Battlefront 3 coming to Steam

Battlefront 3 coming to Steam

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fan remake?

It's gonna get C&D'd into the sun if they don't change just about everything about it

>check out their website to find out how they can publish star wars stuff
>they say they don't have rights and are just doing it anyway
>apparently Valve feels the same way
Is this gonna make it?

Built on the unfinished batlefront 3 build that was leaked a while back

Yeah, this. These guys are fucking morons if they think Disney is going to allow this.

the absolute madmen

I have a bad feeling about this

I think it's them taking the source code of a beta copy of the original unfinished 3, debugging it and finishing the final game
These crazy motherfuckers don't care, they are going to push it as hard as they can and then get C&Ds from Disney and EA just to get enough attention to release the game via torrenting sites to a massive group of fans that want it

Strongly doubt it, it would be nice though

>thinks Disney and EA will allow this

Is Valve big enough to fight EA over this?

What about Disney

especially not with the EA turdware being the basis for the next few years of gaming sales profits

>massive group of fans that want it
that means it's light years better than the actual Battlefront 3 right now?

Not a chance. These guys will get sued and the code for this deleted.

valve has infinite money and is privately traded
what do they have to lose

they wont fight it, theyve nothing to gain from fighting it.



If we finally see a proper successor to battlefront 2 eleven years later I might cry

>that means it's light years better than the actual Battlefront 3 right now?
As of right now, the beta that was leaked was in a rough state but if they can finish what was going to be Battlefront 3, it will be fucking amazing

>star wars owned by Disney
>star wars made by EA
>direct competition to Battlefield: SW skin

the poor souls will be fined into suicide

>post yfw when the "fans" are ex-Pandemic devs

Valve could just adopt the studio and give both EA and Disney a massive fuck you by changing the stuff slightly.

name it Far Wars and name the factions Resistance and Imperium with Rook Highfather and Dark Fader.

well, hey, they've done that to Blizzard

Valve would never do that, they know copyright law and will side with Disney and EA here since these idiots have absolutely no legal right or claim to do any of this.

Their repuation.

pfffft... hahaha just kidding lmao valve doesn't give a shit they do what they want

>they don't have rights and are just doing it anyway

Hopefully they distribute all the code etc everywhere before they get a C&D. If they can get everything out there and other people can work on it, it'll never get fully taken down.

I think they are renaming it, and since it's based off the code of a company that doesn't exist anymore they can't do shit

>for FREE

disney/ea don't give a shit

they do if it takes away players from their game

Faggot OP didn't give the source


>Frontwire, the developer behind the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront III remake, Galaxy in Turmoil, has announced that Valve has agreed to host the game on Steam. This is a big change, as Frontwire had previously told its fans it might not be possible (on Steam proper or Steam Greenlight) due to its use of the Star Wars IP. But there was a breakthrough recently.

>"It is with great pleasure that as of today I am able to officially announce that Frontwire Studios has officially signed a distribution deal with Steam/Valve for the game Galaxy in Turmoil," Frontwire president Tony Fergie Romanelli said in a statement. "After ongoing discussion between Valve representatives and myself, Valve/Steam has agreed to ship Galaxy in Turmoil to its millions of users for FREE."

>Since Galaxy in Turmoil will make use of the Star Wars IP, and is unlicensed, you might be wondering if Disney will come forward to shut it down, even though Frontwire won't charge for it. Romanelli shares some of those concerns, but he isn't overly worried, it sounds like.

>"I'll be honest--I've had mild concerns myself from time to time," Romanelli explained. "However, Valve clearly lacks that same concern. By agreeing to publish Galaxy in Turmoil, Valve is assisting us in growing and ensuring the longevity of the Galaxy in Turmoil project and community as a whole."

>Romanelli shared an image of Galaxy in Turmoil's Steam page, but it does not appear to be live on the platform just yet.

>For more on Galaxy in Turmoil, which runs on Unreal Engine 4, check out this roundup of everything we learned from a recent livestream.

>Despite numerous and detailed evidence about its existence and development, LucasArts never actually confirmed that Battlefront III was in fact in production. The game has long been the subject of much rumor, speculation, and head-butting.

>since it's based off the code of a company that doesn't exist anymore they can't do shit

EA still holds the rights for the code. They payed for it after all.

retarded normalfags aren't gonna play this

>the "fan team" is a full fledged dev team with dozens of employees

This is an obvious PR move for the company. They are gonna play the victim as soon as Disney comes after them.

If you buy it they can't remove it from your library, only the steam store

They aren't calling it Star Wars but is using Star Wars assets.

>don't have rights and are just doing it anyway

Yes they do, these guys do not have the legal right to make this at all and even if they don't actually care it sets a bad legal precedent to allow them to do it so you better believe they're taking action.

>Disney AND EA raining fire down their necks

How to Commit Financial Suicide 101.

all they have to do is change those and Disney and EA would have no say

>EA still holds the rights for the code

No, EA holds the rights to making games for the SW franchise. The code for the old Star Wars games is owned by LucasArts which is now owned by Disney.

I dont understand why these fan projects always fuckign announce this shit before completion

If I was making something as far into the grey area as this, I would develop it in dead fucking secret then just put up the finished thing one day. If they force me to take it down then I just put up torrents on piratebay

>They release it
>Suddenly get C&D'd to hell and back by EA and Disney, "DELETE THIS" and "SHUT IT DOWN" to the full extent of reality
>They leave it up for the 24 hours or so they're allowed to
>It has 0 drm on it
>Suddenly it's all over torrent sites fucking everywhere

>free Star Wars game on Steam


This, what the fuck is with these people? Has something like this EVER happened? Where a guy just releases something unannounced?


>Think it's going to be using the source code for BF3 from the leaked beta
>Actually it's a "Star Wars" game being made in UE4
Oh shit, this could be hype as fuck

it's not titled star wars

Actually, since they are taking NO MONEY from donations or payment. They can do this all they want. It's like your fanfic of darth vader fucking luke in the ass. If you're not making money from it then it's creative common license and Disney can rattle their sabers but have no actual legal grounds. Think I'm pulling your leg? Google "Renegade X" Exact same thing even includes one of EA's IPs. We've been down this road before. This fight has already been fought and won. Buckle up and get ready for the battlefront sequel we all actually wanted.

nobody gives a fuck

same with the star wars galaxies emulator which has been running for 4 years.

Yeah, that's what I wonder too. Develop it as secretly as possible, then release it in so many places that it's impossible to actually take down or trace back to anything.

Didn't they do that for that Halo Online thing Microsoft kept trying to take down? It seemed like it eventually spread enough that they couldn't stop it.

The MGS 1 remake got C&D'd due to it
The Resident Evil 2 remake got C&D'd due to it

EA approved of Renegade X though

Gotta get that publicity, they crave the (you)s. They see themselves as the heroes saving the world. It absolutely kills me when a translation group I'm following decides to get loud enough for Kotaku or whatever to pick up their shit and get them thrashed into C&D land.

If they do that Disney can sue them for even more money.

I can already hear the endless hand rubbing.

I can only hope that it eventually becomes too late for Disney to take action and the Star Wars copyright starts to erode.

Didn't Disney somehow take something from the public domain and got away with it?

>Disney can rattle their sabers but have no actual legal grounds
>he actually believes this

>don't have rights and are just doing it anyway

They are fucking stupid or have too much balls to do it.

But disney will bitch about it soon or later, because the fucking can and will fuck them.

The money they'd make off of them will be absolutely nothing compared to the losses they'll be taking on Neo Battlefront and Neo Battlefront 2 sales.
Because now there will be a bar that has to be met, which Neo Battlefront doesn't, and 2 they'll probably forcefully delay another year to try and meet it.

Because they're doing it for attention and recognition to get their name out there in the industry either so they can better market actual games they make in the future or to try and get their foot in the door for jobs at real companies. They have no intention of actually finishing or releasing this and know full well they'll be forced to stop within the next few days. The reality is they've probably got nothing because that was always the plan.

>this is where they were at 2 months ago

Yeah they still have 10 more years before getting a C&D

So it's essentially the inverse of Planetside 2?

The game is coming out as ''Galaxy on Turmoil'' and it's going to be free.

Its the same shit with what happened to Nostalrius.
These people are getting too bold and think they can get away with literally anything. Nost would probably still be up if they hadn't been shilling for it all over the goddamn place, including the official fucking WoW forums. You have to keep it all underground.

Then it loses the point


A c&d can be sent if its a major project if the owner of the IP believes it will affect said IP negatively.

The chrono trigger fan sequel had its plug pulled like that

also the metal gear solid fan remake "shadow moses"

Both of them were fan projects and supposed to be free, still got c&d

>thinks anyone is safe from disney's lawyers

it can still be a great game without looking like Star Wars

This is a ploy designed to attract attention to the developers, who have other projects in the works.
When this inevitably gets shut down by Disney, which are in the legal right to do so, they are going to play victim and try to sell themselves as the undergoes being shut down by the big bad meanie, while at the same time trying to attract attention to the other stuff in the works.

Just actually think about how fucking retarded you'd have to be to think that this is going to go anywhere at all. People are stupid, but they are not that stupid.

>also the metal gear solid fan remake "shadow moses"

This one still fucking hurts

They should switch it to 40k to tango with GW's lawyers too

Nigga you don't understand.
This isn't some lowbrow literally who company we are talking about, this is fucking Disney. They practically rule the goddamn world and can get away with whatever they want to.

*underdogs. Goddamnit it, sorry.

They have continually lobbied to extend copyright, which actively keeps IPs and individual works from entering the public domain. There was a big stink about Steamboat Willy in particular a few years back. That might be what you're thinking of.

a crossover would be nice

>don't have rights and are just doing it anyway

>The money they'd make off of them will be absolutely nothing compared to the losses they'll be taking on Neo Battlefront and Neo Battlefront 2 sales.

They can complete destroy the company, it's owner and it's employees permanently, which is what Disney really would care about if they dare to fuck with their properties.

And very few people play pirated online PC games like that. Most of the sales of Battlefront were on consoles anyway.

You have no idea what you're talking about. EA actually helped with Renegade X by the way, so it's absolutely not the same situation. This here, is illegal. It's built using code that was stolen from Lucasarts to begin with. It has no blessing from Disney or Lucasfilm. It is trying to be released on Steam in a high profile move. This will never see the light of day and Disney has all the legal right in the world to stop this.

They have a lot of volunteer positions going, they intend to full start funding people once this game releases and they create a game with their own IP. What's stopping you, oh eager beavers?

Whats so great about Disneys lawyers?

Throw some Macross/Robotech in there too to piss of Harmony Gold

>they put it on steam
>valve makes money from it
>every single person at disney is a jewish lawyer
>Steal steam from gabe legally
>Steam is now Jewish

You're so naive

How does Steam make money off totally free games without microtransactions? Like, even downloading the client doesn't give them ad revenue

This. These fuckers literally changed copyright law just to suit their needs. They don't fuck around.

Other than the fact they basically wrote the copyright laws?

>>Steam is now Jewish
So nothing changes then?

Disney owns like 50% of media.

Also disney is the reason of copyright laws. quite funny that, they are scared as fuck now because Mickey can go to public domain.

Jews will find a way to get money from steam. Don't worry.

Wait are they actually using stolen assets?

They've so extensively trademarked Mickey Mouse and things that look like him that, even when Steamboat Willy enters the public domain, trademark laws will prevent anyone from creating derivative works featuring him or his likeness.

Valve's fucking rich enough to just get access to the Star Wars license to make this game legally accepted, but EA might throw a shit fit

Disney invented the Gestapo copyright laws that keep intellectual property of a deceased creator locked and effectively 'dead' forever

there's not way these paedophile grooming tool providers will allow this... the nest that can be hoed for is it gets finished in secret and then 'dumped' to torrents

fucking fascists jew-U.S. cancers

You got me there!

they could always just get rid of the star wars references and use an "original setting" like dota and warcraft

the heroes we need

>they didn't just do a stealth release of the game and then try to get it on steam afterward


Now they're going to get a C&D and NO ONE is going to get the game.

I don't see it even lasting a day. SHUT IT DOWN.

Not really desu, animations and character models were looking terrible, also I can only assume VA would have sucked


They managed to get ahold of an early pre-alpha version of the Battlefront 3 that was being made by the Timesplitters dev and are using that code to make this. So yes, very stolen and very illegal.