"Oh yeah... that exists" Thread
"Oh yeah... that exists" Thread
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Naughty Bear
Would you believe me that I rented that from blockbuster?
I still remember the XPlay reviews, and all the preview shit they did
i would, bought the game retail barely 2 months after release for 3€. later lost my copy and shit.
from what i rememer,what i played of it was pretty fun.
the weird fake arcade game they made i remember being alright too.
that scifi run'n'gun game by dungeon siege devs, so forgettable
It's pretty fun
But this game was fun and the ost was great
I almost bought this the other day
our latest addition
If you have somebody to play with I totally would. It's a great party game like Smash or Mario Party, single player sucks ass though.
This is an amazing game actually.
Fantastic game. They need to remake it.
Make it like Overwatch, with tons of monsters to choose from, and a whole city capable of being thrown through.
i agree, it's just that people forget about videogames from the past generation.
this thread is to remind people of games that exist. in case they are looking to pick up something cheap.
Tbh i might've been among the best players in the world of a game for once, with how small the playerbase was
The knight was op though holy shit
Hexen II
Wasn't that supposed to compete with halo?
Actually pretty decent if you can look past the terrible story and Rad's design.
Rearmed's way better though.
What's better, that or Rearmed 2?
The ending song is the best thing about this game
I always see these being sold for fucking pennies at EBgames, should I pull the trigger and pick them up next time I have some pocket change or should I just not bother?
Reboot easily, Rearmed 2's the worst game in the series (but still pretty fun). GameBoy Bionic Commando is the best.
Is this real? I can't believe they could make a bomberman edgy. Tell me it's shopped.
You might as well, I've known a few people who actually liked them.
Good game.
Dark Void is fun for a few hours if you can get it for cheap.I would get that. Never played Haze though
Nope, real. It came out in 2006 or 2007. Was total garbage and failed in every regard.
Dark Void somehow manages to make a really fun premise into the most boring game imaginable.
I've been posting about this for years and me and about ~15 other people seem to have liked it.
Would love a sequel or even a reboot someday.
It's like making a Mario or Kirby game edgy. It makes no sense.
I honestly thought this was just some dream I had for a while until I looked it up.
I really liked Dark Void personally. One of the best OST's in gaming also (far better than the game itself to be sure, but it's still fun)
this seems pretty cool
Sup Forums talks enough about it, is on my backlog
They just don't make sexy female sidekicks like this any more. Looks so dated now, it's like seeing an R&B video from 15 years ago and the fashion just looks laughable.
I am Alive
It went from vapourware to a tiny downloadable title from the arcade
Very few launch titles ever gain traction.
Didn't help that it wasn't exactly a strong one both technically and gameplay wise.
who /firstcivgame/ here
let's try that again
I think most people simply chose to forget Unreal 2. But yeah, her tits were great.
This game is pretty underrated tbqh
sexy latex dominatrix female characters died with the ps2. except for japanese releases i guess.
The DSi download title for this was legit as fuck.
I remember the press talking so well about Fracture, how your weapons could change the environment and you could use it to your advantage. And then nothing. Was it that bad?
>Very few launch titles ever gain traction.
Speaking of which, Red Steel 2 is a cult favorite but literally no one gives a shit about the first.
fuckin 10/10 game that. shame no one played it
Is that fucking Damnation
I had this for the DS
They did a great job condensing civ into a console and keeping it suitable complex and fun. Doom stacks and how weird multiplayer gets towards the end (it will eventually bug out and basically be real time when you're fighting your final super tank wars) are a downer though
Red Steel 3 when? 1 had some great ideas but the tech wasn't quite there. 2 is literally the best single player FPS we've had since fucking Perfect Dark or some shit.
One of my favorite games.
Sure it lacks polish and the final boss fight is absolute ass but the ride and being the near only game with glaives made up for it.
Also surprisingly good spooky sections.
I loved this game. Was really cool and the ground transformation powers were novel as hell.
I never noticed how weird the face looks. What a bad angle, and the eyes are not symmetrical.
nah it's fucking darkwatch
Red steel was one of the few games I actually felt like I was playing a tech demo/sales pitch.
I fapped to the sex scene in this back in the day.
Thanks user, played it in my childhood and never finished it
It hurts user
Finally an MMO that's actually fun and then...
Turns out terrain deformation sounds really amazing on paper but is really fucking boring in practice. Same as realistic water physics, ray tracing, whatever. Accurate simulation does not equal fun gameplay
That was actually pretty fun and the file name is more accurate the people realize.
And then what?
I was pretty hyped for it but it died when I read how much of an empty fetch quest grind it was.
As someone who has never owned a single Yugioh product, I have always wondered what the fuck "falsebound" is supposed to mean. Anybody speak extravagantly broken engrish?
>Sup Forums will never play Blades Of Time so I can finally talk about it with someone
puberty was an easier time for jerkin off.
rip ryan
I got this game free on Steam from pre-ordering something else a few years ago. Played an hour and uninstalled, was so shitty.
not really that much of a grind desu
It just died out and had alot server issues when the free2play model was released.
Because of the almost complety dead fanbase I doubt it will stay alive for long, pretty depressing.
More like, fuck year that fuckin exists motherfucker
They get transported in a game
A falsely-bound destination
I don't know, blame japs.
Games fucking great though and emulates pretty well besides a few attacks which hit frames hard.
You do realise these kind of awful high-profile megabombs are actually memorable for the wrong reasons, right? People remember them.
This game was amazing.
is that game any good?
how is it compared to PAYNE?
WET wasn't a mega-bomb though. Just a sleeper.
Now fuse on the other hand
It's ok, combat was pretty shit though. Good music, story, and art, which is that devs schtick anyway.
Actually, I fucked that mass quote up, there's a bunch of mediocre-but-fondly-remembered titled there (Inversion, Fracture, Starcraft 64) in among the junk. Sorry.