So, how long until Sup Forums will start hate Chrono Trigger too?

So, how long until Sup Forums will start hate Chrono Trigger too?

>liking cocksuck non-game

Chrono trigger's gameplay is boring as fuck. The ATB system sucks, the tactical depth is minimal, and it's way too easy. It was mediocre upon release and it's just about unplayable now that so many better games exist.

Pretty sure we speak english on this board.

like poetry

Sup Forums isn't a person.

Who is Sup Forums?

Sup Forums males are no different than "unique" females.

pretty much this so hopefully soon.

Is that why you make yourself indistinguable from other anons? To make you feel as a separate entity?

Flea wasn't trying to push some meme agenda, he was just a character who was also a cross-dresser.

He wasn't saying he was a "woman trapped in the body of a man" or any of that lunatic shit

I don't mind women in videogames, and there's no reason to. However, shoehorning a woman/gay/trans into a game to push a political agenda is figuratively cancer.

This, so much this

Wear a trip you pathetic fag

>look at me guys, I'm a loser bigot who pretends that gender dysphoria doesn't exist!!!

found another indoctrinated human, lads.

Chrono trigger is really bad so I don't see why Sup Forums shouldn't dislike it

Literally babby's first RPG, shallow gameplay, boring artstyle, uninteresting companions, meme plot, meme villain

Basically only loved for nostalgia

Crossdressers aren't trannies.

>Basically only loved for nostalgia
thats the point.
its not like the game was made last year.
it was a blast when it was FIRST released.
thats the point.
only dumb fucks want to compare it to modern day development.

that's your first clue
here's your second clue: Sup Forums isn't alright

Games like Mega Man X and Link to the Past still hold up though, even when compared to modern day development

If you want to call it a timeless classic you can't also say you can't compare it to modern day games, that defeats the entire point of calling it timeless

Chrono trigger is really good so I don't see why Sup Forums shouldn't like it

Literally SNES's best RPG, decent gameplay, good artstyle, interesting companions, cool plot, inovative villain

Basically only hated by underageb&

No, that was SD3.

>still hold up though
nice opinion.

>Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross will never have proper remakes

It's still a great game with a ton of content even by modern standards. But because it doesn't have MMO or Kingdom Hearts combat like all the other modern JRPGs, underage neo-Sup Forums thinks it sucks.

You know what I think? I think you should post more Flea.

I played the DS remake as a kid and loved it. The time travel was a neat concept. I think what makes the game is the pacing. It's hard to describe, but the pacing is really fast and constantly taking you to new places to explore.

good, they don't need them


>you must be 18 years old to post here

>responding to obvious bait

>innovative villain
Surprisingly true, actually. Considering how Square's flagship franchises is well know for having villains that are all about faux-philosophical depth and grand goals self-agrandising motivations, it's interesting to see them making a game where the villain isn't even generically evil, just an animal.

5 star post, man.

Have a (You).


It's a Japanese game, there's no way it hell it can be considered "progressive".

If you don't call out retards for being retarded, it will just draw in more retards.

SE will probably port the mobile version of Chrono Trigger.

Nice one, just shut out different opinions with your shitty "bait" meme

But to you people, anything that goes against your worldview is pushing a political agenda.

Besides, what exactly is WRONG with pushing an agenda? Isn't the point of art supposed to be to get a message across?

>Next time on Underage Reviews...

>All this hate on Chrono Trigger
>There's even one faggot who claims MMX is bad

Wow. Sup Forumstards really are the contrarians to end all contrarians.

Good, I don't want Square to fuck it up like they're doing FF7.

But he flat out stated/acknowledged that he's a guy. He didn't try to pretend otherwise. Retard.

No, we're not.

Literally all games are bad and in their eyes either because they're too young to understand significance of games at release or they're just bitter fat fucks that are jaded about their hobby of toys. People are literally shitting on chrono trigger based on mechanics and developments in gaming almost over two decades later. Just fucking play games and enjoy them faggots, being contrarian and analytical about all games just ends up taking away easy fun you could have had because of some sad perception of maturity through being overly cynical. Maybe it's honestly out of a real desire from most gamers to be taken seriously most of their life for a hobby they take a little too seriously so they try to justify it by putting all their toys through an analytical lense like they're all art and not something to just occupy your free time.

Yes, we are.

I thought you guys already hated every game...

>hate this because one character
mages have had androgynous traits since ancient egypt, do some fucking homework newfig.

I hate practically every game with turn based combat, with exceptions for the Mario RPGs.

And yes Chrono Trigger is still turn based, I dont care if its "action time", its gameplay is still fundamentally the same. The battling is the most boring part, just like with any other turn based JRPG.

>Cross dresser

They aren't even buds, either, they're full fledged boobs. Attached to him. No. When I put my panties on I don't magically grow boobs.


I need a pic of you wearing panties as proof.

I shouldn't be a slut, sorry.

Don't be afraid user, we're all sluts here.

>DS remake came out 2008
>as a kid

>13 then
>Over 20 today
Nigger can you into math?

You're getting older, user.

check my 6

He wears a magical bustier that makes him "look more feminine".

[Citation needed]

13's young adult, user. learn your biology.

Is this bait or are you just a nigger? Young adult starts at 20, you're a teenager from 13 to 19

>enter the black omen in 1000AD
>charm a gorillion speed tabs from panels
>go to do it again in 600AD
>everything that's not a minor enemy or a tubster is already dead