People will say tf2 is not dead

>People will say tf2 is not dead
>A single russian can pull this shit

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Oh fuck just found his posts on the lbox forum

This might be the standard for skids soon

Literally how

Does anyone have the link to the guy who owned the burning team captain and got banned?

I got you desu senpai senpai desu

tf2 isn't dead. Will probably go out a lot like TFC did (fade into a niche incrowd)

did you know there are people who still play TFC on the daily?

This denial never gets old.

>People complained about VALVe adding hats to the game.
>Years later, we now have hats, paint to color cosmetic items, unusual effects for hats and weapons, weapon skins, festive lights on weapons, taunts etcetera.
Just an absolute clusterfuck of shit now.

so is this all bullshit?

Yep, it's full damage control.

>shilling your videos on Sup Forums

Reminder that 80% of overwatch discussion is about loot crates.

Reminder that you clearly don't browse Overwatch threads.

Gas all hackers.

>Overwatch is getting hyped on Sup Forums
>people say it's TF2 with waifus
>I don't have money for it and don't care about waifus
>TF2 is free
>decide to finally try it
>it's good casual fun


No they aren't, they're about X CLASS IS OVERPOWERED

where half the game's cast is X

Today I will remind them

kek no

tf2 players are that retarded

Why does the bullet shoot with its fucking casing

guns dont shoot cartridges they shoot bullets

It's an Aperture Science design.


who cares when we have Overwatch
god bless Blizzard

>He taunts again

Most likely the lack of a model without the casing.

Fucking really? Does overwatch have cancer crates/cases rng scams?

No, its more of a discussion of what heros are OP, that said, McCree and Widowmaker are broken.

Because that's 65% more bullet per bullet.

But he's not the heavy

Overwatch discussion is like 70% porn, 10% D.Va is underpowered and shit, 15% McCree and Lucio are overpowered, and then 5% loot crates.

imo TF2 died when they redid 2fort and took the fucking water out.

>imo TF2 died when they redid 2fort and took the fucking water out
do you mean sd_doomsday?

All I want is to play 2007 TF2...
Will be buying Overwatch soon as at least the classes supposedly are pretty concrete.

they're more like ASSFAGGOTS heroes/champions to be honest, familia. They are even called "heroes".

Overwatch has characters, very defined on what they can and can't do. Classes are different.

Play team fortress 2 classic then

People think overwatch is tf3

your videos are shit, fuck off

It rips a load of shit off from tf2, sure, but when it comes to having the concept of classes it's more a dotalike

>haven't played TF2 in forever
>Ring Runner makes me instinctively want to use Converging Shot with Aftermath: Multiplier so that my splash damage does splash damage and the whole cluster of people dies instantly