If yo had money for just one game would you get Doom 2016 ,Overwatch or fallout 4 ?
If yo had money for just one game would you get Doom 2016 ,Overwatch or fallout 4 ?
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i have money for all those games but i only got Doom
Id pick Blueberry
Overwatch obviously you faggot.
Fallout was a alright game, I don't regret playing through it, but I don't recommend anyone going out of their way for it.
Doom was actually really fun, a lot more fun than Fallout for sure. But it's pretty straightforward and repetitive in combat. I also don't recommend anyone going out of their way.
BUT OVERWATCH MY NIGGER. SHITS CASH. Definitely best bang for your buck, and I DO recommend going out of your way to buy.
None of them are must-have games, but I'd pick Doom.
Overwatch isn't worth getting unless you have friends to play with and even then, I'm not paying for it till it goes down to $40 the most.
Doom for mindless fun for a short time.
Fallout for mindless whatevers for a long time. Survival mode might make it better though.
Choose between edgy, autistic or retarded.
I'll go edgy.
Do not get fallout 4. It's worse than fallout 3.
Overwatch is totally worth it.
Overwatch you will have fun for awhile but it gets stale
Doom I'd say.
In a 'forced to choose' situation, Doom.
In a realistic situation, none.
Doom, hands down.
Doom, I enjoyed it, and it feels good on replays.
blood and wine
better game for less than half the price
>I'm not paying for it till it goes down to $40 the most.
Boy do I have good news for you
Bethesda Fallout is NEVER an option.
Just got Overwatch tonight. Fun, but frustrating because it seems half the playerbase is pants-on-head retarded.
Doom 4 is GOTY thus far.
>I'm not paying for it till it goes down to $40 the most.
stop being a console shitter
DOOM is actually a really cool game, I played it a bit on nightmare at my friend's, gonna buy it myself soon.
Overwatch is a very nice and fun lightheaded game to play with friends, and as I have very few of those (and even less actually own the game), overwatch offers very little to me.
Fallout 4 is a fucking disgrace, never would I in a million years give those fuckers even a penny to keep humiliating the corpse of my dearly beloved game.
I'd buy DOOM, now gimme the moneys
One can be pirated and the other soon enough.
Overwatch. It's the most bang for your buck.
All 3 are good.
But for replay
fallout 4 if you like spending 300 hours into an rpg
overwatch if you need multiplayer
Why would I pay anymore than that for a game that has a considerable less amount of content than a game that was released almost 10 years ago.
I'm actually kinda interested in DOOM. I won't pick it up soon because I have to save my bigbux but once I can get it fairly cheap I'll probably get it.
Overwatch if you like MP otherwise nothing.
Overwatch has more staying power and value because of it's casual and big audience. The new heroes will be worthy editions to the current roster and the game will continue to grow.
Is that an elf?
I want to rape that elf.
I had money for all those games.
I bought Fallout and Overwatch.
I regret buying Fallout.
Literally the worst purchase I made in a few years, and I bought Wildstar.
Why would you buy D44m for $60 when you can buy Painkiller for ~$3 or play real Doom for nothing
if you like fps campaigns go with doom.
if you like multiplayer go with overwatch
Neither. I don't enjoy first person shooters.
The one on the left is better
>hurr hurr nudoom isn't really doom
i bet you play brutal doom you faggot
>ass shopped to be nigger-sized
Stop subjecting us to your disgusting "thicc" fetish you degenerate.
Overwatch while it's hot
DOOM I can get later with a discount.
The irony.
Fucking stupid? It actually is that size.
No. No, it's not. But feel free to continue having a terrible opinion.
Buy none of them and just buy FO4 and doom whe n it's dirt cheap
I'd buy the equivalent in chicken burgers and get enjoyment out of it
I hope you mean buying the chicken breast and cooking it yourself.
>multiplayer only TF2 clone catered to waifufaggots
>disgustingly watered down """""RPG""""" made by Bethesda
>old school, fast paced FPS that's both fun and challenging
Gee I don't know.
Maybe half on chicken breast, crumbing ingredients, soft white bread, aioli and spinach. I'd definitely get some quick and nasty burgers to go though.
If I had a good enough PC to run it I'd have gotten Doom for the single player. Settled for Overwatch on console.
>Chicken Breast
>not Chicken Thighs.
>I haven't played the game: the post
Next time do some research before outing yourself as a nigger.
What are you looking for exactly?
Fallout 4 is a fairly robust RPG but pretty janky overall.
Overwatch is a multiplayer game but extremely dependent on friends, you will not enjoy it solo very much.
Doom is a very good FPS with a solid single player campaign, a mediocre but ok multiplayer and an extremely limited map making tool(but people have made some cool stuff with it.)
Get some lemon rind and spring onion in there
>Fallout 4 is a fairly robust RPG but pretty janky overall.
I want to suffocate under that ass.
mostly single player since i suck at online games(don't have much time to get git) and i enjoy a good story. i enjoy rpgs , fps and some racing games
Overwatch if you like multiplayer, Fallout 4 if you like single player. Both games will provide you with indefinite amounts of entertainment in their respective genres.
Does anyone actually give a shit about Doom? That series hasn't been interesting since the 90s.
Economically, thigh might be better, but seeing as we only have enough money for a game, I would prefer to cut out the prep work thigh give and go straight for breast. Unless we're talking thigh fillets, I don't keep up with their average price.
New Doom has a pretty good single player.
>Does anyone actually give a shit about Doom?
Clearly most of the thread.
Really fucking hungry now. Gonna go get this shit now.
Go with Doom then.
Overwatch if you have friends playing it
Doom if you don't
don't buy fallout 4
>a mediocre single player game for $60
>a great single player game with mediocre multiplayer for $60
>a great multiplayer game for $40 + $20 extra for either upgrade or boxes
gee what a hard decision
I wouldn't.
I'll keep my money
>fallout 4 if you like spending 300 hours into an rpg
Doom is a fucking outstanding throwback of a first-person shooter, it's an absolute miracle that it exists and I hope it sells well. Just don't expect much from the multiplayer. Fallout 4 is ass, but you can probably find some fun in it. Overwatch is something I'm going to give a while, a multiplayer FPS like that lives or dies by its community and it's too early to tell.
Hilarious and Original.
I got all the and Doom is the most enjoyable, but Overwatch will probably last longer. Fallout 4 is just trash.
Anyone who could spend 3 hours on Bethesda shit, let alone 300 hours is seriously mentally ill and in need of help.
I have almost 200 hours on it, but I quoted it for the "rpg" part
I've played all games for about 80+ hours and this is what I would recommend.
If you have friends to play with that are also willing to get the game, Overwatch. It's a really fucking fun team experience if you have friends to play it the way it was meant to be played, but it's a pretty garbage solo experience. Unless you enjoy playing team based games solo, I'd advise to steer clear otherwise.
If you want a REALLY fucking fun solo experience, DOOM is the way to go. The campaign is goddamn amazing with a surprising amount of replayability. However, the multiplayer is an extreme hit or miss for pretty much everyone. I personally don't find it all that bad, but I probably have around only 10 hours in it compared to the 60 I've spent on the far superior SP.
Avoid Fallout 4 like the plague, it's a mediocre game at best and you'll just feel cheated in the end. Far Harbor is really nothing to run home about, either.
Overwatch. Less shitty from two shit. Offers more diversity.
Doom has sit down and play replay value.
Overwatch is shallow and is outdone by many F2P games
>Fallout 4
I have 93 hours on Doom and 82 of it is from Snapmap
Damn, how elaborate are some of your maps?
I've been really meaning to stop and play SnapMap for a couple of hours to see what I can do, but I keep procrastinating.
Doom, don't fall for the Overwatch meme
>If yo had money for just one game would you get Doom 2016 ,Overwatch or fallout 4 ?
Doom for quality.
Fallout 4 for content/longevity.
I'd personally get Doom since it's the most deserving since Overwatch and Fallout 4 has already sold millions.
8JDB2WL2 "Overtaken Supply Depot"
29ZW58TD "Overtaken Maintenance Facility"
KLTRLRWQ "Overtaken UAC Headquarters"
I just got done with that last one an hour ago. They're all single player and campaign style. And moderate to hard difficulty except the third which gives you a difficulty option.
>pirate fallout 4
>buy overwatch
>wait for doom to go on sale
Any other option is completely and utterly wrong
Actually the correct option is
>do not bother with fallout 4 at all
>buy overwatch
>wait for doom to go on sale for $5
Copied into notepad, I'll give 'em a try when I launch DOOM later tonight. Sounds great, been looking for some good single-player style levels.
Doom is amazing and actually kinda makes fun of modern story heavy game by the main protag straight away breaking the first comm relay that tells him what to do and ignores most of what the other characters have to say and just rips and tears like he's straight out of that old Doom comic
Fallout 4 was at release, but now it's pretty good with all the DLC, mods and survival mode
Overwatch looks okay but I didn't play it
Sick shilling, boys.
DOOM is just as worthy of a purchase as Overwatch right now.
Nudoom is just Rage without the driving and not worth a cent over $5.
I own overwatch and I want DOOM but my boyfriend won't buy it for me :/
You're a faggot parrot that hasn't played it, then.
Only the SP is somewhat worth a damn until you get bored of pinata enemies.
IF you want good SP you might as well buy The Witcher 3 with DLC which is well worth the money.
How is snap map? I've been playing the campaign and multiplayer for a bit now. Is the snap map like timesplitters map maker?
Doom possibly
B&W and DOOM are not comparable experiences at all.
Only further proving that you're a parrot with your first sentence.
>pirate fallout 4
>buy overwatch
If you are. Just get the standard. Origins just gives you some skins. Its not worth it.
>wait for doom to go on sale
Doom is actually good. But if you're impatient and want to get it cheaper just buy it at G2A or some other related site.