Video games in 2016

Video games in 2016

It can't succeed.

Not because it's fun, but because it's not fun.

Of course it can, video games only succeed because they are fun


What's that

why is Sup Forums so mad that overwatch is a success. it really is one of the best MP games in years.

>anything team and class based with objectives is called a MOBA

If you play multiplayer games you don't belong here.

found myself arguing with my friends that ow was more like tf2 than like lol

Extremely dumbed down Activision-Blizzard copy of an existing game with F2P-style micro transactions despite being full price.

Because Blizzard is a puppet for Activision to sell things with the Blizzard brand, and they should not, under any circumstances, be trusted to make a game anymore since there's a strong chance they'll phone in the development in the knowledge you'll buy their products regardless.

And yet Sup Forums bought the game and even pre-ordered it and talks about Blizzard being "based" as though they aren't about to sell you more trash ASAP.

It really does look terrible from the concept art to the character designs to those cartoon promos.

>One of the best MP games in years

More like months, there's been plenty of other good MP games, ogrewatch really isn't bringing anything new to the table but it's alright.



You are mistaking overwatch with battleborn

>implying it ain't all about the skins and "well, at least it's something my friends'll play"

Thank G-d, I didn't fall for the overwatch hype and am an absolute loser with few friends.

I guess it's a good thing I don't read Forbes because of their adblock killswitch. sounds like garbage writing.

I am referring to the one with the chick in orange tight pants and goggle and the fat blue chick in an Eskimo outfit along with others.

V hates good games. it's just the meta.

If you don't know how to actually customize your adblock you're a fucking moron and you deserve to have ads shoved in your face and your money taken away from you because you're so lazy.

Not a single thing you listed is actually a thing that's wrong with the game though. That list of buzzwords is interchangeable to any Blizzard game you haven't played.

it costs money

>when a lot of the community are insufferable assfaggots and tryhards

autismos kill FUN and replace it with METAGAME

It's need more than just being "fun". I want an immersive and deep story that is a life changing event for the gamer in question. Or a commentary on the current affairs of Gun laws and the meaning of existence as we know it. I want something beyond the scope of mere games.

>inb4 retards try claiming fun is objective

What the fuck is V?

read a book instead

F is for friends that do stuff together.
U is for you and me
N is for anyone at anytime at all.

What? No it's not.
F is for fire, burns down the whole town.
U is for uranium bombs.
N is for no survivors when you

I can't wait until GoT fucks off.

It's not Blizzard's fault if retards spend $100 on boxes for nothing but cosmetics.

actually overwatch is objectively one of the worst multiplayer games in the last decade, especially multiplayer fps games

every single multiplayer fps game is far better gameplay wise than overwatch, and far more fun as well. hell, even destiny is better than overwatch. FUCKING DESTINY - one of the worst flops in modern gaming - is far better than overwatch in every single way (except waifus).

no one plays overwatch because they like it or because they think it is a good game. it is neither, and it's players openly acknowledge as much. the only reason people play is because of waifus and blizzard marketing.

F is for the Flight Plan. it lists me, my men, dr. pavel here, but only one of you.
U is For You.
N is for Noone, who cared who i was before i put on the mask.

>the only reason people play is because of waifus and blizzard marketing.

that, and the skinner box mechanics that get people addicted to the random drops and item crates. it's basically gambling.





yep, exactly. and gambling on loot crates for cosmetics is bad enough in an f2p, but in a full b2p game it's fucking disgusting.

Thank you for censoring G-d.

But it does!

>Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment into her own hands. Though many blamed the planet's escalating, unexplained climate phenomena on the advent of new technologies, the rapidly growing omnic population, and drastically increased consumption of resources, the true cause remained unknown. To find a solution, Overwatch established a series of eco-Watchpoints at remote, critical locations worldwide.


>the true cause remained unknown

Fucking republican game.

I agree with him. It needs to be fun AND have good amount of content, especially for a multiplayer shooter.

what is V
baby don't rekt me
don't bait me
no moot

>Guys Sup Forums is totally mad that Overwatch is a success
>Meanwhile in reality, there are always 2 or 3 Overwatch threads on Sup Forums full of nonstop praising of the game.

I think you mean why is Sup Forums constantly praising Overwatch. That's the real question. Why do people treat it like its the newest freshest game concept in years?

>it really is one of the best MP games in years

Give us your reasons.

Battleborn would be more fun if people just threw games so the losing team could feel better.

Overwatch is fun, but that's sort of all it has going for it. Heroes of the Storm is also fun, but it has no real staying power insofar as being competitive. Overwatch can probably survive way longer than HoTS, but the competitive scene for that game is dead.

So all in all, what do the sales numbers of overwatch look like compared to Battleborn?

I'm generally curious




I give up.

>guise, why are you mad tf2 repackaged with microtrans and shittier gameplay is being sold on fake "fun" hype, waifus, and studio name merit only?

Because it's literally killing video games in a way only Halo could when it made gamepad fps a thing.

Go away, you poor excuse for a chipmunk.

About that.

>it has abilities! of course it's LoL-inspired!

when was the last time Sup Forums was right about literally anything?

Sup Forums thought Hearthstone was going to be a flop and Sup Forums thought MGS5 was going to be good

>seven million

but that's wrong

players=/=sales. most of that is double counting and beta players.

Yes, BB is shit, but OW having 7m sales? kek no

>TF2's competitive scene barely scraped by for years
>b-but guys, if the game doesn't have a strong competitive scene then it's just going to die!

I remember when the Undertale demo first came out and people were jizzing all over it. Look at them now and laugh

>it's not successful guys
keep thinking that

Wait, wasn't that a respectful business magazine?

No it need a retarded progression system straight out of bf3 micro transactions and garbage tier esports.

Believe it or not for a while it was also the only respectable gaming journalism too. We're seeing a sinking ship

> I prefer Team Fortress

Really fucking sad desu, TF2 has more skillful and enjoyable-to-watch competitive than any of the mediocre excuses for FPSes in the forefront today (CSGO, CoD)

Not in years

No people play it because they enjoy it. If you're incapable of understanding that people have different opinions to you, then you are literally autistic.

It literally doesn't matter

The only thing that matters is the money and Valve did jack shit about injecting money into the scene

I'm not autistic

They're the retards for playing a shit game

Melee had more suppression than support for most of its life (not to mention being generally really autistic and hard to get into) and it's got a huge competitive scene, I think FPS players are just conditioned to eat shit.

>U is for Y
You can't spell shit nigga

no, they do not enjoy it. they play it for the waifus only.

>different opinions than me
nothing i said was an opinion. this is an objective fact. no one plays overwildstar because they like it, and every multiplayer fps released in the last decade in far better than overwildstar in every way (except waifus and cosmetics gambling).

>no one plays overwatch because they like it or because they think it is a good game.

Okay, I'll just keep playing Overwatch with my friends and keep having fun. You have fun with your memes :^)

>the only reason people play is because of waifus and blizzard marketing
Wrong. I'm gay as fuck and don't give two shits about the girls. And there's no qt twinks so they haven't pandered to me yet. I legitimately enjoy the game. It's fun.

Except it isn't. I'm glad OW is finally getting purged on Sup Forums

Overwatch is currently the most watched on Twitch m8

Both of those were taking during American hours. Yuropoors have no say in anything.

Yeah I'm not going to waste time arguing with an autist. Suffice to say people like different things wether or not you choose to acknowledge it.

And on the off chance your minder is reading this, you really shouldn't be letting this guy browse Sup Forums.

Overwatch at this exact moment in time is pretty much tied with league on viewers.

Since when is viewer retention on the cancer that is twitch a benchmark for a good game anyway?

Holy shit.

I noticed the streamers are getting increasingly frustrated with the game now

Wonder how much longer this game will last

spotted the butthurt Gearbox shill

All AAA games get 80K+ viewers at launch.

>That many people still watch Heartstone

The only thing more boring than playing that shit is watching someone else play it.

Whoa, but it is fun. I bought it so I would know.

You again?
Wasn't your thread deleted just now?

I don't think Blizzard would try to do that in a press release, they're a public company and will release actual numbers at their quartery earnings report.

We'll find out in August for certain in their Q2 reports.

I saved that image, not everyone who posts facts is the same person.

Might get it on PS4 when it gets a bit cheaper. Does it run well on it?

>started off playing video games aggressively/competitively
>then i started playing video games just to have fun
>tfw i don't play video games anymore

>semen remaining
>fingerless glove meter
always slays me

I see.
Good luck with spreading facts for unaware masses.

Yep. Model quality is noticably worse, but not by a huge margin. Enjoyable.


You a shit


well go to twitch and see how wrong your "fact" is

>16k viewers
holy shit dead game

I thought dota was more popular in yurop too

>yurop viewers
>EVER mattering
Keep crying faggot

Haha yeah now we can talk about DEEP COMPETITIVE GAMES like DOTA, LOL and HEARTHSTONE!!!!

>N being for Anywhere and Any time at all
You're a pikey

You'd think. Turns out people in lower income areas don't have the time to waste watching others play video games.

I'm of the exact opposite opinion. Casual.

This. I know some twats in school trying to say that games should be this or that like art and that having fun games are obsolete thinking.

Who the fuck buys things they don't enjoy/have fun with?

>I thought dota was more popular in yurop too
it's 9am here

Imagine if splatoon just came out. How would they defend Overwatch?