Gaming doesnt fill the void any more

>gaming doesnt fill the void any more

Buckshot will

Try weed

How do i enjoy games again

Gaming hasn't been fun to me for the past 4 years

I even got a Vita and completed P4G with like almost 100hours in it and was fun but mostly because it was story driven

gaming is a hobby meant to supplement an otherwise full life.

>having a void

Take a break for long enough. Start reading or something instead, the hunger will kick in in no time.

This. It's a hobby, not a crutch.

try speed
vidya is amazing on speed.

define full life, without egoistic targets

>without egoistic targets

Humans are inherently egoistic.

But a full life would be one with some social responsibility, some kind of goal you are working towards, and a number of hobbies that you find joy from, hopefully one of which promotes physical health.

you shouldn't have tried to fill the void in the first place, mate
get out of your comfort zone

You gotta start killing people now.

Happened to me ages ago and now I see all these games just come and go and I can't be bothered playing them

I haven't played a single game this year except Dark Souls 3 which I stopped halfway through

I know dat feel OP. Gaming is losing its ability to make me think about something else than all the shit in life I am failling at.

>MGSV was a disappointment

I tried making a game and now they're fun again because i'm procrastinating progress

>tfw no friends to play co-op games
>tfw co-op games are dead

I miss playing rainbow six vegas with my pal and loads of other games

Maybe you should have spent those years bettering yourself.
Sup Forums has never prevented you from doing anything. It's your scapegoat.

>gaming doesn't fill the void any more
>watching streamers do

>dat feel when studying and working does

I knew that medschool wouldn't be a waste of time. Feels good man.


>that feel when starting to regret spending my youth playing video games instead of doing things like making friends, working out, travelling, you know it
>tfw life is ruined

>achievements don't give your life any purpose anymore

>memeing demented mongoloids from Sup Forums will be the doctors of tomorrow

Have fun with that, everyone!

fuck off

This, I ruined everything


>pro tip

10% of my class are literally black muslim immigrants and they get into medschool with a F----- or something.

If you ever see a Doctor Mohammed, run away.

your 20s aren't everything
It's not too late

>been losing a ton of hair the past few months
>can clearly see my scalp now

At least the Biotin Shampoo and pills are helping.

First post best post.
End it all, user, they are waitting for you.

I feel you, my bros. I'm in my mid twenties and having a serious quarterlife crisis, if such a thing exists.

Regrets all around: why wasn't I more social in school, why didn't I pick a better education, why did I let my physical fitness detoriate to the point it's at now.

I did all those things because I am lazy. Doing something about it would have been uncomfortable. I drowned myself in media to take my mind of the state of my life and tried to convience myself I was happy like that. Seeing all my friends and former classmates actually getting somewhere in life has been a huge punch in the gut. They are graduating with honors, getting great jobs, finding significant others and getting married, buying houses.

And I am still here; posting on Sup Forums and playing video games.

I feel like a piece of shit right now.

21 years old, balding, hate my hair...

It sucks I had long hair my whole life but had it shaved off for my football team initiation. Ever since that, my hair has been fucked. I have a stretch at the front, and then the left and right side of that stretch are receeding badly

Pills and shampoo, those actually help ?

The fuck man, same here. Had long hair ever since I was a child, now i'm 20 and after getting a short haircut in early highschool, it just never grew back out properly. The front is becoming a shit tuft.

What kind of pills?


>How do i enjoy games if now i dont
Create your game, wony be easy but will be fucking greate, do your wet dreams game and understand how game developing works

>tfw friends never want to play co-op games even though they're the most fun
>tfw never experienced the joy of lost planet 2 co-op or beating divinity:os
>tfw wanted to buy Tom Clancy games when they were on sale for co-op and apparently that doesn't work anymore


Yeah shit sucks, I can kinda use gel to make it seem like it's even if you're looking at my straight on. It progressivly gets worse too since everytime I get my hair cut, it will only grow up to a certain length, which is shorter everytime round

My hair looks more healthy that it was about two to three months ago, but not sure entirely. I will say the Biotin Shampoo does make my hair look thicker at least.

Natrol Biotin 10,000 mcg Maximum Strength Tablets

And for the Shampoo OGX Shampoo, Thick & Full Biotin & Collagen with the conditioner.

>not being the void

You say "gaming" but you probably mean "video gaming"

Try filling the void with /tg/ like warhammer 40k

pretty much

>My hair looks more healthy that it was about two to three months ago, but not sure entirely. I will say the Biotin Shampoo does make my hair look thicker at least.

>Natrol Biotin 10,000 mcg Maximum Strength Tablets

>And for the Shampoo OGX Shampoo, Thick & Full Biotin & Collagen with the conditioner.

How much does this cost ? And will it help my hair grow ? Mine just stops at a certain length and no longer grows now.

Also how long until noticeable results ?

Sorry for all the questions

Do any of those products contain saw palmetto?

Activate bearmode and embrace the bald

When life fucks you, fuck it right back

There was no need to include that sad toad in your image.