2016 - Sony Golden Age?!

So anons, I've been off of console gaming other than a few select titles here n there for some time now. I sincerely had buyers remorse over PS4 until these recent months. The weebstation is truly back in all its glory.

>Fate/Extella all but confirmed US release

>Project Diva X
>Future Tone
>FF12 remaster
>Star Ocean 5
>Senran Kagura Estival Versus
>God Eater
>Gravity Daze 1 & 2

It's like we're back in 2005. What are your biggest wants this / next year inc from Japan? Which additional platforms are you hoping to see games coming to? If PC ports happen, will you wait?

Also please no console war shit, brand loyalty is dumb and you're not a real gamer if you don't enjoy every platform you have access to.

Other urls found in this thread:


You'll buy Miku's games, won't you anons?

A few hours after being able to preorder this costume they announced that it will be censored due to being too much like a nazi uniform.

You're not allowed to praise sony consoles on Sup Forums.



all that weabo shit . for the players ... thats why i sold my shit station 4


>a japanese console has japanese games

you're living in the sony golden age
uncharted 4

I get that it may not be to your taste user but why talk about something you don't like?

This news made my fucking day. I love XSeed lately, replaying SV on PC has been a blast.

Confusing, many games have depictions of nazis, why do people get so overly sensitive about silly nonsense?

>Project Diva X
>Future Tone
>FF12 remaster
>Star Ocean 5
>Senran Kagura Estival Versus
>God Eater
Those will all be on PC. Most of them before the year ends.

Future Tone won't even be localized let alone get a PC version.

I like it how you faggots will list garbage like Project Diva and Senran Kagura, but ignore Nioh completely.

>project diva
O m8 ill fite you

more of that kawaii slug

I'm hoping Temco Koei localizes Toukiden 2 soon.

>Gust games

When will that be out in Japan?
They localize fucking everything so I doubt it will be that long of a wait after it's out
Also I want Dragon Quest Heroes 2 as that looks badass

It hits Japan next month, but a Western release hasn't been announced.

This would be like the Sony Bronze age. The PS1 and PS2 were the Golden and Silver ages of SCEJ.

chances are, they will announce it during e3.

You are free to like what you like user, but I can shit post too.

Samurai wanna be souls is shit. See?

Sega did say last year that they were really going to ramp up PC ports. So time will tell.

It was fun to watch my room mate play it. I really found the game play to be quite boring but the story and presentation alone made it a good experience.

... I know I'll just trigger people if I say how I feel about this one.

This year alone is giving me a lot of hope, I haven't wanted this many games in a single year since Ps2 era.

>he got #conquered

I forgot that's in like a week, fuck time to get hype.

>So time will tell.
If by time you mean 5 or 6 years later then maybe

It's not like we don't have plenty of games in the mean time user. PC friends deserve Miku, she would not exist without them.