Can't git gud

Does anyone else find themselves unable to improve at something no matter how hard they try no matter how many hours they practice you just never get better? In single player games I don't notice as much how clumsy and uncoordinated I am, how bad my dexterity is, how slow my reaction time is, but in any competitive game I just can't get better no matter what I do, I'm a complete klutz irl as well.

I play shooters or league or MMO's with my friends and any real time elements of combat where things like reaction time, manual dexterity, and coordination matter more and I just notice that after a few hours of practice they get better, but I still suck and seem to never improve. It's really frustrating and sucks the fun out of games.

It kind of makes me want to kill myself because I'm also disabled, so I can't do fun things irl, and even in games I can't seem to ever git gud.


I always operate under a certain assumption

It takes approximately 10,000 hours of doing something to achieve proficiency at something, so until I reach that 10,000 hours, I won't give up if I find something too difficult. If after 10,000 hours I still find it terribly hard, I'll drop it at a moment's notice.

Of course, I have never spent 10,000 on a single game, but that's the point. Well before you hit that mark, you should reach a level of proficiency adequate for whatever challenge you're trying to overcome.

Literally ganbatte, OP

this is video games related.

In single player games maybe but in any player vs player environment, since it's relative, I can never outperform people consistently at all, while I watch my friends improve every time they play.

It's not like I can only play against other cripples who struggle with the fine motor skills and reaction timing as much as I do, I play against normal healthy people with better motor control and better reaction. They get better, I hit a wall. I feel frustrated because I know that wall exists for me and not for them.

well what do you want us to do about it? either keep trying or give up, those are your options

Play other games, ones that aren't hindered by whatever disability you have. I mean I know I wouldn't be playing competitive shooters if I missed a hand, and would instead focus on turn-based strategy or RPG games. Life's like a poker game, you have to make the most out of the hand you're dealt. Don't listen to that disney bullshit where you should climb mountains without an arm and a leg just because. There's dozens of hobbies and things to do between the 4 walls of your room, every closed door is another open.

I'm asking if anyone else struggles that much. I guess it'd help to not feel like I'm the only one who can't git gud for whatever reason.

It sounds like you need to get a life, and so do your friends,

Pretty sure I've hit 10k hours at videogames in general, maybe 10k in FPS even.
I still suck.

Stop being a whiny bitch.
Put your ass down and start practicing you flimsy faggot.
You think people were born with incredible abilities?
Fuck no, they sat down and practiced until they were good. and then they sat down again and practiced some more.
Stop posting dank memes on this shithole and go do something productive.

We're talking about practicing for hours and hours and hours at something while not improving, but a friend will improve steadily over the same period of time.

You aren't playing the right fucking games.

There isn't "gitting gud" at "Shooters or League".

You should get good at a real fucking competitive game. Like fucking fighting games.

Sup Forums drones on about how hardcore they are for beating a bunch of NPCs in Dark Souls or how they beat a really hard RNG JRPG, but let's be honest, Sup Forums. If you're so god damn hardcore how come you don't play the most hardcore and non-handholding genre of all time, the fighting game?

Then practice more.
You are looking at things the wrong way.
You see your friend getting better and say
>that's unfair, i should be getting better like he does
Yes it's unfair. That means that to get good like your friend you have to practice more than him.
Then do it.
Do you expect something else? There's no way around it. I'd like to give you a secret formula to git gud, but it doesn't exist. Sorry.

"The same period of time" is completely subjective.
1. You can say you both spent one month, but one played 5 hours a day while the other 1 or 2.
2. One could have just played the game without making a significant effort to improve, while the other always berated himself for losing, spent time analysing his mistakes and correcting them, watched his own games or others to understand better what he should do or documented himself online.

Saying "same amount of time" is useless to us as information and incorrect because no two people do the same things and we know nothing about you or that other guy and what you've tried.

cbf reading all that shit, aint got no time fo dat

you need to be comfortable, if it's an aiming with mouse thing, lower your sensitivity until its as low as you can POSSIBLY handle without being retarded to the point of not being able to spin around with a full swipe.

I will do the most simple shots in cs and get called a hacker simply because the other guy wants to comfy move his mouse around without violent movements like i have to do.

Morons like you are the reason I get so frustrated playing online games. So fuck you.

Sensitivity is a matter of personal taste. I've seen guys with 15-30cm have absolutely godlike aim that defeats any low sens

I got a bit upset when after 30 hours of Nuclear Throne I just couldn't improve. Finally gave up after 120 hours. Watching people who are actually decent made me realise there's some things that just aren't possible for me.

Well I mean even in a single night, we'll both pick a character we've never played before. Within 3-4 matches they have the basics down and are competent, and I'm still getting rekt every match and doing awful 6 hours straight later.

Like even a casual game like overwatch. Friends will pick up widowmaker and the first match or two they'll get rekt, after that they're getting dozens of headshot kills. after 6 hours straight of picking widowmaker on every defense map, I'm lucky if I get like 8 kills and have a positive KDR, and lucky if we win half the games we play no thanks to me.

I'm picking the same sniper nests that I see other widowmakers kill a lot of people from so it's not a map awareness issue, it's reaction time. Like an enemy hanzo or widowmaker will poke their head around a corner and take a shot at me, and I don't get my shot off until they're back around the corner. To get kills in a situation like that I have to basically guess when they'll pop out and get lucky.

Even a character I consider myself okay at, Junkrat, because he relies less on twitch and dexterity and reaction, and more on angling your shots strategically and good trap and mine placement, I'll get something like 20 kills a match, 3-4 deaths, and we win most games I'm defending with him, I have about a 70% win rate with him. But I've played him for about 20 hours, and it took me about 6 our so hours to get that comfortable with him.

A friend of mine finally played him since I was playing widowmaker.

He got 30 kills his first time, and talked about how easy he was to control. I felt shot down.

that friend is legally blind

Yeah I'm even worse at fighting games. The manual dexterity required to do all the special moves, cancels, combos, etc.. it's just beyond me. Luckily my friends don't play them so I don't feel pressure to play them just to play games with my friends.

I can't even consistently Shoryuken in an actual match. I'll do something like have nobody on player 2 and just practice the move over and over and over until my thumb was raw.. put me in an actual match, and I can't do it at all anymore.

Only "fighting game" I play is Smash Bros... with items, and I play Kirby.

I know your struggles family.

Here are some things to consider.

1. Are you fat and / or lazy? If you are unhealthy and unfit this definitely affects your reaction times, if you want to be competitive you should get fit. Not for bitches, not for gloating, but for vidya. You don't have to start lifting of course but some running at least is good for you.

2. Do you have a comfortable battlestation? Like someone else mentioned if it comes down to aiming there are some important considerations to make, most of all having enough space for a fucking huge mousepad and lowering your DPI / sensitivity to the point that you use the entire pad for aiming. A decent mouse that fits your preferred grip is good too (claw / palm etc). If you need to spam keystrokes then you want a mechanical / tactile keyboard. Are you seated comfortably? I don't know just how big this issue is but I currently use a shit tier chair that I believe is too low for my desk so my wrist ends up leaning hard against the desk and I feel like this fucks up my aiming skills. I've ordered a proper computer chair now and hopefully that will make things somewhat better.

3. Do you play for fucklong hours at a time without taking breaks? If so you gotta stop that shit. You'll only keep getting worse over the day if you don't take breaks and skip meals. This factors in to your reaction times and quick thinking.

4. Are you simply trying to git gud at something you've never played much? If so you just have to accept that it's going to take a really long time to reach a level that's comparable to people who have played the shit out of it since they were kids. I myself have avoided FPS games most of my life so trying to get into competitive FPS games now is seriously hard, but I still believe I'm making improvements in very small increments even if they're not obviously noticeable.

the other queues seem to move faster you dumb frogposter, just practice without "trying hard" at your own pace.

I'm a ranked smash player and I started off absolutely horrible. Practice as much as you can, look at what youre doing wrong, look at what youre doing well and then figure out how to do it even better, have a thirst to win, and play with people better than you who also have a thirst to win. You're not gonna get better without losing a thousand times first. Video games arent a natural fucking talent.