Now that the dust has settled, what do you think about DS3?

Now that the dust has settled, what do you think about DS3?

Does autism make people ask the same question all the fucking time?

It was great. One of the better vidya experiences I've had in years.

It's more like "Dark Souls 2: Two" than Dark Souls 3

I never realized it but poise was what made DS1 so fucking great and none of the sequels have this core mechanic. Fucking done with this shit series til it returns.

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that the 'Now that the dust has settled' meme needs to be put to a rest?

pretty forgettable desu

The core gameplay is really bad and dumbed down which sadly means that no amount of DLC and adding new areas, bosses or items will be able to save it. The only good thing is that it made me appreciate all the other games in the series a lot more.

DaSI was like the original Star Wars trilogy.
DaS II was like the prequels.
DaS III is like Episode VII.
A lot of people have liked it, but it leans REALLY HARD on DaS I.

Yes please. I hate this meme so fucking much.

Still waiting for it to be discounted because cheapskate

It's the GREATEST HITS album of the Fromsoft Souls series

1 = 3 > DeS > 2


Best vanilla bosses in the entire series felt like a proper sequel to DS1 and I hope the dlc is Old Hunters level of good which it will probably be.

Only complaint I have is that it feels short. The DLCs will probably change that. As it stands it's way better than 2, and on par with 1

Waiting for sale

Steam summer sales when?

>Best vanilla bosses in the entire series
>5 actual bosses that are still generic and all fight the same and over 10 terrible gimmick bosses
>best vanilla bosses

Fromsoftware direct sequels fucking suck

Didn't like it

kind of short in retrospect, relies heavily on having played dark souls 1, but I still think it's a much better entry in the souls series than 2. I love it despite its flaws.

Pretty but boring and safe.

All souls game suffer this problem you just have to look at the tippity top bosses and compare them to others.

>bosses that are still generic and all fight the same

Which souls game are you talking about again?

>over 10 terrible gimmick bosses
which ones?

Curserotted, Wolnir, Yhorm, Ancient Wyvern, ???????????????

Boring and short, also they fucked up so many good mechanism from ds1 and ds2, I think it needed one more year of development or something.


>Lord of Cinder

Yeah I would say so.

>Generic and fight exactly the same
Which ones?

>Gimmick bosses
There is a token non-battle with ancient Dragon and Yhorm but I can't really think of another that goes to the same extent. At least Wolnir is a boss that is still fought properly.
A gimmick isn't even necessarily bad.
There are several Gimmick bosses in the vanilla soulsborne games as well and otherwise fall under your "play the same" banner.

Ditched good mechanics from the previous games.
Had some potential hype moments that deflated when you realized that the devs didn't think that far like everything about the Storm Ruler for instance.
Can't use the Storm Ruler on any Giants.
Can't dual wield Storm Rulers in any real way.
Can't use it in any way during Archdragon Peak.
No use outside of one bossfight.
Progression through the world and character progression was simply too linear for a souls game aside from the one skip that gets you all the way up to the archives doors and lets you fight Dancer as the second boss.

>muh anal rodeo playing with player's emotions

this senpaitachi

>you just have to look at the tippity top bosses and compare them to others.
There are no top tier bosses in DaS3, that's the whole point. I mean when a generic late game enemy like Taurus or Capra demon or even flawed rushed bosses like Four kings or Nito feels more like proper and engaging bosses than anything in DaS3, you know your game is garbage.
Maybe if the gameplay wasn't completely shit or they didn't force the whole "first phase of every boss is trivial while the second phase is the real fight" aspect certain bosses would have time to shine or actually be fun or challenging to fight, but as it stands right now all bosses range from simply bad to barely mediocre.

disappointing after Bloodborne

>"first phase of every boss is trivial while the second phase is the real fight" aspect certain bosses would have time to shine or actually be fun or challenging to fight

Welcome to every single souls game after DS1.

level design was great.
lots of enemies and varieties of enemies.
boss draw was fairly solid could be better (more bosses as well as better bosses).
didn't really add in any crazy or new features.
as far as i can tell poise is a mess and the devs told the fanbase to get fucked.

Probable my last souls game, I've effectively been buying the same game sense demon souls (real shame i never got a ps4 i always wanted to play bloodborn) waiting to see the next big innovation in the series.

Its like From software can't take 2 steps forwards without taking 1 back. Demon souls 2 was arguably the weakest souls game but atleast it didn't fuck up the weapons/armors and had some cool updates in it that should have made it over to ds3. Fist weapons/small soapstone come to mind immediately.

>flawed rushed bosses like Four kings or Nito

What was wrong with Four Kings and Nito?

+2nd best world. Irithyll and Undead Settlement are my favorite location in the entire series.
+Really good hitboxes after the shit show that was 2
+Horrifying enemy design.
+Good bosses

-Worst PVP on account of roll abuse, ease of chugging, and odds stacked against invader.
-Too many weapons aren't really viable
-RIP Poise
-Sucks DS1's dick too much

>Taurus and Capra more engaging than nameless king, champion gundyr or Dancer

user please. We all like DS1, but there's no point in being a blind fanboy

As soon as you enter the swamp place level and leave the castle, the game goes to shit and I couldn't force my self to play past that

Correct opinion

Pretty mediocre to be honest

>less armor and weapon choices than DaS2
I hated this. Alot. What could be a legitamete reason for this? What, that little ember overlay they used on everything?

>No poise
This is annoying enough. It's fucking stupid. Automatically renders PVP and PVE combat inferior to previous titles

>19 bosses compared to DaS2's 30, Demon Souls' 22, and DaS1's 22
Embarrassing. Especially with some of the shitshow bosses in DS3.

>power-stances taken out
I know it was done to allow for weapon arts, but since they decided to just be lazy and just use the same class specific ones for most weapons, it's retarded. Only a limited portion of the weapons have unique weapon arts.

>broken covenants and no interesting unique covenants like Company of Champions, Pilgrims of Dark, or Greavelords
Speaks for itself

Anticlimactic. Thanks Miyazaki

>less armor and weapon choices than DaS2
DaS2 removed good weapons that were in DaS1 and gave almost all weapons of the same type the same moveset

I only played DeS, DaS 1 and DaS 3.

I thought 3 was too linear, but it was still fun. It's to DaS 1 like lost world was to jurassic park.

PvE is great but unless you play with friends every online mode is a literal broken mess, just trash

>4v1 invasions
>instant estus chugging
>phantom fucking range
>too much meta and min-maxing bullshit, to the point where "skill" hardly matters anymore
>the only fucking viable parrying tool is caestus, because they made it MUCH better than others and it's unpunishable
>poise le working as intended xd
>host gets to infinitely summon phantoms so even if you're a literal god at the game there's nothing you can do about that unless more invaders come and help you
>people stop invading because what the actual fuck can you do about 4v1 + seed

I can't fathom why they thought all of this was a good idea. it's the most broken fucking online mode I have ever tried, more than every other souls games

>19 bosses compared to DaS2's 30, Demon Souls' 22, and DaS1's 22

Das1 and Das2 had dlc, the DaS3 dlc isn't out yet

Why did they make fist weapons so shit then? thats amateur it makes me question if they have any idea at all why people like souls games even.

>Which ones?
All human bosses that people claim are so good and amazing in DaS3 feel like you're fighting Gwyn from DaS or the second phase of Abyss Watchers (except you can't easily stagger or parry most of them).
They're just hyper aggressive attack spammers that require tactics that deal with those types of bosses, with some rare interesting gimmicks.
I don't know but I went and played the original DaS just to see if I was blinded by nostalgia, but it's true - I genuinely felt I needed to take very different approaches when fighting for example most non-trivial bosses, especially more challenging ones like Manus, Artorias or O&S. I don't think I've actually had to stop to regen my stamina instead of using a free attack opportunity on a boss in the entire game more than a couple of times, something that I had to do very often in DaS1 and especially in 2. I could dodge a 3-4 hit combo and still have stamina to make 1 attack and roll away. That's retarded. It's like the only decisions in combat that I had to do was when to stop attacking.
It's even worse when fighting regular enemies, since you can just R1 spam 90% of enemies in the game regardless of what weapon you're using because of lack of poise.

As far as first playthroughs go, it was easily the best of the three for me. I was totally impressed by nearly every area, the first time I recall being disappointed was the Profaned Capital. I didn't even notice the linearity until after I had beaten the game because there was so much to explore within each individual area.

The bosses were almost without exception incredible, either in mechanics or atmosphere, often both. Even the bosses that are criticized like Deacons and Wolnir are cool in their own way. Covenants were way more inviting than previous entries due to no betrayal and changing on the fly, made me feel like actually experimenting with all of them and not just staying in one for the whole run. Mound-makers is the most fun world PVP experience I've had in these games easily. It's a proper sequel to the first game too.

My only real gripe when all is said and done is the re-playability of it is lower than the previous games due to the linearity. But it's good linearity because it seemed invisible during my first playthrough so it's hard to be that upset. DLC WHEN?

Probably suffering from the removed two hand stance

>DaS2 removed good weapons that were in DaS1 and gave almost all weapons of the same type the same moveset

You could literally word for word say the exact same thing for DaS3. Atleast in DaS2 there was a higher number of weapons to choose from.

I didn't count any DLC bosses. If I did, Dark Souls 1 and 2 would have even higher numbers.

>nameless king
horrible first phase + generic wananbe-super ornstein second phase
>champion gundyr
parry until dead trivial copy-pasted boss
poor man's Pontiff

>Now that the dust has settled
you're not using this meme right

It's pretty great. Beat it solo on my first go and now started a NG+ and playing through with my brother. Coop is a shitload of fun if you have a friend to play with.

Name one DaS2 non dlc boss that is better than DaS3 bosses

Protip: You can't

>Gwyn is susceptible to parries
"easy shit boss"
>Gundyr is susceptible to parries
"Top tier boss"

>ruining bosses for yourself with parries outside of speedruns

They were both great

That's the logic beding your average braindead DaS3 fanboy. I don't think either of the bosses is bad, but to consider one of them lame or anticlimactic and the other among the top in the entire series requires a special case of downs syndrome.

Most of them.

>Looking Glass Knight
>Ruin Sentinels
>The Rotten

Not better than all of them, but better than some of them.

>ruining bosses for yourself by not using a broken sword and calamity ring outside of speedruns
are we having a "who can sound like a bigger Miyazaki cum swallower" competition now?

>Looking Glass Knight
>Ruin Sentinels
worse Abyss Watchers
>The Rotten

If you abuse every broken mechanic the games give you no Souls game is good


I have plat on all games.

not him, and maybe I just fucking suck, but I couldn't land parries on Gwyn consistantly, and if I fucked up it often meant death, so on my first run of DaS I had to beat him without parrying, it was pretty rough I think I died on him the most out of any boss.

I doubt my situation is unique too, parrying might seem like cheese when you've mastered it but it carries a big risk so you can hardly call a boss shit for being parryable

Pretty good. Most fun I've had in a while. I'm on my 5th character now and I'm probably gonna just put it down until the DLC comes out after I'm done. Can't wait for it.

1. Most bosses are pretty focused on a single target but that doesn't mean they play the same. Their playstyles are pretty different.

2. That's because the stamina consumption in this game is terribly low for dodge rolls. They are by far the easiest method to avoid damage. That and fast weapons are basically equivalent to slow weapons in terms of damage per swing for some reason. I feel like that has more to do with a flaw in the mechanics as opposed to a flaw with the bosses.

3. You can't just R1 spam every enemy since some have escape methods/hyper armor and some enemies do have poise. It's definitely an issue though.

He plays nothing like Ornstein and while the camera sucks ass in the first phase it is managable.
Gundyr plays significantly differently than his tutorial counterpart and copypasted bosses are hardly new to the souls series. Parrying is just one way to beat him.
Dancer is significantly different from Pontiff.

Except the tactics needed when not parrying him differ significantly from simply taking more damage and dealing less damage.

Good PvE. PvP is really poorly balanced, but the netcode seems better than before.

The areas are fairly big, and worth exploring for lore/equipment, or you can just stick to the path and get through it. The level design is hit or miss, some areas are really great and have well thought out shortcuts, others have two shortcuts near each other, or are made pointless by a bonfire that's close.
It's clearly more direct and focused, you can't jump around the game very early, but the areas you can branch off to come to a halt, and really only exist to open a new area elsewhere. It's a little strange.
Weapon moveset variety is almost pointless. R1 spamming is effective for pretty much everything.

Honestly, it's on par with the first, if not better just because DaS really drops the ball at times. It's just very easy to find things to nitpick, because it's combining Souls and Bloodborne, bringing all the problems of each of them together.

>no Souls game is good
There's your answer

why is DaS 2 considered so bad?

Post pics of your bloodborne plat and I'll believe you have legitimately shit taste.

It's the solid middle ground I wanted out of the final souls game.

walk right, don't even need to roll, such a good boss
>Looking Glass knight
One of the best ones in DS2
>Ruin sentinels
Please, same 2 attacks, you only get hit because of the multiple enemies boss fight meme
??? Say velstadt or something, rotten is such a shit boring fight

Not him, but I guess it's because people didn't like the core gameplay, which was a bit slower movement and dodging wise and because some of the design and areas weren't as good as DS1. The bosses in the main game were also pretty bad imo. It gets too much hate though. Scholar of the First Sin was pretty fun and balanced the game more, even though it added a lot of mobs for some stupid reason, and the DLC was great.

DS1>DeS>BB>DS3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lords of the Fallen>>>>>>>>>India>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DS2

Correct list right here.

yes, the dust needs to settle on this meme

your characters actions were very floaty and almost slow which basically means that the core fundamental mechanics of the game were worse then any other game. combine this with the downgrade in lighting/textures onto a world that wasn't designed to the same standerds as other souls games as well as soul memory being a garbage idea + i-frames being linked to a stat and it just really really bogged the game down.

lets also not forget that imo they fucked p.c gamers by making us wait like 6 months or something after console launch.

Is this a joke?
I like him, but he genuinely doesn't seem like he should be a boss. Very easy to parry, really slow attacks too, you can walk to avoid some attacks consistently. And most people don't even see the neat magic shit he's capable of. A wasted boss, made worse when they throw more than 1 at you.
>Looking Glass Knight
Another boss that I like, has a great gimmick, but it's just an average Knight fight aside from that. Not a bad boss at all, better than almost every in 2, but not 3.
>Ruin Sentinels
>The Rotten
This is what makes me think it's a joke post. Both of these bosses are terrible. One is an introduction to three average enemies, and the other doesn't even seem to make sense. I can't see how anybody could enjoy The Rotten.

>Gundyr plays significantly differently than his tutorial counterpart
absolutely not true
same moves in the first phase, slightly more aggressive in the second phase
overall actually significantly easier that tutorial Gundyr compared to the point in game you encounter him in, and overall a forgettable and easy generic boss even without parrying
>He plays nothing like Ornstein
Yeah he does. Just wait for him to charge you with spear and attack him after. Generic and trivial.
>Dancer is significantly different from Pontiff.
Dancer is literally Pontiff easy mode

It's only my opinion.
I just don't like it, there is nothing on that game for me, nothing. It's dull, gameplay is shit, looks bad, horrible bosses. horrible areas, horrible NPC's, horrible story, way too many useless items.
Worst PvP in the series.

I can't right now, not at home.
I liked BB, but the horrible PvP (on par with the shit DaS3 one),CD are shit, and for some reason I don't see myself playing it again and again like DaS1 or DeS.
Good game tho.

Oh my scores include the PvP aspect.

>rotten is such a shit boring fight
so is every boss in DaS3, your point?


Also Cathedral of the Deep was a great map

Poise was a shitty mechanic that made PvP rely on stats instead of skill

>19 bosses compared to DaS2's 30, Demon Souls' 22, and DaS1's 22

DS2 had more bosses, but 80% of them were complete shit.

Enemy tracking, player movement felt like shit, every single animation is super fucking slow, world that made no sense, shit bosses with 3 moves, ADP stat, literally cheating npc phantoms, etc

My opinion > Your opinion basically. Saying every boss in DS3 is boring is a blatant hater view so it doesn't matter

Pretty fun game all around, but the replayability and PvP are probably the worst they've ever been in the series, except the netcode which was slightly improved.

I haven't even put 100 hours into the game, it's just not that engaging on your second playthrough.

>your characters actions were very floaty and almost slow which basically means that the core fundamental mechanics of the game were worse then any other game
Typical babby casual objectively wrong opinion, DaS2 is way more precise and tighter than DaS1, and not even comparable to shitty dodge&R1 spamfest that is DaS3.

> DaS2 is way more precise and tighter than DaS1
I would kill you if I could.

Almost all the boss weapons and powers felt really underwhelming compared to the normal weapons.

Even most of the normal weapons were pretty useless.

I played the game before release, and was on Sup Forums telling people not to expect a great game, but got told to fuck off by the fanboys. For me, I just disliked the way it felt, the animations seemed lifeless. The designs were also far more generic than before, something you'd expect in an MMO. Although some of the armour sets were great. It also tied stats to things they shouldn't have been tied to, and the world itself wasn't connected very well, nothing seemed natural. Also, their idea of difficulty was "add more enemies", which didn't sit well with me. Same applies to 3, but because you have faster movement, it's nowhere near as bad.
Also, I think the first DaS is extremely overrated.
It felt like a fanmade game, or a mod. Despite that, it was alright. It had some good features, but it just had more problems than earlier, and even later titles.

He's significantly more aggressive in his second phase and some of his moves are different.
I don't get how you can insist that he's easier than tutorial Gundyr based on the point in the game unless you went in significantly overleveled by that point.

>Just wait for him to do X attack
>Then attack him
You can simplify every boss in the game down to that. Nevermind that Ornstein second phase is giant and takes place in a room with a non uniform box wall structure and actual obstructung pillars. NK is very different from Ornstein or I just havn't beaten Super Ornstein in quite some time.

The biggest similarity between the two is the two swords.
They play significantly differently in both phases.
How are they similiar at all?

It is though. It's mechanically better in pretty much every way, particularly since they added more directions to roll at.

>Saying every boss in DS3 is boring is a blatant hater view so it doesn't matter
Entire game is a casualized dumbed down rushed mess that focuses hard on style over substance, bosses are just a symptom of that.

This bait will trigger people. It almost got me.

>I prefer to parrot shit I hear from teenager on Sup Forums than actually play the games myself
Come on, even Miyazaki realized his games are shit and refuses to do another one despite the facts it would still make him millions, and you morons are still defending it.

>Iudex Gundyr harder than Champion Gundyr
Holy shit I cannot believe anyone can be this wrong. None are particularly hard fights, but Iudex is much slower than Gundyr, the same moves like you said, but slow as fuck, and his transformation makes him even slower and telegraph more. Champion Gundyr is a much harder fight and I cannot understand how anyone has more trouble with Iudex, unless they start as a thief or something.

Also Nameless King doesn't play like Ornstein at all. Ornstein was all about lunging at you from half the screen, and poking you with his spear. Nameless King only lunges at you when you're far away, so he uses the lunge as a gap closer rather a main move. He mostly slashes and twirls at you. He never pokes you with his swordpear. Hell he doesn't even shoot lightning at you like Ornstein. Ornstein shoot it at you directly, while NK does so as a quick lightning bolt. The only move they even share is a command grab which is initiated differently.

Dancer and Pontiff's similarities are only that they use two swords. They play completely different and Pontiff's second form involves a clone telegraphing all his moves, while Dancer's second form involves her using long combos against you rather than quick strikes.

What do you think of Bloodborne?

more of the same

franchise fatigue inc

>I don't get how you can insist that he's easier than tutorial Gundyr
Because that "beast mode" or whatever you want to call it in the tutorial is way less predictive and has some strange erratic movements and attacks that hit when they seem like they shouldn't and miss when they seem like they should hit, compared to the predictable easy Champ moves. I could only see Champion being somewhat hard if you had base starting stamina.
>You can simplify every boss in the game down to that.
Yeah except all bosses in DaS3 fight the same.

His second phase has vastly improved tracking and he's extremely aggressive. I don't consider him a hard as shit boss (since the entire game is easy as fuck), but to say he's the same as the tutorial version is just wrong.

Also, even comparing Ornstein, the slowest enemy in the game with the nameless king is a joke. NK has a ton of HP and you have to remain focused for a good while while you whittle him down, Ornstein is half a boss fight and an absolute joke at that.

As for Dancer, I don't even understand how can you even compare her with Pontiff, they're literally nothing alike bar the dual wielding

Dark Souls 3 was a mistake.

Being able to fight brainlessly in fights like 4Kings and Nito is why casuals don't take them seriously anymore. Poise and backstab were really damaging DS1 gameplay and DS2 had its soul Memory that fucked up the whole invasion thing.

DS3 has the most solid system. It sure needs some tweaks but we don't have people fishing backstab remaining unpunished because they could poise through your attacks.

I hate it because it seems like they spent every single last bit of creativity and inspiration they had on it, so instead of getting 2 good games we got one great game and one bland generic shitty one.