>Think I'm going to get fired because my diagnosed autism causes me to be extremely unsociable to my co-workers
What are some games to play to help me feel better?
>Think I'm going to get fired because my diagnosed autism causes me to be extremely unsociable to my co-workers
What are some games to play to help me feel better?
Why would they let you go for having an illness
Job Simulator
I'm not diagnosed with anything and I'm unsociable. Does that mean I have no excuse?
Animal Crossing
stop watching anime
Theme Hospital
If you have a pc play mini metro. it's a great way to waste 30 minutes at a time.
OP probably lives in Australia
I was cataloging the list of things Sup Forums was holding against me since I woke up today. It started with stop posting, then stop talking about video games, then stop buying video games, then kill yourself, stop existing, stop having a preference and now we are at stop watching anime.
Tales of Series
>Autistic and unsociable with coworkers
>Likelky to be let go
you get a billion autismbux in Australia, though
so if OP is really autistic he would probably earn more from Centrelink or whatever
No one here gives a shit about what you do
I want to hug you.
What do you play on, so I know what to suggest?
That's a stretch my du
>tfw go into work and say hi/bye to maybe 1 or 2 people if i end up passing by them and the say it first
>spend rest of the day with headphones in and no one bothers me because i can get my work done just fine
pretty nice honestly, small talk is the worst shit ever and i hate how people feel it's necessary
No, this is Patrick
Buy a firearm and give them a leaving present they'll never forget.
What are they going to do, fire you?
Why would op give his co-workers a gun?