Finally get my first legendary

>finally get my first legendary
>it's shit
>10 levels later i see my second
>it's this shit again

why is this allowed

Other urls found in this thread:

>why is 0 luck allowed
Should've put 10 points, user.

>first legendary
>it's Deadlock
>try playing Toblerone because skin looks cool
>he's now one of my favorite heroes
Top primary, super sayan mode, team kill killstreaks with turret while frozen/dead all day every day.

Lol you got 2 of the worst legendary

Every legendary skin in the game is shit. I wish I could turn them all into money.

I wish I could turn you into money, honey.

Mei's 2 firefighter skins and her Yeti Hunter one (Though not so much the pink variation) are all completely adorable.

I swear, they make her jaw fatter and squarer, as if to specifically court the type of audience you would think was into that skin.

>Absolutely love everything about Zarya
>Except her bright pink hair
>All recolors still use it
>One legendary skin makes it an even more faggy dye job and makes her ow the edge
>The other covers up her face so the glory of the "I'll crush you" taunt is ruined

haha le edgy tumblr girl

>get legendary for worst heroes
>that orb guy
>Monkey with glasses


>get my first legendary at 21
>it's stonehardt
>just bought bundeswehr



Winston is top tier, dummy.

Winston is actually extremely useful when you get a feel for how to use him properly.

Same happened to me with Reinhardt. Bloodhardt was the first legendary I got, had 0 time on him before and he's one of my favorites now.

At least you got that refund. I got 2 Genji legendaries. Both are that turban one, both different colors. Genji is literally the only character I refuse to play. Anything I want Genji to do, Tracer does better.

>first legendary skins are POO IN LOO Architect and RYUGA WAGA Okami
i never use these shitters
fuck you

The only counter to double mcree is triple mcree....

also dont forget to follow the other mcree because if he uses his flashbang you can protect him with your flashbang.

What's the counter to triple mccree?

Lucky. Architect is the best skin.

triple widow

>have a legendary for every hero
>didn't spend a dime

admittedly it is pretty nice-looking but i never ever use symmetra
would've preferred a mercy or zenyatta skin instead

>Get first Legendary at level 5
>It's the Mariachi for Reaper
>Don't really play as him but it's awesome as fuck so maybe I will
>Next one at level 7
>It's the White Mariachi one with 2 other Purples

Ok so I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of luck but thanks anyway Blizzard.

>level 35
>1 legendary
>not even enough coin to buy one yet

My second legendary was currency. First was djinnyatta.

>1st legendary at level 35
i am so sorry
got my second at level 20

Getting duplicates is a good thing. Lets you save up for the one skin you actually want.

>yfw you get that exact same skin in teh next box, essentially wasting those coins,

Or you could get legendary coins which is worth 300 more

theres two i like but can buy them separately.


Are you gay? Most likely, go suck a dick fag.

>Obsessing over skins
>"When I finally get the skin of my dreams, people are going to admire me!"
>No one notices or cares about your skin

>Level 28
>5 Legendaries not including two sets of legendary coins I got also

Lady luck is sucking me off

>lv 72
>72 crates
so either you're a sucker for microtransations or you have excellent restraint and don't give a fuck about skins.

But you're on Sup Forums, so I know it's not the latter.

>more sprays
Why the fuck would I even USE a spray?

>get a duplicate of something
>instead of getting the full credit amount, you get a quarter of the amount
That's bullshit and Blizzard knows it.

Let me guess, paid crates have higher skin counts, too?

>those pouches

Fucking Liefield.

>Never touched zarya
>Got the arctic skin that makes her not shit
>Now shes my favorite and Im one of the few that can play her well.

why do some duplicate legendaries give 500 and others only 200?

They all only give 200 if it's a dupe. 500 only comes from legendary coins.


Well meme'd friend!

There are literally only two pouches on her. are you retarded?

Dupe is always 20% of the purchase value.

>get mariachi skin
>tfw can finally play reaper without feeling like a 14 year old

>Lucio top three played character
>Got his gold frog legendary skin
>In the Groove signature
>dance emote
>favorite line

Shits great. Only downside is I get NOTHING for Mercy but her worst sprays.

so sick of seeing this shit game

i'm sorry this skin is fucking ugly

Got the valkyrie one as ny first

Feels good man

Literally the stupidest fucking place to put pouches on. Shit skin just because of it.

Fuck off then

Prove it.

>Hey user, can you grab something out of my front pouch?
>S-sure th-thing.

hes 73 you retard

Yeah, why buy clothes you like.
Just stick with a white T-shirt and a regular jean

because you're playing a shit game

But that is what I like.

cyka blyad :-DD

>implying this isn't what the average Sup Forumsirgin does

as long as it's a clean, plain and well fitting shirt and the jeans dont have any dumb shit like whiskering that sounds perfectly fine

I'm level 32 now and this is the only legendary skin i got, don't even have enough in game currency for another.

Could be worse but could be much better.

i have that one but the jungle camo version

i mean it's cool but it's pretty bland for a legendary.

>Like thick women
>Finally find some Zary pron.

>It's fucking futa.

No shit. She's a pre-op M>F Trans.

>Just stick with a white T-shirt and a regular jean

That's what sensible people actually do.

The interesting part is that it turns your gun view model into an M16.

>Not liking Futa
What are you gay?

Have 1000 coins, and want to buy Phara's Mecha Queen skin, but at the same time I actually want something for, but her skins kinda suck. Should I wait for updates, or something? Because I much prefer

Any woman in porn that has muscles will almost always have a dick, it's just a fact of shitty futa.

t. muscle loving fag

Futa is not the same thing as trannies.

Buy the Pharah skin and then figure out a way to trade it to me for my Bva skin that I will never use because I never play her.

If you dont like just get some color variation

>I actually want something for, but her skins kinda suck.
That's the problem. I don't like any of her skins, so I just use white rabbit.

I should just wait for Asuka skin. Which will never happen.

>main mei during beta
>want nothing more than Yeti Hunter
>first day of release
>second loot crate
>Yeti Hunter

Architect and Junebug please my penis.

How big her shoes are makes me so fucking angry

>Covering Mei up with even more clothes to the point you can barely see her

Her default skin is best

>Have 1300 coinage
>Can get any legendary I want
>But what if I unbox it right after?
>What if they released new hats tomorrow


>people are going to admire me!"

Who says this? I like skins for me, compliments are a bonus.

I agree
I got the firefighter mei and changed back after a while

He just wanted to post his gay image, let him be.


they just need to remove this bull dyke from the game or redesign her. god her fucking design is so hideous and the hot topic skins are even worse.

>When I remember to consistently check all around me for flankers nobody shows up
>the second I focus onto something I get ass fucked by a Reaper or Tracer

also I literally cannot stop losing unless I play Lucio but playing support when your team is always stupid just isn't fun, just kill me

>giving a shit about cosmetic wankery that doesn't affect the gameplay in the slightest

Morons & Slackers truly are more prevalent than I first though

>level 18
>have two legendaries
>jester for junk rat, hate playing as junk rat
>Ra for zenyatta, zenyatta is worst hero
>such is life

you start at level 1 nigger

Level 39 here
Got Mystery Man in a box, and bought Okami with coins

Is okami the only skin that actually provides a competitive advantage in the game?

how so?

how does having a shitty wolf hat provide an advantage exactly?

>Not the brown wolf skin.
Okami a shit.

>My only legendary is the Architect Symmetra recolour
>I fucking HATE playing Symmetra
>I have 450 coins otherwise

I don't like WINSTON

>at least 2-3 gold medals every game
>carrying retards the entire time
>still matched with retards after so many games

Why are the people playing this game so retarded

IIRC when you use his ult with Wolves equipped he shouts much more quietly when using it.

He doesn't scream RYUU GA WA TEKI WO KURAU

He starts off very quietly mumbling and only screams the WO KURAU and then wolf head everywhere

I guess. It's still reasonable loud, and the Wolf howl is pretty damn loud to. I just like it for the changed up voice line (the ult sounds much better)

though I wish they'd kept the young hanzo voice line

>other players are picking characters they want and are having fun
>you are a tryhard autitst who cares about winning more than having a good time

You should go back to counterstrike.

>open lootbox
>gold disc flies into the air
>oh shit nigger it's a legendary
>it's just 500 shekels

>it's just 500 shekels

man, you're half way to buying the legendary you want, rather than getting it for some character you never play