Is Overwatch really that much better with a mouse?

Is Overwatch really that much better with a mouse?
I have it for PC and I have never used a mouse even once, and I mainly use characters like McCree and Genji, whom I hear all require a mouse for anything resembling skill.
I'm not the greatest at this game, but this game doesn't interest me enough to put more than a few hours a day into it anyway. But would I seriously improve a tremendous amount if I follow all the "PC Master Race" idiots and use a mouse? I use InputMapper and a Dual Shock 4, so if I really wanted to aim like I was using a mouse, I could just use the controller's built in touch pad(yes with input mapper the touch pad does in fact work exactly like a mouse would.) I'm more accurate using touch pads than standard computer mice anyway.

What do you say about this Sup Forums?

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Can you just go away?


Try pull this off with a controller. If you succeed, then you'll be absolutely fine on controller.


Use your brain moran

nerf this

Why does that need a keyboard at all?


Genji and McCree do NOT require proper aim...

It requires a mouse for swift and precise movement, you dense duck.

Technically it doesn't, and you can pull it off using controller if you have a gf to spare you an extra pair of hands.

Yes. There's some things you just can't do on a controller that require precision. Good luck playing on PC and succeeding with anyone other than Winston or Mercy. Your Widow will be vastly inferior to anyone that uses a mouse, and good luck hitting a competent Tracer.

If you're playing on console this is all irrelevant, but don't expect to take any console FPS seriously. Not even just aiming accurately, try moving well with Lucio without pinpoint mouse accuracy.


It doesn't look precise at all, the guy just timed his button presses. And like I said, if I really needed precision I can just use the touch pad

I play on PC, and I have absolutely never used Winston or Mercy


Go to gfycat and use /FormalGeneralIvorybilledwoodpecker

You can't do this on controller. Can't post links properly so just remove spaces

go for the combo

I'm a fucking spaz at FPS with a gamepad but that's just me.

r8 my extra dank gamepad gameplay video Sup Forumsfriends

ultra high console skill

mfw people enjoy playing fps on console!

or just map the jump button to left trigger/bumper and increase look sensitivity on Lucio

>the guy just timed his button presses


.... right.

well either way, if you're that confident why not try it out for yourself and be the judge of that. You have a controller, and i'm assuming you're typing on a keyboard right now.

Even if you do better right now with a controller or the touchpad your still better off with a mouse in the long run.

Get better with the mouse the skill cap is much higher.

you call a few hours a day not a interest? I wish i would a few hours a day to play video games

no wallrides/10

but 5/10 since it's console

>I'm more accurate using touch pads than standard computer mice anyway.

No, you're fucking not - it's literally impossible. You just haven't spent the 5 fucking seconds it would take you to get used to a mouse.

Gfycat doesn't let you post for some reason, gets picked up by spam filter. Good luck doing this on controller

Why do you need a mouse for that? He barely changes his view at all



That's beautiful. Is there a place Lucio wall-riders hang out and share secret tech?

5 ? Look at the atrocious aiming, it's like if everyone was drugged including the guy recording, you're too kind.
And even if you forgive him about his shitaim he's completely retarded : using lucio ult alone, missing gigantic environnemental kill opportunity and so on ...

Holy shit that is bad.

It seriously looks like new players.

blizzard literally stated there would be no console/PC crossplay because keyboard and mouse provides too much advantage over gamepad users

It takes a lot of precision, way harder than it looks. Those roof tiles push you off, you need to be really accurate to not be pushed off instantly, let alone jump and ride between them and land safely on the ground instead of slipping out the map. Here's a longer version so you can see.

What had crossplay at one point? Something Halo related? There were a couple articles on it.

>Genji not requiring proper aim.
Shit. I laughed.

That;s because a lot of console games have auto aim to appease new players. I avoid FPS games on console for that reason. If I'm not used to auto-aiming, how would not having it against people who also don't have it affect me?

in terms of shooters? not very many

the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are Shadowrun and UT3. there are a few other games with crossplay but they area non-shooter games in which kb+m and gamepad is more or less just a preference thing

Quake on Dreamcast had crossplay with PC

Reaper sounds tolerable in spanish

I suppose i was feeling a little generous.

let us not be too harsh on them now; we wouldn't like a peasant uprising do we?

That brings up a question I had. As a PC gamer myself, why is it we call consoles peasants, but every time a game comes out that isn't confirmed to get a PC release, tons of PC gamers flood any article or video relating to it to say "RELEASE THIS ON PC"
Final Fantasy XV is a good recent example. before Square essentially said they were bringing it to PC, only to be vague so people wouldn't do the smart thing and wait, everyone kept begging for a PC release. We get the best games as it is, why not just let them have their crappy JRPGs?

it's french.

>this slow turn speed
Why are you doing this to yourself? Consoles aren't meant for FPS games

not a clue, mate. I'm just following a trend what regular meme-sters do.
but in my own opinion, i think PC gamers sometimes want console games on PC because there could be some potential of it being the better version (graphics-wise, modding, online etc.)

It's a shooter, of course it is. You'd have to be a retard to not understand that.

But usually we get a half-assed port like Arkham Knight or any of the Dark Souls games. Mods are great, but are dependent on someone actually wanting to mod the game, so that's a potential bonus rather than a guarantee. I certainly didn't see any mods for the final fantasy games

Why on earth?

I'm not the author, It's a random console footage I've picked on a forum filled with pleb playing on console.

And yes, they all think ow or any other fps are better on console and can compete with keyboard/mouse.

The whole consoles and pc master race meme originated with this video.

I think if consoles didn't intentionally give them all a crutch with unremovable auto-aim, they might have a chance at getting good enough, but that will never happen, so we will never know

Weird because Yahtzee is in Australia, where the net speed is so shitty that he would never be able to actually enjoy any PC games to their full extent, which is my guess as to why he always hates on multiplayer....well that and the fact that no one could stand to be in the same room as him

>same room multiplayer
Sorry, that did died with lack of 007 sequel