So I've been playing this for about 12 hours now and even though the combat is pretty trash in how repetitive it seems so far what really puzzles me is how they fucked up the music so bad. The game became infinitely more enjoyable once I turned it off. I wouldn't mind some music though, any mods that only play music during boss fights or something like that?
So I've been playing this for about 12 hours now and even though the combat is pretty trash in how repetitive it seems...
Seek professional help.
For your bad taste, not for the modding.
There's probably some dubstep mod out there for you user, don't worry
I can get over the combat is bad meme, but Witcher 3 and both the expansions have a god tier ost.
It isn't that the music is bad per say, it just repeats a lot and gets old after a while.
Whats the meme? The combat is a step above the Arkham games
I like the combat and don't really get why people keep saying it's bad. It has just become something people repeat, kind of like how memes are actually defined.
I'd enjoy the addition of a grab, kick or a move that comes after a dodge though.
>the music is so bad
>Arkham Combat
So you never use signs, roll or dodge, use bombs, items or crossbows, or vary your tactics at all for that matter?
It's extremely repetitive so far. Quen, mash fast attack and dodge when needed. Every enemy so far this works with. I'm on death march too, I was hoping there would be a need for potions and bombs outside of doing stuff slightly faster.
Nice bait.
You can shit in the combat, you can complain that the open world is bad and monster hunts are repetetive but one thing you can't complain about is the fucking music.
There are a lot of gadgets in the Arkham games that equate to signs and items in The Witcher. But like I said above there seems no need to use the bombs and oils outside of using them just to use themmt
>there are gadgets that equate to signs
lol, like what?
I really like the game, but at first I thought the combat was kind of floaty and a lot of button mashing
But then I turned up the difficulty a notch to blood and broken bones and started to treat each fight like a dance with its own rhythm and the combat actually became fun when I was dodging and attacking fluidly with different types of attacks instead of just button mashing and checking my way through each fight with quen
>he plays on sword and story
Smoke Pellet and Aard serve pretty much the same use. There is a combat upgrade that lets you take a hit and continue your combo like Quen can.
The music gets good when you get to skellige because it just straight up rips off and copies another better song.
I don't though, I'm on Death March.
The combat is only as good as you make it, unfortunately. You can use all the flashy signs and bombs you want, but Quen spam and basic oil usage is just as effective on top of being much simpler.
Batman has all those things or an equivalent, except signs.
I like the game but I hate the fucking auto combat stance system that enables when you get close to an enemy.
>be running towards a gap I need to jump over
>combat stance enables right before the cliff
>do a backstep instead of a long jump
>fall 10 feet to my death
I play on DM, never use Quen to make the enemies more dangerous and I constantly use potions, oils and bombs. Maybe on normal you don't need to use it
For how much people whine about this game's combat I expected it to be worse than TW2's which was hot garbage. TW3's combat would be fine if they brought the effectiveness of potions and oils back to what they were in TW1 and balanced the combat around it.
not true at all. Literally every enemy has a weakness and using the right signs, bombs and oils. A creature is weak to is way more effective than going around quening every time. Sure, you CAN, it just takes a lot fucking longer and is way more tedious and frustrating.
My character is level 52, I have all the grand master armor from the expansion, and I STILL get my shit wrecked by certain monsters if I don't fight them right. I find it hard to believe people play on Deathmarch + and have beaten the game only using quen. That's a load of shit.
*fighting a creature using what it's weak against
I'm tired
>no need to use the bombs and oils
>no need for 50% damage increase to target
>No need AoE damage, debuffs and disables
You'r either playing or easy peasy or you're real good at taking no damage in fights while you chip away
Depends on what you mean. Post 2.0 patch, songs take forever to start, if at all. Also the ambient music has been lowered in volume.
Go to the Skellige isles and tell me you don't enjoy that music
I had to be 64 to even start the DLC, the first group of enemies destroyed me at 52 and I had to go back, died in one hit on normal.
Im playing the DLC for the first time in NG+ however so im not sure what the difficulty increase is like but at the moment it's pretty spicy, the living statues kill me in two hits and the casters in 3 which is pretty brutal considering their magic is cast on top of you.
The 1v1 fights arent as bad because its infinitely easier to avoid damage, but against 5 pikemen and two casters im getting wooped
Honestly I can't understand how people can enjoy this game. It looks silly.
The armors look awful and out of place.
The way he uses his swords is ridiculous.
The animations look weightless.
The art direction in general is terrible.
The ost is good on itself, but has no timing or placement.
There is no atmosphere at all.
The characters are as souless as they can be.
The protagonist is cringy.
Suffers from the same problem most wrpgs do: Generic fantasy being as generic as it can be. No creativity whatsoever, looks like any other generic tolkien fantasy.
>Witcher 3 is hyped and loved.
>Play it.
>It's average. In all aspects.
>Friends or random anons on Sup Forums get super buttmad over my opinion.
I honestly hate Witcher serie a lot then i should due it's fanatical community that can't accept any critisism or dislike to their belowed relic.
>false statement
The armors looking awful is an opinion, being out of place is not.
The way he uses his sword is ridiculous. It looks like he's dancing, not fighting. He would get killed by any competent fighter in seconds. You might like it your ballerina swordsman, but you can't deny it's silly.
The animations are weightless. Everything is floaty, specially during cutscenes.
The rest is opinion.
haha holy shit dude get some taste
How did they make this shit look so good
>Combat is boring when I play it as boringly as possible
I wonder why
I think you made up your mind long before it ever came out or even showed gameplay.
You can always play generic jrpg #89430894 though, so no need to depressed
>implying generic jrpgs are any better
They just have different problems.
OP you got some shitty taste
>It looks like he's dancing, not fighting
These games were made with the books in mind, while canon Geralt isn't forced on players many conventions of his character are encouraged or applied to the Wild Hunt. It's commented in the book on a number of occasions that the Witchers, particularly Geralt fought with such speed and precision that it appeared as though they were dancing.
The visual appeal of combat improves with skill, parrying quickly and efficiently and ducking behind to and from enemies is satisfying and rewarding, just because you can still win playing sloppy on lower difficulties doesnt mean the combat has to look awkward
>The way he uses his sword is ridiculous. It looks like he's dancing, not fighting.
I never get why anyone would be so outspoken about a subject they know nothing about. With that I mean the reason Witchers fight like they do, which has also been elaborated about a million times in the games and the books.
If he's fast dancing, he would be even faster fighting properly. There's no excuse. Spinning and dealing a horizontal slash is no different than just doing a horizontal slash, except you don't waste your time, open yourself for attacks or telegraphs it so hard a blind potato could see it coming.
>b-but it's a videogame, not a book!
>books and videogames can't be canon!
[insert soulsborne shill here]
I hope you do understand that most people that played W1 and W2 were aware that the combat was not the strongest part of the game, but most people here still loved it for good reason and discussed the game without having shitposters that derails it.
Ofc people are going to be on the edge and defensive side when you have constant shitposting in Witcher 3 threads.
I honestly don't understand what happened to Sup Forums and witcher threads. It's constant fucking fighting about the game nowadays and you always have two game brought up constantly to compare it with. you know the ones I am talking about
>implying dark souls has no spinning
14 hours in and I still haven't even found Ciri.
How long is this game supposed to go?
also i pirated this game, but i'm going to buy it once it goes on sale. can the save files transfer? i'm on like the first version of the game.
Took me 150 hours to complete my 100% playthrough.
Sorry but souls games aren't even comparable with The Witcher. It's not fair.
The Witcher combat was always it weakest.
Souls always had excellent combat (since DeS) and pretty much focuses on this.
teach me more, oh wise sword master of Sup Forums at 4 in the morning
>americans think the time is the same all around the world
This why people make fun of you
Ok buddy, what time is it? 9-10 in Europe? or are you wasting your evening here instead of fucking Asian prostitutes?
Read the books, they go into great depth about combat. Basically however, Witchers aren't human, they turn into attacks for great force, breaking their opponents guard and delivering their killing blow with quick stabs and slices. The speed of the strikes is supposed to give opponents no chance to react making the Witcher appear as if he is dancing effortlessly in combat.
Wild hunt is an open world RPG and it needs to have some freedom to be a videgame. You dont want to force players to fight in a very particular way and you certainly cant make every fight a spectacular effortless display of inhuman ability. You get a variety of combat options, whether you decided to cheese it up or make the fight interesting is your choice.
>9-10 in Europe? or are you wasting your evening
you can't make this shit up
9-10 in the am in Europe, or the evening in eastern Asia. Learn to reading comprehension, or do they not teach context clues where you live?
this is the shittiest bait i've ever seen.
>Witcher combat will never be this good
>talking shit about americans
>posting an image of Chris Evans, the actor for Captain America
You homos will get upset about anything, can you not see we're getting upset and arguing about videogames for adults such as myself
Mfw an American and unknown origin man are arguing about time-zones in a thread for a Polish game
Sup Forums, bringing the world together since 2004
forgot pic
>Dettlaff transformation
Fuck me this is hard
Jesus Christ, user...
Well, on the other hand, i understand, that there in USA people have no music taste. It's not your typical ape music or some other pop trash.
>There is no atmosphere at all.
>The characters are as souless as they can be.
>Hasn't saved fyke isle from the pesta
>Hasn't seen the bloody baron
>Hasn't played hearts of stone
>Hasn't played blood and wine
>Hasn't wrecked Avallach's home with Ciri
>Hasn't gotten drunk with Eskel and Lambert
Geralt's apparent lack of emotion is pretty stripped away in many situations. He has a very dry sense of humor that isn't often around, he's not making bad jokes every other sentence but there are some great moments in the game that are a good laugh
See 4:30
>being out of place
Out of place? In a medieval folk-story inspired fantasy RPG?
You're probably one of those people who bash W3 for not having niggers in it:
>oh, ayo hol up nao. if its got harpies, why cant it have brothas too, dat be racist yo!
The normal music is good but gets kind of old. The Gwent music is GOAT
OP is fag
The armors don't look like armor. They look like costumes. Like the usual hauberk + breastplate is too simple, he needs to wear some retarded shit that doesn't give any extra protection at all or just doesn't make any sense.
It's like hollywood armor. Biker shit.
What I don't like is, the guards of the town scale with your level. So you can't go all out murdering a town like you do with Skyrim.
Ah, I see. You think that only plate armor qualifies as "armor" and everything else is just costumes. If you happen to find some time not to be an ignorant smartass, you can read about different types of armor.
Many types are not made of metal, but of leather and fabric only. Furthermore, historically leather armor has been a lot more common mainly because it allows greater range of motion than steel plating. As far as the latter is concerned, it was mostly worn by cavalry for the same very reason - it severely impedes mobility and despite all it's sturdiness it actually makes you a better target. You know, the actual point of cavalry was not only the height advantage a rider has. Generally, a horse and a rider both in full armor moving at 40 km/h are a fucking truck and by themselves mow down through infantry with their sheer weight and momentum.
Plus, a competently made studded leather could be extremely hard and durable, able to successfully stop most sword slashes and cuts. Thus, for many purposes it was just as effective as plate armor, while having said advantages.
On top of that, although named "armor" for game purposes, many armor sets in Witcher 3 are clearly not that. Take light armor for example - of course they're not meant to stop a blade or a blow from a bludgeoning weapon. They're light to allow prolonged fights, fast moves and striking without needlessly tiring the wearer. All of that is pretty much the epitomy of witcher combat, which depends on dodging enemy strikes and retaliating quickly, and not on absorbing powerful blows directly. And witchers have the quen sign for that, so they don't really need to dress up in 60 pounds of metal plates to fight.
Although Witcher 3 allows you to wear heavy armor, that is somewhat an inconsistency with the books and general logic of the witcher caste. Witchers are meant to be magic wielding assassins, which would mostly wear heavily enchanted light or medium armor.
the real answer is that plate was very expensive. That is also why it was worn mostly by cavalry because horses are expensive aswell.
>Studded leather
Didn't exist. You're looking at brigandine armor, the studs are rivets while the plates are hidden underneath cloth
>Leather armor
Either didn't exist or was incredibly uncommon. Lorica Musculata possibly had been made with leather for cheaper variants, but I don't know if there's any surviving examples of this armor in existence. I am unaware of leather being used for armor in the medieval period, especially on the period that the witcher's more realistic looking arms and armor are from
What was far more common as the average man's armor was gambeson, dozens of layers of linen cloth used as either padding for things like chain or plate armor, or just as armor by itself. Having tested cuts against gambeson with sharp swords I can tell you its fairly effective despite being just cloth, though I'd prefer some metal armor
That too, but I was referring to the post about Witcher 3 armors being "out of place" and not being armor at all.
I don't think witchers preffer medium/light over heavy plating just to save some cash.
Witchers generally prefer lighter armor because chances are the things they're fighting will fuck up a guy in plate just as well as a guy in gambeson. Why carry the extra weight and slow yourself down when the protection it offers isn't helpful?
The living statues quest is pretty fucking hard, I just did it and I'm 49 in NG and almost done with the DLC but the casters still kicked my ass, northern wind bombs are pretty helpful.
Who are you, a fucking autistic Syrio Forel? It's not real life, this is how the lore defined it so thats why it is that way.
Jeeeeeesus, dude, just calm fucking down. It's a game.
Combat is never presented realistically in entertainment, be it games, movies, books, because realistic combat looks dumb and uninteresting. People like to see fancy acrobatics, spinning around and waving swords all over the place because it looks cooler.
>says He played witcher
> doesnt underdtand why witchers use this Kind of fighting style
L O l
ok Ill bite
the music is one of the best things of the game you fucking autist and the wolven storm is a god tier song
there's many things you can criticize TW3 for the music really isn't one of them senpai
>There is no atmosphere at all
Why would even play this trash game? Story? Not even that good.
the different schools valued different tactics which were also reflected in their choices of armour, you did play this game with your eyes open correct?
Wearing plate as a Witcher is also far more nonsensical; Witchers are on the road almost constantly chasing contracts, armour is incredibly heavy it makes sense they would be highly selective. The Witcher also hunts monsters that can't be felled by normal men. Platemail, armour, chainmail are all designed to stop slashing and to a lesser extent piercing and stabbing blows from blades. Monsters and beasts are generally quite large in the Witcher, their blows crush and rend which if anything is accentuated by wearing plate, ignoring how much slower you'd be moving in response. Even in the game Geralt comments how platemail is useless against many of the enemies he faces, as he sees in the twisted victims he routinely inspects in the story.
If you want to comment on the applicability of the armour then you should look at the Witcher Gear alone, Even the Bear school armour has a number of weight reducing features evident on the model. Everything else is just freedom of choice in the game