Win one game

>Win one game
>Next game it slots me into a losing game with 10 seconds left
This is no coincidence, it's happened way too many times.
I love Solo Queue

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Yes people who deny the 50% winrate force are literally robots protecting blizzard.

The only way to escape the 50% is playing pre-made 5 or more people and always play tryhard.

most streamers who always platy 6man like Zonda and his friends with 75% winrate compared to solo Q streamers who are good but keep getting forced in bad team and their 50ish % winrate.

>That feel when blizz tries to force you into a game you're supposed to lose and you fucking rek them in a 5-minute overtime after getting bumraped all game

>Win several games with an cool team
>It changes server
>Get this fucking shit

And I swear to god the second mcree just switched to torbjorn

What does this star under the portrait mean?

This isn't League of Legends, you can't "carry" shit.

>Implying you can accurately assess the chances of victory and force players to win and lose

Sure is a lot of failure denial in here.

he already went to 100 once so he is 142

Its "Prestige" levels. Every 100 levels you reset back to one with different portraits. Just an easier way of displaying higher levels because it would have gotten really silly looking when people start getting to level 1000+


So, max level is 100? Thanks for the info.
Does exp required to level up reset to when you go prestige?


>do this
>1 commendation
Why am I not appreciated?

When people start using MOBA terminology I already know I'm in for a bad time.

I believe it does but I could be wrong XP to level stops increasing around level 25 I think anyway.

Oh, ok.

Level is irrelevant, there is some "pro" players who currently have like level 10, since they only play custom games.

Yeah max level is kind of 100, but for every 100 level you get another star, so the max level is 999999.
No, but somebody said with 100 you get slight xp bonus, don't know if this is true.

>I go to work every day and do the work I'm supposed to do
Why am I not appreciated?

Carrying as a term has been used before MOBAs were a thing.

Whenever I see two of the same during prep time, I switch to them. If nobody else becomes the fourth, I switch back.

Your portraits stop changing at level 1890 but you still continue to gain loot boxes.

Torbjorn is good though, retard

You fucking baby

>Picking an aoe healer when you have three roamers and a sniper
Top kek.

I do that too, but usually you just end up with the two shitters who originally picked the classes and you lose even harder.

Yeah, please go ahead and win this KOTH game as soon as you join.
>2 Snipers ON KOTH
>No support AGAIN so I had to play Lucio AGAIN

Why the fuck is that Dad guy everywhere? I've played with him so many times already. Same with that Ambro guy. Is it just putting people of equal skill together or something?

What I hate most of all if how the game tells you you killed someone when you didn't
it even tells double kill even when noone got one

You know assfaggots didn't invent the whole "carry" thing right?

You are aware of that yeah?

>you get better results playing with people you know are good than with complete randoms

Nice one, Einstein.

On attack motherfucker

That's a perfect time to pick an aoe healer. If you go flying across the entire map just to heal a sniper as Mercy, then you're bad

>2 snipers on anything but defense on point capture or payload.

Shit pisses me off
>Attacking payload map
>One guy picks Widow

There can be thousands of people with the same name on Battlenet. It's why you have that number behind your name. So these are probably all different people with the same name, or maybe you once clicked on their name and said "Prefer this player".

Just because you suck dick at Overwatch and need to be carried by the rest of the team doesn't mean there's some huge conspiracy out to get you.

Shouldn't have picked lucio when 2 of your heroes won't be joining the scrap

Names aren't unique on battle net

>Join game
>first thing i see before I can even do anything, before I can even select a character is DEFEAT
>"lol but free xp man"
>you get 0 xp

There's a difference between the 30% of team damage taken that people normally get and 55%.

I think that's the highest % I've ever seen someone get so far.

>see myself in this screenshot
>remember I changed my battletag before the OW release

What is far more interesting: How has somebody already played this game for 200 hours?

Don't they work/do anything else?

A lot of people play mercy my man and a lot of them don't whine about appreciation either since they just do what their class is meant to do. You never see Reinhardts crying about it when they get no votes for having most damage absorbed.

It's only healers that cry about this shit and they've done it since vanilla WoW. I remember shitters leaving groups because they didn't get thanked after each boss fight. Luckily in OW, we don't need you to win.

Uni students

This is on AMD Raptr this is beta hours as well but this is about what it was before launch. So there was someone out there with 800+ hours across closed and open beta knowing all progress would be lost.

Always been optimistic about matchmaking in most games being fair
I was almost 40 games positive out of 300 and then the next ~10 games in a row, 7 were me joining right as the defeat screen shows and the rest there was a 50 level gap
Fuck this game

>lose 5 games in a row
>lose two games
>win one game
>don't leave queue

I don't know what you're fucking bitching about. This "forced 50%" nonsense is just your pathetic ass being bootyblasted because you can't get a high w/l ratio.

It doesn't count as a loss if you get put into a game at the very end.

>You never see Reinhardts crying about it when they get no votes for having most damage absorbed.
Probably because having high damage absorbed requires you to hold right click, hide when your barrier is broken and repeat.

And plenty of other people complain about it too. I've seen a lot of people complain about others refusing to commend offense characters even if they got like 4 gold metals, and choosing to commend the mediocre support instead. If you haven't noticed this, then perhaps you're a victim of confirmation bias.

>Probably because having high damage absorbed requires you to hold right click, hide when your barrier is broken and repeat.
Thats pretty much the same as saying getting high healing just requires you to stand in the back and left click when someone gets damaged.

>actually naming yourself xysorayx

Dirty healslut, did you not emote all your teammates and tell them how grateful you are to be healing them and that you exist just to fulfil their bodily needs?

Actually, it's not.

High damage absorption as Reinhardt is incredibly easy to get as long as you don't mind playing in a way that barely benefits your team. All you need to do is let your opponents break your barrier even though shielding isn't necessary. No one there to hide behind you? Stand at the end of the hallway and let the Bastion shred through your shield. That's 2k. Hide behind the corner and repeat. Another 2k.

If you wanted to do a similar thing with a healer, you'd need to have a tank purposely feed himself to the enemies and let himself get healed by you. Basically something that never happens in pubs.

>4 gold medals
This card means fuck all. Lone wolves can get this card no problem.

I think you might be retarded.

>being at the top of elims, damage done, objective time and objective kills on your team means fuck all
What do you think means something then?

>I think you might be retarded.
>no counterargument

>4 gold medals as lone wolf
>without highest objective time

almost never

>mfw getting Zarya's "NO MERCY" voice line and bullying any Mercy I see before the match
Healsluts, when will they learn?

You missed the point. To take your example, what if Reinhardt gets most damage absorbed from actually defending the payload? Surely that means something more than just allowing himself to be a bastion sponge.

Cards mean fuck all.

Please. You can get this as 76 easily by standing on top of the payload and not giving a fuck what the rest of your team is doing.

>a Hanzo and a BR Widowmaker on Hanamura attack
>the Widowmaker does nothing but stay behind the big door sniping opportunity targets to up his k:dr while the enemy Reinhardt puts his shields up on it and a Mei puts her ice wall on it when the rein needs to recharge so its constantly blocked
>never ever bothers to zip up the flanks where literally nobody of the entire enemy team was looking at even when she puts her ult up so she fucking knows nobody's looking that way
>Winston is the only one going through the window and distracting the entire enemy team with himself and his ult and literally NOBODY in our team bothers to focus down the enemies too distracted with him to fight back
>we lose
>Widowmaker says he was useful for breaking Rein's shields
>he had 26 hours on the game
>with nothing but widowmaker

This game is going to make me have a fucking aneurysm.

Because damage boosting > healing

I got 65% damage taken as Lucio in King of the hill. I also spent 93% of that match on fire.

>what if Reinhardt gets most damage absorbed from actually defending the payload?
Then he wouldn't be complaining about not getting commendations even though he had highest damage absorption. He'd be complaining about not getting commendations even though he played well.

You say that I missed the point, but it is probably you who missed it. The thing is that damage absorption doesn't say anything about the performance of the Reinhardt, while higher healing means better performance in almost all cases.

>You can get this as 76 easily by standing on top of the payload and not giving a fuck what the rest of your team is doing.
Go get your 4 gold medals and come back to the thread then, Mr. Pro.

You're not Lucio you slut

How come my rip tire won't climb walls even though I have the auto-climb on?


>Put on Defense and lose because that's how the game goes
>Everyone leaves and never get to attack
>Queue into king of the hill 7 times in a row
>It's a made for TV special where 5 strangers all pick DPS/Defense heroes and no one play support or tank

I had a lot of fun in the closed beta over the span for about 4-5 months but retail has been absolutely disgusting. The playerbase ruins the game, there are far too many mainers, casuals who don't care, and people with horrendous attitudes that combined with the awful matchmaking system completely ruins all fun. I'm going to try and stick it out till ranked mode hits, and probably that's when we get our widow/mccree/tracer nerf, but if ranked mode isn't amazing and allows me to move past these fucking retards then I'm just going to uninstall and forget the game exists.

I knew it would be bad but i didn't expect the community to be this disastrous.

If 25% of the damage done to your team was 11k, then you almost definitely lost. Jesus christ.

>get 94% of Match on Fire card
>as Zenyatta
Sniping snipers is the best

>le forced 50% meme
How much of Sup Forums is underaged to the point that they don't understand how a good mmr system works and tends to have statistics fluctuating from 40 to 60?

Levels don't mean shit, there's a MMR separate from that, as there should be, ranking people based on playtime rather than win/loss is retarded.

That seems to happen incredibly often to Zenyatta

Half of the time I see a Zenyatta he's on fire. He and Lucio are probably the easiest chars to get high % on fire with.

I literally just realized now that when they mean "on fire", they mean with the flaming icon and the high flame bar

I got that card once and it said I was 81% of the Match on fire and I thought it meant that was me getting shot at for 81% of the match. I remember thinking "The fuck? Why would they reward me for that?"

I'm retarded.

Someone who played more, especially a considerate amount, in a game with so many heroes, will very likely be just better in general

Yesterday I loose all the games, really depressing when you play against really good teams and you dont have a change and the game keep changing to loose games and people in the loosing team just left when the things get harder.
Publics are not fun.

above average damage + a heal you can just throw at people and go back capping nigs with borbs make it fairly easy so long as nobody takes advantage of the fact you're made of paper mache

Yeah, and my original point was that people shouldn't be commended for doing what they're supposed to do and you've twisted that by choosing one thing to argue about.

Keep healing and cry about not getting commended, though. Whatever makes the game fun for you.

>Go get your 4 gold medals and come back to the thread then, Mr. Pro.
Why would I do that?

You are retarded user. blizz puts you with braindead 40% winrates when they want to lower your winrate in solo q

i just use pre-made as example of how to escape the 50%

>damage boosting
>instead of pulling your pistol and shooting faggots in the head
Unless it's a soldier 76 or some shit or a well positioned spamrat damage boosting is a waste.

What matchmaking system does not try to keep you at a 50% w/l rate? Isn't that fundamentally how mmr systems work? Correct me if wrong.

>people shouldn't be commended for doing what they're supposed to do
Ok. Let's not commend people for doing well because that's what they're supposed to do. Might as well commend no one.

>Why would I do that?
You claimed it was easy, when in reality you've probably never gotten 4 gold medals. No need to respond to this and say that you have, because there's literally no point in doing so without proof.

Damage boosting has the benefit of not exposing yourself into as much danger as pulling out your pistol. No reason to get yourself killed as Mercy when you can res people.

Is that true? I usually dont pull out my pistol unless the person im parasiting on dies.

You commend people for going above and beyond, not for playing the game. Stop strawmanning.

>when in reality you've probably never gotten 4 gold medals
Nice assumption there bro. Really proved me wrong there. Excuse me while I go prove myself to some random shitter on Sup Forums lmao.

No need to respond to this, since you have been thoroughly devastated and I am going now.

I can't count the amount of times I've went support because nobody else on the team would do it then said "fuck it" because we're getting crushed and switched to a damage dealer like Pharah and ended up carrying my team and winning because of it.

I also can't count the amount of times I've lost anyways because my entire team manages to get wiped in seconds (usually by being retarded and sprinting into Bastion) without taking out any of their team regardless of whether i'm healing them or not and leaving me all alone to fight off an army.

Fuck solo queue.

>You commend people for going above and beyond
And 55% healing isn't that?

Didn't realize that not only was I bad, but every single other support I've ever seen while playing this game was also bad.

because you seek validation from strangers on the internet


He fucking trolled everyone by claiming he was carrying every team. was hilarious.

I absolutely cannot make sense of how the game chooses play of the game shit
like why should a reaper who got a double ult kill get it when I got a triple kill

>people whining about not getting pointless comendations

Why bother blocking the names?

>Solo Queue
>Get put with a team that is actually talking >They are choosing characters that have synergy with the team composition and they help with the objective
>Press P and set all of my teammates to prefer
>Get to play two games with them at MAX
>Get kicked out and forced to play with some team of third world mouthbreathers because forced 50% win ratio

This has never not happened

because his ult double was on/near the objective and your triple wasn't.

Aiming Zarya laser feels really weird, I can never tell if I'm hitting people without looking at the hit marker on the crosshair

video explains it all

tl;dr the video adds points towards getting potg for things like ulti denies, if a support does a lot of shit, kill assists, if kills are on an objective, etc.

Battlefield doesn't
cod doesn't
fifa doesn't
even fucking tf2 doesn't

Because his ult interrupted another ult.
Because people had already hit the people you ulted and you got lower % elimations.

Instead of getting somewhat similar results every game with your premade you are getting random team mates who may or may not suck. That is your great revelation.

The MMR is working as it should.

it does count as game played. and gamesplayed to games won is how the calculate your wins / loses

its not about bad or good teammates

its like OP's pic putting lvl 8 against lvl 180 not saying that level means anything but be realistic most of the time low level gets stomped by experienced players.

being purposely put in a losing team that's the problem