ITT: We discuss why SC Chaos Theory is objectively the best purist stealth game ever created.
Also, what do you guys think the next splinter cell after blacklist will be like?
ITT: We discuss why SC Chaos Theory is objectively the best purist stealth game ever created.
Also, what do you guys think the next splinter cell after blacklist will be like?
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>the next splinter cell after blacklist
I wish they'd leave this series alone, too much damage has been done already.
Conviction and Shitlist were a mistake.
>the best purist stealth game ever created.
Honestly, I enjoyed conviction. I liked the break from full on stealth everything. I didn't go guns blazing, but it was nice to just play as a Sam who just didn't give a fuck anymore. Besides, it was the last SC with Ironside as Sam.
Also, RIP Tom Clancy : /
>Also, what do you guys think the next splinter cell after blacklist will be like?
Featuring pssshh nuthin personella Sam? No thanks.
Disagree with CT being purest, best stealth game but it's up there
Splinter Cell is dead to me now.
chaos theory is truly the patricians choice that still holds up not only gameplay wise but graphically on PC
hilarious that CT came out when MGS3 did but the gamer girls and ps2 ledditors are spouting it as the best game ever made because muh feels and anime
OP here, idk about you guys but I still play Chaos Theory religiously. I usually try to go as far as I can from the beginning without dying and without being spotted and if I do, I just end the game and start again tomorrow, you only get one try though, you should try it its really nerveracking.
this precisely
MGS3 is fucking meme tier stealth
Though CT is the better stealth game i had more fun with MGS3. Not sure why you brought up the comparison
why did I compare 2 stealth games that came out the same year and are the third installments of their respective most famous stealth franchises?
mgs3 isnt even the best metal gear game yet it gets hailed as one of the best games of all time
are there any mods that make chaos theory harder?
i'm replaying it for the first time in years and i don't remember it being this piss easy on expert
MGS is hardly real stealth though it has all round better games than the SC series. Imo anyway.
I'm more partial to Thief games anyway
how do you play?
if you want to go truly hardcore you have to use no weapons at all or gadgets
>MGS is hardly real stealth though
funny considering that things like the basic aiming/ shooting controls are abysmal in MGS 1-3 while they are fine in splinter cell
sneeki breeki, non lethal unless i can't avoid a kill without savescumming
is it possible to ghost the whole game outside of scripted events? maybe i'll give that a try
Thief 1 & 2 > chaos theory > mgs3 > splinter cell > mgs5 > thief 3/4 > mgs1 > miscellaneous stealth elements in various video games > mgs2.
Also, I think we can all agree that Amon Tobin did a fucking 20/10 job on the soundtrack.
It is; very hard though. I've been trying to do it without dying once, that is the ultimate challenge.
are you retarded? MGS3 "stealth" is literally going into a menu and seeing what has the highest stats and then crawling around
fucking MGS2 requires actually some thought and execution, MGS4 is much better, Ground Zeroes has the best stealth in the MGS franchise by far
Dat oldfart.
Thief 2 is better tho
>trying to ghost this shit
OH FUCK ME I hate that part so goddamn much.
You literally have to guess it
I grew up on the SC series so i'm partial to it
it even taught me how to be stealthy around the house at night as a kid, since all the player movements are pretty correct in terms of actual quietness irl.
this guy is a fucking god
>all dat FM content still being released almost 18 years after Thief 1
T1/2 are my personal goats
>Besides, it was the last SC with Ironside as Sam.
While true, the stellar writing that made him such a treat was gone by then.
I've always wanted to see a crossover Tom Clancy game, like bringing together Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell or Rainbow 6. They hinted at it in Rainbow 6 Vegas when you get picked up in a chopper by a Splinter Cell agent
shit, that would be goat
You do air support for Ghost Recon in HAWX
Yeah in the first mission. You can also unlock pic related in HAWX which was a unit in End War.
How is there anything to discuss?
You only get 100% if you are a ghost. No other game does this.
And I like that they actually evolved into that instead of regressing (remember the forced "action" scenes in 1).
blacklist was great you annoying contrarians.
Way better than conviction.
Literally all they have to do is bring back Ironside to play Sam, make Sam the new Lambert, create a new young hero to play as, and dedicate a couple flashback missions where you play as Sam in classic Splinter Cell gameplay.
True, to an extent. Conviction still has a place in my heart because it was the last game with an amon tobin soundtrack and ironside as sam. The new sam sounds like a faggot but the gameplay is pretty alright
do want, holy shit
Switch Conviction and Blacklist and you're gold.
I hope the next splinter cell is non-existent, the series is past its prime and needs to stop, although blacklist wasn't bad.
blacklist is better
He's salty and MGS enrages him. You get these types in Splinter Cell threads, while in MGS threads, stuff like Splinter Cell or Syphon Filter aren't even a factor. I mean, I'd be pissed off too if a franchise I liked was dead as fuck, Ubisoft won't even make a SC pachinko or UFO catcher game, it's that done. Atleast Konami is making a MGS 6 after seeing V's sales.
Are you 12? Do you validate yourself with the franchise you like "being alive"? The only MGS game thats even remotely good is Ground Zeroes
Just use Splitter camo in MGS 3, it's good for all around sneaking.
Agree with you on Ground Zeroes to an extent. MGSV had the best sneaking in any game I've played, especially with the options for approaching a target.
>The only MGS game thats even remotely good is Ground Zeroes
>Because I say so
You sound retarded, are you?
Its not remotely good because "I say so", its the only one thats good because it objectively is
Its not held down by retarded non-mechanics like menu browsing, terrible unintuitive controls or horrid writing/ characters
Anyone prefer to go panther over ghost?
>Its not held down by retarded non-mechanics like menu browsing, terrible unintuitive controls or horrid writing/ characters
you sound like 12
Remember this?
>tfw the rivaling devs aren't even this petty
Yeah. I think they repurposed a lot of it for Assassin's Creed, and Watch Dogs could be considered a spiritual successor.
I've just rushed through Double Agent after years, man that was bad. As in really bad
The end result is honestly better. You can say Conviction isn't Splinter Cell but the original concept REALLY wasn't Splinter Cell.
MGSV is a better stealth game.
I played the PC version. One of the most horrible experiences ever.
Reminder that a new Splinter Cell has been in works since 2014. We might see announcement at this E3.
>inb4 open world with tanks and more casualized shit
mgsv is silly and makes no sense
Never played an SC but am willing to try out other stealth games.
Should I play it on the HD collection or did Ubisoft fuck up so bad that I should find them on XBOX original instead?
>rushed through a Splinter Cell game
Well there's your problem.
MGS V is fucking shit, between it and 4 kojima ruined his own franchise
>forced action sequences
>better stealth game
Pick one. MGS has always been a joke.
Real talk: Chaos Theory has a 10/10 first half but becomes shit around North korea
Soundtrack is GOAT though
Me too, apparently the ps2/gc/xbox version was better, but I can't get it to work with dolphin/pcsx2/opl
Double Agent was really short
>implying blacklist isn't a return to form and the best splinter cell after ct
I seem to recall hearing there were issues with the HD versions, but I'm not sure. I know that Pandora Tomorrow has problems on PC where some shadows aren't rendered correctly on modern GPUs. OG Xbox isn't a bad way to play them, IIRC that was the lead platform for the first 4.
>HD collection
Splinter Cell has shit frame rate, full of glitches and bugs, often can't save.
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow has less bugs and is playable, however terrible frame rate.
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory is pretty great on the collection. Controls are good, it plays alright, looks ok.
I would play the original on PC, PT on PS2 and CT on PC because the PC controls are fucking amazing.
Also forgot to mention this was on PS3 collection, not sure if 360 is any different.
>I would play the original on PC, PT on PS2
Or on the original Xbox of course.
Thief 2 > Chaos Theory > Blood Money > MGS1
Pretty sure you are a single guy how spouts this nonsense in every SC thread.
It has nothing in common with the previous titles but the name.
If there's any franchise that deserves a proper remastering for this generation, it's Splinter Cell (especially the first 3).
But Ubisoft probably won't do it because it would clash with Neo Sam.
I remember the 2 free DLC maps for the original SC. They were cool as shit.
plz no
it will be a cross over with the division and you know it.
One long panther combo first playthrough.
Then ghost.
It's always a matter of what franchise you played first/liked most.
I like CT, I don't like the fact that you just knock out people at melee range when they're alerted.
I could play the Phantom Plot for that bullshit.
that's all games though
to appeal to wider market
like lag compensation in shooters, fuck that.
Funny how MGS2 is lowest, when its VR missions would top any solid before or after it.
OK then.
I liked MGSV's gameplay but what the hell happened to the level design?
>You can turn off reflex!
>You can turn off marking!
Then you sound starting like a Thief 2014 apologist. They should have never abandoned the Solid 4 controls either
Funny. I played them one ps3 without a fuck. I remember se bullshit bug in pt but everything else was fine.
It's probably ranked low because someone still can't get over Raiden.
Not really.
I'm assuming he's talking about First Person Shooting ADDED to the already overpowered Soliton Radar.
It doesn't help that the hardest challenge of Euro Extreme is that bosses will fuck you up.
>what the hell happened to the level design?
Kojima fell for the open world meme.
> Tom Clancy died
> 2 years ago
What the hell?...
>implying he died
>not got killed by KGB
It's okay dude, I hated it too. Until I played it.
I love both Splinter Cell and MGS, I think MGSV and CT are my two favorite stealth games ever.
Didn't like Blacklist though, as fucking dumb as MGS is. Blacklist felt way too Tacticool and Nuthin Personell. Sam can just fucking run up and shank five guys without anyone having time to react. Even MGSV isn't that lenient with its AI.
Maybe it just the style, I liked SC as the more grounded stealth game and MGS as the more silly badass stealth game. I don't think that style fits SC and I really fucking HATED new Sam.
what exactly is supposed to be good about the controls in MGS4? Literally the only thing you cant do in GZ that you can do in MGS4 is the ground submission, and thats because your groundslams already knock the enemies out now
also youre retarded if you have an issue with marking , you need to see the enemy first to do it, the map is huge, and MGS4 had a radar and the solid eye
>MGS as the more silly badass stealth game
Yeah, that's kind of the mentality of MGS.
Even though you can sneak your way through like a standard sneaking game, the game gives you tons of options and tools to fuck around with, and encourages you to use them.
>return to form
>replace the GOAT voice actor with someone 30 years younger than him
okay, pal.
>not the 1st person mod
Well, you have something there.
Okay, I'm not defending the replacement of Ironside, but dismissing the whole game because of it is pretty stupid. Besides, the guy's over 60. He couldn't be doing any of the motion capture necessary for the game.
Ground zeroes as blacklist has the WORSE context sensitive shit i ever saw.
You cant control both sam or snake as you like, and end up going into wall or doing weird shit.
>inb4 press 5 buttons to do simple shit
>He couldn't be doing any of the motion capture necessary for the game.
That's always been a dumb excuse to me. You can record facial and body motion capture separately. Blacklist did exactly that apparently.
then get rid of Sam and start a spin off series with a new character. the end of Conviction was pretty damn conclusive, Sam was out. but Ubisoft decided to ignore that entirely, because they are terrible game developers and they don't know what they're doing anymore.