why does Sup Forums hate e-sports? isn't it good that developers have an incentive to make high end play as balanced as possible?
Why does Sup Forums hate e-sports...
>Sup Forums is all one person
But it's not very balanced at all. People just play the same 15 characters over and over out of like 100 to pick from.
im not just talking about one game
You're talking about balance and it's the same for every game. People always use the same few things because they're just better than all the filler garbage.
Most of Sup Forums are self loathing nerds who think it's something to be ashamed of so they don't think it should be popular and have "sports" in the name.
Having a variation of 15 isn't that bad, really.
Everything's got some amount of filler. The fluff doesn't hurt, and balancing 100 characters against each other would be impossible.
>let's dumb down our competitive aspect so the casualfag won't feel left out
>why does Sup Forums hate e-sports?
because its popular with people Sup Forums dislikes, primarily the reddit crowd.
and this is bad opposed to?
an unbalanced game will have only 3 characters people pick over and over
Really enjoyed the BroodWar scene back in the day, and even the heyday of Starcraft 2: WoL was really cool.
Everything else is pretty shit imo
Actually, right now, SFV is well balanced. Obviously is easier because there's only 18 characters atm, but on tournaments you can see a good portion of the cast at top 8.
Because they try to make it into some grandiose event, with all those cringy whatever they're called intros where they show the player with his arms crossed and the camera kinda spins around him, the stupid hype faggots, the commentators who try to make it exciting and talk like every fucking second is the bottom of the ninth of the world series, the stupid ebin dubstep, all the fucking shilling for literal trash like Razer and Alienware, it's just so fucking stupid
I don't mind 2 guys playing SF at some local game store where the commentator's there to have fun and not be Vin Scully. It's fucking video games, I swear if I hear you talk about "the sweat and the tears" it took for them to "stand on this stage with the greats" I'll shit in a bag and mail it to you
Then dont have 100 characters.
I find Sup Forums's continued hatred of reddit to be funny as shit, considering it seemed to always be based on reddit users being a bunch of unfunny memelords which 90% of Sup Forums's userbase seems to be these days anyways.
They are a joke. Tons of top players are known cheaters and they do absolutely nothing about it.
Youd definitely switch places with them and just sound mad they're making more than decent money being famous for something retarded
>known cheaters
they obviously aren't cheating while at the tournament in-person
Have them. It's very hard to predict which 15 will be the ones to come out on top. Even people who have decades of experience in a pretty closed system mess this up sometimes.
yeah but that says nothing about the game
Sup Forums will use e-sports as a way to insult a game
Sup Forums has gotten progressively more casual at the point that they bitch about matchups and mechanics but go
The moment someone mentions actual competition.
Look at all the Souls faggots here who try to talk about fighting and MOBAs.
Why not just limit to maybe even half that and just focus on balancing the characters with each other. Youll get more variety if every character is on an even playing field.
This. It looks ridiculous. "Look at me with my arms crossed, I'm a badass, I play Catarina in League." Like come on, that's not cool at all.
Besides almost every esports player is Asian.
Because, again, people make mistakes, and it's hard to predict where they show up.
It's a lot more efficient to throw shit at the wall and see what sticks than to perfect 50 characters in random interactions with a limited amount of testers. The game is supposed to ship at some point, you know?
And making every character on an even playing field is damn near impossible. You can't predict during testing which playstyles turn out the best on tournament level after tens of thousands of hours of training and testing, distributed among hundreds of thousands of players.
>Sup Forums will use e-sports as a way to insult a game
Because some games are designed to be esports, and that affects the entire design process of the game.
>wanting the game to be balanced is bad
literally what part of a game being designed to be an e-sport could possibly be bad
built-in advertisements
>making a balanced game is the same as making a game for esports
Your confusion comes from you conflating the two.
i'll bet op thinks goypendiums are good too.
ok then... mind clarifying what makes a game e-sports then?
but no e-sports games have built-in advertisements unless they are referring to the game itself in which it just makes sense that they are providing news for people who already play the game
Tourneys and shit were okay before when devs weren't the ones trying so hard to make the games look so "HARDCORE AND PRO" like Valve does with Dota.
If the devs are the ones organizing the events, it's e-sports bait
then e sports is a myth. a fairy tale for children such as you. all the game devs have a hand in every tournament
That's your job, you're the one trying to say designing games to be esports is good. You should be able to say what that means.
>implying this person is an athlete
>implying pushing buttons is a sport
esports a shit. for some reason Sup Forums doesn't shit on esports when it's smash though
people shit all over it as an e sport. as a weekend fun time though it's pretty good
Can't help but laugh at Marn even when he is bumming
Overblown, sterile eSports bullshit annoys me, but I love watching high level play in fighting games and melee and shit.
At worst, they do dumb, campy WWE shit, and I am 100% okay with that.
I would say, "poor marn" for pic related, but fuck marn.
Because it ruins games.
More accurately, while it can be entertaining to watch if the game has merit as a competitive game, if it doesn't and its developer forces a competitive scene to exist by dumping loads of cash into it, it inevitably affects the game's design and balance and makes it terrible.
Your pic very much related.
Yeah this. They try to mimic sports but they don't get video game nerds don't nearly have as much physical presence as actual athletes do, making the badass pose simply embarrassing.
what the fuck is that
>Smackdown vs Raw
Marn's arms/legs a while back.
Not sure exactly what it is, but shit couldn't have been good.