What went wrong?


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Game way too dependant on RNG?

Ancestor did nothing wrong.

Weald grind.

No real sense of progression.

They failed to make navigating dungeons interesting. That might have saved it from being a shit repetitive grind game

>baww the game gets grindy after playing it for 20 hours

Artificial difficulty.

About to break


Cunts don't like the D&D style dungeon delves and can't into risk managment.

Never came out for console

>Hey guys! How do we make the game more challenging? Smarter enemies? Different treasure mechanics? Hero rebalances?

Nothing, a bit grindy but before release they reduced grind needed for your town's upgrades.

too much RNG for me liking

It accomplished pretty much everything it needed/tried to and basically nothing happened because there wasn't really anywhere to go from there

Also fuck having to grind the Weald

I'm still in love with Plague Doctor and still have my /dadg/ folder from when it was active

Nothing, game is pretty good, and hard enough to make most of people blaming the rng.

I like afflictions, getting a handful of unique fucked up people is half the draw for me, it takes them from archetypical classes to real characters you've had unique experiences with

I hate the game activley encouraging me to remove afflictions at all costs. Yes let them be less effective in a fight but don't murder my dudes from stress. I want them stressed, stress is fun.

Yes I can see the argument that stress managment is a gameplay element but I like my weirdos

People have been talking about mods, maybe one where they keep the affliction after you cure it which changes thier stats like a sidegrade.

100% exactly this.

The game desperately needs both hazardous and benign terrain other than shitty traps and RNG-"fuck you"s.

What about fully randomly generated dungeons instead of premades? Even a shitty puzzle-style interlocking pieces form.

What about a naturally narrow corridor that increases movement resist, but causes Claustrophobes to double their stress per turn? What about corridors that extend for more than just 4 tiles+1 per doorway? What about dead-end corridors and forced back-tracking?
What about actual back-tracking ambushes?

What about a partially flooded corridor that changes in style based on dungeon? Weald swamp and Warren sewers that can cause blight/bleed, worsen with blight/bleed, or cause disease. Ruins that causes rapid torch dimming from a leaky ceiling. Cove that has corridors randomly flood and receed each time a room is visited, even during combat, which can cause a stun effect. (getting hit by tide waves) And of course the ever present movement and stress issues of ankle-to-waist high water.

What about all that fancy-as-fuck room backdrop actually having an impact on gameplay, like when you're camping? All those fucking hands hanging down can't be good.
... For that matter, what about enemies that actually move around the dungeon as fast/frequent as you do, and actual "stealth" options instead of just flat chance torch ambush bonus?

The fact that some quirks are outright good and others are outright bad is complete shit, too. Afflictions definitely just seem like "This is a quirk but many times worse that'll kill your shit dead, please remove it immediately." instead of a legitimately interesting character point; why is an abusive-afflicted person in a party full of masochists and pain-addicts bad? Words shouldn't hurt that fucking much compared to the sight of some of the shit in the places you go, goddamn.

Most diseases shouldn't be curable either, or even have the effects that they do. Of course then again, some diseases would literally just be a death-timer in that case, for someone who'd probably "die by the sword" or the last boss anyways.

Instead of being a proper dungeon crawling and management game, it's essentially just a grindy timesink that would work best on mobile or handhelds

champion dungeons and darkest dungeon are literally too hard. Not the "hard but fair" but "hard and fuck you". Even if you have fully outfitted party with great synergy, stocked on everything you could possibly buy etc. you can still get wrecked mercilessly by RNG.
Just tone it down a bit for fuck sake.
i lost 24 legend level characters and didn't even clear first darkest dungeon.
I uninstalled from frustration

this shit is too grindy after 20 minutes.

my own fault, but I just can't muster the motivation to complete the darkest dungeon.

did two runs and that was plenty.

> Not the "hard but fair" but "hard and fuck you".

> Fighting the old hag for the first time and being completely unaware of the "haha i'm in the back row you can't touch me!"
> Fighting the prophet for the first time and being completely unaware of the "haha i'm in the back row you can't touch me!"
> Fighting the collector for the first time and

tell me one good god damned reason why i shouldn't just stack 3 fucking highwaymen and an occultist

Pretty much this, champion dungeons just completely suck the fun out of the game
Which is a damn shame because there might have been a lot of fun to be had

>get gud
>person who said it didnt even complete the game and maybe reagequitted to a collector

ebin :^)

Well ummm....Git gut :4). With proper management chances that you lose your hero are slim. Yes they do exist due to rng but then if you know your shit you would literally never die.

Also, if you get fucked too much just bring memesATarms. After venturing to lv2 Weald, I would literally take him on any mission I am not familiar with where he would save everyone's asses. Last 'town event' dungeon is an ode to why he is a fucking backbone of any party. The only thing is that his very rare shield is very dubious at best, if only you could riposte from rank 4.

The RNG can be absurd at times though.

The party I used to clear the darkest dungeon still got slammed by the 4 shit spiders in a champion dungeon.

Because highwayman suck unless you use 2 of them with gunslinger buckle for chain blank point shots.

>i lost 24 legend level characters and didn't even clear first darkest dungeon
Goddamn you suck.

Playing right now, week 52, once I defeat the champion Pounder (for that sweet thropy for one of my musketeers) I'm going into Darkest. Should end the game before week 60 with enough luck.

Lost only three lvl 1 heroes and two lvl 6 heroes so far.

You just suck m8.

This guy finished NG+ in 55 weeks and no deaths except for mandatory ones in the final boss battle.

It's good but gets very repetitive and grindy later on.

>reagequitted to a collector
Are collectors supposed to be hard? I thought they were just standard enemies. Hell, I'd rather fight a collector than another encouncter with STRESSWAVE STRESSWAVE STRESSWAVE STRESSWAVE STRESSFUL INCANTATION STRESSWAVE STRESSWAVE STRESSWAVE

Probably my fault for playing on torchless, but getting ambushed by Shamblr and getting party wiped while having my party shuffled non-stop, every stun failing and running away failing just made me uninstall. Was bullshit unfun garbage.

They can ruin your day if collected man-at-arms/vestal focus on keeping the collectro alive and collected highwayman keep scoring crits and bleed.

Even worse if your party composition is shit and can't deal with quick elimination of enemies at rank 4.

Vvulf is a retarded idea

>game tips literally tell you multiple times that torchless runs are high-risk-high-reward
Go figure.

First couple of hours this is the best shit ever. So atmospheric and dark, it's great
But then it gets so fucking repetitive and boring. I played for about 7-8 hours, leveled 2 of my parties to lvl6 and cleared two darkest dungeons.
Then I almost puked at the thought of going through it ever again

I like the new Musketeer resking for Arbalest, made me go back to the game just to make a gun party consisting of 2 highwaymen and 2 musketeers.

It's pretty fun so far. 2 highwaymen with gunslinger buckle, that powder trinket and +% ranged dmg/crit can deal up to 70 damage on point blank shot and since there is two of them I can easily chain them. First two ranks get melted quickly even if enemies have high prot.

2 musketeers with mark are enough to melt ranks 3/4, and their heal is actually pretty damn good because that +% heals received buff stacks quickly and I get 20+ crit heals frequently. I always give that +33% heal trinket to both of them and something to compensate for their low SPD, ideally Prophet/Pounder trophies because they also give dmg.

I think a lot of shitters who scream about RNG just don't understand how to minimize it and can't compensate for the specific weakness of their chosen party composition.

For example my 2 musketeer/2 highwaymen party has INSANE damage, good healing, melt every rank, deals with shuffles quite well and is overall good.

But the biggest weakness is that I have literally no stuns which can be pretty bad in fights where enemies use guard.

So I figured that I need to get my SPD and ambush chance as high as possible, in order to almost always act first and kill those squishy stress/damage dealers before they get a guard.

That's why I always locked +SPD quirks and got rid of -SPD ones as soon as anyone got them, got the Ancestor Lantern with +% ambush chance ASAP, always use Bandit Sense and Marching Plan on camp.

TL;DR it's good and shitters screaming about RNG just can't understand how to minimize it.


Oh, this is probably the only thing in the game that can fuck you anytime, nothing comes close. Just try to kill at least 1 spider and see if you can do anything about marked guy, but yeah, they are most dodgy fuckers who will focus one guy.

"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer" is the most appropriate line in the whole game.

>The party I used to clear the darkest dungeon still got slammed by the 4 shit spiders in a champion dungeon
Just how fucking bad can you get

There is literally nothing weaker than spiders/larvas, those fights are a godsend where you should kill 3 spiders on the first turn and then spend the next 2-3 on healing.

>Just try to kill at least 1 spider and see if you can do anything about marked guy, but yeah, they are most dodgy fuckers who will focus one guy
>dodgy fucker
Do you run a party of 4 Lepers or something?

I've really started to take a liking to the graverobber. She's goddamn amazing with the daggers and pick. Put her in the third spot, in front of a healer, and you're golden.

?? are you serious? They're basically the strongest enemies in the game IF you surprise them.

They sit at 30-40% dodge, so it's fully possible to not kill one if you're unlucky. Then they get 8 attacks in a row with absurd blight+damage.

Turns out, it's not even mandatory. You can beat Heart of Darkness with no casualties with proper party.

If you don't lower the requirements for upgrades and remove level limitations on dungeons you're doing it wrong desu

This is untrue and was written by a fag

SO it's only not mandatory if you have an incredibly niche and specific party setup. Cool.

Pretty much sums up my personal opinions. Don't blame you if you don't watch some nerd talk about some game for 30 minutes if you don't watch it.


But it does?

I'm not even trying to insult you but if that's your experience with spiders then you are doing something extremaly wrong on the fundamental level and I really have no idea how do you even deal with stronger encounters.

>They're basically the strongest enemies in the game IF you surprise them
Surprise is ALWAYS benefical. ALWAYS. In some party compositions it's even vital to have high ambush chance. The fact that you consider acting first on a very first turn to be a disadvantage is beyond me.

>They sit at 30-40% dodge

35%. Your heroes should have 100 base accuracy at the very least, meaning that they should have at least 65% chance to hit.

Missing 4 times in a row at 65% has a 4,2875% chance of happening, meaning that it will happen very rarely even if your team has a subpar accuracy with no +ACC trinkets.

>Then they get 8 attacks in a row
This is ridiculous. For that to happen, 2 conditions have to be met:

1.You failed to kill even one spider during your 4 turns- sligtly more likely than missing 4 times in a row, so the chane is slighlty above 4,3%

2.At the start of turn 2, ll your heroes failed to get a turn before any of the spiders. Spiders have only 5 SPD which is below average in Champion dungeons- even Arbalest has 5 SPD with lvl 5 gear.

This is extremaly unlikely even if you have -SPD trinkets, I can only imagine that can happen if your whole team has slowdraw/off guard quirks, but in that case they should be fucking sitting in the Sanitarium.

Having both of those conditions met is VERY unlikely and means that your team is just shitty, either because of poor gear, poor quirks, very poor strategy/choices or any combination of those.

>absurd blight+damage
Web deals 2 damage.

Bite deals 3-5 (6-10 on marked) and blight 3, rarely crits.


>People have been talking about mods, maybe one where they keep the affliction after you cure it which changes thier stats like a sidegrade.
This sounds like Hard West route. Optionally you can let your characters earn afflications after taking grievous injuries. After a battle where afflicted character doesn't take any damage the ailment turns into a trait with both positive and negative points.
But this way is more interesting and you can't have that in Darkest Dungeon.

Spit deals 5-11 (10-22 on marked) blight 3, both rarely crit.

Web does nothing. Bite deals laughable damage given it's Champion level. Spit is pretty much the same as Fungal Scratcher "Rend the marked" except for the fact that Fungal Scratchers are tanky and are going to hit you multiple times and that Fungal Artilery applies Blight when marking.

As you can see the scenario you were talking about is EXTREMALY unlikely, almost impossible in a good party. Ideally you should kill all the spiders except for one and spend a few turns on healing.

If something like this is really happening to you then there are some serious issues with your heroes, and I have no idea how do you deal with things like Fungal Scratchers/Artilery, Cultist/Arbalest, Unclean Giant/Witch, Swine Centaur etc.

I hate how you had to manage like 2-3 parties.

No one on Sup Forums can just be happy with a game and would rather focus on every negative thing they can and ignore anyrhing that's good about a game.

Needs both randomized dungeons and player created dungeons. Needs to tone down the effects of enemy stress critical hits.

Well not the music that's for sure.



>Be doing just fine starting
>enter room
>they mark my highwayman with almost full hp

This has happened several times, fuck you.

Stop using -SPD trinkets
Start using +SPD trinkets

Get rid of -SPD quirks
Lock +SPD quirks

Use +ambush chance trinkets
Use +scouting chance trinkets
Use +ambush chance camp skills
Use +scouting chance camp skills

A dedicated healer with healing trinkets can get a hero from death door to almost full/full HP in 2-3 turns

In other words, stop blaming the game for being absolutely shit at minimalizing risks and not understanding the weak spots of your party.


It's pretty fun. People who complain about RNG are shitters -- honestly the game is all about being prepared and bringing the right team into dungeons. You have the ability to escape from every fight and you should never lose people unless you get fucked up by a boss because your team was shit or you get too cocky.

Main complaint about the game is the repetitiveness. Once you beat the first tier of dungeons, you've basically seen everything the game has to offer outside of the Darkest Dungeon. The second and third tiers occasionally have a new enemy or two in the dungeons, but the bosses and the rest of the enemies are basically all the same outside of higher stats.

Also grinding was a big issue, but the latest updates have alleviated that a bit

I dont understand how speed works in this game, randomly I'll have the slowest thing go first in a turn and often is in whatever order that has nothing to do with speed, but it's not always like that so i have no idea what's going on

unless they've changed it, every character rolls a number between 1 and 8 and then speed is added onto that number in order to determine the actual speed

this is why some characters like the lighter dude in the cannon boss fight has -20 speed or something to ensure he always goes last


A random value from 1 to 8 is added to everyones SPD.

So for example if one of those pesky stress dealers has 10 SPD and one of your heroes has only 2, it's impossible for that hero to act before the stress dealer.

Another good example is Brigand Matchman who has -20 SPD, ensuring that he will virtually always act last.

SPD is a pretty big deal in party that is focused on dealing a lot of damage in the shortest amount of time and doesn't use tanks. There is a quirk that adds +2 SPD, another one that adds +4 SPD on first turn, a lot of trinkets with +2 SPD. Having all of those on heroes with high natural SPD ensures they will act first most of the time so they can kill/stun enemies before they have a chance to fuck you up.

>literally everything in the game is RNG
>y-y-y-y-y-y-you're j-just a s-s-s-s-shitter
ok kid

the game is so easy when you're properly prepared for a particular area or boss that you could get the worst possible rolls on nearly everything and you'd still steamroll

i beat the game with like 7 or 8 deaths. honestly the game is just about being smart and choosing a team comp that isn't complete ass

>I don't understand the concept of risk management and minimizing the risks
Texas Hold'em is all RNG too and there are poker players who won even 10+ worlwide poker tournaments with thousands of participants.

You wouldn't be able to win even one. Because you are just a shitter.

You being born was also pure RNG, what's your problem?

from hard but fair to hard but fuck you
losing my fav forever for fleeing the darkest dungeon? that's horrible after the game taught you that running away was a vital option

I think the game warns you that one does not simply flee from Darkest Dungeon.



So, gleaming trough the thread seems to confirm my suspicions that the game just simply isn't fun. A shame since I'm always in a Lovecraftian dungeon crawler mood.
Is there any word on adjustments or expansions that fixes it, or will an unfinished, unbalanced and unfair game simply stand to frustrate most players?

I don't know, but something that went right was my dick into your mother's pussy

RNG is a non-issue if you understand how to manage and minimize risks.

Repetitiveness kicks in only later on. It's still worth playing to a point.

>It's still worth playing to a point.
Then it's not for me, because I like to finish my games and feel rewarded for it in some manner.

it can be fun the first 2 times playing it.
and no the devs are retarded and fixated in making it >"lel its so hard xD"

it's not hard but the rng timesink is a chore.

tl;dr is maybe fun if you're autistic.

>mfw every Darkest Dungeon run requires a complete different team that becomes unusable afterwards

>Get told to git gud
>Have to play like 40 hours to get items and gold to git gud


No one argues that game gets grindy later on.

Can i quick select group parties?
Can i group parties at all?
Can i pass a week?

>Can i pass a week?
Not per se, but you can simply hire a lvl 0 hero, send him all alone to a dungeon and let him die-flee as soon as possible.