How can anyone be so mad at videogame?
How can anyone be so mad at videogame?
>weeb avatar
that explains it
>540 hours in DS3 lmao fag
>btw my 540 hours in CSGO is totally cool :^)
how do I get hatemail in ds3, I do the scummiest shit but no one sends me friend requests
>their 540 hours in CSGO is in any way more justified than your 540 hours in DS3
540 hours in dark souls 3 i fucking feel bad for you too OP
Nah, most of this time is idling in menu
540 hours on a game is 540 hours on a game. It doesn't matter how difficult or competitive it is, its all just a game.
You must be new here, lad. 'Round these parts, if you ain't angry at vidya, then you have to go to Sup Forums.
Nah, i invaded more than 400 times and only received a few hatemails.
>playing the second worst souls game for 540 hours
>yfw blue guy is probably posting on Sup Forums right now
Twinking in a non-mmo game is pretty gay of you op, you two deserve each other.
you are talking like i used cheats and now 1-shooting everyone
>You will NEVER be so good where someone rages so hard that they'll message you and act like an asshole towards you because you won fair and square
Why doesn't this happen to me more often? Fuck, I would just kek my ass off.
>you are what's wrong with the community
>oh but if you invade me again I will screw up your character with a hack
whats twinking mean
True, it's not a complete douche move, but creating a new low level character with optimized stats and items purely for the purpose of killing regular players is a little gay.
>a millions souls in 1 hit
I don't understand what's going on
nah, most of the time i'm getting 2+ ppl, And sometimes it's really hard to win because you can summon like 200SL dude with password
twinking - creating second/third and so on character to play the game.
chugging - healing
million souls - cheating
That's not twinking. Also I wish the first person to call it that would have picked anything else.
what? smurfing?
Tell me definition of twinking then
destroying low level players with better, late game equipment
Get a low level character that can interact with newbies. Trick out said character with best in all slots gear. Use advanced knowledge from already having played past lowbie area and decimate newbs. It's like smurfing.
>I'll give you a million souls in one hit.
That only matters in DaS2 though, and everyone that wants to stay at the level they are would be wearing the agape ring.
If it's for softbun, why does the soul quantity matter?
because anti-cheat system From implemented apparently detects this kind of shit.
You aren't being scummy enough.
And can be undone by just backup up your saves once in a while.
Its being equal in terms of level and the kind but with extremely powerful gear.
What the fuck is smurfing?
Well, you are fag tho
Can also be avoided even if you have hacked data by just replacing your save with a clean one when you aren't playing (it seems to only check every week or two)
are you another salty guy who got raped by invader?
I honestly don't care if you twink, just don't run into enemies as a means of escape when things go sour.
I'm not gonna follow you and you're wasting both of our time.
i didnt
but that's my right to use environment to win the invasion.
Oh neat.
Except I'm not a retard who's gonna follow you, so there's really no point other than wasting time.
In games with ranking levels smurfing is when someone from a high rank creates a new account/character/whatever to play in low rank games.
For example, someone with a diamondplatinum rank in CounterStrike creates a new account to play in bronze ranked maps, allowing them to play with scrubs, thus cleaning the floor with them.
im doing it only to heal myself with anri's and ring
Well you're certainly not a cheater, but definitely "that guy".
Before I google it, could you tell me why it's called Smurfing? I can't put it together.
I don't know really, I guess it's called smurfing because you're big (high ranked) and bring yourself down to small (low ranked) intentionally, and smurfs are small I guess?
blue guy is in the right here
nah, thats fair
Sometimes it's hard to win against a host and his highlvl buddies with 7 flasks so i have to slowly heal myself when i run out of estus
>before googling
okay, let's see
host can
1. summon buddies over and over
2. seed the area
3. he has more hp since invader unembered
invader can
1. have best rings
what is more gay?
He's right in some sense. People who twink do it to feel a sense of superiority in which they couldn't achieve doing honorable PVP
i do it only for fun. Invading at high lvl is basically 1-4 shots.
I honestly didn't ever have a single blue bro come to help me in my 2 play throughs, and I had way of the blue on for at least 70% of the game.
Even when I had matches of 2 against me, never got an assist.
I did have people who would hide next to enemies when they got scared though and that was the main reason I put tree seeds on my hot bar.
most of the blues are just free estus
>thats as much I have in csgo
What a retard
It's when you tie a rope at the base of your penis very tight and wait until it turns blue, then quickly untie it and start wanking at maximum speed.