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but gameplays coming the 13th, what?

that head/helmet looks fucking funny with all that shit around it

>power armor for my power armor

Well 40k universe is supposed to be funny and retarded, it's just that autists take it seriously.


im not sure if i want it now

Give me gameplay video or give me sage

>Grey Knights


agree, fuck that gay mecha shit they have going on

They've always had mech shit, they just didn't have monstrous creature sized mechs

If there is anything to complain about its the fact that it only had 3 fucking races.


Its fan art dumb ass

it looks like shit, dawn of war 2 looked better seven years ago lmao

hat dlc?

You mean Sororitas' scalp?

Did that get confirm somewhere? First Ive heard of it

>always had mech shit

no user, it's not about mechs. its about power armor that goes over your normal power armor.

and that is just slightly more heretical than coating your armor in pious fluids generously donated by the local Soroitas convent

>We want appeal to both the DoW1 and DoW2 audience, also the casual audience
>Possibly the most divisive couple of fanbases for a single series

I don't think they are going to be able to marry both the games gracefully but I hope I am wrong

they had a livestream

Oh cool. Thanks for the heads up


No, user. Titans are from Battletech.
Heck, they even had an exact copy of Battletech with a specialist game called Adeptus Titanicus.

That thing ended up becoming Epic, by the way.

Needless to say, the franchise owns a great deal to "Battletech shit".

>Mech for my mech
>pic related

Battletech ripped off Macross and other Japanese mecha in their designs

They're very clearly going for DOW 1. THe only stuff from DOW 2 is the loot and exp system for the single player

>Battletech ripped off Macross and other Japanese mecha in their designs

It was actually a misunderstanding in licensing.
Besides, Battletech and Macross couldn't be more apart.

One is a pop-icon promotion with transformable toys and songs, the other is a Dune-esque space opera (but yeah, Clans are totally the Zentradi).

Which means no more fast always-on-the-edge gameplay from 2.

>DoW 3 confirmed
>developed by Relic
How come this is the first time I heard of this?

Because you're a fag who gets his news solely from Sup Forums and doesn't check a single news site

The whole 'royal mech house' thing is ripped straight out of Battletech

The hero units thing is very DoW2

Not sure if i want the game anymore

>frequently reading "gaming news"

You're in no position to call someone a faggot.

Hero units? Those were in DOW 1, dude.

Gray Knights is the most boring faction, moore vanilla than fucking ultramarines, with the ugliest fucking pain scheme and uninspired lore. Only min max faggots ever fucking played them when they where the flavour of the month


>Doesn't know the good sites that only post press releases and no opinion pieces or ads

You're the fag here

>The hero units thing is very DoW2
Nigger what?

But it was all over Sup Forums when it was announced for like a week.

I stopped checking news sites about a year ago when i fully realized that gaming is pretty much dead, with only 1-2 games worthy of some attention coming out every year

share your pages user please
be a good person for me

>might be a hybrid of the best elements from DoW 2

>pushing shitty units like the wraithknight and imperial knights just because GW wants to advertise those models

Overall I'm looking forward to it. Here's hoping it gets the Dawn of War 1 treatment in regards to expansions. DoW 2 was disappointing in that regard.


>baby carrier on the front cover
Poor effort

I'm guessing he's talking about the RPG skill trees and multiples of more prominent single characters in the campaign.

DoW 1 had army leaders with maybe a sidekick but that was about it.

>doesn't recognize this old as fuck fan art

You're so new

>they just didn't have monstrous creature sized mechs
Are we talking about Dawn of War?
beacause what about the Defiler and the Cybort?
Am I retared?
I didnt even mention everything.
only 3 races sucks so hard that i will probably go out and buy DoW 2 insted of this game.

When they say cannon fodder and "star units", what do they mean?

Will be the gameplay like this one map from Warcraft 3 that name escapes me, where you build buildings that spawn uncontrollable forces that march toward enemy and create a battle line and your controllable units are all around superior but few?

>gone back to the fucking DoW1 cover system
>no more directional cover, you just drop your squads in big circles to receive defense bonus

Is a proper cover system too much micromanagement for DoW1 babies?

A Space Marine INSIDE a Space Marine?
It would look way less stupid if it had some sort of armor or protection in front of the pilot

>>pushing shitty units like the wraithknight and imperial knights just because GW wants to advertise those models

Just you wait for the culture shock for all the vidya people once they add in Tau and they turn out to be actual Tau.
As in, an elite faction with Riptides forming the baseline and a Stormsurge as their wraithknight equivalent for heavy caliber.

Go back to your COH clone then. I bet you don't even play stuff like graviteam tactics yet you call people dumb babies

That's some fucked up logic, son.

DoW2 was squad based, dow 3 is larger scale.

>the days of tau gun lines formed of fire warriors backed up by hammerheads are over

At least we still have the Imperial Guard.

>Go back to your COH clone then

Rather that than a Starcraft clone to be honest with you family.

>larger scale

Looks almost exactly the same as DoW2 in all screenshots shown so far.

Tau and their playerbase embody everything wrong with 40k today

Also the trailer for anyone who is out of the loop

Maybe play a quality RTT like men of war instead of DOW2 or COH. Each individual soldier has a full inventory. Enough micromanagement for you

But i've played all of those already.

>I was hype for DOW 2 because I was hoping it was going to be COH mechanics but larger in scale then DOW1
>it was smaller in scale then COH
>DOW3 announced, to go back to a larger scale
>but took out the mechanics from COH that I always wanted

Not like this, not like this......

I use to play them when I played the tabletop game. They are so boring because they are so strong, I mean Space Marines get a hard time for this but the Gray Knights were ridiculous, they win, they dont play, theres no gimmick to work around that makes them fun, like the IG has to wrangle weak morale and orcs have to try and not blow themselves up.

I liked how they looked but playing them was lame.

Your gears of war cover system?

>good in any way

RTT was a mistake.

>Maybe play a quality RTT like men of war instead of DOW2 or COH. Each individual soldier has a full inventory. Enough micromanagement for you
I never understood how Men of War got so popular. I want to command soldiers, not baby sit fucking retards.

I played the first Men of War and remember being confused why one of my riflemen was shooting. I checked his inventory and saw he was carrying 700 rounds worth of MG42 ammo and 5 German Helmets. (He had a Rifle and was wearing a Russian hat)

>Looks almost exactly the same as DoW2 in all screenshots shown so far.

Giant robots, mang.
Because nothing says 40k like fielding a Gunbuster against the Tyranid hive fleet.

You're fucking retarded.

>Soldiers using cover means there is a gears of war cover system. Even in an RTS.

The fuck? How the fuck does your statement make any sense.

>Gears of War cover system

What? Are you talking about Space Marine or something? I was talking about how its a shame that they went back to cover circles.

Basically my perfect version of DOW3 would be the cover mechanics of DOW2, with a larger scale then DOW1. With base building and resource management as a for-front.

When nothing but chest high walls provide cover. No cover bonus when in a crater or trench or a negative effect in water

There is no way that happened without you stuffing his inventory with those things.

>Base building


CoH and CoH2 have those things.

DOW2 doesn't

>best mechanic that brings depth to strategy games
>god dammit

DoW2 doesn't have water but you can get defense bonuses from craters.

But Sup Forums says all gaming news sites are shit?

Fair enough but the man said

>but took out the mechanics from COH that I always wanted

He didn't want DoW2 cover, he wanted CoH cover.

>Doesn't have water

Your memory is garbage

>Base building is the best mechanic

Maybe for games like Civ and Tropico.

I hope they base building has nice animations. Thats the one thing I always look for in a base builder, the construction animations look nice

So what's everyone's opinion on the theory that necrons will be the major enemy for the campaign?

Dawn of War 1 has water that lowers defense but I don't remember any in DoW2.

>even in DoW threads there are MoW fags shitting on CoH
Just like DoW1 was for compstompers, MoW should be for campaign because its multiplayer sucks.
You have to constantly micromanage obvious shit like inability of your soldiers to turn their heads from time to time to not get ambushed by a ninja with grenade.
Because how defences and tanks work it always ends up as WWI simulator instead of WWII.
Are you just this unwilling to admit that some simplification can be done for gameplay sake to avoid becoming as unrealistic while pursuing "realism".

You sound bad

Honestly, I am more interested in Eternal Crusade right now. The info we have on DoW 3 is super fucking disappointing. They are taking so many steps back. Instead of learning from the mistakes of of both DoW 1 and 2, and building an overall grander game, that represents 40k universe faithfully, they are just simplifying the game (cover mechanics being brought back to DoW 1 state, and bringing back the uninspired as fuck base building mechanics that don't even fit most 40k races.

Not to mention the ominous allusions to mobas and making the game more accessible etc.

Whereas Eternal Crusade, seems to be improving with each update, against all odds.
The Eldar will probably be in this summer, and I can't wait.

All they said was they want the effects to be more clear in big fights

You sound mad

That sounds like just an excuse to bring down the graphical level of the game, seeing how DoW 2 wasn't particularly hard to follow.

Ya I can assume that my men did not auto pick the stuff up. Clearly I clicked something that caused it to happen. Like one of the soldiers of the like 8 guys I had was carrying an MG42 so the fuck up must have occured there of the wrong guy picking up the ammo. But thats just it, I should be focused on commanding my men yet I found myself constantly babysitting people's inventory making sure they had the right equipment.

P2W no ty

Shut up Matt.

There was some retarded design with inventory system.
Like, for whatever fucking reason soldiers drop their helmets and weapons when they die and this leads to a clusterfuck of trash when you search for specific ammo type or weapon and makes you pick up random shit when you try to move through battlefield.
This shit is okay with pause in SP but is fucking stupid in MP.
There is no command to order your soldiers to salvage shit from nearby area for ammo instead of clicking on 50 bodies until you find the guy with panzershreck ammo.

How is it p2w?

Later on they added resupply trucks so you don't need to fuck about with inventory management. At most you'll have to get your wounded man to regather his firearm or medic kit, maybe helmet. Shit tends to go flying off them in explosions, if you order them to move before they automatically recover their shit they just leave it on the field.

Can't blame you for not wanting to return to the series though, took a handful of games before they unfucked a lot of stuff that was really obviously shit design from the start.

>here is no command to order your soldiers to salvage shit from nearby area for ammo
The really retarded thing is, 9th company roots of terror has this feature, it was made in 2009 and is basically a copy of the men of war games, but men of war games still don't have this feature in them.

I haven't been keeping up with 40k for the last couple of years. Are the Tau really reduced to a dozen or so models now? What happened to Firewarriors or Hammerheads?


Its nothing like DoW1 so far.

You can still play with mainly fire warriors and hammerheads. Just expect to get your ass kicked by guys who bring their top tier units - even if you play really well and get excellent rolls, you're still at a severe disadvantage.

40k is pretty much "My bullshit vs your bullshit and may the best bullshit win."

You should play graviteam tactics, its a based ukrainian game where you are actually in charge of your army (give orders, AI carries it out)
It's daunting as fuck when you first start out but it becomes glorious

Am I a fag for wanting to play Eldar?