Games people only cared about because they had one console/platform

>Games people only cared about because they had one console/platform

I went on several Nintendo forums back when this came out and everyone was so droned that this was a great game and that the online was better than fps games on pc/360/ps3.

I don't miss those days

You had to believe it was good

I remember believing that its graphics were on par with 360/PS3 games.

LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

has anyone been as far etc etc

hit me with the (you)'s gents


It wasn't bad

Looks like something that would be on a Nerf gun box.

what the fuck am I reading

Is the online dead now?

There's been a metric shit ton of exclusive shit that people have feigned interest in just because it was exclusive and then completely forgot about when it turned out to be shit.
Heavy Rain, Heavenly Sword, Red Steel, Kinect, PS Move, Playstation All-Star Battle whatever the fuck, every Fable past the first one, Sonic Lost World, Sunset Overdrive. I'm not even remembering half of the shit on the Wii and Wii U that people only only took notice of because it was exclusive. There's been a lot of dumb shit over the years.

all games that used nintendo wi-fi are kill

I still can't decipher that fucking post

>Red Steel

The first one maybe, but the 2nd game was actually good, and a better use of the Motion+ controller for swordplay than Skyward Sword was.

That's what they said, but Goldeneye is still up, bots and all

lel, I completely forgot about this

Am I being memed? This is seriously pissing me off. I feel like my brain is running into walls.

The GameCube didn't have GTA, so this game was close enough. Nintendo consoles, since the N64, were full of 'poor man's' versions of games.

How many newfags will read this for the first time?


Yeah, I actually liked the second one.

I picked the first one up at a thrift store and holy shit.



I thought this place was so memefag people had forgot.

I remember being so hyped for this game based on the simple fact that I only owned a GameCube and I would finally be able to experience the gta gameplay.
>mfw Chinese dragons

It's a conduit meme, I won't cal you newfag since I don't expect people to have full knowledge of every thread meme of the last decade.

Fable 1 sucked too don't let Peter Molyneux continue to hold your soul in his web of lies

>I don't expect people to have full knowledge of every thread meme of the last decade

Heh. Plebeian.

Hey fuck you buddy I had a GameCube and a PS2 and I still fucking loved this game for its nutty gunfu movie vibe. It legitimately has better combat and driving than GTA but it was a shittier open world game which was fine because it functioned just fine as a linear story with branching paths.

The problem is the statement is a rip from a Sup Forums meme, which spilled pretty hard into mainstream and a lot of people should know. People that legitimately don't recognize this are newfag as fuck

The PS2 had True Crime AND GTA, you shitter. The GameCube was absolutely worthless. It was the PC of 6th gen; a glorified multiplat box with exclusives no one cared about until they got ported to more popular platforms.


>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Who was defending the GameCube? I don't give a fuck, True Crime Streets of LA was fucking radical.

Apparently these guys:

So far, yeah. I'm sure there will be many more to come.

>Not defending the GameCube
How dare you?

If it was Sonic 1 I would have agreed

It's a pretty damn universal meme

I bet this guy bought half the games mentioned in this thread on release day.

The Gamecube was a train wreck of a console. It was worth owning for a handful of games but was still one of the biggest disappointments in Nintendo history only matched by the Wii U.

A lot of people do, actually. Back when it was out, people called it "a shitty kiddy console" and no one bought it, or its games. Then when the console was obsoleted, people said "you know what, the console had potential to be great, why did it fail?"

If your console is only great in retrospect, it has failed. Past achievements mean nothing, it's all about here and how. Who cares if no one talks about PS1 or PS2 games as much as N64 or GC games? The PS consoles dominated their era, and that's all that matters.

>Whats up fellow 4channers?

The glitches in this game made multiplayer so much more fun. Shooting rockets at the speed of a machine gun was great.


I'm still miffed how this was announced as an Xbox One and Windows 10 title, yet it's still XB exclusive.


I've been here too long

>On par with PS3/360 games
To be perfectly fair, when it came out it did look fairly comparable to some of the FPS games on those consoles. People tend to forget the first half generation had plenty of shitty, brown and bloom games, that have visually aged very poorly.

Picture related, Conduit on the Left, Haze PS3 on the right.

Conduit was a decent game, but as OP says it would have been mostly forgotten if it weren't on the Wii. Still I say it is unique because of the Wii controls, and would urge anyone looking for something different to give it a shot.

Also on subject, HAZE on the PS3. Bought it day 1 expecting Halo for PS3. Holy fuck was I wrong, stopped buying games out of hype then.

No, this game is great. Jet Set X Ratchet and Clank X Dead Rising. Underrated as fuck. Wish it would come to PC so other people could see how good it actually is.

Nah if this shit could actually come out on other platforms you'd never hear people stop talking about it. It's only gonna fade into obscurity because it's an exculsive


>How do we make Halo without Halo?

The halo "killer"

This entire series who the fuck cares

To be fair Killzone 2 and 3 were much better than any entry in the halo series.
Killzone 1 was irredeemable shit though.


I know it will never happen, but BB getting ported to PC will absolutely fucking BREAK Sup Forums. The site will be offline and frozen for an entire month.

Imagine a generation without Chrono Trigger

People would still care about it, but the insecure BB fanboys would shut up if it was multiplatform.

First game is generic shit.

Second game has a cool theme, shit gameplay, but the realistic feel of it is unique.

Third game has some cool looking areas, but it generally worse then the first game since it discarded the realistic feel of the guns for CoD gameplay. And the story and characters are fucking retarded.

SF has some unique ideas, but overall the game is just generic launch title material.

Boy that series had potential. Space Nazis really should sell itself, but it's clear they were always more concerned with graphics, over gameplay.

>To be fair Killzone 2 and 3 were much better than any entry in the halo series.
You've got to be trolling here.

When something has to call itself a killer, chances are it's not going to succeed.

Nice try Dracula.

It is not by my hand that I am once again given flesh.

Your words are as empty as your soul!

I still hope it comes to PC soon enough, it's the one Insomniac Game that's currently out that I do not own (aside from a handful of small mobile games they put out over the last couple of years, at least one of them doesn't exist anymore).

I think this one gets bounds points for just how transparent it was

Neither is FUZE. Speaking of, who owns Overstrike? EA or Insomniac?

Also, kind of funny how Edge of Nowhere is coming exclusively to Oculus, but not PSVR. And it's giving me heavy Crysostasis vibes.

This shows my age but okay




not even fucking baiting


I've been here for a decade

and nothing's changed since then except that I'm now alcoholic

I own FUSE on PS3 after having bought it recently for like, 10 bucks. I haven't even played it yet, the haunting reality is I will have to eventually.

Also I forgot about those Oculus Rift games. Shit, probably not gonna get a VR headset of any kind for a while, but when I do those will probably be the first VR games I play.

>the people who don't get the dank meme reference

Yeah, the later ones pick it up a bit but the original was pretty much just 'what if Lara Croft was a bloke'.


it was a pretty fun game though it defiantly could use an hd upgrade for sure. but i had a blast with the multiplayer...until the hacks started hitting hard.

You and me both pal.
Seeing newfags ask if they are being "memed" to this churns my stomach. Not the young man I used to be

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

>s-so what youre playing ff7 user.. at least you dont have THIS

Time flies when you're having fun what I am doing with my life?


My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is that when he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

Smash Bros with characters mostly from western developers...

it's well known meme, even kids should know it and nowadays we have memebase or what ever that wikipedia of memes was to look into to memes, it's just lazy ass stupid newfag kids who don't get stuff

Dunno why, but I loved it...

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I don't even mind that. It's fine, really.

It's the whole mentality of the site that changed. It used to be carefree. It was like the internet back then, it just parodied real life. We used to laugh at everything and everyone, that was the point. We weren't on any sides.

Now it's all so serious. Nobody is really joking anymore. Like there's a tragedy looming. Like the world is going to end soon because whatever. Feels like we're just one side of a conflict that's raging and destroying everything. Old Sup Forums would've just been in the middle laughing at it all. That was the point. We were just a bunch of lonely guys that liked anime and vidya and made fun of real life shit like it wasn't nothing. Now everybody here seems to have an agenda.
It feels like my life. Just growing old and watching everything around myself destroying itself. Nostalgia for the old and bitterness enveloping the future.

2d softness is all that is left



Shit taste. Sonic 1 is a great game.

Never gets old

It's newfaggotry. Literal underage children acting overly-hostile in a poor attempt to fit in. That's why you see every conceivable subject/topic in any thread instantly turned into an argument. Them vs. everybody else mentality. Any thread will devolve into personal attacks/assumptions, name calling, fallacious reasoning, petulant behavior, etc., etc.

I feel like I should type this up properly and save it as an image because I've probably posted something similar to this well over one-hundred times. The power went out for a second, coincidentally, as I was originally typing this post. It's so fucking EXHAUSTING. You cannot reason with children. They are right in every imaginable context and their infantile personal opinion carries more veracity than empiricism and academic merit.

Been here for nearly nine years and I hate that I'm stuck here forever. The past few years of Sup Forums have made me believe that some people should be killed for existing below a certain level of intelligence, or outright displaying willful ignorance.

I don't even have an opinion man

I'm just so tired. Even Sup Forums has become exhausting.

I, I think I need to go to sleep now.

Yeah, that should be good. Just sleep.

GC was okay, PS1/2 were amazing thought, but playstation also got shit ton of shit games because they were popular systems

well it's not amazing but still a very good game

it isn't complete shit, just way too much grinding

>Like the world is going to end soon because whatever.
for europe this is truely the sad truth, can't play vidya when Jamal bombs you

>Even Sup Forums has become exhausting.
imageboards are fucking exhausting, only non exhausting thing you can do here is look up for webm threads or porn and fuck off later you are done with them

imageboards hugely affected to my depression and I had to take break from this toxic and vile shit