Public state of emergence

This is not gamer food. Don't fall for this meme.

first - yes, it is.

second - have you had them frozen? Fuck a toaster, freeze that shit. It's like a billion times better.

Are they any good, was gonna buy some with my food stamps.

I was GOING to try those.

What's your offer

>orange soda
who besides the obese drink this?

you're mom lmao

Skinny fucks with ridiculous metabolism

They taste like dog pies.


That's exactly how I felt. Ran to the market at 3 in the morning because I knew that I would never buy them if I didn't go right then and there.

As they currently stand, this is the worst aftertaste of any food I've ever had. Initial taste isn't too bad, but I had to conversation with my neighbor while chewing to prevent myself from tasting that horrid, pungent sweetness. Literally the taste of laying one's tongue in sugar.

I am the neighbor the OP is talking about. I can tolerate the pink lemonade ones honestly, but I took on bit into the orange ones, rolled down the window of his car, and chucked that shit . And I LOVE orange soda. No I'm not Kel or a nigger . Am fat tho .

After taste isn't too bad cause I'm currently chasing it with a Rockstar.


i can imagine what that orange filling would taste like and it would be good toasted
ew i couldn't imagine eating that dough cold it's already pretty meh un-toasted

Didn't that replace his bloodstream by the end of the show?

I love anything that tastes like orange cream. I'm gonna have to try this.

Pure sugar.

One of the worst 'foods' you can eat right there.

>This is not gamer food.
Well of course not. It's not Dorito flavored or mt.dew flavored.

Reportin' in.

Poptarts are fucking terrible. They're always dry, regardless of toasting/freezing etc and there's always a massive amount of crust subpar filling and they make a mess. I'll go hungry before eating some of that shit.

Probably will try the toasting and the freezing that had been suggested. Thinking about microwave butter as well.

>all of these sudden health fanatics

Please I know all of you faggots are fat because you wouldn't get up off your ass if it was on fire.
Lazy queers.