Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics and deeper gameplay than clipping through enemy attacks and mashing R1.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums...
Jokes on you I am playing it and having a blast, most fun MOBA I've played. Kind of nice to watch the game grow slowly
How can I get into the beta without paying money OP?
The game will enter open beta this summer, so just be patient friend
Go to Reddit and make a cocksucky post. Everyone who plays the game has at least a spare code since Epic has been giving out invites like candy.
I have two to spare but I'm hoping to give them to PS4 players that I can play with who aren't casual.
The game suffers from the same crap that other MOBA type games do.
The horrendous as fuck teammates. Even in closed beta they were drop dead retarded. Don't even need to mention the BR's, or even idiotic in general, people.
I want to say though; Graphically, and originality, it is pretty nice.
Teams are the only thing that are weighing it down. Needing a proper ranked/match making system.
I've played about 300 games and have not encountered a non-English speaker.
It's nice being on PS4 since I can easily get into five-man teams with voice chat.
I have never met a non-English speaker and welcome to multiplayer gaming, not everyone is as good as you :^)
But I am playing it. Just reached profile level 20 too.
Does nothing new for the genre while being painfully slow, even for mobas. Graphics are nice but that's probably the least important thing in a game like this. No reason to choose this over one of the other ones.
>still playing mobas or team-based games in general
It is the first MOBA to have actual 3D gameplay with verticality.
You might as well say Super Mario 64 did nothing for platformers.
idk senpai, peeps seem to be all about that Overwatch these days
I am playing it. The newest hero wad exactly what was needed to butcher Muriel players aka the scum of the earth.
Fucking this, I hate Muriel
>tfw toaster laptop
I have a i7 8gb of RAM, will it run decently even with a 360m?
I know EPIC shills are in this thread.
Muriel is mechanically broken until we get heroes with purge mechanics or someone else with global mechanics.
Make her shields have a 3 player limit to their shield effects. Any more and the shields are randomly applied.
I just feel like they need to do nerfs or buffs better not makes "passes" or whatever they try to call it. I know we are in the early access testing phase, but sometimes the heroes are pretty obviously broken, like Rampage used to be
Nah, there are no Epic shills. I make virtually all the threads and go by Ubermenschkind on PSN. Epic isn't doing a damn thing to market this game; Sony is though.
Muriel's only OP because she's the only defensive support in the game right now. Nerfing her ult to not shield everyone in the AOE was a good call.
Whenever they nerf something, they utterly kill it though, save for Murdock. Grux got maimed and his passive is useless, Rampage got a button taken away and replaced with a passive, and crit practically got removed.
>Make her shields have a 3 player limit to their shield effects. Any more and the shields are randomly applied
The only ability she has that can shield multiple people is the AoE bubble, which stays up for a few seconds and can be entered, so your idea (apart from introducing randomness) doesn't really make sense.
Thats why I said they have to do that stuff better. They seem lost when it comes to balancing. Another issue though is how the community is full of children. Nobody knows how to provide legitimate feedback. They all post in the forums, crying that they lost a match and blame th hero not their own skill.