The most aesthetically pleasing gamepad imo

The most aesthetically pleasing gamepad imo.

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Aesthetically average to be honest famm, ergonomically perfect though.

>ergonomically perfect though.
yeah dude i just love the stiff as fuck dome shaped face buttons. it's a thumb orgasm!!!!

shame about the dpad though

Give it a D-pad that isn't absolute shit, and you would be right.


For the longest time I though the 360 pad was the ultimate controller. Nothing could ever surpass it. After using this for a few years the 360 controller feels like shit by comparison.

The DS4 is somewhere in between.

Enjoy using that on everything except 3d games. 360 controller is perfect for everything If you add a good dpad.

Check the elite controller for reference

Is this one somehow different than the standard X1 controller? I have the default version and it is my favorite pad by fucking bounds.

Suffered trying to play with the 360 pad on PC, I play tons of 2D games as well as 3D and the 360 pad is SHIT.

Have your hands not grown nostalgia faggot?

It was the first result when I did an image search for Xbox One Controller.

Don't be such a girl

That appears to be a standard one. Or at the very least an expensive one with regular sticks and pads.

Post boypussi

Neither of these things have anything to do with ergonomics.


The thumbsticks have terrible grip, mine is covered in nailmarks from desperately clinging to the thumbstick during intenste game moments.

Also the thumbsticks are too long giving you less precise control. This isnt a problem for most games except precision games like Ori and the Blind forest, it just fucks you in the ass.

Other than that I really love this controller.

Tsundere boipussi is best. Post pics pls

My girlfriend got me the Elite as a surprise gift on our anniversary. I have literally never used such a perfect controller. The weight, the in-console customization, the feeling (superficial) of quality, the layout, ergonomics, etc. Compared to controllers that offer similar stuff, it's pretty cheap too and has the bonus of first party support.

I was itching to buy one of these on the spot but the stick and dpads weren't reversible. I've seen one controller that offered this freedom and I've never looked back.

>first party support
This is what i always liked most about my xbox 360 controller. It's 100% plug-and-play.



Wireless controllers are the worst meme.

my ps3 controller uses mini usb :p

Its exactly 1/2 the cost of new 500gb xbox + controller and 3 games here in Australia, its bullshit.

What's wrong with it?

That's barely any better.

It's so fucking loose and shitty that putting my DS4 down on a table causes it to disconnect. I have to use fucking rubber bands to try to hold it in place.

You can reverse the sticks if you mean input on the Xbox itself, the controller (any controller can, but the Elite has way more depth in their customization). What do you mean by reverse dpad?

Wired 360 is great for PC, but I need wireless controls for the Bone so I don't damage anything like the careless retard I am.

Pic related?

it's great desu ;)

The only "wired" bone controllers I've seen have been bundles with the controller + a micro USB cable. Does this thing really exist?

yeah, it's just that the shoulder buttons wear out fast, and the joysticks get a big deadzone, because they also wear out fast. Everything dies :(

How much does it cost there? You can get one new in the States for $145-150, and used for ~$100. By no means cheap or something I would recommend to everyone, but if you are in the market for a high end controller it is by far cheaper that those wallet-gouging websites that charge you $25 for the slightest modifications to their custom controllers.

The official long cord they provide with the xbone ones are pretty decent. I can understand your issue though, I've had a lot of shitty cords like that.
Like this I mean. Adjustable.

The aforementioned wired controller is sold at Walmart and other stores.

$31 for one left.

Ohhh. Yeah. That would be rad though I personally have no use for the function. Glad you found one that offers that.

Well, where I live there is one store claiming to have this thing and they say it's not shipping until the end of the year...

I might just cave and get an official bone controller + wireless adapter I guess.

The DS2 is sexy.

True but DS3 still has better build quality. So I prefer DS3.

Add DS3 quality thumbsticks, the DS3 battery life and DS3 dpad and the 360 controller becomes essentially perfect imo. Although I might still prefer the shoulder buttons of DS3 to so....

ah fuck it forget it. DS3 wins



>OW meme purely from tumblr

This is objectively the best controller.

> every pro from the regular controller
> grips on the back for a really nice feeling and doesnt slide around
> enhanced triggers that feel much nicer
> regular mic port and xbone mic port to use either one
> color scheme fits perfectly with my white xbox one

>some LPer
kys has been an abbreviation for kill yourself for ages


>those gold highlights
>those small dots for the buttons
I find them very unappealing. Otherwise I really do agree, color scheme and all.

no leafy made it. Hail the reptile army


honestly playstation joysticks always felt a lot more comfortable to use.

you need to be 18+ to be on Sup Forums

>lets position our analog sticks so that you cant naturally move your thumb from the analog sticks to the dpad and buttons
for what reason?

the little dots by the buttons dont bother me much but i felt the same way about the gold before i got it. i thought itd be really flashy but its kind of a subtle gold and its not chrome at least.

>that image

xbox has always had the best controllers

even the duke was better than any playstation controller

I used to get massive cramps in my thumbs from playing ape escape and need for speed, never had that sort of issue with any xbox controllers or xbox games.

I'll never understand anyone who thinks the playstation setup was better, it objectively was not and people like you live in some kind of fantasy world

and you need to stop using leafy phrases if you don't like him.


want some wd40 to oil up them squeaky """"triggers""""?

>lets position our analog sticks so that you cant naturally move your thumb from the analog sticks to the dpad and buttons

no but i bought you some spices so you could get some test

Ah don't be upset. I know it sucks that you'll never be as awesome as Leafy but you don't have to get heated about it :(

One of the few things Sega got right.

Very sexy design desu

Are you kidding? It looks cheap as fuck, especially irl.

except you dont have any reason behind what you said idiot
the xboxs one controller has major analog drift issues, 2 of its back buttons click instead of push down which hurts the flow of the controller, if all of your buttons but 2 push down, then it will disrupt your gameplay every time you press those 2 buttons, playstation doesnt have this issue
the two back triggers are too large, they are slower than ps4 back triggers to press down, feel awkward and intrusive, and squeak after continued use
the playstation controllers do not have these issues
the playstation controller slides into your hands and fits better with gravity, the xbox controller feels unnatural and its over-sized grips force you to play with 4 fingers on the back buttons of your controller, which is stupid
the xbox analog sticks are too elevated over the rest of their buttons, so you cannot quickly move your thumb from an analog to one of the other buttons, you have to move one of your fingers on the 4 back buttons
not to mention the grip itself demands 4 fingers
the dpad on the xbox one controller wears out in about a week and barely functions after continued use, the playstation controllers and previous xbox controllers didnt have this issue
the xbox analog sticks are awkwardly smaller than your thumb and you end up putting your thumb around instead of on them
need i go on? its the worst gamepad on the planet
this also goes to

Xbox controller is better than dualshit

Prove me wrong

i proved you wrong before you even posted

you are so dum pull the trigger on self love and stop hating

>GameCube in low
>Dual Shocks in high

Oh Sonyfriend, you card.

the gamecube is a shit design, not giving it more credit just because its old

finally someone i can agree with

>im 12 and grew up playing xbox

maybe you're not holding the controller properly. try not holding it like a massive faggot.

Aesthetically I prefer the XBone pad, it's pretty much the same as the 360 without that "toy" vibe going.

That's a terminal case of the nostalgias you got going there, user.

this, really

>I have baby hands: the post
Not even kidding, 90% of your issues mean nothing to me because my hands are normal sized.

>the dpad on the xbox one controller wears out in about a week and barely functions after continued use
what the fuck, did you get a madcatz
>2 of its back buttons click instead of push down which hurts the flow of the controller
I don't even know how to reply to this nonsense.

Except the DS4 is literally a god tier controller.
If you ever used it on PC, you would know what I mean.

>aesthetically pleasing
To start, don't get me wrong, it's good to use, I've got two of them. But the aesthetics of this are so far from adequate it's cringy. Dualshock is the masterrace in aesthetics, just because it's symmetrical.

>i'm a manlet that can't hold an xbox controller

i hate microsoft and i don't even own an xbone
but good god the xbone controller is the best controller i have ever used
it's even better than the 360 controller

>liking the xbone controller
Please kill yourself.

Im not reading that

It's the best one

my hands are considered extra large by most glove standards
the problem is with the xbox one remote they want my thumbs up so high it takes too long to move them to buttons to react from the analog sticks that im actually forced to pull my index finger from the back buttons to press the letter buttons
the face of the controller is designed to be operated by JUST your thumbs which is fucking retarded, the ps4 back buttons are designed for 2 fingers to be able to cover the entire back allowing more freedom and control over the face of the controller

No it isn't. You're just another microsoft shill.

Why do niggers still colour-code face buttons? You don't do that shit with triggers, what the fuck? Does anyone except my mum ever look at the controller while playing?

I want to mod bullet-buttons in my Xbox controllers now.

>wahh the dualshock hurts my thumbs because im too retarded to hold a controller probably.

NES one is the best.

the xbox one controller is designed to fit into your hands in a way that forces one grip to be used
the dualshock 4 falls into your hands comfortably allowing multiple grip types for ultimate gaming freedom
playstation doesnt just have all the exclusives, its got the best controller too

>better than the 360 controller

thats not a high bar friend

ahh, ya got me

I seriously don't know what to tell you other than "works for me :^)." I can cover all triggers with two index fingers, and even if I decide not to, it's no issue to switch between the two. And I don't have any problems going from analog to dpad/face buttons, they are not that high.

literally the best looking controller

my threeshitty controller is starting to wear out (bumpers mainly) and im tempted to get a bone controller, but every time one goes on sale i read reviews that say "don't get this one, get the updated model (that's not sale) with better this and that" so which model number or whatever of bone controllers is the one that's been fixed up the most?

>this fucking tier list

>buyer's remorse and nostalgia: the thread

keep fightin' niggers!

>ive never touched a dualshock: the post
they are about an inch elevated, so you cannot slide your thumb over to any buttons like you can with a dualshock, you have to spend more time moving than pressing buttons, and it is less natural
lets say you're playing bloodborne you can dream
you gotta dodge an attack
if you take the time to move your thumb from an xbox analog stick to the O button, then you will die, so you're forced to take your index finger from the back to press b quicker and survive, then move it all the way back again to make a counter attack, if you do this all very fast you could get 1 counter attack in
however with a dualshock, you can slide over your thumb press b and immediately follow up with 2-3 counter attacks
my only complaints with the dualshock 4 is that its a bit small so i bought a larger version
and the touch pad is kind of useless, but better to have it than not have it

>Can't claw to use the d pad and thumbstick at the same time
>the best

The Dual-Analog is the best controller.

he gets it

Classic Controller Pro is my favourite controller.

I know being corporate shills is already depressing but this is ridiculous.

And the PSX controller in high? Are you fucking crazy?

The PS1 controller is god tier, are YOU high?

How do you switch the dpad and sticks in the elite controller, anyway?