Fantasy/alien world

>fantasy/alien world
>every dangerous animal has le grimdark black/brown fur and huge teeth
>only predators are dangerous

when will this meme end? We need things like pic related in vidya as casual filters to punish players for being retarded and why it's such a taboo to have dangerous hebrivores? Rhinos are nothing to be fucked with but in vidya it's like in Jurassic Park - if it doesn't eat meat you can fuck it.

What motivation does a herbivore have for randomly attacking something it isn't going to eat?

What are you even talking about?

Aren't they only dangerous to things that eat them?

Why are moose such assholes?

To preemptively defend itself

It can range from territoriality to just plain assholeishness. You wouldn't want to fuck around elephants, no matter how friendly they may look like.

What an incredibly petty complaint.

>what are rhinos
>what are elephants
>what are gorillas
>what are hippos (who kill more people in Africa than fucking lions)

kill yourself uneducated americunt

>if it doesnt eat meat you can fuck it

yes but will it blow you?


ever had bird or other small-ish animal attack you?

it surely didn't wanted to eat you

animals arent logical

What is this bird called?

Okay, that makes sense of course. But what is the the op complaining about? Do they want a game where you go around disturbing herbivores? The point is that herbivores aren't generally known for seeking you out to kill and eat you.

made me lol

They are you fucking idiot hebrivores regularly attack humans if they come to close to their territory you stupid fuck a bull will fuck you up yet he doesn't eat meat.

The most dangerous herbivore aliens are the ones that can assimilate into human society. We must take back our planet from the hordes of alien lifeforms.

secretary bird

Secretarybird. They eat snakes.

get a load of this logical animal here lads

>defending your territory is illogical

what a retard so you would let a burglar just walk around your house as well?

I think his complaint is that most animal NPCs in games are predators, and they exist entirely to attack you at random, while IRL large herbivores are if anything more likely to attack you for entering their area than large predators are (because you don't really look like their typical food and you might be a pain in the ass to deal with).

>wander in some unknown part of forest
>be retard that doesn't know local fauna
>get attacked by territorial herbivore
>decide to roast small animals to regain strength
>die from brightly colored rat
makes things more realistic and adds variety to interactions with the world

you are mad and illogical my friend
please calm down so we can talk about logical animals in peace

XCX had lots of herbivores that would kill you because you looked at them funny or ran too fast.

It's mostly a minor complaint. Sure, would it be better to have more realistic animal behaviors, but that probably doesn't really appeal to mainstream audiences, who are used to the narrative of all herbivores being easy prey.

Also, rats aren't herbivores.

> those eyes

Is that a girl?

it's okama

Monster hunter. Barroths and Durambros are herbivores but they will fuck you up.

Cassowaries from Farcry would like a word.

Morrowind had dangerous domesticated beasts, like those ant like monster and the flying jellyfish like things. I dont't remember the names though, too much time passed

If I made a game where you're exploring some sort of alien world with a jungle and you had no idea what was going on, I'd definitely have non-aggressive weird small or docile animals that you will seriously regret messing with.


Don't forgot those overly aggressive Rhenoplos.

Yeah nah fuck those little cunts.

scrib and netch.

to be fair once a hippo opens its mouth it goes into grimdark territory

I love Barroth so much.

Hello, heard you were just enjoying a little swim over there. Will be a shame if someone was to EXPLODE like a brightly colored grenade for no reason.

holy shit that fucking deer

Subnautica is based.

but nature is pretty darn grimderp
just look at this cute bird and what its doing

that's a rad looking bird

>Only predators are dangerous

Name a single game where they explicitly says and not them simply defending their territory?

"Aww it's going to hurt that poor cat"
>runs half a block to fuck up some random dog
What the hell?

>nobody ITT has played MGS3

One looks like a wolf while the other does not

I believe that Monoblos and Diablos are herbivores too.

ITT we pretend Monster Hunter doesn't exist

I bet I could kick a deer's ass

Would have shot the deer on sight if I saw that.

the dog is pretty big
the cat on the other hand is smaller than the kid

>Etrian Odyssey 4 gameplay.webm

Crimson Chin is a herbavore too

Most brute wyverns are herbivores.
Actually, I don't think there is a brute wyvern which isn't herbivore.


Thanks senpai. Forgot that giant pickle was a BW.

>Most brute wyverns are herbivores.
No they aren't

>what is ARK: Survival Evolved?

Brute wyverns that are herbivores:

Brute Wyverns that are Carnivores:

A meme game.

More Brute wyverns that are carnivores

>Brachy's an herbivore
Damn, really? I figured it was a carnivore.

Oh well, fuck me then. I actually never played the jap-only games, but then I guess it makes it a 50% chance of brute wyverns being herbivores.

Did the dog died?

Uragan eats rocks, not flowers.

Also, the mighty Diablos is an herbivore

Diablos is a winged wyvern, not a brute wyvern.

Generations is not jap only

They eat bugs.
I think you meant Diablos and Gammoth which are canon herbivores

all of them except Uragaan and Duramboros aren't
>Deviljho: Everything
>Dinovaldo: Larinoth
>Brachydios: Rhenoplos
>Barroth: Altaroth

That's one pussy dog
>doesn't even try to bit
>doesn't even try to run

Diablos from Monster Hunter, generally considered to be the most annoying and powerful monsters of these series, eats cactus.

Fucking cactus. It hunts you down purely becuase it hates you.

And the Black ones are females in heat.

We domesticated most of them to be that way

And it's not like it was in a position to bit

>And the Black ones are females in heat.
So the males are the ones who gets BLACKED?

I wonder if the females are into pegging with those giant horns