Start new game

>start new game
>classic difficult
>deploying to U.K.
>round 1
>all units behind full cover, two units overwatch
>alien activity
>6 aliens swarm my position
>they kill one of my guys
>second dude panics
>start 2nd round 2v6
>both of them miss
>alien activity
>all four of my soldiers die

fuck this game

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Sounds like you should have broken line of sight.

Yeah, the first couple missions are pure cancer.

>First mission is cemetery
>2 guys OW
>Scout on top of stairs, covered
>Alien act
>They shoot my guys twice
>Broke my cover first shot
>My soldiers miss every shot .
>Can't even hit from higher ground.
>Can't destroy their barricade, all shots completely missing.
>They critically hit my 2nd floor scout (behind cover)
>Break all my team's cover in 2 hits
>More aliens arrive
>Clean up what's left ofomy crew
At that point I just uninstalled . Had completed the campaign anyway


Why is this game so fucking huge again?

>with enough sheer trauma from watching his friends be slaughtered by ayliums, this rookie is eventually one shotting the final boss

>shitty you can only do 2 things per turn system
>only way to make it difficult is make the aliens more potent than you, and more numerous
>if you try to outflank the enemy you'll bump into another squad
>put several people on overwatch and scout with 1 unit so you can reaction fire them before their free movement to cover they always get

XCOM remake was shit desu, you come up with 1 strategy about 3 missions in and never deviate which is kinda pathetic for a fucking strategy game

When new DLC release?

>start new game
>classic difficult
>deploying to france
>round 1
>all units behind full cover, one unit on overwatch
>alien activity
>6 aliens swarm my position
>first alien shoots at one of my rookies
>destroys her cover
>second alien kills her
>rookie next to her panics
>panicked rookie shoots the human standing behind him, who was standing in the opposite direction of where all 6 aliens are located


Vanilla xcom is cake even on the harder settings.

Go back to playing cod, halo, or dark souls if you want easy shit.

don't cut yourself on that edge bro

Was it sniper/pistol sniper?


Sorry that you're shit at vidya?

They can't attack on the turn they get t discovered, nice fake story.

fight me in real life, bitch

Being lucky is not edgy!
Being unlucky does not make you shit at video games!

I had fun with this game until the human traitor libs appeared. honestly those fights are so gay i really don't want anything to do with it again lol

When I started plying xcom I thought it's the best shit ever made.
But after so much RNG bullshit I had to drop it.

This board is for video games, not fit people

Shooting teammates while panicking is the most pure manifestation of the term "artificial difficulty" and the most obscenely unrealistic thing possible.


>End of the level
>Wether down few mutons to 1hp each
>every person in your squad take a turn and fucking up 70%+ shot and then at the end your heavy shoot whole fucking box of ammo at a pack of fucking mutons bunched together and still fucking miss and then they just oneshot your best people in the next turn despite hight cover and all.

I mean seriously, if bullet misses your target but then hit someone else behind him why not make it a hit, why not count hit percentage for every bullet like first xcom or silent storm.
Who go this retarded way that every single bullet is either hit or miss.
And then people just justify it as being essence of xcom or like it actually makes game more tactical when you have to account for your soldiers fucking up 80% shot.
I sent

Are there any mods for XCOM 2 worth picking up? I already beat the game once back at launch and I'm stuck between XCOM 2 and LW for a replay.


>Impossible difficulty
>Most of my colonels are injured
>Crash site with 5-6 aliens
>Thank god, finally an opportunity to level my squadies and rest my main team
>2 heavy floaters, 3 mutoons
>Wipe them out except for a single mutoon with 2 hp
>He runs away
>Doing great, only minor injuries, getting promotions
>Take my time approaching the crash site
>Lone survivor mutoon suddenly appears at the very edge of the screen
>2 overwatch misses
>Fucker crits my support behind full cover and kills him
>Heavy starts panicking, almost kills my sniper
>Sniper hunkers down because of panic
>Oh shit bullet swarm!!!
>Heavy crits and kills my other heavy

Long War my man

>early xcom missions
>absolutely bullshit rng
>late game missions with top tier soldiers/upgrades
>cake walk, no even 3 pods at once can stop you

i wish they'd find a nice balance

Those friendly kills due to panic are the most BS shit ever.
If you with your bros sitting behind a fountain under heavy fire and then one of you bites it, you dont fucking start shooting at the rest.

Anyway always wondered how the fuck are those people getting to be the last line of defence.
They are literally nobodies, they cant shot, they dont have ranks, they shit their pants when they just get shot at, whole xcom base gets less cash and personnel than a ford assembly line, you have only one plane to transport your people and less satellites than India.
All of this is less realistic than scenario of aliens attacking.

thank you

Xcom newbie here.
Enemy Unknown, Within or 2?

EU first, EW if you want more of the same, then XCOM2

EW then X2
EW is just EU upgraded

within is the same game with cyborg upgrades so just buy xcom2

I recommend you play them in the order they were released.

>Not using Long War
>Not picking UK with + 3 aim for every sold
>Fags will pick muh +1 Nigeria mobility anyway

>he can't play vanilla because it's too hard
>he has to modify xcom to make it easier to play

Well memed my friend

The only hard mission in vanilla is tutorial

>people brag about long war making the game longer and more difficult
>has grenade types out the ass that can trivialize all difficulty added except the masochist difficulty settings bullshit

I mean, if you play long war and just play on normal, don't brag about playing long war. The game may as well play itself with all the options you have in long war on normal, seriously.

The game is impossible to play now without fast forward though for me. Those combat movements are way too slow normally.

Its decent gameplay idea, prevents you from having meat shields to divert damage. But its fucking way too frequent especially on higher difficulties. Ive had situations where my high ranking soldiers got freaked out by mutoon screams


Your PTSD is now triggered

fucking rookies

70% shot misses 19 out of 20 times.

fuck. I hate that image, make it go away.

No its not, this was an awesome mission that really had it all, nicely done map, zombies, fucking whale full of fun an element of surprise, suitable audio and tense gameplay.
First played it on ironman knowing nothing about it, sniper that I set up to cover for my soldiers made it on the last move and on the last square of movement.
All survived.

Please be nicer to your fellow board users. This will be your final warning.

My only regret is that this map doesnt appear randomly along with few other story related maps.

I'm I the only one who dismisses all female soldiers solely to make the game more realistic?

On a sidenote, when ever I am taking someone on his first mission I paint them pink and make them wear fedora no one want to die wearing pink vest and a fedora

You're being too aggressive. During the first month, you'll be leveling rookies.

On each mission, you should find a really good position to defend and just stay on overwatch. Let them come to you.


Comfiest mission and I never lost a single man.
Good thing I had the right idea on my first run to leave most of the squad outside the ship and send in one dude to rush the objective.
But everyone bitches for some reason...

Try mods, long war, it makes it more balanced, trust me.

Also typical:
>My soldier hits 1% chance and crits the fucker
meh, move on
>My soldier missed 99% hit

Life is RNG, suck it

>Let them come to you.
>cemetery/train yard bomb mission.

Your goal is six supports with invisibility. This game is very easy, even on impossible.

Learn to cannon fodder. Rookies aren't for killing aliens. They're for scouting out the aliens so that your veterans don't get ambushed.

Sounds about right

>cannon fodder
>letting the memorial tab activate at all

>six supports with invisibility


>decide to try long war since finished the campaign
>after 10 tries deice to drop ironman and go for bronzeman
>Holy shit even bronzeman won't help, shit's just hopless no matter how many times I restart a mission
>begin restarting missions to get successful evacuation with at least 2 guys spared
>after some time even that won't do

I mean seriously, it feels like it's even impossible on savescum and I don't even want to go sevescum.

I'll just go for normal campaign after that, this will be easy ride after this training chamber.

I really tried to like this game but the RNG is next level. How a soldier, rookie or not, is going to get panic enough to shoot his fellow squad mate is beyond me. Than the dank meme of 90% chance to hit and you miss everytime, but the aliums can snipe you with a .00123% chance. Im all for difficulty but not grade A bullshit.

>classic difficult
yet you complain about the difficulty
>alien activity
>6 aliens swarm my position
>they kill one of my guys
which is impossible since aliens take one turn to appear and position themselves
>both of them miss
if you have nothing but noobs, spam grenades

There were missions I felt unfair and bad for aliens, since RNG was fucking the over so much, there were missions where gods turned on me.

What's with the sword on the assault set-up


i really really never had once a soldier that panicks and shoot an ally, never
was it patched or something?

No, its still there.
At least they miss half of the time even when point blank so its not all bad although its stiff infuriating when your people are low on health and you have this heavy to send ahead who can carry them on his shoulders to the landing zone and then your rookie fucking shots him.

>six supports with invisibility


I dunno, I miss them in XCOM2. Now it's always shooting aliens.

>spam grenades

and have no weapon fragments or corpses to research?

Whats shitty is I wanted to play the whole game, but just cant deal with the frustration. Also doesnt help I have this complex where I will refuse to let any of my men die.

Never lost anyone on this mission. Albeit came close to losing assault once due to turn timer, but otherwise it's easy unless you done fucked up.

2 snipers with invisibility is enough imo. Rest of team can be even rookies.

>This game is very easy, even on impossible

Good luck getting six invisibility, let alone getting past the second mission without detrimental losses.

If the game activates multiple ayys simultaneous, game over.

Yeah elite soldiers defending earth my ass

It's like all of the countries are giving you their worst milksops, they can't shot, they panic like they were taken from street without any combat experience, they can't wear a normal load of equipment like average marine would do.

>Good luck getting six invisibility

Why would that be difficult?

>alien in cover
>no cover, weaker alien and +50% critical
it's not complicated

even if you kill aliens with grenades, it's easy xp for rookies and you can shoot other aliens with your veterans

I think he meant, "Good luck getting six support"

I believe there is a mod where soldiers killed in action are just badly hurt back at the base

Haven't played EW long time so correct me if I'm wrong you can't kill ayys with a single grenade on higher difficulties. That being said, killing a few ayys with grenades in early game won't be that detrimental in any case.

even playing LW using Shivs on this mission is just too easy

just full move to the button and press it easy as shit.

That comic panel is hilarious

They would be 99% third worlders, not almost entirely US and other 1st world countries.

Nope, Newfoundland is free promotions the map.


Oh my god... I can't help you man.

I felt bad after restarting when I had 2 squad whipes in a row.

Such games train your will, It's a challenge.
Life is RNG, life is also about losing shit. The only thing dependent to you in this game is to NEVA GIVE UP

>3rd playthrough
>best solider
>always a sniper
>always black
damn sjws

Enemy Within DLC greatly softened this problem, now panicked people are more likely to panic shoot, run, hunker or do nothing

I had practically 100% female squadron rooster and I wasn't even dismissing males, it just happened that all males were dying at some point and all exped soldiers that survived were female.

There is even achievement for that, I remember.

running away and shooting the enemy is always better than hunker
but still, hunker is better than shooting allies

>finding the Exalt base
>the feeling of relief and dread at the same time

Fucking Exalt, man. Fucking Exalt.

My biggest problem with Xcom EU was the DLC which made everything generally harder.
Thing is, they fucked up early game to be much harder but made late game be extremely easy. They discouraged the shitty and only-functioning "just have soldiers spam overwatch until enemies auto-aggro on you and then have the aliens die" strategy by adding magic nanotechnology canisters that allow you to get the extreme late-game advantage of having your soldiers' limbs amputated and putting them in mech-suits. I guess it gives that an alternative to the Pacific Rim robots.
Anyway, the biggest problem is how that fuck-shit OP of an enemy with 30 fucking hp, the sectopod, got 50% damage reduction in EW, essentialy giving it a complete whooping fucking 60 hp. Probably the enemy with the most hp in the game (the final boss may or may not have the same hp as the sectopod in EW)
Those fucking mechs in EW are extremely OP, probably as some kind of reward of "hey, nice job of attempting to survive without using the shitty overwatch strategy, have these extremely strong medium-to-late-game people". THEY TANK DAMAGE AND SHOTS CAN DEAL OVER 10 DAMAGE EACH. GET A MAX-RANK MECH-PERSON AND IT'S GG

I dunno, MEC's outside of early-mid game are quite shitty when compared to gene mods. Although to be fair I always take a MEC with EMP on final mission to deal with those two sectopods and kinetic strike.

Why? Assaulting the base is much easier than the last couple of exalt missions you get, you can take as long as you want.


Flamethrower > Hive Queen

>Trusting organic meatbags when superior machines are available

have fun saving civilians and disarming bombs with that

Post your soldiers

When I did that I did a lot of intel scans before. The base assault was a nightmarish clusterfuck.

EU Sectopods were worse, if you ever let them get an attack off you were basically guaranteed 1-2 dead soldiers

I've been playing this lately too.

The cover system seems to be completely fucked. I've been playing on Normal and just savescumming constantly but holy shit does this game ever fuck you up sometimes.