So how much do you think they actually kept from that E3 2013 announcement trailer? Those water effects...

So how much do you think they actually kept from that E3 2013 announcement trailer? Those water effects? Those sexy animations? Those jaw-dropping maneuvers? THAT WHOLE FUCKING SEQUENCE?

This game will sell well, but I feel it will end up being very mediocre.

That is a pre-rendered cutscene. I imagine the cutscene will be exactly the same.

Everything but at 50% quality.

Animations though, you can expect them to be top notch because japs love their animations.

I have a similiar feeling that I wish I could just shake off, but I can't. Even with all the new trailers they've shown and the Demos they've put out.

No duh. I'm talking about the gameplay sections. I just took a still from the cutscene part.

That part in the 2013 trailer looked like a premade animation for the trailer to resemble gameplay.

The E3 sequence is still in, it's a key battle in the game. All those things you saw him do you can already do in the demos.

They've removed most of the magic variation. The only difference between Fire->Fira->Firaga is a slightly larger AoE. No more actual fireballs or lightning bolts.

The gun is the only firearm in the game. No rifles or bazookas.

Special weapons like the pilebunker used by Prompto can't be used by Noctis. Same goes for the other party members, they will have access to unique weapons Noctis can't use.

No more rideable mech.

Can't use the firearm to aim for weakpoints.

This is what i think, could be wrong but i wouldn't keep my hopes up for this game if i were you. After 10 years waiting, there's bound to be dissapoinment. Most are expecting a masterpiece. Whatever they've made will not be like what they fans made up in their heads.

That's wrong. There is Fire, Fira, Firaga etc, and an entire magic synthesis system. There is also the entire Ring magic system on top of that.

>No more actual fireballs or lightning bolts.
But again that's wrong, even in the demo you can do lightning bolts, and if you do L1+O with Fire then it does instant cast like a fireball, L1+O in general does instant cast for the spells.

>The gun is the only firearm in the game. No rifles or bazookas.
This is wrong, we already know there is multiple types of firearms because there is an entire weapon section for it.

>special weapons like the pilebunker used by Prompto can't be used by Noctis.
Noctis can use every single weapon that the party members can.

>No more rideable mech.
This has never been stated and we see him piloting the sentry gun mech in the Niflheim footage.

>Can't use the firearm to aim for weakpoints.
Yes you can, Tabata specifically stated that the guns work like they do in a TPS, they just moved Prompto's gun mode onto Noctis.

A lot of what you said is misinformation and made up.

>Noctis can use every single weapon that the party members can

Then what's the point of the other party members?

Remember FF13's E3 trailers? Remember how it was supposed to have two other side games? Guess what happened to all of that.

Story elements and mandatory power of friendship finisher on the final boss

They are support.

Versus became XV and Agito became Type-0.

What's your point?

Support for a one man army?


Noctis and Regis have massive amounts of magic power at their disposal. The cost of that crystal and bloodline power comes at the deterioration of their bodies. Regis as the king is back at home when an invasion happens, and since Noctis is the prince he travels with Gladio and Ignis who are both Noctis's retainers. Gladio his royal guard and Ignis his royal strategist, Prompto is just his friend from their highschool days who wanted to help him out.

If you watch Brotherhood ep 1 you see Ignis tell Noctis to take out half of the enemy division by going all out as a diversion while the three of them take out the rest.

Too bad ravage animations for almost all weapons are shit

The animations are still extremely fluid though.

I was asking in terms or gameplay, XV-kun your moron.

Except for the ravage ones, the ones that, you know, supposed to be the meat of the combos

That's very beautiful.

Fuck it would be a loud place to live.

So basically they're just shoehorned in for the story, and are basically useless in combat.

Good to know.

>It's another FFXV thread

We all know how it's going to go.

And? Their gameplay purpose is seamless with their story purpose, they are support for Noctis.

How is that shoehorned in?

Support how? They're completely useless compared to Noctis. He literally makes them irrelevant.

But the Ravage animations are fluid as fuck too.

And the meat of the combo is whatever you make it to be, the Crush, directional abilities and Vanquish attacks are actually more meaty than the standard Ravage string.

They're shoehorned into the combat because it's FF and you need more than 1 character. Even though for some reason you can on;y control a single character in this game. They get their powers from Noctis, and he can do everything they can. It makes their presence in combat absolutely pointless.

If they were fluid I wouldn't complain since Duscae released.
You know very well my stand on them, bazztek

>putting a city and palaces in the middle of water falls


Through co-op moves and through the party commands.

We know there is 4 methods of co-op with the party members, one is the party menu commands, the other is slash links, the other is cross links and the other is the party strategy setup.

How isn't that support? In the story they are inferior to Noctis so that is reflected in the gameplay, they still act as his support.

But the story and characters came before the creation of the gameplay. The gameplay is being based around to fit seamlessly with the story reasons.


>How isn't that support?

It's unnecessary bloat to give off the illusion that they're useful.

They basically blew it by making Noctis so OP.

Until SE explains in further detail what ring magic does, it's pointless to bring up since we don't know what it does/means.

Every single showing of magic post FFXV reveal, looks like a AoE spell. This "instant cast" is just Noctis conjuring up a small fire explosion without the aiming on a locked on target. Show me a fireball similar to FFVSXIII. You can't.

Until i actually see Noctis weilding these "special" weapons, im gonna stick to my guns and say that he can't

When you show actual gameplay (FFVSXIII) of the main char using magitek armour, but not post re-reveal. The only thing i can think of is "Cut".

Just because the main producer say something does make it true.

You need to actually show it, what's the point in teasing and keeping away features for a 10 year old unreleased game ?

Wouldn't be suprised if it came with a big free DLC update at a later date after release cause' it was missing a ton stuff.

But we are talking about the animation here and they are fluid. I'm not sure you understand what fluid means.

>blew it by making Noctis so OP.

this so much

Why do you keep posting teleport autism webms?

I'm not seeing the problem? They have commands that can come in handy while you are off doing stuff as Noctis.

The story was always about Noctis being the one with all the powers and them just regular dudes who try to help him out even if they are extremely outmatched.

Fluid in my understanding should mean that they flow into each other and other parts of the combo naturally and are satisfying to perform.
Ravage animations as they are in the demos aren't like that.

>Until SE explains in further detail what ring magic does, it's pointless to bring up since we don't know what it does/means.
It's another form of magic that differs from normal spells so yes it is relevant.

>Show me a fireball similar to FFVSXIII.
We never saw Noctis cast a fireball in VS either, he cast an AOE fire spell that just spun around until it went out. We only saw Ignis do a fireball thing and it looked more like him throwing one of his knives that was on fire.

>The only thing i can think of is "Cut".
Hooded guy hasn't been seen at all in any trailer since 2013 yet they just confirmed he is still in the game in the most recent ATR, so what if we havnt' seen something in a long time?

>Just because the main producer say something does make it true.
Yes it does, he's the director, he was stating how guns work and that Noctis fires guns as in a TPS game. We already saw Noctis shooting a gun in one of the Progress Reports with the same TPS camera angle that Prompto had in the Versus trailer.

Dude in this clip here the flow of Ravage animations looks the same as we see it flowing in the 2014 footage, the only difference is that the individual swing animations themselves in 2014 were using the Crush animations as Ravage animations.

Yeah and the difference between them is that those crush strikes are separate attacks that combo into each other like all decent action games would do.
While currently it's a single pre-scripted set of animations that operates outside of other combo parts' logic.
Out of the two I prefer the former.

I haven't kept up with XV at all, and after playing the demo I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it. If something from older trailers/interviews is missing I'll have no clue and it won't affect me in the least

Appreciate something for what it is, and not what it could have been. I think you'd enjoy games more that way

>is that those crush strikes are separate attacks
But they weren't separate crush strikes, they were someone holding down attack the whole time and they were just using the crush animations in ravage state at the time, and it just went through Crush hit with a greatsword, Ravage with engine sword for 4 hits then a Vanquish with the wyvern lance.

In fact it was only in ED2.0 that they added in Crush extension hits on the Zweihander, and clearly since they are a thing they will be more in the full game.

You have extremely misunderstood what was happening in 2014 footage.

Don't twist my words, you know exactly what I meant.

According to the French dubbers of FFXV there is 30-40 major characters in the main story and 200 named NPCs.

They are currently doing a french dub of the Japanese uncovered FFXV trailer.

Also the French dub of the whole game is scheduled to be complete mid June, and they just finished doing the French VO for the ending of the game.

I guess that would mean the English dub is already complete then.

You're a pathetic excuse for a human. Kill yourself faggot

The fuck you on about? Did you even watch the 2014 footage?

The 2014 footage was still just Crush, Ravage and Vanquish. Only difference was Crush animations were being used as Ravage ones. And we know there is Crush extensions to do multiple Crush attacks in a row too.

So if it rains a bit more than predicted this whole place goes down the shitter, right?

It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit

I couldn't care less about the footage. You just sound like a faggot dude

So you are just shitposting.