Will you choose Windows 10 for DX12 , yes or no?


Will Windows 10 be future of gaming? If you want to get advantage of DX 12 you need Windows 10. Alternatively you could use Vulkan, but it will be long time before Vulkan is around in more games.

Let's have a poll on this strawpoll.me/10411295

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Only retards fall for the Dx12 meme.
Vulkan looks more promising.

No, not really. Only thing I like about vulkan api that it finally has the ability to easily incorporate overlays into the game without needing to fuck with vtables. Otherwise it's inferior performance wise.

Going back to 7. I don't like the direction they're going. Gonna stick with until it stops receiving updates and finally force myself to linux or even a mac if budget willing

>I'm willing to sacrifice my freedoms for some performance
>you should too, goyim he he he he

I'll be switching to linux before I get assimilated by the borg

>Otherwise it's inferior performance wise
But that's wrong.
Dota 2 can run with Vulkan and most people have performance boost on it.

>manchild daycare software is relevant to anything

>dota 2

We're talking about real games.

The dx12 meme is over. Even nvidia is getting behind vulkan

It's the first mainstream game to use it, fuck off.

>autism simulator

Only way I will ever use windows 10 is like this


Might make an install just for W10 exclusive games. Definitely not using that shit on a daily basis.

I'm already on Win10, see no reason of ever going back to 7.

Im using 10 and its pretty okay.

I need windows 10 do develop for the hololens that I bought so yeah . I don't recommend it but I think it's okay for tablets.

i will never switch off of win 7

Might build a rig for windows 10 gaming, keep my 7 for everything else. Won't ever plug the W10 computer to the internet though

what a bargain

That looks cool. So uh. ..what else can it do?

>Won't ever plug the W10 computer to the internet though
Enjoy playing outdated games full of bugs and crashes.

Windows 10 is already the most popular OS for Steam users


Try not to get left behind, grandpa

Maybe you should read my post and realize its for developing.
yeah it's not woeth it if you want to jack off to your anime girls.

>yeah it's not woeth it if you want to jack off to your anime girls

what else is there

There's nothing. It's a dev kit.

You convincer me.
Updating both my computer and my wife's son one

>most popular
>on par with Win 7 with only 1 % more

Stop lying.

yes, i have an AMD GPU, probably going to feel the boost, i hope.

oh nevermind there's little animals you can place anywhere. Maybe I'll make a program that puts anime girls on your desk or something

>Forced update you literally can't escape from that has caught many unaware and has now locked them to an OS they didn't want. Thus, creating an artificial fast growth
No shit sherlock


games haven't been good enough lately where i'd feel like i'd be missing out on future products

if i move from 7 and 8, it's not to 10
the ball is no longer in microsoft's court

I'm genuinely both disgusted and scared by what microsoft is doing. I don't understand why they haven't been sued yet, not even european union has done anything to fine them yet.

Too late, m8. The Microsoft = Borg meme has been a meme since the 90's for a reason, you've been a part of the collective for over 16 years.

Yeah, considering at home I don't use my pc for anything but games and web browser. DX12 will eventually overtake.

Even discounting DX12, I don't know why anyone would willingly move to 10. It's still buggy as fuck and has compatibility issues out the ass on everything.

>get new PC build months ago
>still on w7

As much as I wanted to use 10, strange force told me to install 7

>Was using Windows 8 during the beta, then windows 8.1 as soon as possible, then windows 10 during that beta and have been on 10 ever since.

>strange force
You mean Common Senseā„¢?

good goy

Won't let myself get cucked, so no. All the redditors ITT obviously already are on W10.

Nothing will ever entice me enough to install Win 10.

Most of the exclusive games on there are shitty console ports except for killer instinct

>da joos


>Bernie not Win ME

You had one fucking jeb.

implying Big Brother gives you any choice

>hurr durr autocomplete is stealing muh freedoms

>dat input lag

So is Obama Windows 8?

win 10 > win 7

No, I still play some old games and doesn't Win10 fuck up older games making them unplayable?

Eventually we will all have to convert one day, but it won't be for a while.

>Otherwise it's inferior performance wise
I require proofs.

Speaking about things out of ass.

I don't currently have plans to upgrade.
I've downgraded again two times do to many tings still being sub-par, and Microsoft don't seem to care about informing me of whether they're improving it or not.

derailing this thread

It has none of that.

Dx12 isn't even out. 5 pennies were deposited

I upgraded to windows 10
Then I uninstalled all the windows 10 shit and got a custom start menu to look like windows 7

Everything looks like Windows 7 but with DX12

Even the taskbar? Because that's my biggest gripe with 10.


Already did choose it. It's not worth it, the only good feature it has over 7 and 8.1 is support for UEFI Ultra Fast booting. 7 can't do UEFI quick boots at all and 8.1 only does Fast.

Just 1 hour ago I was kicked out of playing The Witcher by the undeferable June "Redstone" update, that did nothing of note except turn half the spying features back on and uninstall Speccy.

Only if Bush is XP.

why would I want an operating system full of spyware and advertising built into the UI?
I'll stick with 7 and vulcan

I stopped when I got this far because solid color is enough for me. But kinda.


Guys I got upgraded to windows 10. How do I get my classic theme back?

Functionality wise, I'd still like that line to go away, and for the blocks to be separated better, but that does at least look pretty decent.

No. I'm not going to be forced into anything.

I will probably install it when I do my next fresh install.

But otherwise it's just an OS. Who cares?

>yes has almost 50 votes

>Dota 2

now post me some AssCreed Unity running on Vulkan and giving a SIGNIFICANT performance boost.

Then im sold.

>muh asscreed is shit

Not the point, the game is demanding because it has the best open world graphics and 1000 AI.

The line is desktop peak, and the boxes is switching desktops. Great for when you're watching porn and your gf or roomate is trying to have a chat.

Win10 is a corporate meme.
If you absolutely must install it, do so on a second hard drive and never let it connect to the internet.

>the best open world graphic


On which kind of scale?

I want to play Killer Instinct, but dealing with Win10 just isn't worth it mang.

>getting exclusive games
>not just ignoring them completely so that you don't help fund more exclusive games that lock you further into the botnet

you're fucking retarded, I hope you realize that

It's actually remarkable that even with pushing windows 10 like they're trying to sell fucking crack cocaine, they STILL struggle to beat Win 7 marketshare.

And how many of the people who "upgraded" now fucking resent microsoft for forcing it on them?

Microsoft has no fucking clue how to do customer service, or hell, even make an operating system.

>or hell, even make an operating system.

I'd say they're pretty good with this part in general.

They just have no fucking taste, and they often lose sight of what is relevant to their audience.

I already have Win10. The spy boogeyman doesn't apply to me because eastern europe and I won't gimp myself because of tinfoil hat idiots.

It works better than 7 and that's all I care.

All you need to play Killer Instinct is a SNES or N64 emulator.

Good job Pajeet

>hillary not windows 8.0
you fucked up

The only issue I have with Windows 10 are internet problems, on Win 7 it's fine I just stay connected to my Wifi. On Win 10 is drops out sometimes or the DNS is not responding or there's something wrong with the adapter or some shit like that even though everything is fine.

Dx is dead in a year or 2. All commercial engines support vulkin and its not wasting cpu power like current apis converting code into machine

They're stopping free win10 soon so nobody will upgrade after that considering every other os are free