It's 6th of June and almost 2PM in Stockholm and these fucking Swedecucks aren't telling us when exactly the game is unlocking, you can't even preload. Fucking bullshit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you 6 years old? Get over yourself and shut up you immature fucking mongoloi
>release day
>no information at what hour the game releases
>can't preload game
>only get your game key once the game releases
>it's already 6th of June and no information when this will happen
that's one ugly american
He's british and makes very long autistic videos complaining about UKIP and Donald Trump.
stellaris was shit hoi4 is gonna be shit
But they're all sick don't you understand ? :(
>preload a 2GB game
I didn't play Stellaris but HoI4 looks pretty good to me, I've been watching some videos but I never played a HoI game so I can't compare it to previous titles, I'm more into EU4, Vicky 2 and CK2.
The idea is 18:00 CEST. Go take a nap.
why would you even respond to a paradox thread if you dont like paradox games
>Paradox game
>Not shit at release and without the future 100000 DLC packs
He is right.
>buying a paradox game at release
Once and never again. Gotta wait for a dozen patches for the game to actually get good.
I wish this Zeke dude didnt cuck us from a decent episode with actual gameplay.
I mean they're all autistic swedes so I'm not really watching for the fun they bring but at least it seems like they cared about explaining shit and playing the game.
This Zeke guy just shat over everything, didn't know how to play and didn't care for it. Why they had him in is beyond me
>you can't even preload.
Thats the usual case with Paradox games, nothing new here. they claim its due to their no-DRM policy.
> I never played a HoI game so I can't compare it to previous titles
I played all of them.
The past titles were buggy messes on release, and most of them had pretty severe usability or functionality flaws until the end.
Like the HOI3 AI was retarded in every corner, including the one that assists you as a player
It just did everything poorly and it was devastatingly bad at controlling your units (you only were able to modify the area of operation -theater- and the "point" where it should go, not like current HOI4 where you can actually tell it how to get there). And then it had performance issues and all that.
In many ways HOI2 was better in the end, especially with some of the expansions where at least the trade / diplomacy AI was okay and because HOI2 had less performance issues.
HOI4 looks better. Much better.
When will the anime mods get released?
Probably less than a week for the first leader portrait mods, if the workshop is enabled today already.
Not sure how long it will take until everything including units is modded to have some Girls & Panzer or Gundam or whatever theme, if that's even possible on this engine now.
I have friends who have their favorite paradox game be HoI3 but they say the same thing and the game is only really good with the blackice mod.
HoI4 looks really appealing to me, it doesn't seem as dumbed down as people claim.
If you don't like all the managment chores where you have to arrange shit for hours, BlackICE makes it even worse. Oh, the effort that went into that mod is significant, but you basically need to min-max and properly arrange everything, and that's a lot of clicks you need to do there.
HOI4 looks like it really basically threw all the useless management overboard that wasn't interesting but time-consuming once you understood it. I don't think I'll be missing much from HOI3.
That said, the AI *does* seem a bit weak, so it will possibly be easy.
Ah, and by AI I mean the computer player AI primarily.
The stuff the AI can auto-manage for you seems okay this time around, at least superficially.
From what I've seen the AI that manages your stuff seems pretty useful but I have to play to really get an opinion on that.
Also wasn't the computer AI in Vanilla completely retarded in that they would only spam armored units and screw themselves thanks to that?
The AI in HOI4 seems a little weak against breakthrough / encirclement moves on the battlefield, plus not anywhere near optimal in terms of preparing industry or diplomatically setting itself up with allies and enemies.
[I figure the AI needs to be a bit bad so the average player can beat it, but maybe it's a bit *too* weak right now?]
That said, I have just watched streams from those who got a "press" copy earlier. But they did a lot of idiotic moves and usually won anyhow.
If the Stellaris workshop is any indication, probably tomorrow or the day after.
Just play HOI2 or darkest hour
>Stellaris had constant maxed out hype threads leading up to release
>HOI4 gets the rare thread that dies after 30 posts
Why is Sup Forums so casual?
>not casual
Senpai please.
Well, Stellaris was a new IP so its to be expected.
plus people are disappointed since Stellaris came out buggy so they're probably wary.
And HOI4 is fucking casual tier.
Shitty design and UI does not a hardcore game make.
>look, I play autistic excel spreadsheet simulators. Am I cool guys?
You faggot
6 pm stockholm time
You could tell stellaris was going to be shit from the gameplay beforehand
It is an even more casualized eu4
Hoi4 seems interesting. Production certainly isn't as retarded. I dislike how air warfare works tbhfam. You can't order massive bombing raids on Berlin or anything, just the entire area.
AI seems a bit iffy as well. It seems you can grab a lot of victory points just by using tanks.
>preordering a game post 2010
You deserve everything
>casuals making up excuses for why they can't learn new things
I just don't see why I should put effort into learning that shit interface to play a ''game'' that looks like spreadsheet and plays like I'm having a job. When I play games, I want to have fun, not feel like I'm working.
>learning atrocious ui
Steam does refunds
I'm going to disconnect from the internet and play it
If it is bad I'll refund
All steamreleases are 18 cest
>and plays like I'm having a job.
You just confirmed that you never ever had a job before, and that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Go on, you can admit that the reason for your ironical hate is, that your mom won't buy you a second game this month
casuals will absolutely love this game, while everybody else will have to wait 10 years for mods to fix it
>looks like spreadsheet and plays like I'm having a job
isnt that the whole fucking point?
Zero-K also looks like that and it's away more intricate than PA...?
You are all morons, their stuff has always been released at 6 Swedish time
>playing the paradox jew
>he says on a board for the video jew
Can't help myself tbhfam, 1 hour
>not knowing you can pirate to play paradox games without being swindled
but paradox isnt a development studio and only publishes
Will it have more focus on the actual politics of WW2 than the previous HoI games or about the same? I've always found things like negotiations and population info more interesting in these games than the actual warfare itself desu
My inner Autist is ready. But somehow I feel like I will be let down because of the obvious casualisation comming from HoI3.
Is this going to be more casual than hoi3? Because if it is, I bet it's not going to be any better than hoi3
Peacedeals are weighted by contribution
Politics themselves are pretty limited to national focuses though
>Still no 1922 or 1933 start
Muh 1936
It'll release in 40 mins
Just got my G2A key. Feels goodman.
>Paying for it
It'll be on torrent sites in a week or two.
Anyone watching their stream? Thoughts?
>torrenting executables
It's like you want to be part of the botnet
But I want my steam friends to know how superior I am to them.
>people caring about this statement
Definite pirate for sure
>Giving money to sjw's
>oh no, not my $50. the SJW's have won
>Not knowing basic economics
Should of known this is v
Yeah it makes sense, Swedes are busy before 6pm, they have to open their buttholes to somalis and prep the bull, things that take several hours. Only then they can retreat to their cuckshed and release the game.
>how DARE you just buy a game you'll enjoy? It's ALL about politics!
Fuck off, you're ruining a hobby.
>not dumbed down
le draw arrow to moscow and watch the computer win barbarossa for you
Which SJW?
I thought this was a game with a core team of six hairy swedish men, and they were swearing on stream and stuff?
Everyone these days is an SJW
It's just a meme. Paradox makes the most anti-SJW games in the industry, so we ironically pretend they are SJWs.
I think if you want to do it that way you'll need to have the better army by a good amount. I think the Russians get a 20% bonus for fighting on their home soil or such.
She's already pregnant, Johan.
Releases now
stop crying you whiny bitch, jesus
Daily reminder that Paragoy cancelled East vs West
dont forget the wave of jewish dlcs down our throats
Stellaris pirate version was up very quickly
this one is small file so I hope for download anytime now
that looks hideous, what the fuck is even happening
Someone spamming air missions
High level HoI4 gameplay
Nice indie game
I'd post a skeleton picture, asking for torrent when, but that would be inappropriate, for it just came out.
>the english channel has 19 different sea territories
>you need to cross at least 3 territories to land
>the Strait of Dover is about 33km wide
>there are cities which are bigger than that
Nice balancing paradox