee range for Reinhardt, who has a wider area of effect and has a shield backup if he misses that doesn't have cooldown. While Winston has chain lightning and can easily do quarter map leaps.

Also Reaper damage is kinda shit when you can't teleport behind backlines, chase people, or be invulnerable until your team shows up.

Yeah, as you fall to Wood V and all the good D.Va players blast to top rank, "shitter."

Okay, show us.

Show a good Dva video playthrough right now.
You have a good enough card to record if you can play Overwatch at 60fps in the first place.

You're right, I'll just bump him with the booster to close the distance... oops he went ghost and now my boost is on cooldown and I can't even escape.

>boosting before he uses wraith form

No wonder...

>playing D.Va, teammates include Symmetra and Torbjorn
>Zero suit D.Va it up
>get armour and shields, now at 250HP, basically a decent midrange attacker with survivability
Why is her little pistol so good?

>le giant critbox meme
Nice over exaggerations, rarely does her critbox even matter and even if your mech dies it really doesnt matter because it charges extremely quickly. D.va is the 2nd best tank behind Zarya.

Watch this and get BTFO

To make up for the fact that she has literally nothing else but that gun outside of the mech.

Zero Suit D.va has one of the smallest hitboxes in ther game and people rarely go for her. her pistol is also extremely accurate and does a nice chunk of damage.

>you have no idea how Winston is supposed to be played.
Why don't you enlighten me? Stupid monkey

>Except she can't tank due to her fuckhuge crit box
Neither can Winston compared to other tanks. Dva is meant to be mobile, not take it to the face like you cucks.

>If the other team is retarded and just doesn't bother with you. Meanwhile, Winston and Reinhardt have shittons more universal usage due to being both crowd control and actually protect the rest of the team.
Reinhardt is in a league of his own. Winston's shield is a garbage ass 600hp dome, Dvas is three seconds of no damage & can be projected forward to cover what she wants to block, like the majority of a Bastion sentry magazine. She's much better paired with a Reinhardt in most cases than Winston.

>Only by extremely technical reasons.
Doing damage at a range Winston cannot is not something I would describe as extremely technical. The spread is great for harassing crowds of offense characters while they build up to push.

>Winston can do way faster and less obvious position changes
Winston cannot fly over buildings or off the map. He's limited to more head on assaults & just melts if his team isn't there to help soak up enemy fire.

Yes, but Lucio doesn't have anywhere near the HP of Winston with his ult up.

D.va didn't really do anything there.

>closing distance without boosting
I guess your technique is to just walk at them without shooting

maybe you should try playing against humans instead of bots

>Good D.va players are so good the game glitches and gives a character higher DPS than what shes designed to have.

Aimbotting doesnt make you a better D.va player.

>You have a good enough card to record if you can play Overwatch at 60fps in the first place.
Probably not. I don't know much about computers but my card is one of the Radeon HD 7800 Series, which I don't think is too great. But it still runs at 60fps.

>Lucio and 76 on frontlines first
>Pharah ult
we already saw this earlier today anyway

>D.Va flies in and does absolutely nothing.
Oh I'm laffin

Aside from the webm being extremely shitty, that D.Va got like one kill.

look at the killfeed.
Not a single kill was hers or a result of her actions.
She literally hit them for like 5 damage each and took the credit for it.

I'm a D.va main so I'd be thrilled she actually killed those characters but she didn't even steal the kills...

>Eliminated 35%
>Eliminated 3%
>Eliminated 5%

Maybe YOU should try playing against humans instead of bots.

>Neither can Winston compared to other tanks
Winston is actually SMALLER than her and has way more accurate traveling. It's like trying to compare Tracer and Mei as harassers in backlines, you're just a shitty Tracer.

>ignore the D.Va finishing off 76, Mei and Roadhog while the entire friendly team is frozen

>Only able to do damage when you're up people's asses
>You are actually punished for shooting in the mech
>The entirety of her front facing body in mech form gives off headshots damage
Seriously, if you dive to where thw enemy is and there's at least two of them you to mech is as good as gone. It's so stupid.
>Zero Suit form is actually better than the mech but you have to be in the mech to survive

I love her and she's really fun to play but she has glaring issues that give the role of the worst tank in the game.

>he has nothing so he just repeats my insult

You're supposed to play her like the Spy from TF2, but with a jetpack. She's a very stealthy hero.

Literally any character could've done that.

In fact, there's a half-dozen that could've done exactly that, and they would've been safer doing it, while also contributing more to their team for the duration of the game.

>Yes, but Lucio doesn't have anywhere near the HP of Winston with his ult up.
yeah but lucio can do his displacement at any time whereas winston is restricted to his ultimate only

>get absolutely BTFO
>"oh i know i'll just greentext and post a reaction image, that will get me out of this mess"

What's the point of slowing her down when her gun doesn't shred people like TF2's heavy?

>She's much better paired with a Reinhardt in most cases than Winston.
Against Bastion and Torq who aren't competitive at all. Meanwhile, Winston is better at literally any other scenario.

>Winston cannot fly over buildings or off the map

You can jump off the map and jet out of it just fine. It sounds like you're just a really bad Winston. Also since when is flying over buildings important when you can just grave along the sides?

No one but Widowmaker has time to look up there.

There's nothing inaccurate about her traveling. You literally turn towards the direction you want to go and release the boosters when you want to stop. She can even boost around corners, something Winston cannot do with his jumps.

You can try to compare it to whatever you want to make you feel better. But a decent Dva is just going to kill your monkey & get back to destroying the rest of your team.

He's still not a tank, and he doesn't have the corridor ability Winston brings against offense heroes

not sure if autistic or 11 years old, but thanks for the laugh man

>Also since when is flying over buildings important when you can just grave along the sides?
When you want to get behind the enemy team?

>Against Bastion and Torq who aren't competitive at all
I didn't realize I was arguing with MLG PROs :^)

People complained that she would fly up to them and kill them, so they made it so she can't

>Loud as fuck.
>Very stealthy.
She literally says something that everyone within 50 meters of her hears 50% of the time you do anything on her, and she's the loudest, biggest, target in the game.

You're not sure if you're autistic or 11 years old?

Because you are on a shitposting board where people come to shitpost and read about shitposts.

>She literally says something that everyone within 50 meters of her hears 50% of the time you do anything on her

There is not a single hero that does this.

>Biggest character in the game
>Not noticing a giant mech fly across the sky

Winston can easily escape from D.Va, and tanks aren't his targets at all. Have fun taking 5 times as long as Winston to kill that lone sniper, though.