Boss doesn't have health bar

>boss doesn't have health bar

>boss has a health bar

>he cant into monster hunter
lmaoing at your life

why would i want to "into" autism?

>both has health bar

memes are autism user
youre already into autism

>boss copies your moves

>Boss has a health bar
>doesn't drop even when your hitting him with basic attacks

i know


>Boss can nullify and/or remove your bonusses

>final boss theme song is played by two drummers


>boss has so many health bars they have to be displayed underneath it as little dots.

>get boss down to 20% health
>boss's health bar starts to continuesly refill

>kill boss
>health bar regenerates

>boss has 5 healthbars

>boss have two health bar

it's australian friendly image my friend, don't be mad or they will release the emus

>Victory conditions: Survive
>Lose conditions: MC or ally is defeated

>the boss adapts to your strategies

name at least 4 games that do this


step your game up faggot

>japanese game
>women look manlier than the men

Jackie cha-


>boss' HP is so high it's not even shown