Is this correct?
Is this correct?
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counter to McCree
black icons are what characters can counter, or what characters can counter it?
The latter.
Genji doesn't counter McCree, all you need to do is flashbang his feet
Torbjorn is also too situational to be proper counter
>Countered by Lucio
The best he can do is run away. McCree has no hard counters, and Mei's only hard counter is McCree
>be lucio
>mei starts freezing me
>hit alt fire
>skate away
Neither Genji nor Torbs counter him
Remove S76, add Genji
add Genji
remove tracer, she dies way to easily to scatter arrow
add Junkrat
add everyone but Winston
add Reaper
add Widowmaker
add Genji and Tracer
seriously, no widowmaker? he 1 body shots him
how the shit is Roadhog a Pharrah counter
I mean I know he can hook her, but that shit should not be happening if you're a good Pharrah
>mccree gets countered by genji
whut inb4 muh epic reflection
Fuck no, Reinhardt's biggest counter is fucking Mei
>anyone countering roadhog
>D.Va, the character in most need of a buff
>The least amount of counters
Anyone who's not Winston can easily take on
>not countered by Zenyatta
I sense a pattern, friend
She's not dead in the end of that
So just abandon your team on the point and let her kill them? Sounds like a solid hard counter to me
Might be his speed amp to save people from meis freeze. Its what I do as lucio when i see her throwing her ult or freezing someone
Winston counters Rein, his gun goes through his shield
The idea of counters is silly because it's entirely team specific.
Case in point: I just had a game earlier on defense where my entire team when Torbjorn.
Apparently it should have been easy as shit for the enemy team since they could just send Mei (???), Genji, D.Va or Reaper out to kill us all.
What happens in practice is PuGs don't have that much co-ordination so their Pharah's all got shot out of the skies, their Genji's and Reapers all got killed long before they could get in position and no-one else managed to do a thing.
Crossfires and defensive chokepoints meant it was literally the easiest game ever, they didn't even get close to the first point.
>The idea of counters is silly because it's entirely team specific.
nope the game is all about counter picking.
Genji rekt Bastion all over the fucking place and McCree fuck Genji right in the ass
Can't you just Reinhardt her?
takes 5 minutes to kill him though, a few swing from his hammer and your dead.
That's PUGs for you. Anything involving teamwork goes right out of the window if your team is assembled randomly.
If you get Reinhardt to take down his shield with any teammates nearby you've already won
>Genji and Mcree are both countered by Zarya because her lazor beams go through genji's reflect making him a shitty tracer with more mobility. Her shields also nullify the effect of Mcree's flashbang
>Reinhardt is not countered by Zenyatta, since his orb does not multiply damage dealt to his sheild
>Tracer is countered by D.Va, since tracer has to get into D.Va's effective range to deal damage, and D.Va's high armor reduces each tick of damage from Tracer's SMGs by 5 points which drastically reduces the damage D.Va takes
>Tracer is countered by torb, because 100% accuracy hitscan turrets
Other than that the list is O.K
Sure, if the reinhard is alone. which he 99% of the isnt since his role is guarding people.
Main reason I'm posting here is seeing Bastion only countering Zarya apparently, even though Bastion is a solid anti-tank character because you don't stick him in the open and when the enemy advances you put immense pressure on a tank to either buckle (shield breaking) waste them outright. They do a lot of damage and then usually die to anyone who specialises in dealing damage, so they're good mainly against high health targets on their own.
According to Blizzard, Ace Retards in game design.
The only thing they haven't done is make a hilarious call like Sakurai saying normal Samus in SSB4 is OP when she's positively one of the worst.
Good thing Winston outranges Rein and has an escape.
The point is Winston can shoot through his shield while being shielded himself AND hit anyone else behind Rein.
Also a good Winston can't be killed just by keeping his ult saved to turn any fight.
Add Pharah to Junkrats counters. Unless you're a pipe god you can't really do anything to her.
>he thinks it knocks her back far enough
nice delusion there user
Well if youre bringing ults into it if a winston starts zapping with rein having his ult ready too, all he has to is press Q no ult for you and the teammates next to you are wiped too.
Other than that you can scare a winston real fast by charging into him which either he will die or leap away somewhere else.
>Not: Everyone
This list is fucking awful and you don't even have to look any further than the fact that the dumb redditor that made it thinks that every class has the same amount of counters which anyone who has played the game for even 5 minutes would know is not true.
>Not countered by literally everything
>Least of all fucking Torb c'mon man
I'm so glad McCree is OP, he's cool as fuck.
thank god some shit tier character like DVa isn't the OP hero
>all those bastion counters
buffs when
theyre getting nerfed and buffed soon, respectively.
Hope youre ready for mcree to be shit tier and Dva to be every-fucking-game tier.
Zarya doesn't counter Zen. She's annoying, but no more than Rein shield, and Zen can be in the back most of the time. Zen ult also negates Zarya ult more than the other way. Tanks don't counter Zen, period.
Except for the bit where Winston doesn't work with teammates. So you're ulting to get a guy who just got 1000 HP and will definitely outlast your ult before escaping.
Winston still has a strong edge.
>he thinks Mcree is OP
How are you enjoying your first day playing Overwatch user?
Rein's biggest problem is having that charge, because it does not sync up with his kit at all. He's too easy to kill while he's charging in a large area and he usually winds up surrounding himself with enemies far away from allies.
If it wasn't ridiculously high damage it would never be used.
>Ever doubting the glorious man that is Reinhardt
>McCree counter
Look, I've reflected High Noon as well, but Genji gets fucking destroyed by any McCree that knows how to press left shift and click the right mouse button.
This guy gets it. Even after they nerf his right click it's still going to be true. Fucking McCree is going to make me drop this game.
>Mei counters Genji
>she's freezin'
Hit shift
>she's wallin'
Hold space
>she's sniping
Throw stars
The only way Mei counters Genji is in edge cases. If she's losing, but only slightly, she can iceblock and come out on top. Also, if they both pop their ults hers beats out his. But if the genji is on his game, he can reflect her ult, so it's not a 100% beat.
Genji can't reflect mei's freeze beam.
He can reflect her ult though.
Good work, 5% of the time he doesn't get fucked, provided he's close enough to reflect her throw.
>hanzo counters genji
in ever situation? nah, a good genji is as annoying and zippy as a good tracer, gl shooting him hanzo
>roadhog counters pharah
with what? because of his hookline? sure
>reinhardt counters 76
>roadhog counters tracer
again, how, because of his hookline? roadhogs are the perfect ult builders for a tracer, he hardly counters her, hw's he going to hook her with her blinking everywhere
>lucio counters reaper
m8... what's he going to do?
>no tracer under bastions counters
get gud
>zaryas icon isnt pink
no user its not correct, not at all
being mei against a genji is the greatest thing, he can do fuck all against her
>Genji countered by Hanzo
Isn't it literally the opposite? I usually run at Hanzo's, get some star damage, and E in their face to kill.
>>lucio counters reaper
>m8... what's he going to do?
Boop him away whe he starts ult to save the team
>that reinhardt
Who the fuck made this piece of shit? The only thing right in that is McCree, but he only counters Reinhardt by virtue of being fucking OP, not because he's meant to counter him.
>no snipers as a counter for
>not mei or a sniper as a counter for mercy
>no snipers under zenyatta as they can literaly bodyshot him
>lucio as a mei counter, as if he's going to be able to run away
who makes these lists and why to they think its ok to be wrong
just because you can interupt an ult once in a blue moon doesnt make you a certified 100% counter son
>Genji can't reflect mei's freeze beam.
Yeah, you press shift and move out of range. Then take her down fast with stars.
I literally typed that already, perhaps you're just slow:
>>she's freezin'
>Hit shift
Do you really think she's going to catch up to you with your wall climb and double jumps? If you can't consistently hit that slow fatass while you jump around her like a ninja, you shouldn't be playing Genji against anyone.
His ult nullifies his ult too.
>snipers countering
>add everyone but Winston
So far Winston is one of the only characters I am consistently losing to as D.Va because her shields can't block his tesla cannon. The only thing I can do is try to boost away or hope he's low enough health that I can take him out before he does enough damage to me to destroy my mech. Same with Reimhardt because his primary attack is a hammer. Pretty much everybody else I can just put up the shields, wait for them to blow their alt/have to reload, then I boost in and kill them.
Holy shit, I just realized that Widowmaker isn't under Zenyatta because I just assumed she was there.
This list is retarded.
to call something a counter though implies if you pitted them against eachother, both good at their respective characters, the "counter" would come out on top, being able to negate an ult is an nul point because then you could just say mcree could stun him. in a 1v1 lucio cant do much
m8 then you must be not a braindead enji because nearly all the ones iv seen get frozen and headshotted, every tim
d.vas headhsot hitbox is hueg beats Winston pretty consistantly if they're both at full health. They have the same HP, but has armor so she effectively has more HP. Her guns also deal more damage than Winston, while not consistant, and they can get headshots for even more damage. Winston's only chance is to put down his shield and try to constantly go between being in the shield and outside of it so can't keep up, or hope she's really bad at aiming. Even if he does manage to get the upper hand on you, you still have a good 2 seconds to finish him off with your pistol once you get ejected out.
>Not countered by toilets
>Mercy Counters
>Not all other 21 heroes including other Mercys
I'm sorry, are you saying a Mercy is stronger against people other than Genji, Reaper, WM, and Winston?
>No Winston or WM as coutners
You've literally never played this game before, have you?
>d.vas headhsot hitbox is hueg
Doesn't matter. You just boost and matrix to the widowmaker/hanzo and kill them from close distance. If they run away, you can just boost after them.
>Implying you can't farm mcccree with MY TURRETS
Mercy is easiest to take out with those heroes is the point I think.
I play Lucio and I go out of my way to kill her because nobody else will but I would have a much easier time doing it as one of those 'counters'
>has counters
I dunno about Winston against Zen, Winston's hitboxes are so huge it's easy to get headshots on him, plus the orb of discord increasing the damage means insane damage output against him.
He eats through most of the tanks because of that. It's pretty much the only group of characters he's really really effective against.
Whoever made this as no idea how works...
Tracer shits on Winston, Mei and Roadhog, you just need to dodge the hook for roadhog, keep a distance of Mei's freeze and focus down Winston, using recall to heal once
McCree is easy too, you just dash as soon as you see him to dodge the predictable stun, only tricky part is he can get lucky with right click shots
are you saying dva can boost across route 66?
or up to that little room in kings row from the statue?
because i really think you're exadurating the distance traveled and also its cooldown if you think you can chase someone down with it.
plus at that point you're being a shitter for not being with your team and helping negate damage
>Neither Genji nor Torbs counter him
Play with better people
If you can't kill any dude with any hero you're shit at this casualshit game, like most people are.
Tickrate lag shenanigans cause me to sometimes get stunned as I'm going through the dash. It wouldn't be so much of a problem since I get stunned away from where he's looking, but again he only needs to hit like 2 of his fan shots to get the kill.
The others though, I agree. I destroy Roadhogs and Winstons as Tracer, as long as I don't get hooked.
What if they just removed the flashbang.
>I dunno about Winston against Zen,
Zeny's strength is in long range sniperlike shooting. Winston is the counter for that, he leaps into Zeny's face, drops his bubble and Zaps him dead in seconds.
Sure, if the Zeny is a good shot and the Winston didn't land close enough then the battle wont go the way it's supposed to. But if you assume they're of similar skill, the Zeny loses the DPS race against an opponent that specifically negates Zeny's advantage (long range target picking).
>widow is taking pot shots at me
>boost past enemy team and kill widow
>enemy team push and take objective
other snipers can counter widow
or if you're this guy counters widow maker because she can boost :^)
>if you can't kill Reinhardt with Mercy you're shit at this casualshit game, like most people are
this was bait and I fell for it, hook line and sinker
Playing Mei is just being a bully to the enemy genji
also to reflect her ultimate you have to do it precisely in front of her
>are you saying dva can boost across route 66?
Depends on which part you're talking about.
>or up to that little room in kings row from the statue?
Yes, just tested. You can easily reach it.
>its cooldown if you think you can chase someone down with it.
5s cooldown. Chasing after people is not hard as
>plus at that point you're being a shitter for not being with your team and helping negate damage
That's not how you play
>walk around a corner
>random arrow hits me
>instant death
>shitty character then gets rewarded with the ability to random an arrow through walls and kill entire teams
Hanzo has to be the most brain-dead character in the game. Such a shit character.
Why doesn't Symmetra counter Reinhart when that's probably the single character in the whole game that's she'll ever hit (on purpose) with her stupid mooninite bullet?
>widow is shooting at my teammates
>stay back and shoot barely dealing any damage because of hte distance while the widowmaker snipes our supports and squishies
this is more accurate
same goes for widowmaker the only counter to a GOOD widowmaker is a BETTER widowmaker.
Not him but implying you'd be able to chase down the enemy sniper, in reality you'd use one boost and then get burnt down by a competent team before the 5 second cd has even finished.
genji counter hanzo not the other way around
It's still pretty close, unless I'm wrong Zen should do 135 per orb if he's hitting headshots with the orb of discord, and he can put out close to 3 of those in a second. It's possible for Winston to win if he lands on top of Zen with the initial jump, but it's such a close call it's hard for me to say he's really a good counter. I think the characters who can pump out super fast damage on him are better counters, like with Reaper and Tracer.
>Playing Mei is just being a bully to the enemy genji
If the enemy Genji is garbage.
I kill the frosty fatass all the time as Genji. Just keep outside her spray range. Which the game has given Genji every tool in which to do so except a jetpack.
There's plenty of other characters that can't run from Mei once she's ambushed them. But many of those characters have easy damage they can hit her with.
Notable exceptions are like Zenyatta. He can't escape her frost unless he out DPSes her which is difficult because she can wall and block. With his little HP bar, and no "press e, receive kill" button, he's fucked. For fun, lets check the OP and see if Mei is listed as a strong counter to Zeny, which she should be because he's fucked in any ambush from her. beats winston handidly in a straight-up DPS race, her armor means that winstons gun barely touches her. Winstons mobility is higher though especially when shooting so he shouldn't have to take that encounter
Reinhardt is going to hammer Symmetra away faster than she can beam him to death, even if she has a level 3 beam already built up. The only thing she's going to do as far as countering him is force him to drop his shield and fight back, which will hopefully either cause him to die from your team shooting him, or everyone else behind him to die from your team shooting him.
>All these retarded opinions by shitters who think they know how to play.
>with her stupid mooninite bullet?
Oh god it's true.
You'd expect that something that takes so long to charge, creates such a large projectile, and travels so slow, would actually do damage when it hits.
on route 66 from the bottom of the first petrol station all the way to the top right of the first gate, where widows usualy stand.
little room in 66, from the statue, she cant reach it, she falls before getting there, you must be going to the wrong room or you are too far away from the statue.
the point of me mentioning the cooldon, you've just used it to get to a widowmaker, well done, the widowmaker jumps down from ehr ledge, you chase and drop down too, she zips up somwhere else and your boost is on cd still... are you really going to play cat and mouse with her? no you're not, so your point is null
>thats not how you play
lol m8 neither is chasing down snipers, you're most usueful being with your team and blocking ults and the like, or being annoying and poking their supports, i dont main but i reckon id be a better than you