Have PC gamers admitted defeat yet?
Have PC gamers admitted defeat yet?
nuDOOM's been cracked already, and even as mediocre as it is, it's literally the only game with Denuvo that's worth playing at all. So no.
>nuDOOM's been cracked already
good joke
Don't you mean pirates?
Not everyone who plays in PC has an eyepatch you know.
>Not everyone who plays in PC has an eyepatch you know.
>PC gaming has "around a 93-95% piracy rate" claims Ubisoft CEO
you were saying?
Sup Forums wouldn't lie to me.
When will mods ban this meme forcing faggot?
No one will fall for this bait, I hope you realise
Try harder next time
enjoy your totally real and true doom crack then fäm ;)
>don't trust a ceo with years of experience in the industry, trust me, a random faggot neckbeard weeb instead!!!
back in the day, trolls used to try
Who the fuck buys Ubisoft games?
try harder faggot
no. playing denuvo games is easier than pirating and costs $2 per game.
thanks denuvo!
the division sold a record number of copies and is loved on Sup Forums by all
you were saying?
>Back in the day trolls used to try
Yeah and your post is evidence that they don't anymore. That's the whole point that I made in my post, no need to echo it
Good thing they managed to decrease this number by introducing uplay and more shitty bugged games
>the division
>loved by anyone
NuDoom has been cracked. It just crashes. Probably release this week.
Oh, you.
there have been 24/7 division threads on Sup Forums since its release
>NuDoom has been cracked.
>A year later, Denuvo is still uncracked
>no significant change in revenue or profit
>Have PC gamers admitted defeat yet?
Defeat?What are you talking about.
My GOG library just went over 70 games thank you denuvo for bringing me to the DRM free family.
Let idiot publishers push Denuvo.That will bring more consumers to the GOG family.
Remember our motto:
>no significant change in revenue or profit
You still have to pay for denuvo, so you get a negative start, before you ship the game.
yeah, it fucking sucks
now I have a job and my parents are wondering why I got one
RIP neet lyfe
No good game has this let's be honest. I can afford to skip the one or two games a year that might be good but are probably just mediocre flavor of the month "AAA" games
Congratulations, you figured out what is happening
Of course big time devs will yell M-MUH PIRACY because they can't handle the fact that some people don't value their game enough to pay money for it, which is like 1-2% of people who buy it
No because I'm not poor.
>someone else has taken the duty to make more denuvo bait threads
why the fuck are you so pathetic
Pirates aren't pc gamers.
>tfw you turned 18 just in time
Milennial cucks will never live in the golden age of piracy as a poorfag teen.
it got cracked, when will you stop shilling?
>It's a console war thread in disguise episode.
just report them,mods do delete this crap but instead they leave 2323402340024234 shillwatch threads up
Did anyone really win in this war? All those pirated games won't instantly translate into new sales. All this means is that instead of playing 20 or 30 or whatever games a year I'll just buy the one or two games per year I can't live without.
>no good game
>deus ex mankind divided
Chinese moot made an agreement with Blizzard. They can freely shill here and even have special accounts that shows IPs so they can detect counter-shills.
Well, considering no game I've been interested in has used Denuvo yet I guess no? Talk to me again in a year and we'll see.
Holy shit that ass
You mean have broke NEETs who live on ramen and have to budget 2 digit purchases admitted defeat yet?
And no, even they don't care because no DRM made by humans will ever be good enough to not get reverse engineered/worked around.
>Guillemot doesn't provide any evidence for this
>It would be very interesting to learn where Guillemot has taken the "93-95 per cent" figure from,
yes also known as 96% of the entire pc gamer base
Unless you're 35+, you are a millenial you moron
>born in 88/89
>citation needed
You know, I was all for piracy being a thing because I thought that most were just a bunch of poor cunts that wouldn't be able to buy the game anyway.
But after Denuvo and the constant bitching Sup Forums has shown toward it I support Denuvo instead. Fuck you entitled negro's that want everything for free or make up piss poor excuses to want to pirate instead of buying
>believing ubisoft
Even Russian media is more reliable than ubisoft at this point
Not that guy, but I'm born in 86 and I'm pretty sure I'm a millenial. You might be thinking of generation Z, the fags born after us.
I bought siege.
It's literally their only good game in a decade and it's one of the best recent MP games.
>loved by Sup Forums
pic related
Literally yes?
>claims by ubisoft CEO
>one of the most cancerous and piece of shit people in one of the most cancerous piece of shit company that hates it's customers
>claims PC gamres are all pirates and horrible
No wonder they're salty. PC gamers were the ones who discovered how they blatantly sabotaged PC release of watch dogs.
Why do people keep posting these threads?
And no because a few dipshits not playing AAA garbage is going to make a difference in my day.
>Believing Corpoate CEO bullshit
Never once have I met a person this idiotic.
I don't make excuses though. I pirate it because i want to. So fuck off back to your shitstain station.
Its the console faggots who have too much time on their hands because they lack games.
It is not unbeatable, just requires more effort than "find jmp, remove jmp".
An anti virus developer would tear a new asshole on denuvo in 10-15 days tops.
Has your mother stopped sucking dicks?
Sup Forums is wrong again
>Claims 95 percent of people of said platform pirate their games
>Still release their games on said platform
Sup Forums can't be right or wrong because it holds multiple opinions.
It is pretty much a schrodinger's cat.
what the fuck is this
am I on /x/
Gotta explain shitty sales somehow
One good thing about Denuvo is that, at least for a while, piracy won't be a credible boogeyman to blame failure on
Is there any reason to make this treads???
Time and again that shit got cracked, only impatient austist fags (consoletards) cant wait untill its done, far less, be part of the cracking process like with asscreed2 and the 1st allways online system, wich fell pretty quick once people learned how to bypass the server, and start to fill the markers.
>mfw i played the DLC thinking it was part of the actual story and not an In disk DLC.
>tfw The Witcher 3 creator are literally gog.com
Based slavs will save gaming without spywar... I mean denuvo
AC2 was cracked in a one month while Denuvo is literally uncrackable at all since 2014.
Yes, Denuvo was never cracked since the DRM is first released on Fifa 14.
Are you denuvo paid shill? Or console cuck?
still, why make threads about this?
Who the fuck plays fifa???
>i can pirate the game but i cant crack denuvo
this is ballant shilling.
I dont understand the purpose of all of this
>can play cracked games
>some random pajeet post about denuvo EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY
>people know that can be cracked and where to look for it
What is OP trying to acomplish?
This is borderline with the bot automated threads.
I didnt make the threads, dumbo.
but its true, Denuvo is Never get cracked at all. only bypassed until denuvo was fixed it in late 2015
Have the PS4 gamers admitted defeat yet?
>who the fuck plays fifa
Who said that was the only game. I still can't play Farcry Primal (a friend of mine talked about it a lot and I wanted to try it, sue me) or the new DOOM because they're uncracked.
>people know that can be cracked and where to look for it
What are you talking about? I checked TPB and KAT, found nothing on either.
Cool. Good to know garbage companies like Ubisoft who force Uplay on us have a 95% piracy rate while companies like From Software who give us good video games NOW HAVE PC AS THE LEADING PLATFORM because PC gamers buy more of their games than console gamers
>TFW This feels good. This tells me the system works.
>I will keep pirating games from bad companies knowing we're making a difference
So you can play the game.
Mission complete.
This is as much vidya as any THICK thread.
Make a thread... im gonna start to play this game too.
People always confuse millennials with the new generation.
>So you can play the game.
If you buy it, yes. What's your point?
Nope, every time denuvo is patching the hole, the amount of time of bypassing it is doubled.
>Ubisoft CEO claims that my dick is 12 inches
denuvofags rekt
>i want the game now
>i want the game now
>i want the game now
You want the game now to shitpost about it or something else besides playing it and enjoying it???
Thats why you cant wait months if needed.
>preorder divided
>hitman in pieces edition
>doom single player only
Denuvo is a label for shit games. If it has denuvo protection, than you know: "shit game".
ubisoft as publisher? than you know : "shit game"
EA as developer and publisher -> shit game.
do you get me, dudebro?
>Thats why you cant wait months if needed.
Tons of denovu games have gone literally around 6 months without a crack. Months? Try years, optimistically. The earliest uses were in 2014 and still nothing.
Well, crackers should get less lazy and get to study heuristics.
All sorts of "programs designed to hide from other programs" get on the same cycle.
First the program is blatant and easily removable without any tool.
Then the program use simple tricks like hiding on system files with similar names and is found by simple CRC checks.
Then the program start to modify itself to avoid CRC checks, and heuristic detectors catch up to then, and then becomes a cat and mouse game of heuristics versus polymorphism.
Denuvo is the first DRM to employ polymorphism to avoid detection, and as such, a heuristic crack can hunt it down, and then all denuvo guys will be able to do is update the polymorphic engine while heuristic engine gets updated as well etc..
It's pretty much virus vs anti virus all over again.
And as you know, there is no virus that looms forever undetected.
Give me money & i gonna buy the game.
Heres my card number :
4029445132782851 Dmitry Milman
The problem with Denuvo is that most of the games it protects are so undesirable that the vast majority of people are just fine not caring about it for a few weeks or months if need be until it's cracked, and even then they might not care.
well, too bad talented crackers are becoming normies & have an decent job & a wife & kids.
......but he didnt know he's gonna divorce & his kids became whores.
that is circle of life of becoming normies.
Why should i?
>Total War: Warhammer has denuvo
heh. People don't even pirate Total War games. All this is going to do is make the fanbase angry that they're being treated like pirates/criminals from the start.
New ones will appear, specially on this hell of world we're creating, where everything is java, IoT and you're always being watched.
A good programmer in this future world will be the king of the world.
Imagine a "game" in pc (not in consoles) can be modded and unoficially patched untill its the game that it should be.
Sometimes you have to wait like 11 YEARS like i did to play the definitve version of thief deadly shadows.
I wouldnt mind waiting for a few months to play a game that im not that interested to play.
>total warhammer
man, it looked so good, and i saw it plays really good. i want it so bad.
No no no Eric
You are going really bad at school, so no money for games to you,
Remember Rome 2
It was on the border of slightly bad and decent. Now americanized Just Cause 3 on the other hand.
>All PC gamers are pirates
Piratefags is the term you faggot. Piratefags. Which i'm not.
>Remember Rome 2
Yeah, and it's nothign like that.