Best map theme?

Best map theme?

>dat Watchpoint Gibraltar music

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Temple of allahu


>not a map in the moon

Pls explain


>people like chokepoint maps
Just give me tdm

it'll be released when Athena comes out.

Why is it that both American maps managed to be the 2 worst maps in the game?

>Route 66


That's a valid point.

Where's the moon map? I want to fight on the moon.

Literally the worst map.
Hollywood is where it's at.

It's and Hollywood are a clusterfuck. Route 66 especially with that retarded sniper hallway of a last point.

Route 66 is the best payload map.
Volskaya Industries is best capture point map.
King's Row is best hybrid.
Ilios is best king of the hill map.

Egypt is the worst map.

>not the Egyptian map

Gorillas took over the Horizon Lunar Colony and killed all the humans that experimented on them. Would probably be a neat map if they can work in the low gravity too

I think we can all agree hanamura is just miserable for attackers and boring for defenders.

This. It has the most ridiculous bottlenecks and is always a stomp for either side because of it.

No map is worse than the Great Japanese Wall. The impenetrable pillars off Anubis atleast has the two side rooms.


That's exactly why R66 is so good. So many angles to perch from.

Worst hero. Fucking useless.


I feel like the most obvious edit of this should be to keep it lex in the limo but make the background hollywood.

>can't tank
>no range
>no E skill
>ultimate is just a slow melee chimp out

Yes. "Winston useless".

he's meant to disrupt enemies.
his ult is really good at that.
he's also good at picking off some enemies then jump out to safety

>no E skill
Sorry, meant no secondary fire.

Reinhardt disrupts. He can stun and disable as well as actually tank. He even has a decent projectile attack. Winston does nothing... but at least he also has less HP and does less damage in addition to being the worst ""tank"" in the game.

The guy in the limo in Hollywood is supposed to be an omnic, though.

Winston can get in your face faster than any other character in the game.

thats not genji you cuck

Reinhardt can't jump into the enemies backline and kill off their healers and snipers and force the entire enemy team to focus him or fail.

Once reinhardt drops his shield, if he doesn't have a healslut working his shaft he may as well accept death. Winston can jump in, throw down his shield and starting dancing in and out of it, fucking with enemies which is far better for disruption.

Ohh wow i literally just saved 3 games in a row with winston... You really just need to git gud user

You can't save a game dipshit, we don't have replays.

>He says to the most used tank in competitive now and the only hero you're actually recommended to double up on

>a healslut working his shaft

Could you please not be so vulgar?

Oh boy, here we go.

I literally ignore him and fuck up his mates tßh

>God Tier
Route 66

>Good Tier
King's Row
Volskaya Industries

>Okay Tier
Lijiang Tower

>Shit Tier
Temple of Anubis

Best theme is obviously Round Overtime theme regardless of map
>dat tension