So we all agree on this, right? Good.
So we all agree on this, right? Good
Why do people like Dragonslayer Armor, again? His moveset and design are boring as shit.
Why is ODK shit?
Why is SoC good?
Why are Abyss watchers that high?
This is a shit list.
Why are all the good fights dudes in armor ones? I thought people hated dudes in armor boss fights.
I agree
>People complained like whining bitches about how DS2 was full of human-like bosses
>god tier of DS3 are all human-like bosses
>all monters/gimick bosses are meh or below
wtf you guys want?
Move Cursed Tree to Bad tier.
Make a new tier for Yhorm called "Demon's Souls nostalgia tier."
Move Vordt to Meh.
Move Wolnir and Deacons to Bad.
Old Demon King isn't THAT awful, he can go up to Bad at least.
Humanoid bosses have always been the best in this entire series and anyone who says otherwise is absolutely fucking crazy.
NK is meh
Watchers is meh
It's so wrong that correcting it is too much work
I thought the last boss was so underwhelming for some reason.
because it can suck if theyre generic and badly done
Dark Souls 2 did them badly because they all were just boring, readable, and slow but Dark Souls 3 made them all unique and interesting.
Put Lorian in good tier, dancer and nameless king in god tier and the ashen judge in meh tier
DS2 did human bosses really badly. Hell it did beast bosses badly too, there just werent as many of them.
DS3 is the same except it does beast bosses badly and theres very few of them, but the human bosses are all really well done.
>Yhorm bad tier
He literally was a Zelda style boss . Easily shows how fucking horrible Nintendo has gotten at making zelda when dark souls does it better.
Also i forgot, the huge tree, deacons of the deep and crystal sage im shit tier
>ashen judge
Soul of Cinder is total trash. Literally a glorified NPC phantom with a rehashed gwyn second phase. Retards give it a free pass because "MUH FEELS!!!".
Abyss Watchers are a shitty mob boss during the first phase and a less interesting Maria during the second.
Pontiff and Princes are decent fights but both of them are far too easy.
Pretty much all of those meh-tier bosses belong in shit tier or bad.
DaS3 was fucking garbage for bosses.
I don't remenber his name
>fight against camera
if you're a deep caster build, swap Soul of Cinder with Crystal Sage and then swap Champion with Aldrich.
Dark Souls 3 has by far the worst human bosses out of any other games in the series, and coupled with the horribly dumbed down combat and stamina mechanics results in a simply awful game.
Dark Souls 3 bosses and general enemies are the equivalents of summer blockbuster popcorn movies, lots of cool flashy buildups, large glowing weapons with special attacks, fast attacks flying everywhere, but the actual game mechanics and core of the game is awfully shallow and lacking.
>fighting the camera
How to spot a noob
>Dark Souls 3 has by far the worst human bosses out of any other games in the series
But Dark Souls exists
>fight nameless king
>dragon is about to do fire attack
>run away like a madman
>run into invisible wall all the time not noticing
not camera, but don't act like the game hasn't problems you e-peen loving cocksucker
>Not Good tier
Oceiros is like a really shitty Firesage Demon. Just like against Firesage, you hug his ass and attack until he's dead and pray you or him don't get stuck on the terribly designed glitchy boss arena.
>shitty bloodborne reject
Have fun misjudging distance and getting hit by NK when he's off screen
Oceiros is babbys first Ludwig, just reversed.
First Oceiros is standing, then he is crawling, but ludwig is first crawling, then standing.
Lack of spatial awareness is a personal problem.
>why doesn't the boss arena extend infinitely in all directions so I can always run
Why is Old Demon King so low? It's a pretty fun fight.
>justifying bad game design
only with soulsbabbies