I got back into HOTS after a 8 month break and i decided to buy Rexxar cuz he seems like a lot of fun...

I got back into HOTS after a 8 month break and i decided to buy Rexxar cuz he seems like a lot of fun, still farming gold though. But in the 2-3 weeks i've been playing lately i didn't encounter him in ANY game. Why is that ? Does he suck that much? Should i not spend my gold on him?

He's good.
People just don't play him because he used to suck and misha is kinda retarded sometimes.

I wanted to get back into this game, but the nI remembered:

heroes cost 10k gold
you get 30 gold for winning, 20 for losing

Yeah nah kys blizzard

You need to control 2 units instead of 1, and for many HotS players that's waaaaaay too complicated

What are dailies

You get lots of gold for dailies.
You get lots of gold for leveling up your account.
You get lots of gold for leveling up free heroes.

In comparison to LoL you earn currency way faster.

nah, if you do your dailies you can buy at least 1 hero/month. Probably 2, it aint that bad considering there are not so many and a lot of them are less than 10k.
also this

This is the first mention of hots I've seen anywhere in months

ded game

>it's not mentioned on Sup Forums so it must be dead

1 per day, still a pathetic amount of gold

see above
>leveling up
>free heroes
one time only

And no, compared to lol, you do not earn currency faster. I play lol like 2 times per day and im sitting on 30K IP.

And besides, they prolly didnt even fix the terrible pathing and stutter stepping.

Rexxar is fucking garbage don't do this to yourself
Le epig trolle xD

Lol has runes too, though

He's the top winrate hero right now actually

Because only two mega autists are playing him and they have been playing him since release so they git got gud

He doesn't suck he just struggles a tremendous amount. Everyone thought he was going to be an assassin before launch and he turns out he's a warrior. Problem is he doesn't feel like that , he feels like a specialist. He's better at stunning and being a jungler than an actual tank.

The other biggest problem with him is that Misha has more going for her than fuckin Rexxar himself. She IS the tank. It makes no sense from a design standpoint when he she has one job and that's to stun. Rexxar has no fuckin defense as a tank whatsoever , poor health regen (you can pick a talent to improve this) , no getaway , can't run and attack (basically be a real chaser) , and his attacks feels like horseshit. Basically they took one of the best horde characters and made him feel like an afterthought.

After he launched it became obvious they were just trying to get him done already , but the reality is he probably needs a huge rework. Seems like the HOTS team has no idea what the fuck they're doing with him. They gave him a slight buff recently but again it's Mishaville.

You get gold for leveling up heroes, which often go on free rotation, you also get daily's that vary from 200 - 800 gold for just playing the game (play 3 games as a support / specialist / warrior / assassin, or play a bunch of games as a [universe] hero).

The game throws gold at you all the time, don't try to misrepresent it like it's literally worse than league of legends grind. Because it isnt.


Kill yourself you retarded faggot

the minimum you earn off of a daily is like 250? right? so 250 + 60-90 (we'll take an average of 75), which puts you at 325 daily, without factoring in for hero leveling if you're literally only getting the lowest value dailies and not playing anything beyond what it takes to complete them.

New heroes are 10000, so 10k / 325 = 30 days. Now of course you earn more money than that and matches tend to be shorter than LoL matches, and heroes don't have any hidden costs to them like runes or runepages in lol. There's also a smaller hero pool so it's easier to catch up and stay caught up.

Lol is something like 80-120 ip per match + 150 for first win of the day. So assuming the bare minimum of effort like we did with hots, and saying you play a bot match to guarantee your win you're getting ~250 ip a day? which with new heroes being 6300 (or is it 7800?) you're doing it in ~25 days, but we're not accounting for rune pages or anything here... or HotS gold from leveling up heroes either.

So in truth, they're actually about the same for rate at which to earn heroes, however LoL has more costs after the fact and a much larger hero pool, which in truth puts it a bit behind hots.

Git gud nerds.

I unlocked all the Dota roster day one.

More. Most dailies are 300g. If you hold a daily , you actually have a greater chance of getting a big daily like those 800 g ones. It's been proven and I do it all the time. You can make 10k in a week or a week in a half easily , especially if you're obviously playing a few hrs at a time.

He's getting reworked

so did I, fucking 10 years ago bud.

Thats cute and all, but changes nothing from the fact that it is a terrible game

>ranged heroes run just as fast as melee heroes, making it nigh impossible for melee to kill a ranged unless they have help, or are forced to take a talent that slows, which make the entire talent tree a mere illusion of choice.

that was the other thing I was going to add, was that matches in hots tend not to dragon on past the 18-20 minute mark whereas in LoL that's basically considered mid game.


>Zeratul/Nova/Abathur/Chromie on your team

Running away isn't going to do you much good when it means conceding an important objective, which happen frequently. Which means team based skirmishes and brawls happen all the time, with lots of people who *can* stun and slow to go put that hurt into people.

which means nothing when you cant lane, because the ranged will easily poke you while you cant even touch them.

>ranged heroes are stronger than melee
hello bronze

Learn to waveclear and rotate? You dont need to last hit anything ever, just be near it for soak.

If you rotate you can threaten a gank which means they don't get to push structures without a clear advantage.

Fuck go watch some pro games that khaldor casts.

the game is alive. it doesn't get mention, because every thread about the game gets shitposting by league and dota fags

I thought the same about the necro. He was supposed to be a scary skele lord, not some scythe cleaving faggot.

>implying "HURRRR SKERETONZZZZZ" was all that the necromancer fucking did.

Yeah, we get it, you faggots liked the build that sat there and did fucking nothing the vast majority of the time. what 'great' gameplay the d2 necro had. He had neat poison and bone spells but they were fucked by d2 being d2. The curses tree was redundant nonsense, there were like 3 or 4 worth using.

They took something that was bare bones (no pun intended) and tried to put some fucking meat on it, and make it interesting instead of 'i summoned a bunch of skeletons guyz, and now i'm just going to stand here... can someone kill something so i can corpse explosion" or "can someone kill something so i can summon skeles... OMG NO ICE FAGGOT".

for all his fucking edgelordiness that you shits loved in d2, the necromancer was fucking garbage. pure fucking shit. It was so goddamn worthless.