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Apparantly I'm the 160th best Zenyatta on ps4.
I just play whatever my team needs. The people I roll with generally suck at sniper and every time they pick it they get humiliated, so I end up doing it.
>tfw 27th best on pc
Feels good man
Spotted the sjw ffag that wishes he was a feminist tranny with a chinese last name.
how can i see those stats?!
i see.
it hurts.
too bad im just a casual player at the moment.
>tfw you will never be in the top 100 Reinhardt Players.
Haven't played in a while. Need to get back to practicing with my Hanzo.
For the record, the ranks are completely bullshit. They are based on how many medals you have, which means it's basically counting for how long you played a character decently rather than how good you did with it.
i'm ok on and off.
can you post your name so i can avoid you?
I hate bumping in to people that only play as one hero
I-i don't only play Zenyatta...
>tfw pretty evenly split
>tfw playing the game correctly.
score/min is showing how good someone plays.
for example I'm 11000 McCree on PC in EU by total score but 541 in score/min
Genji is so much more fun than the other offense heroes. It's insane.
I like soldier 76 a lot. He's just an all around good hero solo and with your team.
for me, he is the only fun hero in the game.
I'd play him all the time but double genji/def genji is mostly useless.
Yeah defense Genji is kinda wonky, I only pay him on attack really.
I'm trying pharah now
These are the people that suck at this game.
It doesn't take 33 hours to get good at a character in this game, it takes less than one. Meanwhile every time the enemy team is running a reaper or widow your Roadhog is getting fucking destroyed because you can't counter their team pick
>tfw you jump on a widowmaker as winston and there's nothing they can do about it
My top three
Two games away from a sub 50 wr on that mercy
>It doesn't take 33 hours to get good at a character in this game, it takes less than one.
Ok I really don't know why you're saying that to me
> Meanwhile every time the enemy team is running a reaper or widow your Roadhog is getting fucking destroyed because you can't counter their team pick
You know user, I think you should try to git gud before posting with so much confidence, at this point you're not only shit with RH but at this game imo
>it takes less than one
Way off. Every character has little unique quirks to them that you have to hone over time to become better. Lucio has shot trailing, map knowledge of his blast, wall riding and where to do it, etc. You're not magically great besides knowing the fundamentals.
I'm not defending him sticking with just ONE character the entire time, that's just dumb, but I'm just saying you can't just pick up a character and know all their tiny quirks, advantages on maps, etc from just playing a smidgen.
anyone have any tips for dealing with winston?
Trashmouse is too much fun.
Play McCree
sent ;)
>Top three characters are Zarya, Pharah, and Lucio, the trademarks of a team player
Started off playing Mei but now trying the others, I enjoy Lucio and Soldier a lot
>muh roadhog has no counters!
Enjoy getting rekt in teamfights. You've got about 6 straight hours of losses compared to a more balanced profile.
Here's your shitty ass:
>38 hours
>136 victories
>1 hero
>a measly 11 average elims despite literally never playing a support
Here's a player with comparable time:
>5 hours less but more wins
>evenly spread hours between tanks, supports, and damage
>higher avg elims despite Mercy being third most played
You suck. Lrn2Counterpick
Anything I should work on?
Nobody comments on these anyways
coflropter nailed it
How the fuck do you GIT GUD with monkbot?
He's so much fun, but damn it's hard to eek out a win when I'm playing him. I always feel I'm not doing enough.
Post statistics page or masteroverwatch, let's see that W/L
Zenyatta can solo support but imo he's better as a co-support with Lucio.
Discord orbs on high priority targets
Skirmish with your left click and headshot cunts
Discord orb any Bastion you see
Because it's a dick measuring contest with a bunch of straight people.
just shoot at people and throw harmony orb at friends. works best if they're not shooting at you. stay away from widow.
Thanks familia. Will be trying it out tonight.
Good thing I know i'm small
>always have discord/harmony out
>fear widowmaker
>get gud at aiming
These are some essential tips. Also please stay near your team, Reinhardt is your best friend
Thanks lads, I appreciate it.
Pick another hero if their widowmaker is at least halfway competent
O-oh gosh
Reminder that if more than 50% of your play time is in a single hero (that isn't Lucio) you are worthless
>that terrible win rate / hours played
Hah! So this is what the psfile looks like when someone only plays on character.
judge me Sup Forums
Hanzo and Mei are worthless and you've got no support time but at least you're not a bad Genji
They absolutely are useless. Mei is the worst character in the game.
I usually last pick.
>aoe freeze ultimate
>walls to block enemy advancement/retreat
>can freeze any hero in the game
She stomps in pubs
I only play Lucio and Torbjorn when needed.
I'm ready for your hate Sup Forums.
been actually learning/playing a lot of mercy lately. fuckin hurts when your teams offense is god awful though.
Nothing to hate upon; this character deserves some more effort from people. Can really make a difference when played well.
Have mercy...
waifufags are the best
>Rank #2,735 by score/minute
>I played 20 hours on dva because i'm in love with a virtual, non-existing character
>score/min is showing how good someone plays.
No it isn't. It's based on the sum of medals you have.
Which has nothing to do with W/L, only the sum of your games
>AOE freeze that almost every hero can escape on-reaction
>walls to give your enemies cover and prevent your teammates from finishing them off
>Freeze can be stopped by: Genji, McCree, Pharah, Reaper, Tracer, Junkrat, Widow, DVa, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya, and Mercy
Mei sucks.
>Have to take meds each day that make me dizzy and can't aim well
>Play mercy to compensate
oh well
>practicing hanzo
Nigger you just fire an arrow anywhere and get a headshot.