Will it come out this year?

Will it come out this year?

>these graphics
give me a moment while i lmao at you

I sure hope not. Why the fuck hasn't it been hit with a C & D yet?

Wow, a new official mother game? I thought Itoi was done


You should be asking, will it come out this lifetime?

Then why name it like its official?

>Those graphics
>Not drop dead gorgeous

No it's not brown and bloom
No it's not "Muh gritty realism"
But holy shit does this game have some damn fine sprite art which if done correctly can be timeless

It's a bad marketing move really since it's deceptive, but Itoi said something along the lines of wanting others to make MOTHER 4. These autists took that literally.

>If you don't like sprites you want brown and bloom

Motherfags are the most autistic fanbase.

just play undertale

they're more or less the same game

i didn't like tumblrtale

>not liking 16-bit style graphics


I think Undermeme killed any chance Mother 4 had at being relevant.

It will just make newfags think it's an Undertale ripoff, or that it's primitive battle system can't compete.

What I'm saying is a few years down the line as graphics get better and we can cram more and more shit into 3d games to make it look better and better, the graphical fidelity will inevitably fade and not look as good as before. Go back 10 years and look at older games that try for a realistic approach to graphics they will without fail not look as good as a cartoonish game or a well done sprite based game. The obvious acceptions are games with an art-style like Blinx or Mario. While those games do still "look ok" they still pale in comparison to modern graphics if nintendo weren't a bunch of shitters and could actually make a world not look like plastic that is. Whereas good looking sprites can last forever and we can go back 20-25 years and see evidence of that of course I'm a fucking sperg who can go back and say OG Doom looks "alright" and isn't absolute vomit on the eyes but that's neither here nor there.

Blog post
TLDR; Sprites age better and will almost always look better then 3d

Are you a complete retard, friend?

A crappy tumblrmeme filled with "haha randem doggo XDDDd" memes made by a pansexual jew. Literally the most uninviting game ever

Wtf is a pansexual

For all that matters, it should never come out.

It means putting your dick into a pan flute

buzzword used by reddit on their first day on the site