Press F to pay respects.
source: VGchartz
Press F to pay respects.
source: VGchartz
Who cares? Piss off.
just let Treyarch handle Call of Duty
1 Studio is enough. 1 Game every 2-3 years is enough
fucking merchants man they never change
No one wants to play infinity ward dogshit. Ghosts was an abomination
I think a lot of people are getting smart and not buying into activisions shit. People want the remaster of MW1 but don't want to buy the new COD for it.
I have a 12 inch dick.
Source: VGchartz
Has it really been a year? I remember playing the beta for Black Ops 3 and it was garbage but I don't remember the game actually coming out.
mite b cool
Wait until E3 you dumbfuck.
How do you top Infinite Warfare? Infinite+1?
Not him but it's vs the same time last year.
It did
It's okay-ish, but I don't recommend it
People are waiting to see if ps4k and x12 is a new system or not.
What's a good browser FPS? I like to snipe.
Don't think it'll do anything in the end, but if it does, pic related.
All reports have been that they play the same games.
> the COD bubble may finally be bursting
Thank Christ.
>Actually thinking these are the real preorder numbers
Probably they'll just go to Battlefield. This is all due to that yuutoob event when people got pissed off at CoD for some reason but liked Dattlefield 1
holy shit
CIA meme man
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
OP this info is inconsistent. That said, all signs are pointing towards another Ghost.
You just use 1/(2^x) warfare for x->infinity, which has the handy property of being open to sequals. 1/(3^x) warfare, 1/(4^x) warfare and so on.
FUCK OFF AND DIE NEO Sup Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>post yfw cod is finally kill
How old are you?
COD babby detected.
The reign of the two greatest tumours that FPS's have ever known - Halo and COD - are both finally benign. It's a day to celebrate friends, yes indeedy. Let's hope Kotick and Eric Hershberg or whatever the fuck both commit sudoku too to truly seal the deal.
Fuck you I like Halo
You are just proving you are underage with your strawman
of course you do neo Sup Forums. you were raised on shit and don't know any better.
lmao stay mad cod babby
>neo-Sup Forums kiddie redditor calls others neo/v/
Aw how cute :3, run along now
>Sup Forums neckbeard literally can't stop arguing on the internet
lmao keep going cod babby. wont stop your shit game from being ded at last :^)
>calls someone a neckbeard but also a cod babby
Sorry kid but you are the hipster neckbeard in the situation, also I haven't cared for CoD in a while just stating you type like a 15 year old redditor
>admits to being a butthurt cod babby
>being this desperate for the last word
lmao keep going son
i like this picture have anymore of this guy?
It's taken 8 years, but it's finally happening.
I havent seen cockmongler posted since my Sup Forums days back in 2006/7
I'll get the last word EA shill :)
you're supposed to buy the game when it comes out
Dont you follow totalbiscuit or other famous youtubers? They have tons of videos explaining why preorders is terrible for videogames
Noone should build a company off of it
here come dat ded meme
COD is kill and battlefield takes its place, there must always be a cancer pool
Black Ops 2 was the last decent one in the series. It needs to be put down like a crippled dog.
>post yfw CoD 2017 will be a ''return to the roots'' marketing bullshit and normies will flock to it again like flies to shit.
>source: VGchartz
I actually liked the COD trailer, I thought it looked pretty cool. This may be the death of COD but BF certainly is not going to take it's place, every BF since Bad Company has been absolutley shit and a cinematic trailer set to shitty dubstep White Stripes is not going to make this one magically good
>its a ''return to the roots''
>its cod4 and not cod 1/2
I have no face because when it happens I won't be phased
Do you really want a new cod 1/2 with how neo-cod is now?
It will probably be vs irl ISIS, too. Marketed as the 'grittiest and most realistic' COD to date. Maybe not next year because they've already got the next one planned and development has long been underway but probably the one after at the latest. Screencap this ish.
I'm not a call of duty fan, but does anyone else feel like all of this anti call of duty shit is some sort of ploy by EA? This shit makes no sense considering how well call of duty sells. The thing that made my alarms go off was the fact tat the new CoD trailer was the most hated ever while the new BF was the most liked ever. I honestly think EA is employing some subversive viral marketing to make BF look good.
uh oh. you just shat on neo Sup Forums's childhood.
You know what "benign tumor" is a slang for?
A dead patient.
Welcome your new Overlords for the next 10 years, TF2/MOBA hybrids.
Oh yeah? Tell me more retard.
shouldn´t have blasted the female character all over the marketing
at this point it is becoming pretty lame
I still don't understand why the cod kids hate this one so much.
>TFW battlefield will now be the most popular game and will he overrun by normies.
>TFW in just a few months, Sup Forums will start hating battlefield because it is now too popular.
>TFW happens and Sup Forums will become massive fans of CoD and start hating battlefield and the circle(jerk) of Sup Forums faggotry is now complete.
Damn this place.
Oh shit its already starting.
First step
Modern Battlefield is shit, too, you neo Sup Forumsaginal retard.
>tfw all the dudebros moved to PS
Lets be honest, it's not going to help gaming overall.
Plenty new tumors popped up to replace them.
>tfw maid brought coffee and I drank it and coffee makes me want to poop
>tfw have to take a shit but dont want to leave the bed
I think it might actually.
This gen FPS is undoubtedly a great improvement over last gen. Shadow Warrior, Wolf TNO, Doom 4, Dying Light etc. FPS is finally having some variety again, and we're returning to multiple weapons and non-regen health. Every FPS is not just 'we want the COD audience' now.
Nobody cares 2000s kid trash.
>like Halo
>like CoD
>like Quake
>like battlefield
>hate CS
>mfw all those shills spamming threads non-stop
Really hope this underperforms.