
Last thread was fun, let's have another

>expectations for E3
>any games you are playing?
>expectations for NX
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
>what do you feel about Nintendo going to other areas? Do you have any expectations for that?

Once again, keep the shitposting to a minimim

Other urls found in this thread:


>expectations for NX
But they said only Zelda would be shown, no?

Playing through DQ6 before DQ7's release date is announced.

What are the chances of the NX being just a regular console with a regular controller and a strong lineup of games?

I feel disappointed.
It's like being a fan of Marvel comics and seeing how they've been falling apart these past years.
Unlike Marvel Comics I think Nintendo can unfuck their shit up eventually.
I just hope any of the new areas like movies, amiibo, and mobile games don't take away too much focus away from video games

Nope, Pokémon Sun/Moon was confirmed too. Still, their 2016 lineup is fucking abysmal. There's only Pokémon and Kirby on 3DS, and literally nothing on Wii U until Zelda next year that'll also be on NX. Unless they've got major aces up their sleeves and they're rusing all of us, I feel like the Wii U is already dead and the 3DS is terminal.

>>expectations for E3
who wanna be hype for just Zelda and more #FE gameplay?

>nothing on Wii u
We got color splash still... right guys?

If you expect anything good apart from maybe Zelda looking neat you're retarded.

>being just a regular console
>with a regular controller
Low and I seriously don't want it to be, the gamepad is fucking great
>a strong lineup of games
Don't know but it better fucking have one to justify the fucking drought of content we're living through now.

>regular console

>regular controller

>strong lineup
No, unless you enjoy Nintendo games. Otherwise, yes.

I'm so glad I'm not like this user. Marvel Comics went to shit decades ago, and I'm 100% OK with that because standard cape shit comics are literally some of the biggest regurgitated trash out there.

Marvel Comics only "unfucked" themselves because they became an IP house and were bought by Disney.

What really sucks is talking with anons who really don't know shit about Nintendo besides Wii and Mario. Like these niggas don't know that they were making toys and playing cards for decades and all of a sudden it's some big fuck you when they start making toys and cards again.

My only problem with Nintendo atm is that they released too many games in 2015 for me to keep up, and thought 2016 looks pretty barren, I'm glad I have time to chip away at all the 3DS and Wii U games I have.

Maybe 3%
They hate money

How did you get that statistic user?

Maybe post your collection?
I want some suggestions too

they said only zelda will playable, NX won't be shown, and they won't be showing any new games

they have teased MK8 DLC though. Also, they booked a shit ton of space so I'm not sure what they're up to, I wouldn't get my hopes up though

Has there ever been a worse time in history to be Nintendo fan right now? I keep forgetting I bought a wii u rotten in my closet somewhere, for fuck sake. I'm not even hype for the new Zelda, just looks shallow and boring, another open world game, oh god I cannnnnttt waiiitttt!

remember MGSV christ end my suffering

Real talk all of you faggot nintenbabies are getting jewed.

No, but I remember Xenoblade Chronicles X, which was fucking amazing. Maybe you need to stop being such a drama queen.

>Only current-gen consoles that are easily hackable
>Getting jewed
Real talk you're a massive fucking retard

But we don't know anything about the new Zelda user
everyone's getting jewed user. At the very least we have no paid online

Shhh, there there, the buyer's remorse will heal, but only if you admit it was bad.


why are there so many of you retards? monolith soft is working on the game and they created one of the best open worlds ever

I suggest Pocket Jockey, Swords and Darkness, Kunio Kun, Picross 3D 2 for 3DS

For Wii U Pikmin 3, Fatal Frame, Ultratron (not exclusive), NES Remix (if you like NES games and are good at them with the speed of WarioWare), Art Academy (if you like to draw), Xenoblade X, Wooly World and Captain Toad (completely ignored because they're cute), and Star Fox Zero if you want an arcade game in 2016.

What would top off the Wii U gen for me is one more Treasure shooter with Sin & Punishment 3 or a new Light Crusader.

I mean all these recs are kind of if you like arcade style games. There isn't much on these systems in terms of... like... generic AAA action games, unless you want Bayonetta 2 (which honestly is far better than most AAA action games).

There's also a Monster Hunter on the system and of course all those last gen third party titles if you just HAVE to play western shit.

>>expectations for E3
A lot of rumors resolved but not in a satisfaying way
>>any games you are playing?
FE Awekening, Zelda 3DS, Azure Striker Gunvolt, StarfoxZero, Smash/Kart
>>expectations for NX
It will be a handheld-console hybrid with no power so it won't be a real console but it will be too expensive and heavy so it won't be a handheld either
>>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
They do not know how to reach to the right people. There will always be people who loves them but the new games of almost every character are too childish to be taken seriously. If they do as the other companies did and do creative games with a regular control, that would be better
>>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Zelda maybe. I haven't played Xenoblade and I'm more interested in Final Fantasy
>>what do you feel about Nintendo going to other areas?
I don't like the smarthphone games, but that is easy money so good luck. Just don't be capcom about it

>tfw I bought Xenoblade because everybody told me is was a good wii u game

user, please. I lasted not even 1 hour on that shit, it was horrific

Those (3%) are the good Nintendo games made for a regular controller

>implying it was not
Anyway, taste is subjective. Not that user but I enjoyed it thoroughly.
>pocket jockey
Heard it is addictive as fuck. How is it?

>Expectations for NX.
I'm really interested in just how bat shit insane they are going to make the controller this time.

>just looks shallow and boring
>even though we've seen next to nothing of it


It's not for everyone, really
It is very polarising, actually. You just fall on the end that hates it

Open worlds suck because there has only ever been one good open world game.

>other companies
>creative games
Good joke.

It's not a choice for me anymore, I need to play the next PMD and MH. My soul will wither away if I don't.

Zelda was open world to begin with. Metal Gear was not, and anybody even considering playing Kojima Metal Gear games after #2 is a fucking imbecile.

Currently this is the best time to be a Nintendo fan because you have two easily hackable systems that can play almost the entire catalog of vintage systems.

My only problem with XBCX is that it can be way too overwhelming. But then again, RPGs are not my favorite genre.

Its exactly as a pocket pick up and game should be. If you like solitaire, this is the most legit version you can buy.

>mfw Nintendo has a new controller every gen
>mfw I fucking love that about the company
>get shit on by retards because they're too scared to move away from their "standard" game pads that have been reused every gen

>Marvel Comics went to shit decades ago
hell no, from Avenger Disassembled to Siege Marvel lived their second best era.

>You're not allowed to enjoy a game because I say so!

>for Zelda """""U""""" to be called lifeless and dull by critics
>Zombie Daisuki on DS
>disappointment and false promises
>I think Nintendo of America should be gutted and that the company as a whole is on the wrong path. Kimishima appears to have been a terrible choice
>nothing on Nintendo anything
>I think branching into CG animated movies with their characters is a great choice since that shit prints money; but I'm not convinced Nintendo knows wtf they're doing or how one succeeds on mobile

>want to not buy anymore underpowered nintendo consoles
>they're holding monolith soft and retro hostage


Marvel died with the Ultimate series.

>XCX was Monolith's dream game
>but they're being held hostage by nintendo

Say what you want about the game but the fact remains that they've gone on numerous accounts about how fucking hyped they were to make XCX in the first place.

>implying reviewers will not suck Zelda's dick like mad
Don't kid yourself user. And reviewers love dull and open-world games

>Xenoblade Chronicles X, which was fucking amazing

It's arguably the most boring game of the generation.

Every game ever made is "arguably" boring.

That is just outright false
The environment itself makes the game interesting

>expectations for E3

Lots of new 3DS announcements. Apart from Sun/Moon there's nothing else in its future, which is absurd because it's the most successful platform this gen.

>any games you are playing?

SPMD, Hyrule Warriors, Paper Jam, also wrapping up 3D Land even though I sort of hate it.

>expectations for NX

Games. Everything else is irrelevant.

>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?

Last hope for the industry. If not for Nintendo promoting hardcore games like Monster Hunter and EO, vidya would be dead to me now.

>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?


>what do you feel about Nintendo going to other areas? Do you have any expectations for that?

They should focus all their efforts on making games, because only they know how to do it.

>Currently this is the best time to be a Nintendo fan

Don't ever say something so stupid again.

as someone who adores exploration over anything else, XCX was my GOTY 2015 (tied with bloodborne) and in my top 10 all time games


"Are you sure this will be released next year?"


>2 years ago

also watching this gameplay again holy shit this looks bad

>Lots of new 3DS announcements
They already confirmed that there won't be any new games revealed at all, for any console.

>light crusader
My nigga

It was my GOTY 2015 as well.

Sup Forums can crucify me.

>upset that a game that you admit looks bag hasn't come out yet

What are you getting at?

>expectations for E3
I expect to be shown games I already know about, and then be shown games I never asked for.
>any games you are playing?
Currently playing Super Metroid and Pokemon Red. Pokemon for nostalgia, never played any Metroid before. I like it a lot so far though.
>expectations for NX
I like unified platform idea that's always showing up among the rumors. I really want to see what games it will have though.
>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
Frustrated but still optimistic. As a F-Zero fan, I've been left hungry.
>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Zelda (which I'll probably just get on NX) and Pokemon Sun. I've got an eye on Paper Mario, but I'm really disappointed to see it's Sticker Star 2.
>what do you feel about Nintendo going to other areas? Do you have any expectations for that?
I'm not very interested in their non-gaming areas.

Not every game needs to be Wiimote + nunchuck to be creative.
Remember Okami?
Beautiful Joe?
Tatsunoko vs Capcom?
Katamari Damacy?
Little Big Planet?
Lost Planet?

I'm sorry that your expecations were "I hope we get F-Zero and Metroid this gen!!".

For me I got a new 3D Mario, a Toad spin off, a Star Fox remake (literally how can you go back to 64 after playing Zero), NES Remix, Pikmin 3 (and soon Pikmin 4), and Miitomo.

I'm not even going to start on the 3DS which allowed Namco to drop Pac-Man Championship Edition. Pretty much the only game requiring actual video game skill these days.

So please fuck off and buy a PS4.

When it's your almost sole offering across a three day weekend the shine could wear off quick.

Eh, I became apathetic eventually toward Marvel

>that fucking opening trailer scene with all the shiny graphics and then the cut to the gameplay where it downgrades to wii u graphics

I'm laughing but its the sort of I'm dead inside laughing because I own a wii u

Senpai...I hate to break it to you...but "best year to be a nintendo fan" and "best year for you" are two very different things.

You may have gotten every game you wanted on the wii u but for a lot of us we got barely anything we really wanted.

>>expectations for E3
Honestly? Disappointment. Please make me wrong, Nintendo.

>>any games you are playing?
Trying to finish up the Zelda games I haven't played before March, which is most of the handheld games. Just started Oracle of Ages. Having a pretty good time so far.

>>expectations for NX
Hopes: Keep the gamepad, but have games have less focus on it. Let it had added features instead of required gimmicks. Better online, with better chat options with friends and a more proper account system. Bring the full library of Wii U's VC forward and let us keep the games we have already purchased from it, while also adding highly requested games more frequently and expanding the n64 and gc library.

What I actually expect: I honestly don't know. But I hope it's not too underwhelming.

>>what do you feel about Nintendo recently?
While I agree with their decision to diversify their products, from a business standpoint, I am afraid it will hurt their focus on the games and consoles in the long term.

>>any upcoming games you are looking forward to?
Zelda and Pokémon, of course. Hoping for a Pikmin 4 announcement and a new Animal Crossing for NX.

>>what do you feel about Nintendo going to other areas? Do you have any expectations for that?
See above.

If they aren't showing NX or new games then what the fuck is their conference going to be about?

40 minutes of Zelda?

It'll actually be about ___________________________________yes, nothing but Zelda_____________________________________

It's god damn mediocre I have so much buyers remorse since I got the special edition. Owning a fucking wii u is more expensive than ps4

Atleast the damn major title games on ps4 go down and price, and the sales are not a joke, unlike eshop

The new Red Dead is being announced. It is going to be an online shit show. It is going to be a lot like The Division.

>I bought the $100 special edition but i'm going to complain about how much Wii U games cost.

So, for the second year in a row, they are going to be the laughing stock of E3?

Cool company.

I've got 8.50 in Ninty funbucks on my account, what Sega 3D Classic should I get next?
I've already got Sonic the Hedgehog, After Burner II and Outrun.

Are you new to this world? This isnt the first time this has happened.

The best thing to do with Nintendo is not expect anything. They're so secretive about their projects that it's better to just let them do what they're doing. If you don't like it, well you can always go back to an older console or get a meme machine.

I also don't feel bad about Metroidfags getting Federation Force because you fuckers are the same ones bashing Other M (Which was a great game by Team Ninja, fuck you guys. Freaking Ninja Gaiden in space, why wouldn't you want that? inb4 muh head canon doesn't match!!).

I also laughed my ass off when Retro worked on more Donkey Kong Country instead of Prime. And I'm not even a big Country series fan.

Also last gen was fantastic for me with the Wii because I got a lot of Hudson Soft and NES reboots.

You guys just need to get better taste in IPs and games.

Galaxy Force II

You realize literally no game has been wiimote + nunchuck since the Wii U came out and most of the games you cited are more than 10 years old, right?
>Capcom crossover fighter

No expectations for E3, maybe that MK8 DLC that NoE was teasing. At the very least we will finally see Zelda.

NX won't be at E3, I expect it to be WiiU v2.0, underpowered compared to current consoles, no 3rd party support, and a cheap glossy controller.

Nintendo has no idea what to do anymore and is sadly still treating Miyamoto like a god when in fact he's just ruining everything he touches, while NoA continues to fuck everything up like low supply for limited editions of games, low supply and no reissues for it's rarer amiibo, etc

>Games are too expensive normally but imma buy the more expensive version of a game anyway

>tfw we all know that nintendo will show zelda and maybe some pokemon
>tfw you imagine the children of nintendo all rarely antipcating seeing nintendo give it there final shot at this e3 and there dreams are crushed when the only thing they see is exactly that, just zelda

good job, nintendo. wait until the normies come to the stream and see just fucking zelda, that won't go down a shitstorm, not at all

>Other M (which was a great game by Team Ninja


Either Shinobi, Streets of Rage 2, or Fantasy Zone 2.

I was hype for one (1) game that I was willing to pay for extra goodies, since I do enjoy collecting stuff

But buying splatoon or smash bros at 60 dollars? no thank you

I almost want to lurk on Twitter to see the people being super hype over the "E3 Event" or "E3 Direct", and then realizing it's just the treehouse playing Zelda.

Fuck that game it originally was supposed to dark and edgy like SMT, not weaboo fanservice 200. That game was the greatest bait and switch I have ever fell for and I regret buying a Wii U for that one game

>smash bros isn't worth $60


>literally how can you go back to 64 after playing Zero
Because 64 doesn't have shitty Gyrowing and too many all-range sections.
Zero didn't polish up the existing framework but spread itself out too thin trying to reinvent itself.
The Arwing controls were improved (I prefer independent movement and shooting in my rail shooters) but the level design just wasn't up to par.
It had some deadly levels but they were outweighed by a lot of fluff.


I'm not a Nintendrone

>Color Splash
>not bombing

I don't understand how that affect's a game's monetary value
And I'm not a PCuck but I still bought Doom at full price on steam. What's your point?

>how can you go back to 64 after playing Zero
SF64 had waaaaay better controls than Zero gtfo nintendrone

>Other M (Which was a great game by Team Ninja, fuck you guys.
autism, basically saying Star Fox Command was a great game

In order to fully appreciate Smash Bros you have to enjoy playing as Nintendo characters.

Someone who is meh towards Nintendo may not find the game super fun.

So why are they complaining about the cost of the game?

If it's not your bag then don't fucking buy it.

Ignore him he's a poor fag

>Defending Zero
>Defending Other M
you nintendrones are really getting pathetic

nothing but manlets trying to act tough on the big guys

Fuck the controls, how can anyway enjoy SF Zero when it's bosses were absolutely dogshit.

> And I'm not a PCuck but I still bought Doom at full price on steam.

Cool. I rented that game, it was quite good, I'd say its worth around 40$ or so since it offers a fantastic single player experience thats around 17 hours

Smash bros 4 got stale for me within a few hours after unlocking the few characters I didnt care about, so then I moved to the online multiplayer. Anything with 4 players ran at a beautiful 3 fps thanks to everyone being forced to use wifi connection, so I went to "For glory" mode

That got old seeing how try hard most players were, especially with the edge camping

later sold my copy on ebay for 50 dollars plus 50 dollars in ebay thanks to a beautiful deal

I probably wouldnt purchase smash again for even 20 dollars, knowing it has so much DLC now

don't forget Zoness being trash

Other M had it's problems but it was way more Metroid than Prime was.

Star Fox Zero is terrible though.

cool blog

>but it was way more Metroid than Prime was.
shit taste: the post

>user score
>meta critic at all
Not him but he enjoyed it. Just let him enjoy it



I'm guessing end of June or in September.

star fox and metroid were always terrible