Hard levels, easy bosses

>Hard levels, easy bosses
DeS, DaS2

>Easy levels, hard bosses
DaS1, BB

>Hard levels, hard bosses

>Best game
One that caters to my play-style the best

>Worst game
One that butchered my play-style the most

Is the Unkindled a cyclops

>Hard levels, easy bosses
DeS, DaS2
>Easy levels, hard bosses
DaS1, Das3
>Hard levels, hard bosses
>Best game
Tie between BB and DaS3
>Worst game

>Hard bosses
Only Pontiff, Aldritch, and Nameless even put up an iota of a challenge

I found DaS bosses the easiest, DaS3 the hardest.

Didn't play BB so have no idea how hard is it, heard people say the dlc bosses are hard.

Put DS3 in Easy levels, hard bosses and the first three are fine.

Best game is Bloodborne

Worst game is Dark Souls 2


Go to bed, Pat.

BB had the hardest bosses for me, mainly because of their erratic patterns. A lot of DaS3 bosses also had this, like the Dancer for example.

Same guy, here's my contribution

>Hard levels, easy bosses
DeS, DaS2, DaS3
>Easy levels, hard bosses
>Hard levels, hard bosses

DaS > BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

Only vigor shitters think bosses are hard to DS3. If you put any points into Vigor you cannot comment on the difficulty of bosses.

Champion Gundyr is objectively the best boss in the game, but vigor shitters would never know because his damage is low. Nameless king was only 'hard' because it was pretty much the only fight vigor faggots had to dodge instead of shield tank with their retarded max health pools.

I never had a chance to play the DLC for DaS2, was it worth it?

>Hard levels, easy bosses
DeS, DaS2

>Easy levels, hard bosses

>Hard levels, hard bosses
DaS3, BB

Both had great shortcuts, though.

BB+DLC > DaS3 = BB > DaS2+DLC = DaS1+DLC > DaS = DeS > DaS2

I liked the first DLC, had top-notch atmosphere and level design, and good bosses. 2nd was worth it for the Fume Knight and Alonne fights. 3rd is an all-around snoozefest tho

Among the 9 bosses there are 3 good ones. Each DLC has one large, well designed area and with a shitty co-op area attached to it. Still, core gameplay of DS2 is ass. Every enemy is a reskinned knight, among all 3 DLCs.

Top 3 areas?
1. Tower of Latria 3-2
2. Anor Londo (DaS1)
3. Irythyll of the Boreal Valley

1. Shulva
2. Ash Lake
3. Shrine of Storms

I don't think DS3 was close to as good as BB's base game. The only thing it really has over BB is more colorful areas. DS3 borrowed too much from the rest of the series. The discovery factor just wasn't comparable when you compare the two. In fact, I'm tempted to put it lower than DS2 just based on unoriginality, but I'll be honest, the gameplay and level design is better than DS2.

I liked Shrine of Storms too, user. I even liked Valley of Defilement

Now you're going off the deep end

DS3 has amazing level design, combat, gameplay, all the quality of life improvements, great graphics, every area is visible from all angles of the map, everything. And yet, I strongly dislike it. Why? I know its a good game, but I actually prefer DS2 for the same reason as you despite obviously being worse.

As far as I'm concerned, the only bad thing about the Valley is the lackluster boss fights, excluding Maiden Astrea. That wasn't really a proper boss fight.

I wouldn't really say the combat is amazing. Fighting most enemies was very dull and I felt that the weapon arts didn't really add too much and weren't diverse enough.

Compared to the other Souls games its good. Obviously not compared to BB. I find it laughable that people think, at this point, Souls has more diversity than BB with all its unique weapons compared to a bunch of reskinned straight swords and greatswords.


>Playing games on easy mode.
Go watch movies if you can't play games correctly

There's a lot more facets to quality than difficulty.

Imo it's only a problem if there's no threat, it's streamlined, or it starts very deliberately wasting your time IWTBTG style.

Part of the fun of these games is the unknown and discovering horrible truths. Realizations of the mysterious world you've been placed in.

There was nothing breathtaking about DS3, no mysteries. Nothing we didn't already know from DS1. DS2 at least had some fairly interesting characters, and a couple interesting areas, no matter how poorly they were designed. It had some powerful moments like after Velstadt, the realization of the endgame that you willingly walk towards.

>das 3
>hard bosses
Maybe because I just played through scholar with a garbage build, raw battle axe strength dump was easy as fuck in das 3 solo

Only boss that I lost to more than twice was dancer

Got pontiff, champ and aldritch first try

Strong battle axe I mean, made that switch when it pulled like one point ahead of raw

>Hard Levels, Easy Bosses

>Easy Levels, Hard Bosses

>Hard levels and Bosses
Ds2 sotfs

>Easy Levels and Bosses
Ds2 vanilla


>Least favorite

I feel like it's a lack of charm, for lack of a better term. It's hard to explain thoroughly, since the Valley of Defilement is hardly "charming", but I'd rather have played through it ten times than trudge through Farron Swamp again. Irithyll Dungeon too just felt like a shitty slog until the end bits, but in every DeS replay I do I have a blast in the Tower of Latria.

Irithyll and Lothric Castle, in their entirety, felt like they had the same spark - Cathedral of the Deep, too. DaS3 being the end of the series, though, and coming after Bloodborne + DLC, it just felt like a bit of a let down.

Anyways, pic related, it's still fun and I'm enjoying it. The DLC will probably be fantastic.

I want figures like this

Waiting for the DLC too, its the only thing that can set it apart and give it its own identity.

>since the Valley of Defilement is hardly "charming", but I'd rather have played through it ten times than trudge through Farron Swamp again.

fucking exactly. i don't know why but the entire farron area just fucking sucks. it's not hard, it's not about gitting gud, it's just shitty. i didn't mind blighttown in the slightest, but farron swamp just triggers my shit.

>hard levels

Fuck no, they're probably the easiest in the franchise with constant shortcuts and retarded bonfire placement. None of the common enemies are remotely hard either and thinking of all Souls games, it's the only one that doesn't have "that one part" that everyone seems to have trouble with.

How could you possibly think BB's levels are easy while DaS3's are hard?

>anything about DaS3

the game has like 70% joke bosses and literally every enemy can be stunlocked

>its the only thing that can set it apart and give it its own identity

No, it's "identity" is solidified with the base game. None of the Souls DLCs have spontaneously changed the game; you'll get more of the same and that's it.

Fucking retarded that we've got so many people banking on throwing out more dosh to the devs in order for the game to not be a creatively bankrupt rehash .

>Hard at all

Pontiff and Aldrich aren't hard either

Pretty much. I rank it just above DS2 and below the rest, but I have high hopes for the DLC.

FROM is good at making new IPs, and DLC. Sequels they are just shit at. It's why I don't want Bloodborne 2. I just know they'd fuck it up somehow.

DS3 DLC should be great, but it won't have the same feel as AotA or TOH. They've kinda spent everything in terms of Dark Souls background. But who knows, it depends how ambitious they are with it.

The only thing they really haven't shown us is Velka as a physical presence, and wherever all the gods went after abandoning Lordran.

They could get really ambitious and show us a place with many alive NPCs, like cities we've heard of through the games, but I doubt it. It'll probably have something to do with the Usurp ending.


Best areas for level design
> Latria 3-2
> Painted World
> Didn't play DaS2
> Central Yharnam
> Cathederal of the Deep

Best area for atmosphere and shit
> Latria 3-2
> Anor Londo
> Didn't play DaS2
> Pre-Nightmare Yharhagul (or Research Hall)
> Irithyll