What are some fun games to play while tripping?
What are some fun games to play while tripping?
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zomg dudes drugs are so cool and give my mediocre life meaning
Contra. Trust me
You sound jealous.
Proteus, probably
Pacman Tournament Edition DX
I took shrooms and played it, it was crazy
LSD dream emulator
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metaton
Wario Ware
Paper Mario
Oh fuck that does sound good, trying this sometime since I have it on steam
don't waste lsd on video games
go out
Last time I took LSD and went out I started panicking and had someone take me home.
I enjoyed sitting at home playing vidya with my friend more than being out.
Neo Sup Forums thinks Weed is drugs.
I tried MGS5 on LSD, a sandstrom started and I was convinced that Fox engine didn't look this good before. Just get high and try different games, just don't focus too much on gameplay since it takes you semi out of your trip.
>Last time I took LSD and went out I started panicking and had someone take me home.
seriously? what a weakling
how old are you?
I get together with my 2 best buds, and we go on a trip once every 4-5 months, we sit around and listen to music and play games. Some nights are fucking magical.
Yeah, man, like , m0rio yeah get me, cus mushrooms, maaaan. WOAH. haha
Weed is a drug by the actual definition of drug
But caffeine is also a drug by that definition so meh
I kept getting startled by dogs and emergency vehicles. It wasn't completely unenjoyable but I much prefer to stay home.
REZ is fucking AMAZING
Got really confused playing Crysis on shrooms
Windows Media Player Visualizations
Electric sheep fractal shit on youtube + own background music
Weed is a drug, you damned junkie now stop trying to say that old Sup Forums was full of junkie wasters like you. Wasters, yes. Junkies, no.
Off yourself, disgusting person.
Caffein and Nicotine are both more addictive than Weed.
LSD is waaaaay down the list. It pretty much does everything than creating a habit.
>Weed is drugs
>Implying it isn't
I bet you think ibuprophen isn't a drug too
by outside i meant go nature
forest, beach, places without people
take your best friend for safety reasons
>damned junkie
So I can't smoke once or twice a week, or do you not believe in self control?
Russian roulette with all rounds chambered.
If you had self control, you wouldn't be smoking once or twice a week.
I played fightan games with a friend when we were on DXM, good fun.
>tfw don't know any local dealers
>tfw have to import when i want to trip
It's kind of a pain.
Rez is great fun on psychedelics
Especially the 'no lose' mode for when you're too out of your mind to not die.
addiction and dependency, though it is proven that lol weed lol, is less addictive than other drugs that doesn't mean people get less dependent on it, in truth people become more dependent on lol weed lol because they believe that since it's less addictive to other drugs it harms them less and they can quit anytime they want.
Which is false.
Never smoked weed cause I don't like to smoke but I know for a fact LSD isn't addictive
drugs and alcohol are fucking disgusting and I abhor what they do to people
I'd rather put a .44 in my mouth than a single drop or puff or tablet of any of that shit
thanks mom for being an abusive alcoholic bitch and ruining my childhood to keep me away from it all
Quick FPS shooters (SS/Quake etc)
Immersive well done rpgs (Votmb/Fallout 1 and 2/The witcher)
Bonus game: STALKER
>my mom was an abusive alcoholic so that means all drugs make you abusive
LSD makes you fucking euphoric, you're more likely to abuse someone without it than with it.
It's amazing how shitposters ruin a legitimate discussion. I mean I don't even smoke or do any drugs but fuck you newfriends are retarded.
>but it's just a joke!!!
>thanks mom for being an abusive alcoholic bitch and ruining my childhood to keep me away from it all
only fucked up people with problems are scared of lsd with is sad because lsd could really help you out
[muffled bong ripping]
why the fuck is LSD even illegal again?
>legitimate discussion
Pick one
Why is Sup Forums so deffensive when someone mentions drugs? I don't even any drugs but you guys are fucking faggots.
Is it because you were bullied by the "kewl" kids that used to do drugs in highschool?
Oculus Rift games
>that spoiler
Now we are getting into personal territory
>why the fuck is LSD even illegal again?
because it's too good and it's not it's not addictive
I have to import from UK whenever, but it's better than some suburban arab that got it from his cousin's uncle from kuwaitt.
this shit is ok twice a year not everyday like the stupid retards here do
Really a junkie is acting like he is above anyone AHAHA.
Also telling people to use drugs instead of getting through their problems the harder natural way to make themselves better people, is kind of disgusting.
why the fuck do I have to fuck my brain sideways with some cookoo shit to be happy and have a good time? why does anybody? even the idea of it makes me sick and angry
keep that fucking degenerate trash away from me
It's really unfortunate considering its potential to help people feel good and think clearly, the fact that it can't harm you/you can't OD on it, and the fact that it's not addictive.
>Taking LSD everyday
You have no idea what youre talking about
How do you import from the UK? Most places don't ship to the US where it's illegal I've found.
I just get it from a friend who knows guys.
lol, no one has the money to afford this even if they wanted to
funny because i don't drink, don't smoke cigs or weed and don't do any other drugs except for lsd
I know you're trolling but man, people like you are just sad
t. fucken druggos
Pretty much, look at the Might N. 9 trailer, weebs were ASSBLASTED.
It's pretty clear that most people here haven't been near drugs in a social context.
Anyone else imagining a man with pants up to his nipples, shaking his fist while saying this?
Im talking of strong weed
>that massive projection
Is there something you want to share with us, user?
>why the fuck do I have to fuck my brain sideways with some cookoo shit to be happy and have a good time?
you don't know what you're talking about, that's your main problem
you simple minded fool
open ur 4th eye and plug some mdma faggot
No, on the contrary no one likes to associate with obnoxious stoners because all they do all day, everyday is talk about their terrible habits, then get completely defensive when people start criticizing their habits, and then the stoners tell the people that they should also get into their habit so they can understand them, which is insanely stupid.
For a lot of people taking drugs is not something you have do to. It's just something fun you can do when you have time for it. The problem is that everyone seems to think all drug use is abuse
>used to love drugs
>quit 9 months ago
>life's better than ever
Seeing you guys get worked up over your little victim complexes when you're on blast for polluting your minds is so cute~ You'll grow up one day, God willing.
this is the worst, the stupid pseudoscientific hippy culture around it like the '4th eye' lmao
Call some friends over, pass the weed around, and gear up for some dank pubstomping action!
Anyone here grow their own shrooms?
I've been wanting to order some spores but I'm afraid I'll fuck it up and they won't grow.
the effects off LSD are basically nul if you take it daily. That fact on top of it being one of the least addictive substances leave very few people actually taking often.
I fucking love it, because it does wonder for depression.
You'll feel like you went to a buddhist temple for a week after a LSD trip.
You feel like shit after alcohol, weed or even coke and other of that type for that matter.
you can take lsd at every two weeks at best, one month is recommended
it's called tolerance
>accusing anyone of being simple minded
>While they are addicted to crap that destroys their brains.
WEW, son.
the problem is that people are cucks of both politicians and religions
I did this while on LSD this weekend.
In one night Winston went from like bottom 10 characters to top 5 most played for me and literally most played for my friend.
I don't get irrationally triggered when someone mentions something drug related
>used to love drugs
what kind of drugs
I wasn't talking about LSD I though the thread was about marijuana my mistake
Why is it insanely stupid to try it? You don't like then whatever. Sounds like the words of someone who is ultra defensive about something they don't understand. Also if you don't do drugs why post in this thread if you're not defensive about it?
how the fuck am I wrong? go fuck yourself with a cactus you piece of shit. fucking faggots acting like abusing drugs makes you enlightened and above everyone else and solves of life's fuckin problems when all it does is fuck you up in the head
I've seen enough of that shit to know I want none of it and I'm tired of you homosexual nigger fucks cramming it down everyone's throat.
You cant just group all drugs like that. There is a big difference between smoking crystal meth all day long and smoking pot on the weekends. Just because you fall into addictive behaviour doesnt meant everyone will
>your either with us or you are against us
sounds like something Sup Forums would know a lot about desu.
I went mushie picking, dug deep around a patch to get the Mycelium. Planted it in my garden and now I get a crop every year.
Growing them in a jar requires specific strains though.
Maybe Rez, Journey or something visually striking. I could never play vidya while tripping since it felt like a waste to just stay inside in that altered state. I always adventured outside or waited for camping trips with friends.
Probably depends on what you're on, too. I've only tripped on shrooms and mescaline.
you seriously have big problems, go to psychiatrists
In which is case you are right.
Smoking weed daily and being a functional member of society, it's not impossible, but pretty hard if you have the average amount of responsibilities the adult has these days.
Play my game.
There's no end right now.
And no sound.
But it goes awesome with synthwave.
>I went mushie picking
Where do you find them growing in the wild? Where do you live?
>Growing them in a jar requires specific strains though
Yeah that's kind of what I was talking about. I heard they were harvestable within a month when you grow them in a kit.
>Hey guys d-does anyone think like me???
>Like yeah upvote anytime if you want more wacky comments from me at anonymous(totes not reddit) subscibe if you want some more.
>Remember weez are legion >:(
>being this buttmad about being told you dont understand
Do you claim to know it's like to rape a child? I'm pretty sure a priest would know more about that than you.
Stop parroting what your pre-school teachers told.
Imho it's not black and white. I had a period where I was in a HH crew and we would smoke weed every day multiple times a day and take tabs like every 3-4 months, when I quit it was a good decision but it doesn't mean that there's something wrong if you do it occasionally (like smoke a joint 1-2 times a year)
considering how jaded you are i don't think any drug could fuck you up even more that you're right now
everything in moderation. Did you guys know there's something called water poisoning?
We have a 15 year old pseudo intellectual badass here, everyone look out
>Dude there's this thing
>called asphyxiation
>it makes you feel REALLY good when you do it for about a minute or two
>the people who told you that having no air in your system will harm you don't understand.
>Come on, man.
What's next? Tell me this new hip thing that will let me have so much fun is dropping a small drop of bleach into my ear will give me some great feels?
You people need to really need to fix yourselves.