Post your taste, others guess your personality

Post your taste, others guess your personality



you're a redditor

Left to right

samurai flamenco for anime
Inhumanoids for cartoons
woman in the dunes for film
The Prisoner for tv
Metal Slug 3 for vidya
Sexy voice and robo for comics
Ice for lit
and earth 2 for music

im jk. none of those are bad; they're just common choices.

you're personality: a faggot

No template, and too lazy to make one, but here it goes.

The Stranger

Comics are for nerds

Seven Samurai

>TV Show
True Detective (Season 2)

It's a three way tossup between Exmilitary, In the Court of the Crimson King, or Since I Left You

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (read the fucking manga)

Either KoTOR II or VtMB

Seriously. No one can't genuinely think that Evangelion is the best thing. It has its moments, but the whole lot is garbage.

>woman in the dunes

you're a tryhard.

Try hard fedora tipper

The Wise Man's Fear

I've read a handful of comics due to adaptations (Scott Pilgrim, The Walking Dead, etc.) and they've all been shit. I'm reading Berserk right now and really enjoying it, but I'm not through where the anime covers, so I don't know if the hacky-slashy Black Swordsman stuff will turn me off.

American Beauty

>TV Show
Battlestar Galactica or The Wire

Elliott Smith - XO

Bebop/Evangelion/FLCL/Berserk. That is probably a full list of anime I'd actually recommend to anyone

>Video Game

I think people like Evangelion because it is a show with big robots fighting weird enemies, and people want to see what gets fought next. Not to mention the whole Judeo-Christian theme was and still is intriguing to first watchers.

You could not pick more, "I want people to think I'm smarter than I am" choices.

>Sup Forums talks about anime

>True Detective season 2

user plz

The hobbit





weebshitters get out

Metal arms glitch in the system

You're a fucking pleb

The Master & Margarita or Snow Country

Nijigahara Holograph, Sundome

Solyaris, Le Samourai

The Wire, American Dad (Rogers the best character on TV)

Good Kid MAAD City, This is Boston Not LA, various works by Sviatoslav Richter

>Video game
System Shock 2, Thief, Quake

Ghibli films, Texhnolyze from what I remember

It's a fact that Sup Forums actually knows more about anime than fucking Sup Forums themselves.

>implying the last episode wasn't goat

>>The Hobbit
>not enjoying film
Only on Sup Forums do you find such retarded hipsters, who ironically indulge in entry tier.



Lord of Light
Classic Dr. Strange
>TV show
Still on air? Orphan Black
Rory Gallagher: Irish Tour
Bebop or Champloo
Thief, any of the first three. Yep, even Deadly Shadows.

No, they really don't. They're good at pretending though.

And then there's this faggot.

>Sup Forums wishes you also ended up on some greasy dude's shirt instead of being conceived

There is absolutely NOTHING enjoyable about film.
>Accusing someone else of being a hipster
>Call the thing they like entry tier

it's because it fucked with genre conventions. It's almost a parody of sorts. The Mechs aren't mechanical. The protag isn't a happy-go-lucky wunderkid. Everything doesn't always work out with nobody getting hurt.

Eva is to mech anime what Madoka Magicka is to magical girls.

I agree it's not great btw, the budget fluctuating throughout the series is horrifyingly obvious sometimes.

> Book

> Comic
Don't read comics much, maybe Mous

> Film
Hot Fuzz

> TV Show
Haven't seen many top tier TV shows. GoT is fine, BB was disappointing. Might have to go with Fargo Season 2.

> Album

> Anime
JoJo Season 2

> Videogame
I cant name a favourite video game, it's essentially impossible. I've probably sunk the most amount of hours in to Dark Souls, so I'll go with that.


Snake in the eagles shadow

>TV Show

SOAD Hypnotize

Fist of The North star

>Video Game
Single Player:
Singular Game: God Hand
Multiplayer Team Fortress 2

the hobbit films were the closest we'll ever get to a Sil movie. Is it a horrible misuse and bastardization of Meiar and co? yes. But still, the closest we'll get.

Go back to facebook so you can circlejerk about TV and your animus you normie faggot

As someone who watches good movies and has used DMT , literally the only thing interesting about Enter the Void is the intro sequence and the first-person perspective

>Fist of The North star
Mah nigga.

ik i'm based you dont need to tell me : )

oh and anime is cowboy bebop

Funny considering how fuckin normie your list was

Suit yourself, man

They ARE making a silmarillion movie, and it's going to be awful.
I hope you're ready for them to bastardize Beren.

Funny considering my list was a book and a game you're too young to have even played.

Enter the Void was such a fucking let-down.

Yeah, not bothering with that shitty template and finding related images for everything.


Battle Royale.


Uh, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. Western comics are tripe.


The Princess Bride. Literally perfect movie.

>tv show

Star Trek :TNG I suppose.




Baldur's Gate 2/ToB


Steins;Gate, probably.

American Psycho
Y - The Last Man
"To Catch A Trader" or "Barry Lyndon"
>TV Show
True Detective S1 or The Sopranos
Giles Corey - Giles Corey
Civ V or Kane and Lynch 2 or Max Payne 3
Ghost In The Shell

Where The Red Fern Grows


The Usual Suspects

>TV Show
Breaking Bad or Curb Your Enthusiasm

No real favorite. To Pimp A Butterfly and The Impossible Kid as of late.

Spirited Away or Howl's Moving Castle

CS:S, LoL, TF2

>you're too young to have even played.
>Metal arms glitch in the system
If you're going to troll, try not to make it too obvious.

sauce? Not because I don't believe you since they sold out all his other works, but I thought Chris was drawing a line in the sand with Sil.

The Prince
Iron Man
Get Rich or Die Trying
>TV Show
Who Wants To Be A Millionare?
Young Rich Niggas
Bobobo-Bo Bo-BoBo


You think of yourself as sophisticated, but everyone around you sees it as an affectation

You are worse than faggot op. Thread is filled with autists trying to appear as cooler/smarter than others, special snowflakes etc. Entire thread is lebbit, go fuck yourselves. Video gaymes, niggers

Book: Shade's Children. Just read Horus Rising (I know, fuck off) and it was pretty great.

Comic: none. Not because I'm too cool for them or anything, I just don't know where to start and can't be fucked. (Same reason I'm reading Horus Rising in 2016)

Film: Spirited Away. Guilty pleasure is Juno (adopted)

TV: Kimmy Schmidt and Modern Family right now. Yeah. I know.

Album: Say Anything's self titled album, although I recognize that "...Is a Real Boy" was more original.

Videogame: Majora's Mask.

Anime: Tokyo Ghoul Root A

I've never done DMT, but I've done lots of other drugs. I really enjoyed Enter the Void bc it felt like it captured the highest highs and lowest lows. I like that it's open to interpretation. I can see why people wouldn't like it though-- the amount of sex does get ridiculous. If I could cut the length of those scenes in half and add in more scenes with emotional impact, then it would be my fav movie

I'm weird-- the only thing I can't really watch in a movie is rape (never seen Irreversible for that reason)

Other than that, I like being like, exposed to seeing someone else's life go to shit. Makes me feel better about my life and makes the characters more relate-able. I thought the actress who played Linda did a really good job

Maybe it helps that I was on LSD the first time I saw the movie, and it was quite the experience



it's like you've hit all the targets for the worst social groups
>pretentious arthouse film buff
>edgy literary fag
>canadian indie hipster
>doesn't watch tv what a fag
>some classic rock shit by some irrelevant loser
>3/10 on ign

House of Leaves

Pee Wee's Big Adventure

They Might Be Giants- Flood

Groo The Wanderer

>TV Show

>Video Game
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

wee/a/boo detected.

The Hunger Games

Angry Birds

A Day Without Rain

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>TV show:
Steven Universe

>Video game:


>"Wahh people who aren't as braindead as I am are discussing things and it makes me jealous ree"
Let the grown ups talk faggot. Go cry to momma or try to suck your own dick, you'll get it one day

The fact that they still indulge in the mature anime meme proves that they really know fuck all.

>Angry Birds
My nigga.

You are normalfag as shit. When marketing tries to appeal to the generic mass you are that.

Are you chinese?

>Those tastes
I'm gonna guess you're a femanon.

I've never read a book in my life

I don't do Comics

I rarely watch film, I supposed I'd list Goodfellas here

>TV Show
Don't watch TV much, but am following Game of Thrones, which I can't really recommend past Season 1

I don't listen to music as much as I used to, in fact, most of my day is spent in complete silence.

>Video game
Dragon Quest series, Dragon's Dogma, Infinity engine era CRPGs, anything by Rockstar since they are the best AAA studio notwithstanding selling GTA 5 three times at $59.99 and going full Schlomo with GTA Online

I don't watch Anime

It’s probably considered sacred since the companies merged. It was essentially a dream mix between Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest; creating or exceeding what it was in its original form is a very difficult feat. Once everyone was done developing Final Fantasy VI, hordes of staff helped out on Chrono Trigger. At the end, we had a couple hundred working on the game at the same time. It was kind of like a grand festival – it was really fun. [Tetsuya] Nomura was actually creating the environment background pieces in Chrono Trigger – like the courthouse scene, that was created by him. But everyone probably enjoyed how we were able to do things we’d never done with Chrono Trigger. That was the most exciting part.

I'll give you a top 5 games and anime so you can further judge. Maybe I am normalfag. idk.
1: already put it
2: DGD, deathstar album
3: The Matches, E Von Dal
4: Modest Mouse, The Moon and Antarctica
5: Chance, 10day

1: Already put it
2: FMA Brotherhood (that's definitely not gonna help my case).
3: School Live
4: Silver Spoon
5: Coppelion

>Dragon's Dogma

Legends of the Galactic Heroes

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

>tv show
HBO's Rome

>video game
SSX Tricky

Lawrence of Arabia

The Divine Comedy

Fragile - Yes

I really don't care for comics

I dunno, I was mostly talking about your taste in TV shows, since those are what my mom watches lol.

Those are the worst games ever.

I live in the town where the man was forced to eat his beard

hm. yeah, I have Sup Forums and Sup Forums tabs open. That was something of an oversight.

2. Demon Souls
3. Modded Skyrim
4. Endless space/legend
5. Age of Wonders Series


>people unironically like Der Untergang
For what purpose?


Lucha Underground

Street Fighter Alpha 2

Tao Te Ching

The Big Lebowski

Led Zeppelin II

Death and Return of Superman

>SSX Tricky
My nigga.

Brave New World
Punisher MAX or Preacher
>TV Show
Breaking Bad
Either Thank You Happy Birthday or The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
Cowboy Bebop
Resident Evil 4

kill yourself

>I've read a handful of comics because of adaptations (Scott Pilgrim, The Walking Dead, ect.) and they've all been shit.

Stopped reading there. Please grab the nearest Glock and shoot your balls off.

don't wanna. I will keep feeding you though.





bait was just meant for all the ones above it are pleb too

This whole thread is filled with casuals and normies when it comes to comics. Not sure why that specifically bothered you.

Are you autistic?

sorry are you upset that you're a massive pleb?

I didnt even post anything



The Lords and The New Creatures by Jim Morrison

The Dark Knight Strikes Again by Frank Miller

The Godfather 3 by Francis Ford Coppola

>TV Show
The Goode Family by Mike Judge

Metal Machine Music by Lou Reed

Final Fantasy VII

Mobile Suit SD Gundam

Sagging Diaper

House of leaves

comics are gay


You couldn't resist.

Abraxas and Gundam. This man has taste.

I'll give it a shot.

Just fuck my shit up. And anime is for weebs btw

Rate please.