What went so right?
What went so right?
Other urls found in this thread:
They were forced to design a new game with new game mechanics instead of pandering to meme spouting children which resulted in the abomination that is DaS3.
>retained everything that made Dark Souls great
>give it some drastic changes to make it from feeling too "samey"
>put in a fucking GOAT setting that is horribly underused in vidya
>put in a GOAT twist (Lovecraft) that is also horribly underused in vidya
>release it at a time of AAA mediocrity and cookie cutter handholding design
>Don't ruin the fan base by releasing it on PC
Everything that could have went right, went right.
The exclusivity
Not on PC
It's not a rehash.
I'm really tempted to just abandon souls 3 and go back to BB.
It's also sad that despite being on inferior hardware, BB is more visually impressive than 3.
New world with new laws and new rules.
excellent game
It's a complete and solid package in all departments with a clear and finished story behind it, unlike Dark Souls.
It gets boring fast
Was the Research Hall the best area in the game?
I think the Research Hall was the best area in the game.
so much that its just easier to say what went wrong
and that would be that it didnt deviate nearly enough from the tired souls formula- just ditch the idea that it needs to be a slow RPG, make lesser but better areas, develop the gun combat more and make the melee fighting more combo heavy, remove stamina, add puzzles ( great in horror games) etc
mechanics like wallrunning would be straight at home on a hunter
the fucking music
the DLC music is perfect :
So you sayin it needs to be just like my shonen animemes?
Post hunters bros
It already is but its afraid to let it truly be like that for the player just because it needs to pander to the souls fanbase
just look at Gehrman fighting
Maybe if you're a robin.
Vampire Hunter D cosplay?
>Don't ruin the fan base by releasing it on PC
based SCEJ x FROM collab. I can't wait for their next game together.
hopefully they don't waste it on a sequel and roll with a new ip once more
What it did right outweighs what it did wrong so much more than any other Souls game.
DaS3 is also up there but it didn't try anything new so I really don't care for it. "No risk, no reward" perfectly describes it.
BB was already fresh with its Gothic/Werewolf/Vampire/Plague theme but it tried even harder and used them as bait for the real eldritch horror theme. No one Souls game does that and it fucking impressed me.
It was the equivalent of Flood being a thing in HaloCE. It's that extra step-up of what you thought the theme was.
DaS2 and DaS3 are nothing more than a contractual obligation for their publisher, and you can feel that. What a waste of time they were. Thankfuly FromSoft can move on to better things now.
Combat, art design, world design, level design, enemies, music, lore, bosses, weapons, story and setting
Thought it was ok. Living failures sucked balls and that art makes the area look better than it is. I was expecting something akin to Latria but it missed the mark.
>mfw some moba playing faggot getting salty in the comments
Makes me really glad its exclusive. Fucking brilliant.
Lady Maria, I'm a robin. Will I ever curl up and become an egg?
Everything, it's a flawed masterpiece and single handedly proves that gaming isn't completely going to shit.
It's the closest thing to a Castlevania (or any old school type game for that matter) game i've played on modern day systems. It's completely different but everything in its design philosophy is damn near identical.
This is why I respect Fromsoft, they don't give a fuck about "muh open world meme", they don't give a fuck about "muh story meme". They give you a game that has all of your "Narrative/lore" in the back ground for those who genuinely want to find it.
No cookie cutter expositions, no cookie cutter QTEs, no cookie cutter cutscene every 2 seconds removing control from the player, none of that shit. Just fantastic gameplay, focuses on boss/level design and some gook magic.
Japan Studio. From and Miyazaki making the games they want to make and staying true to their design philosophy. For every flaw it has, I'll take it should they stay true to themselves.
I can't wait for what comes next, I'm getting nostalgic thinking about when the Project Beast webms leaked here.
>didn't win goty
it's shit senpai
Is this the PS4 babby circlejerk?
They had to use their brains and introduce new concepts, unlike Dark Souls 2 after the downgrade and 3.
>the implication is that TLOU is bad
you will only see this shit argument on Sup Forums
Oh, god.
I just replayed it after spending 200 hours in DaS3
I didn't remember it as such a blurry mess, but after a couple of hours I got used to 30 fps and Chromatic Aberration and it's so fucking good that even Chalice Dungeons felt awesome
I mean, visual design, sound design and gamefeel are top-notch, everytime I cut something with Burial Blade or Threaded Cane I feel like I'm really tearing something's skin.
Maybe weapons in Dark Souls are too big and don't have this slick sound when they hit something.
I hope there will be a PS4 Neo remaster with 60 fps without CA
They didn't have to pander to PCfats and xbonecucks, so the game itself is excellent.
Also, the graphics are better than DaS3 because of optimizing it for one platform instead of releasing it for PCuck $350 toaster builds or 900p boxes
>Thankfuly FromSoft can move on to better things now.
Miyazaki can move on to better things, which seems to be sci-fi. however if From Software wants to make more Souls games without him, there's nothing stopping them and he himself admitted if someone else wanted to pick the series up in a few years he wouldn't mind.
I really love the color palette. Dark Souls felt like a dark fairy tale and Bloodborne feels like illustrations in Lovecraft's books or a nightmare. DaS2 and DaS3 have too bland color palettes, compare something like Firelink Shrine or Cathedral Ward to any location from DaS2 or post-pontiff Irithyll.
Lol, bitter as fuck.
It's a good game.
>add puzzles ( great in horror games)
kill youself
Doesn't seem like a problem to me, considering the Dark games were the most underwhelming, appart from DaS (which doens't age too well, the second half is atrocious)
In fact it's a relief that Miyazaki and JapanStudios won't be wasting time with Darksouls, those craprier games will be relegated to BandaiNamco and B-team, while S-team makes new IPs or at the very worst new Souls-likes in a new universe like they've done so far.
Same reason why I'm not mad that Konami ditched Kojima. Now they can keep making mediocre MetalGears while he does his own thing under the banner of Sony's support (I wouldn't be surprised if he's also helped by japanstudios in some form)
there's just a tremendous quantity of recycled material in ds3, whereas they built literally everything in bloodborne from scratch (with the possible exception of the skeleton for the basic dog-type enemies)
it's a damn shame that the textures in bloodborne hold up better upon close inspection than in ds3, but that's what's up. everything about bloodborne just screams, "WE PUT EFFORT INTO THIS," while ds3 feels like a clipboard with a checklist on it
poison swamp
demon and lava area
skeleton area
recycled weapons differing only in cosmetics and scaling
terrible dragon boss
ornstein again! but now it's not-ornstein and it's huge!
a lot of it's SCEJ, too, i imagine; from couldn't even make the blood-staining work in ds3 on their own
*cough* *cough* Laurenceisaclericbeastwithfire *cough* *cough*
Yeah that he looks the same kind of sucks but in his second form he has totally different animations, which is more than any other souls game can say about recycled bosses
>see Bloodborne thread
>get excited and want to play Bloodborne again
>is the game even alive?
>Having to go through Nightmare of Mensis, to fight bitch ass Micolash--again
>snake woods
>Rom the Vacuous Ganker
I wish they made more DLC so I could have a reason to stomach another playthrough. I'm really craving some BB right now.
>yfw if the ds3 dlc isn't amazing you most likely will be dropping the souls series forever.
I feel kinda foolish chasing this high i got from demon souls, wanting to see how the series progressed and expanded. Now i understand that Blood borne is the true spiritual successor while the dark souls series went on to just be a multi-plat cash in by the numbers game.
What? Dark Souls 2 has a pretty strong colour palette, it has strong greens, dark blues, bright oranges contrasted with bleak white and grey areas.
Unless you mean in just single areas on their own and not the game as a whole, which I guess I agree with.
>is the game even alive
Seen more ghost players in BB lately than I have prior when I played except maybe when TOH released
>wanting a same gen remaster
its called a fucking patch user
kill yourself
Mensis is like a 60sec sprint tops
easiest boss in the game even the chalice version
okay, i'll grant you laurence is mostly recycled from the base game; so that's ~75% of a boss recycled (although the template is totally new), and possibly one enemy skeleton.
compare that shit to dark souls; it'd take me like five posts to list all the enemies, weapons, armor, rings, sorcs, pyromancies, and miracles that have just been ported in from previous games
not that guy, but DS2's lighting is what really fucks up the look of the game. the colour palette is much better than 3's but everything looks so flat and washed out - it's seriously ugly
never played a souls game before and the only game i have for my ps4 is black ops 3, which came with it
should i pick up bb or wait to see if the ps4k will upgrade it to 60fps
Switch online setting to worldwide, still plenty of players.
You must either be a god, or a liar.
>Seen more ghost players in BB lately than I have prior when I played except maybe when TOH released
Sweet, time to boot it up.
Accursed brew is literally a fireball spell from dark souls
Blacksky eye is literally a soul arrow spell
>yfw if the ds3 dlc isn't amazing you most likely will be dropping the souls series forever.
considering DS3 is the last game...
>when you can't even wait until the next game to recycle a boss
>he believes the nips "last game" lie.
cause they've never used that line before.
>should i pick up bb
>or wait to see if the ps4k will upgrade it to 60fps
That would require FromSoft to patch the game, it's already more than a year old and hasn't been updated since the DLC released. They won't even fix the frame pacing issues on Dark Souls 3 and it's only like 2 months old.
yeah, i'll give you accursed brew; looks like the fireball animation, just sped up. new particle effect, at least. blacksky eye is functionally a soul arrow, too, but does have its own animation/effect.
>blue smelter demon
>royal wood is literally darkroot forest with a new coat of paint and different enemies
dlc recycling is nothing new for fromsoft; at least laurence is actually a different fight than vanilla cleric beast
it's better than DaS2, but not by a lot.
What is genuinely disappointing is the lore, the only parts that grabbed me were Londo, Ocelotte, and the angels, the new shit they was pushed aside for more fucking references. Who honestly fucking cares about the fading flame? Just a retread of the first game's lore.
However, like DaS2's kings fighting and falling to the curse in the various ages of Dark in the Lost Crowns, they have an opportunity to impress in DaS3's pending DLC.
And if it does it'll be 4 for 4 for From's DLCs fixing their base games.
i doubt they'll patch it to 60fps
but atleast it would run at 30fps without any drops
>>put in a GOAT twist (Lovecraft) that is also horribly underused in vidya
i was reading something about how sony will likely enforce compatibility patches onto devs (which should go poorly)
vaguely sexual moaning noises
bloodborne's literally the only game worth playing on the ps4 so of course it's alive.
Dark Souls 2 looks awesome on mods, but vanilla lightning fucks everything up.
Also there's too much of a difference between levels. You take a fucking elevator to the sky from green area to orange area.
In first Dark Souls Izalith and Archives were at least 2 hours of gameplay away from each other.
>this much bitter over nothing.
Play chalice dungeon. They're awesome if you just want some more gameplay.
Fuck some bosses though, Undead Giant with iron balls on chains is a fucking nightmare
I don't know, it's okay. Very overrated though.
never really understood that.
This is true, the increased CPU clock speed and GPU power could result in it pushing up to the 30fps cap more often.
No way they will do that, some developers aren't even in business anymore and the ones that are didn't sign up for that when they originally made PS4 games. It would piss off developers and publishers and it's not really necessary from Sony's perspective since the Neo will still play PS4 games, and it's not like adding a Neo patch is suddenly going to increase a game's sales drastically.
>accusing das3 of rehashing magic
>where in BB the bosses and the mob literally doing the same shit type of magic over and over again
>call of beyond
>another meteor attack
>Undead Giant with iron balls on chains is a fucking nightmare
literally impossible if you don't fight him at range
Yeah, they should also have added in cuhrazy wallrunning and combo meters with style points.
> the new shit they was pushed aside for more fucking references
>what is pontiff and the aldrich?
>the whole lothric kingdom story?
sound like you just being bias cunt here
>honestly who fucking care about the fading flame
allright that just confirmed it.
Old Hunters went pretty right
>apparently seriously implying that bloodborne's magic is somehow more recycled than dark souls 3's
pretty sure i'm being baited, but here's your (you)
Yeah Pontiff was cool. Aldrich however was a character that existed solely to incorporate more fucking references by eating the first gam's bosses.
They even tried to drag Bloodborne into this mess.
sony isn't the government, they can't force anyone to do anything without a contractual obligation, and nobody agreed to this prior to releasing games on ps4.
also, compatibility does not mean taking advantage of new hardware
if there are games in the ps4 catalog that can't be played on new hardware speeds, the more likely scenario is that the new system will have a downclocking feature to automatically limit the hardware to the old spec for running those games. in fact that feature is already present in the (unlocked) system software, because dev kits have higher specs than retail and you can set them to retail spec for testing
Deleted my Dark Souls 3 file on PS4 and gonna replace the spot with Bloodborne again. What a massive fucking disappointment.
Don't forget about the superb art style, user.
This, 100%.
sound like you just being overly sensitive triggered on every little references.
gameplay direction is fast hunter and giant monsters, and they sticked to that
every flaw is only negative aspect of this choice
Nah mate, Nameless King is a excellent example of a callback done right, a big answer to a small mystery from the first game.
Everything in moderation, they just went overboard
just made my first webm
how'd I do
sure they look new for the first time, but when you see the same shit over and over again used by different bosses, npc, and mob shit kinda get stale as shit after all.
>seeing rom doing meteor attack for the first time look pretty cool
>living failure doing the exact same shit despite being a rehashed of celestial emissary
>micolash literally use the same magic previous npc and mob used while fighting against you.
>ebrietas literally use call of beyond but bigger
Top RIP.
very good
i've seen ones with some fantastic quality though, not sure what the recommended resolution and bitrates are supposed to be for maximum quality
anyone got any tips on that
the only thing they went overboard is certain npc selection. other than that the lore pretty much a new thing while referring previous souls lore since it was a FUCKIN SEQUEL FINAL TRILOGY AFTERALL. sound like you guys here want das3 to be sci-fi shit or something and discard everything about fire and shit.
>This is why I respect Fromsoft, they don't give a fuck about "muh open world meme", they don't give a fuck about "muh story meme".
>No cookie cutter expositions, no cookie cutter QTEs, no cookie cutter cutscene every 2 seconds removing control from the player, none of that shit. Just fantastic gameplay, focuses on boss/level design and some gook magic.
But reusing assets and playing "Generic Orchestra Track #356" is alright?
Meanwhile you post the biggest meme boss I've ever seen on Sup Forums who was absolutely uninteresting because he's just the rape horse from Berserk with a sword.
Meanwhile in NMH you have something like Henry which has the most beautiful BGM while fighting him and a absolutely great fight PS3 or Wii because he was a mysterious irish assassin that you knew about in the game, but it was a great asspull.
NMH is bad and you should feel bad.
I fell for the meme and thought at worst I'll have a little bit of fun, but it was awful through and through.
>Meanwhile you post the biggest meme boss I've ever seen on Sup Forums who was absolutely uninteresting because he's just the rape horse from Berserk with a sword.
good job trying to sound like you know what youre talking about and in turn simply exposing yourself for a close minded retard
your "rape horse" is literally a horse with big human eyes, youre equally retarded as the people who go into youtube comments to type "cod ripof." to every new FPS
>But reusing assets
How could they reuse assets when the only other Souls game prior to Bloodborne was on last gen?
>meme boss
Try playing the game faggot