DOTA2 - Region lock russians to russian server?

It's bad enough with their shitty ping, but to top it off they can't communicate to their team because they don't know how to speak/write english on the goddamn english-speaking server

Maybe you should just move to Russia because they're the only people still playing your shitty game.

>get tired of russians
>only queue on eu west, suck up 5-10 minute search
>everything fine for a month
>russians start showing up

It's all rus now.

who the fuck voted no

4 people actually. That's fine tho, I really just want to see if I'm the only motherfucker who wants them gone, if that's the case I'll just fuck off.

I would honestly come back to the game if we got rid of the russians. I was starting to get slightly fluent

And absolutely nothing would change. You'd still be playing with people completely incompetent, you'd still see people who can't speak a lick of english, and you'd still be losing games blaming it all on your teammates without ever even considering to blame yourself.

>population of europe 600k
>population of Russia 150k

Less of the cyka blyad seems like objectively better to me

Cyka blyad will just be replaced by kurwa jebani.

Worth a try.

>be shitter MMR
>get matched with equal russian shitters
>blame loss on russian shitters
>repeat the process

Even if you were right it would be a vicious circle

Russians have at least a grasp on how to play
Regionlock the fucking dumb ass mexicans and the pinoys.

the eternal struggle of 3k

What about Peru shitters

No matter what you do there will always be shit players.

Russians, BRs, and other shitters only stand out because they spam in all chat and mic spam just like every other shitlord, but in a language you can't understand.

It's not a cycle, one does not perpetuate the other, you're just shit and are matched with people of your skill level. If you weren't shit you'd be playing with competent people.

put california, russia and brazil together but don't announce it

i say no because russians are all using vpns anyway you won't be able to do shit with a region lock

Why, half of the good players in US is from silicon valley alone.

I actually quit the game because of Russians. Couldn't take that shit anymore.

That's funny though considering I play half of my games in low piority because cyka blyads keep reporting me. It's somewhat understandable, I also report them since we can't communicate at all because I don't speak russian and they don't speak english, but for fucks sake this is all happening on eu west server, I mean what the fuck

Same here bro, multiple times.

You're just confirming how much of a shit player you are. You're terrible at playing that game and you do not understand the concept of teamwork. You are rightfully sitting in low priority. You could create a billion accounts and every single one of them would be sitting in low priority because you are that shit. And no amount of blocks and regionlocks would ever get you out of this, because it's not the russians, brs, or illuminaty who are the reason of your position, it's you.

изи чeт

>This butthurt Russian trying to save face
Why can't you accept that everyone in the world hates you?

What do you propose for the communication problem? I mean I understand you're trying to troll here but I honestly don't give a fuck, if I'm shit I'm shit, that's no reason to have my games ruined by cyka blyads.

individual russians should be regionlocked to only play on teams with australians

this would basically put them in permanent low priority

>He still thinks Russians are the problem

Greeting 2014-man. I'd like you to meet these animals. We call them the Peruvians

I don't ,^)

Peruvians are the russians of the american servers

Or is it the other way around?

Russia is a solid non degenerate country. That said they should be shoved aside to their own server or banned if they cannot speak the common tongue that is English.

Well its the peruvians on NA and russians on EU

why are they such degenerates online then?

Maybe you should try to learn basic russian.

>start a nice game of dotka on eu west server
>3 teammates keep babbling in cyrillic
>"English please"
>they tell me to fuck off and learn russian - in russian
>mfw they don't even realize I actually understand most of what they're saying because I used to have a russian qt gf
>cyka blyad penopt

is this what russians do for fun? disgusting

Communism - not even once

you know whats hilarious? You ruin their games just as much as they ruin yours

Probably, but I don't go to their server to do it.

there's a server for russians to play on. why don't they play on it?

They should force BRs and Russians to play on the same servers.

no at my MMR the q would take too long without russians.

>tfw i would love to play on my own server but nobody plays dota 2 and i have never found a ranked match there.

because its filled with even worse shitters, presumably

>mfw even russians hate russians

>there exists a trench worse than the trench

I think the advantes are obvious, however are there any disadvantes of a russian region lock?


Fuck that, every single games needs Russians region locked.

Fuck that, let's just nuke the fuckers

You'll need a lot of nukes.

And more to the point they have a lot of nukes to launch back.

>tfw russian speaker
>tfw hated everywhere
>tfw ignore "russkie estj?" in all online games
>tfw feel detached from my nation
>tfw i have no nation

When I think about this I feel as if I'm on Sup Forums

CSGO/DOTA is unplayable due to russians

you chose your fate by joining american games now return to your own region, loser.

>play the game
>keep silent
>do your best
>be thanked by westerners and russians alike
It's pretty simple.

Well then what? Russia shitters don't want to play with russian shitters any more than everyone else, yet they bring their dumb asses to other servers. Honestly, I'll accept that 4k+ is not good, but I at least try to communicate. This shit is prevalent in CS:GO as well, I try teamwork because I lack in raw skill, but RUSSIAN FUCKING SHITS make that impossible. Worst of all is when those shitheads use the VoIP as a replacement for any other shit like skype/discord/mumble/teamspeak/ventrilo.

I've dealt with russian fuckwits for so long, it's getting hard to justify playing the game, since they ruin it most of the time. And that's beside the win/lose shit, but more that even if I win and they're shitheads during the win, it's still not fun.

Fuck Russia.

Just what I'm doing. I usually throw some hujca sosni pidaras or something when russians start bitching.

You Europeans should be fucking grateful thanking God every day that you aren't playing against Peruvians and southern Americans in general

Thank god dota is losing popularity lately because the community is finally wising up and asking for region locked servers

I think the compendium is also selling slower than last year and breaking the ui

>not including the mild-mannered wtf doge

Have you tried playing with russians m8? I doubt SA is worse

I hear you senpai.

I actually prefer Russians over Peruvians specifically and marginally more than South Americans in general

I remember when dota came out of closed beta and Russians and Ukrainians were the most annoying group but that was nearly 4 or 5 years ago iirc times have definitely changed

My internet connect can support west and Eastern European servers without much ping but my point is I know Russians have at the very least a gameplan when they play for mmr, they take it serious at least for me

Peruvians play this game like it is tibia but no Brazilians to keep them in check

They go in , random pick or whoever looks cool and play however they want

I wouldn't mind so much if it wasnt for competition and they played with common sense

Haha cyka, I bet you didn't meet any peruvians or spaniards yet. When you will meet them tho, even a Russian pudge with name DeNdImOn666 will be better than any of them.

Can someone explain me why Turks are so goddamn retarded goofy and often bad at dota? This is some fucking curse, I've only met ONE, ONE Turks in my nearly 2k hours that wasnt a complete retard. Maybe they don't take games seriously but at the same time they tryhard a lot in football and cs. The other thing is that they are not just bad, they make retarded things like charging 1vs4 into enemy, or jungle alk or some shit.

You should see the brazil servers
Played with a friend who was 4k mmr and everyone was stuck in a time bubble from a decade ago, nyx was rolling agility carry items, antimage rushing strength items and being super aggressive early on, mid techies

nice joke

can anyone tell me, for all that is holy, why when i queue for ENGLISH US EAST/WEST, I get nothing but cyka jajaja huehuehue bullshit


>still playing dota

what the fuck is wrong with you, how bad must your life be at this point


Don't know about the DOTA, but in planetside2 russkie-infested servers are toxic, chaotic and retarded, while russians-free ones have a decent community and teamwork to some degree. It gets even worse when you know russian and can understand everything russians spew out.

Same in DOTA2

I think the biggest difference is when there are no toxic russians, atmosphere is so good even losing is fun. People using their mic, in english too, making jokes, banter and shit.

Russian infected games on the other hand are not fun even if our team wins. Also you're guaranteed to receive a few reports, from the enemy if you're on the winning team and from your russian teammates if you're losing.

>tfw quit the game

feels good, that shit was sucking up too many hours of the day

you guys need to stop monkeying around XD


Why are russians so weird?

All the fucking time I tell some russki on eu west to speak english they tell me to learn russian and start talking shit about europe and europeans. Why the fuck do they come to our servers, then.

I only play 10v10 s, hence that's not a huge problem for me


so how the fuck do we force valve to do it

>make whining thread on Sup Forums
>instead of just reporting all russians who play on eu server

I check every player's steam profile at the beginning of the match, any russians get reported for ability abuse. Also if someone communicates in cyrillic and refuses to speak english.

Lot of people seem to be doing it too since I always get my reports back. Downside of it is that low priority pool is basically russian hell now.

>mfw my team instalock 3 mid heroes and 1 hard carry
What's a funny support to play that can still be helpful ? I'm trash at INT hard supports like lion, lich, doctor and dazzle, but i'm pretty good not really but better than these as vengeful spirit, and solar crest is one of my favorite items because of her

Try silencer, pretty useful and fun even after the big change

Also CM is a lot of fun to play if you're not forced to support 100% (or you don't give a fuck), rekking 5-man teams with your ult feels great

Your best bet is to quit

Uh, hello, this is offend. Me think Russian is good play and they should get play with us non-Russia. Uh, long live cheese burger!

either find friends who are both fun to play with and good at the game, or just quit the game. Dota isn't meant for solo queuing, it actively punishes you for it.

Ar you amerikain spy, kamerad??

If I could quit I would have done it a year ago.

Doesn't matter, they should be queued up with Spanish-speaking regions because they're spics.

>being this much of a coward

Really? You can't quit a video game that makes you feel bad about yourself 50% of the time that you play it?

Granted, I still get the urge to install it again, but then I think about how a loss feels like a complete waste of an hour of my life, and how a win isn't always a fair win but a complete stomp, and then I want to win more and proceed to go on a 5 game losing streak, all the while trying to speak with someone that only replies in "stfu" or "cyka", and then I'm like, why even bother man? I'm glad I quit in favor of playing other games.

Not saying that Dota is a bad game, it's a great game, with innumerable combinations, builds and possibilities, but the community made me hate it a bit

Call them sexist and forward the response to Polygon and Kotaku

>cyrillic user
>retarded westerners think that cyrillic = russian
>mfw fluent in 4 languages
>mfw trolling same retarded westerners (and polaks) in Russian
>mfw they are incredibly salty when I outplay them

>mfw you get reported and go to LP

trolled hard

Russian server is located in Stockholm faggots

is this russian problem only an EU west thing? only get matched up with perus and pinoys at US west and east

EU east and west, yeah

East is somewhat understandable though

Silencer is great fun since you can go 'support' and end up snowballing into a carry

Step 1: Play game where teammates are crucial to success.
Step 2: Complain about teammates.
Step 3: lol

Why is LPQ more fun and exotic than regular games ?

Because people don't give a fuck.

>live closer to east servers bur not in a slavic shithole
True suffering