If you have not played at least 50% of the games on this list, you are a huge console casual

If you have not played at least 50% of the games on this list, you are a huge console casual

Other urls found in this thread:


90% of that is indie pixelshit, which are the pinnacle of casual games

Okay bud

>black mesa
>castle crashers
Yeah thats about it

>if the game is not AAA with millions of dollars from the big companies that only cater to casuals, the gameplay is bad

epic opinion friend :^)

Indie games have the best gameplay since 2008

A lot of those games are mediocre.

There's only like six good games in there and I'm not counting Jet Set because everyone knows it's good.

Let's indulge you. Let's say you are completely wrong (clearly this is not the case, but lets just imagine).


Okay, then what? Im a casual. Now what? What is the purpose of the thread. I mean, what is next. I mean, you can give information, but are you intentions for me to get angry and say


I mean, if that's what you want, I'll say it, but clearly I don't really care. So I'm a casual apparently. Since you believe you have proven your point, go ahead and sage the thread. There's literally no reason for it anymore.

>huge console casual


2012 was a garbage year for games it seems.

>I only play underrated special snowflake games for special snowflakes like myself :^)

These games look like shit though

Inquisitor is a load of shit

>frog fractions
>guild wars 2
>Gotham City Imposters

your preferences are a meme user, kill yourself now

>if you play games that challenge you and don't take you by the hand, you are a special snowflake

this is what casuals actually belkieve

>missing so many of the best games from 2012

>Guild Wars


Rule #1

>if you play games that challenge you
Slender's on there.

>all that casual press x to win shit

keep sucking that AAA cock

Good taste, user

>Gotham City Imposters

>Soul Hackers under 2013
That's just dumb.

>all that casual press x to win shit


>post 2004
>worthwile games

I chuckled, my friend.

Why? It's the best SMT game since DDS.


>It's the best SMT game since DDS
It's a barebones port of a nice game from '97.

Consult or

>It's the best SMT game since DDS
soul hackers wasn't a new SMT game after DDS you dongus
it's a port

a lot of those genres I don't enjoy though. notably grand strategy and rts.

horror games are about atmosphere, not challenge

And it's far better than DeSu, IV, and etc.

Only SJ comes close.

>horror games are about atmosphere
Which Slender does a shit job of.
Hell, none of the horror games on that chart have decent atmosphere. Castle Crashers has better atmosphere.

any modern console game pretty much

this is a really bizarre list

Is gaming now getting its own share of "I was born in the wrong generation" fags now?


>slender is popular so I'll hate it
>I'm not the one being a special snowflake

slender was a worthwhile game if you like horror games, even if it was based on a joke

>fedora chan

I wasn't born in the wrong generation, friend. I lived through the golden years of videogames and saw the decline with my own two eyes. Of course, a youngfag like you wouldn't understand.

That's weird since console games have much more gameplay than any PC game released on the past few years but anyway here's your (You)


I don't hate Slender because it's popular. I hate it because it does a shit job of attempting horror/atmosphere based on an already silly concept.

>Guild Wars 2

I gave you the benefit of the doubt before this. Also, Dark Souls was on console retard.

fjunny meme image user whered you get it the gay store??????

>Master Chin
No, get fucked.

jesus christ this board needs annihilating

Whatever you say, grampa. Have fun not enjoying anything made past your rose-tinted "golden era".

I have played 50% of those, actually. A few of those are excellent. Stuff like Dustforce, Crusader Kings 2, Legend of Grimrock, La-Mulana, Faster Than Light, Black Mesa, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Mark of the Ninja, Hotline Miami.

But that list also has a lot of average to outright shit games.

>Wargame: European Escalation

>Guild Wars 2
MMO's are fucking cancer

>Total War: Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai
It's ok, I guess

>Lone Survivor
Was pretty hyped to play this, unfortunately it failed to be scary, fun or even interesting to any meaningful degree. Pretty disappointing.

>SCP: Containment Breach
The definition of meme games

Also, "master"chan is a den of faggotry and I'm speaking as someone who hasn't touched a modern console.

Good games on that list are
>crusader kings
>natural selection
>legend of grimrock
the rest is either mediocre, mediocre or also on consoles

Has been for a long time, now.

Don't get me wrong, user. I actually do enjoy the occasional new game but I mostly (re-)play old games. If you think that today's games are just as good or even better than old games, more power to you.

>Gotham City Impostors
>even the image admits it's not that good
I like this pasta because it really shuts up Sup Forums

>the best games from this age can easily match up or surpass the best games from the past.

Are there people on Sup Forums who truly believe this?

Sorry old man. Games are as good as ever, the ratio of good games to mediocre/shit games is the same as it's always been and the best games from this age can easily match up or surpass the best games from the past.
You have issues and video games don't fill your void anymore because they aren't the games you played when you were a happy kid not forced to deal with the harsh realities of the world you're living in. Your whole bleak outlook on your current life is reflected on the video games you play, which is why you are unable to enjoy them, but you refuse to believe that's the reason, you nitpick all those games to death in hopes of justifying your retarded opinions on them.
Your kind of nostalgiafaggotry has existed for as long as mankind has, across all mediums. Music is not as good, movies are not as good, books are not as good, everything was in its prime at your tender young age, when you were young and far more impressionable.
Commodore nostalgiafaggots considered Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past a shit game that handholded the player too much and had too much fanfare and useless plot, which interfered with the gameplay, unlike masterpieces such as fucking Bubble Bobble.
You either move with the times or you pretend you're above them. And you are clearly choosing the later side of the fence. But you are also holding on to them because they're all you have. Enjoy your misery, I'll keep enjoying my video games.

>SCP Containment Breach

since when is this game so important?

the first and only time I had buyers remorse.

I haven't played any of these games.

>Fortune Summoners
>La Mulana
>Dark Souls
>Jet Set Radio
>Mark of the Ninja
>Hotline Miami

These ones could be called good or at least decent (and I'm been generous here), the rest are either meme games or literally who pixelshit

"Surpass" is not true, but he's right on them matching. It's very easy to look back and remember all the best games of the past while conveniently forgetting all the shit that existed at the same time they did.

>everything was in its prime at your tender young age

That's not true. There are still a lot of great new books, movies and albums coming out. It's only videogames that have become infinitely worse.

>jet set radio
played the original, if you're just now playing it becuse it got ported guess who the casual is.

>black mesa
bitch please I have half life 1 box set on DISC.

>the rest
thanks for making me feel shittyer about having a toaster that cant run anything from this decade.

>Also, "master"chan is a den of faggotry and I'm speaking as someone who hasn't touched a modern console.

you are doing it wrong then

>If you don't play shittiest games imaginable you are a casual


>le casual meme

What kind of toaster can't play 2d games like MotN, FTL or Hotline Miami? You should really check those out unlike most of the OP list

Ive only played 9 of those and they were mostly trash anyway

>90% of the games are mediocre

Why am I not surprised?

but games like dark souls are literally created FOR consoles

casual indie shit

Have Black mesa ever been finished? Im talking about the xen chapters

this peice of shit right here

it fucks up the colors for age of empires 2 if that gives you any indication of how utterly shit this thing is.

I did have a better machine at one point but fucky mains surges killed it.

>Demon's Souls and Bloodborne
>no Dark Souls

wew lad that's a nasty opinion you got there

It is finished already. They simply don't want to put xen levels.

>no ssx

>Your kind of nostalgiafaggotry has existed for as long as mankind has, across all mediums. Music is not as good, movies are not as good, books are not as good, everything was in its prime at your tender young age, when you were young and far more impressionable.
>Commodore nostalgiafaggots considered Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past a shit game that handholded the player too much and had too much fanfare and useless plot, which interfered with the gameplay, unlike masterpieces such as fucking Bubble Bobble.
These two lines in particular ring so fucking true
Most of you are way too young to know this, but back in the day we had to deal with the same kind of nostalgia that we have to deal with now
I know you won't believe me, but it seriously was shit like this all the time. You just don't have it documented because there weren't internet forums back then.
t. Grandpa.

Some of it has been documented in really, really old forums. I remember seeing pictures of someone bitching about how games were better with the IBM. Shame I don't have it with me.

>casual is just a meme

neo-Sup Forums
this board is for redditors now

mchan masterrace

We have some bits and pieces of that history, old man

>What happened to the good old games?
>Date: 1990


I've actually just not played it yet.

I was so burned out after DeS that I waited until DeS II, which was fairly mediocre.

this list is just indie shit and most of them came out on consoles which are no different to PC
LA-MULANA is great though but the image HAS to be bait, it's just so pathetic

Had castle crashers on Xbox 360 way before it got a PC release.
Other than, hotline Miami, war of the roses (which died pretty quickly) and chivalry (which got ruined by the shitty dev balances) the rest are mostly meh as fuck unfinished feeling crap. Oh from rock is okay, but then I already played eob and lands of lore thanks.

Thanks phone...

>I know you won't believe me, but it seriously was shit like this all the time. You just don't have it documented because there weren't internet forums back then.

Underage detected

Anyone who uses nostaliga as an argument to defend new games is a shiteating underageb&

>most the games are shit
>console casual
Dont you have to be in the school right now?

>all those shitty games

>Oh, and what's with the scoring these days? Note that scoring doesn't have
jack-diddly to do with achieving extra lives anymore?
>Those games had a real certain charm about them, hearing all the
repeaters whirring inside...
>Anyone else remember when Williams games would give replays silently?
>Or maybe I'm just an old fart who remembers too much.

>Well your not an old fart. I too get disgusted walking around a typical
arcade these days and I'm only 21

Holy shit. It really was exactly the same back then.

Haha, grandpanon here, thank you for this. I didn't have internet until the mid 2000's, but it's good to see that some of those arguments remain marked in history instead of just being memories.

>Ys Origin
>camera problems

And it's never gonna change, either. Ten years from now you'll see Sup Forums looking back on 2015 and going "WHY AREN'T GAMES LIKE THIS ANYMORE?"


Is this bait?

>PC masterrace
>kingdom hearts
>smash bros

this is a bad image

I can only see a few good games there
>dustforce (mediocre really, but the music is reat)
>ys origin (one of the weaker ys games)
>la-mulana (hampered by being too convoluted and you basically have to resort to reading a guide every now and then)
>dark souls (not even remotely perfect, but offers something few other games do)
>mark of the ninja

Honestly, your taste is shit.

I'd rather be a dirty console casual than touching Guild Wars 2 ever again.

Shogun, Dark souls, radio, castle crashers, Chivalry.
Some other games on this list look alright but most of them do not drawn my eye in the slightest.

Dank Tit Expander

Beating Liadri in GW2 is one of the hardest video game challenges you can make.

Stay casual, casual

>Guild Wars 2


>hardest video game challenges
>on a dodgeanheal game

No thanks.