How does Sup Forums feel that XSEED said they won't be porting it to the PC?
How does Sup Forums feel that XSEED said they won't be porting it to the PC?
weak bait
(You) are not even trying at this point
They said it on twitter retards
>You didn't fell for the epic pc maymay
What's the reason?
No, reason, he's lying.
Nice link bruv
And nothing of value was lost.
Hope to god It's true
I'm FUCKING sick of weebshit on steam
>IP counter didn't went up
Now that senran kagura is normie series like neptunia
Localization when?
He's full of shit, they've said several times before Estival came out for PS4/Vita they'd like to look at a PC release but were unsure if it would be possible.
It's actually a fun game. user. Stop being a massive faggot.
As if that was a surprise, at this point senran threads are just made for the same people to shitpost over and over again.
Good, I'm sick of these "fake" fans.
Fuck off shill
Better restart that modem senpai to make those shitposts at least credible
You would be the fake fan for not wanting to experience the game the best possible way. I fully intend to rebuy any releases of Senrans that make it to PC, as would any real fan. Faggot.
I wouldn't care because as a general rule I don't like shirty games
Mark my words you fucking console losers. You hear me right now? Loud and clear? Well good, you better listen the fuck up.
I did NOT spend $600 on my GTX 980, another $300 on my overclocked i7 @ 4.10ghz, 16 gigs of ram, and deluxe cooling systems to keep this beast at proper temperatures to NOT fucking play Persona 5. You hear me you little faggots? I have spent WELL over $1000 on my gaming rig, and I WILL play Persona 5 on it one way or another. I abhor, I hate, I LOATHE the idea of even thinking of some cheap shitty console from Sony being allowed even 30 yards from my basement. If I need to make a fortress with my pizza boxes, Big Mac boxes, and liters upon liters of piss bottles to keep that shitty underpowered piece of plastic toy away from my very being and my beautiful prized possession (that's my PC in case you didn't know, fucking low IQ peasants), then so be it.
Atlus, I will ask nicely once more. You WILL port Persona 5 to the PC platform via Steam, it WILL obliterate the console version, and I WILL pirate it just to spite you dumb fucking slant eyed gooks for daring to even spite us; the proud and powerful PC master race.
>I can't like something that isn't directly aimed at cowadoody noscope dude bros.
Liking a game isn't shilling but what you're doing is being a massive cunt that doesn't belong on this board as you clearly do not like vidya.
Anyone else sold their copies? I can no longer enjoy this series anymore since it on the PC.
I sold SV, SK2 and EV and bought me some tissues and alcohol.
SK was just too good to be true.
It's not normie until it gets dubbed
The anime actually got dubbed, but I doubt anyone watched it with those voices, much less liked it.
Being a fatass virgin weeb isn't any better just FYI faggot. Both of your "games" fucking suck.
Probably not since Funi licensed the anime they don't play ball with Xseed.
>le ebin shitposter.
Sorry, but the console version of SV is superior.
Keep being delusional though.
Why would anyone shitpost the threads for a week straight? I don't understand.
Settle down there little timmy, it's time to go take your autism pills.
>Buying games on the PC
>Caring about PC gaming in 2016
Good one m8
>He'll never experience Senran's properly.
I'm sorry can't get above a minimum wage job senpai.
so now vitagen hate SK or what?
They did the same with Neps
>plays shit like this
>says others have autism
DID you buy the game when it first came out on the vita?
You didn't? Okay then you are fake fan.
It's not fucking rocket science.
PC gaming is fucking trash, so I don't think I'm really missing out on much.
Who gives a shit, these games are hot garbage
Vitagen HATE PCfags with a burning passion
>actually buying overpriced DRM box walled garden consoles
might as well throw away your PC and buy a Mac, too
>vitagen when they saw Dangan pc port
absolute amazing
This tbqh
EV looks millions times better on PS4
Enjoy those Upscaled Vita textures and models
Honestly I'd rather not have autistic fags like you on PC so that works for me, I'd say you people are the worst if I even considered you human
I already did.
It's called the vita, which I played your scrap already you can go ahead and thank us btw.
PC has the biggest autistics though.
But yeah, I'd rather not buy a nogame machine either.
Shit was hilarious.
I love seeing the shitards go apeshit, and I don't even have a PC good enough to run these games.
>Being this jelly
Nah, user I just don't limit myself to shit platforms, I instead own them all. Because I'm not a poorfag, like you.
You can enjoy them both senpai, it's not that hard.
>Better FPS
>Better resolution
>Any controller
>Cheaper games
>Free MP
It's like you enjoy getting cucked.
>No games
Yes, I don't enjoy being cucked.
Which is why I don't invest in PC gaming because it has no weebshit.
Don't use miku to shitpost
No shit, it's a newer game? PC SV looks a million times better than Vita SV. EV will look a million times better on PC when it eventually happens. And then I'll buy it again. Why are you such a self limiting poorfag?
They probably will. Plus I have a PS4 so I could care less if they don't port it. I'd rather they localize Valkyrie Drive because I want to play that shit.
>Pretending like you're an actual miku fan
Have you even been to her concerts, or are you too poor for that as well?
>PC has the biggest autistics though
Yeah ok
So any of you anons played onechanbara? Its pretty fun desu
I do support sony, user. I'm not sure what you're misunderstanding here.
Don't care because I'm not poor and can afford both PC and PS4.
Why would I invest in a PC if it doesn't have japanese games?
You think I'm going to wait years and years to play old games? Fuck off.
What the fuck is onechupacabra?
>Better FPS
Irrelevant unless the game was designed for a higher frame rate in the first place. Protip: no game does this.
>Better resolution
Again, irrelevant unless the game was designed for it in the first place.
>Any controller
>Cheaper games
You also wait longer for the games. I would be shocked if they weren't cheaper.
>Free MP
Most of these ports are singleplayer games.
No it won't, the game is already 1080/60 on ps4.
>PC gaming
Nobody wants you or your shitty games fuck off.
>he says while he's in a Senran Kagura thread
>unless the game was designed for a higher frame rate in the first place. Protip: no game does
Most games aren't graphic novels kid
>he thinks 1080p is equal to 1440p/2160p.
>He's too poor to have experienced games at 120/144fps.
>Wait longer, oh no! Hold on while I play any of the other 400 games I own for PC.
I like my Ps4 and all, but you're literally a salty poorfag and it shows.
It's a "keep this trash off my platform and the weebs on the dudebro sonybox" thread
PS4 exclusive sorry :^]
Does the combat get any better beyond button-mashing?
>Also on steam
Sorry sony friend, that ones gone to PC too.
>I could had gone to her concert 2 days ago but i didn't knew
>PCfags will never EVER get HF
Of course not. Have you noticed no one in these threads ever talks about the gameplay?
I would gladly keep Japanese games off PC as I don't feel that PC secondaries deserve them.
But it's out of my hands.
No, the only point of these "games" is to fill a void in the lives of massive losers by giving them something to masturbate to.
Maybe next year, just gotta check that miku expo site here n there user. It was a fun show, reminded me to get hype for the new games.
The fact you get mad about this shit says alot about you, quit projecting onto them
You literally don't understand frame rates then.
Have you ever tried playing the same game at a lower frame rate? Higher frame rates look much better and provide a smoother picture, but did your actual gameplay change at all? Souls is a decent comparison since so many people play it. Console players are just as capable of beating the game, but if you watch pc players, you'll notice they tend to react quicker. However, their quicker reactions don't change gameplay outcomes because the game wasn't designed for 60fps. If a game is designed for 60 and runs at 30, as a player, you will literally miss frames and be unable to complete actions. Only the most incompetent of developers would ever create a game in this fashion. Can you even name one that does this? I don't think even the laziest AAAs are this retarded.
>implying ports support 4k
>implying anyone can run 4k
>144fps is an even bigger meme than 60fps
Here's your (you), try again next time.
Hey you. What did you think of it anyway?
Okay wait, what? Of all the games you could say this about... Why would you pick that pile of shit? Pick literally ANYTHING ELSE.
>Console get exclusives
>Even if PC does get console games they have to wait longer
Besides free online what the fuck is the appeal of PC gaming? I don't give a flying fuck about graphics.
I'm not a poorfag so I can just buy playstation plus, so tell me
Why is PC gaming good? Being legit honest here because I don't see it.
>he calling himself weeb but doesn't play any Eroge or VNs or 2hu on PC
Fuck off casual watanabe, you aren't weeb
Beg for console scraps for years then celebrate when you get ports.
PC gaming in a nutshell.
Well I sure don't buy them because I don't play dogshit games so why it effects you is a mystery. It effects me because I want you subhumans to stay off my platform but you don't.
Suddenly It's a quality japanese game once it hits the PC
I like weebshit in my steam, but this is one particular weebshit I don't want to be associated with.
Vitafags never wanted it after they played it too. Pseudo MMO bullshit
Nobody ever said that you fuckwit. Weebs who buy it on PC never said it's bad when it was Vita exclusive.
>Console are cheaper
>They get more games then the PC
>Yet console gaming is BAD
I'm fucking sick of hearing this.
Am I reading this on the electronic toy board of a Mongolia Basket Weaving forum at 2AM on a Sunday right now?
>Note pic related
>Note this is at a whopping 8% GPU usage, 12% CPU usage
>Poorfag detected
You can run any game at 1440p / 2160p if you're not an autistic sperg who doesn't know the basics of a computer. It's not that fucking difficult user.
It was great to replay SV. I'm really re-enjoying the game even after just playing EV a couple months ago. As I've said, if/when EV comes out PC I'll be repurchasing it, it's nice to replay games I enjoyed the first time around sometimes.
You're right user there are no good games on PC you shouldn't upgrade your moms PC please don't nobody wants you
>Anyone wanting a SAO game
I don't even think PS4 users would want it
if it was an exclusive they would want it.
they would defend aids if it was exclusive.