Complete this sentence
You aren't welcome on Sup Forums if you ___________
Complete this sentence
>sympathize with niggers, faggots from tumblr, shitskins in general
>dont like Sup Forums
>dont like pepe
games arent your safe space you fuckin subhumans
make threads as bad as this
like fun.
But tumblr is great user.
I use it as a feed of lewd anime girls.
like videogames
Complete this sentence
You aren't welcome on Sup Forums if you
>>sympathize with niggers, faggots from tumblr, shitskins in general
>>dont like Sup Forums
>>games arent your safe space you fuckin subhumans
Fuck off no one likes you or Sup Forums
You shits are worse than ES JAY DOUBLE YOUs
shitskin degeneret
you can hide in games but in reality i would kill you
oh yes tumblr r34 and sfm artists are great
take videogames seriously
>answering to a dumb neckbeard frogposter NEET
it wasn't even bait, he threw the entire pole in the water
>Are a girl
not >girl (girl)
edgy bro
>Being this assblasted
Kill yourself degenerate/pol/ack
You aren't welcome on Sup Forums if you think Dark Souls is hard.
why are fighting games (like Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros) so popular with niggers?
say that to the point of my gun irl
Play videogames
>are a normalfag
>have friends/gf/sex life and boast about it
>Play causal shit and AAA garbage like AC and CoD, MOBAs etc
>don't like anime and scream WEEB WEEB WEEB
>browse reddit, neogaf etc and "come to Sup Forums for the dank memes"
Seriously fuck off.
share a differing opinion than mine
Why is it any time a nigger is into anything remotely nerdy he is always super into anime?
omg I'm so scared mum plz save me xD
How old are you
... are here to make a shitty overwatch thread that belongs in /vg/
Enjoy anything in life
don't have a feminine penis
>i like pol
This isn't some "SUPER SEEKRIT CLUB" fucking Ricky Retardo.
What are you, fucking 12?
>>don't like pepe
Typical redditard
>I'm a newfag: the post
>i don't like pol