Vidya Cringe

Pic related too.

Other urls found in this thread:


MTP is so based.

This one is a classic at this point

What's with degenerates calling it cummies?

Not cringe though

>nobody is just straight
what the fuck does all this gobbledygook mean anyways.

>The only 2 white ones are the most evil

best part is the Sup Forums users that insist they don't do the same thing

2 nonbinary, how ironic

I literally busted out in laughter when he started smashing up his room.

Based DSP, owning 9gaggers.

Not even the worst of this guy's videos.

I don't use a mic for public chat

OK this minion image made me laugh

I don't know what half of these mean and I don't want to know.

RIP Pupper. You deserved a better video for a memorial

>everyone has rosacea and are mayonnaise gender


This guy is retarded, isn't he?

this isn't cringe, just run of the mill bad.

Now i haven't played undertale, but isn't the whole thing about either committing mass murder on these characters or tolerating them, except only with monsters instead? Doesn't making them human kind of undermine the point because there's less of that separation from man and monster?

I've had this saved for a while now

top this:


Nigga I ain't highlighting that shit, right clicking, and opening in a new tab.

you want a preview?

what the fucking fuck

whiteknights are totally mentally ill


But you know how fucking retarded Tumblr users are.

That escalated quickly


I envy your innocence.

I can't tell if hes real or not. I think hes real since he bought those Amiibos.

>ol' PLmD_69 is dead.

Unsubscribed from him the moment I saw this.

No it's not, don't lie

What's the problem? The guy apologized but stood by his good points.

>transmasc and demiboy

>subscribing to angryjoe in the first place
>subscribing to any jewtuber

it wasn't actually that cringy

sure they're spergs but when they sperg out, they quickly move on and the uncomfortableness never has a chance to linger

Tumblr is literally 90% of the bad Undertale fanbase.

The other 10% are lonely /vg/ tripfags


it is, user

I don't even know what this is, but his skits were always cringe worthy. What the fuck is wrong with you?


People still know that only the art is from tumblr and that all the bullshit tags are Sup Forums satire, right? Yeah, be mad, but at the right thing.

White knights need to be bullied. If they are left like that for too long, they evolve into a beta orbiter feminist.


why are Nintendo communist???

That can work though if you aren't a complete retard.

Are you retarded or an SJW apologist? An user only edited that shit into the picture, it was posted by the """artist""" itself when it posted the picture. That shit is 100% legit.

this is not the filename thread, but this got me so good.


No, probably just a young, ronery girl. One of my little sister's friends draws shit like that. She drew one about Goku and that shit from Sword Art Online fighting.

Goku lost


i dont get it


shit I would love to see that.

There is nothing cringeworthy about being a Finn.

What good points?

I know no one else was gonna give it to you. I'm pretty generous, I know.



I thought that was pic related before I opened it.

No, that pic's legit. You're thinking of the edit where Chara is labeled "white cishet male"

and i thought i've seen everything

It's the same general line of /r9k/ logic as the poo/pee posters.

In other words, no logic whatsoever.

Why does this exist? Why would any kid want to play with a youtuber figure when there is so many super hero/wrestling/cartoon action figures? This just kills me a little inside

Is posting this photo with that exact text some sort of meme? some retard like you always does this and then a dozen people tell you how you must be 10 years old for subscribing in the first place.


what are xitpoints?



Well you know what to do in November

that was based instead of cringe.

xbox 360's dont have cameras

At the risk of sounding like an uneducated retard, is that suppose to be an insideout vagina? What the fuck is that?



Had a giggle.

These animations are so terrible and yet produced so rapidly that I think they are evidence of an AI that has spontaneously formed in the depths of the internet, whose main input is memes and what the kids love these days. I just cannot imagine a human being sitting down and producing this stuff.
Throw those weird 3D Minecraft animations in there as well.


>repeated pride in "inventing a fetish'

>no camera
How old are you?

>being this new

all of this is stupid but the claim in the first tweet just hurts me
this is an edit, right

>some one took his time to animate and edit this.

If some of the shit trump said was coming from someone who had a background in politics, I would vote for whoever said it. But for now, fuck that noise.


Why does anything with Brianna Wu just piss me off so damn much?

times have changed

>The more power you use the more power it gives you
Every fucking time.

>immersive QTEs
>RE4 invented QTEs

no way this is real

I love how he describes the PS3 as if it was a fucking DBZ character.

>the PS3 is pretty much limitless

Then why did Sony make the PS4, and a replacement console for the PS4 to boot?

that was the cringies thing in the thread