What went right?

What went right?

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Chao Garden and Sonic and Shadow levels.
That's about it


Everything except kart racing and mad space.




>Chao Garden
>Everything except kart racing
you suck a dick

Also, City Escape





just report them so they get bazinga

>the soundtrack
>the Sonic+Shadow levels (imperfect but fun)
>Chaos Garden
>dumb shit cutscenes
>dat final boss
>dat FINAL boss
>dat ghost boss
>Sonic's arms are blue
fun game/10

Everything except Eternal Engine.

aren't* blue

>but fun
typical sonic fan activity


fuck off unless you have something to show the class aaron


hidden items
sonic and shadow levels
all round level design
half decent story
chao garden

Fuck that got me good

Metal Harbor was fuckin' great.

>What went right?
The decision to create a more streamlined game after the abomination that was SA1's "open world" feel
The removal of the adventure field
The removal of loading zones in the middle of levels
The removal of Amy as a playable character
Pretty much all the Ark levels. Even the mech ones
Better LAST storyline
The boss battles
The VAs, while largely the same, did a much better job this time arouns. It's the only sonic game with actual good delivery.
Chao World
Multiplayer (seriously, it's fucking dope as a drinking game)
The theme songs are significantly better. Some are even catchy
the ending

It's definitely not the least flawed 3D sonic game, not by a long shot, but there's enough that works and makes for good replayability (by far the best sonic game to all A rank) that I'd still argue it's overall the best 3D entree. Yes, I've played Generations.

Pretty spot on.

I went back and played all 4 dreamcast/Xbox era sonic games and SA1 is fucking terrible, but SA2 has some nice charm to it and some of the levels are genuinely super fun. Heroes was disappointingly much worse than I remember it, and Ow the Edge was ok?

Chao Garden, Sonic and Shadow levels, excellent sound track.

I enjoyed the treasure hunting stages except Mad Space and the Eggman temple ones.

They dropped the fishing levels.

Oh, and what this guy said How could I forget that? The fucking was fucking aweful.

The fishing.

Chao garden.
Great music.
And you went fast.


Late 90s/early 2000s was a different era.

It doesn't matter whooooo is wrong or who is riiiight

So most of us are obviously in consensus that SA2 is the better overall game, but which one has the better music

Adventure 2

Emerald coast has the best music

But sa2 overall

They have completely different styles.

Most of SA sounds like it could easily fit on a genesis game.

That's really hard to say. I think Jun Senoue outdid himself with directing 2's music though.

SA1 had more variety, SA2 was mostly guitar shit

>great tracks in SA1
Emerald Coast (primary)
Twinkle Park exterior
Speed Highway (suburban)
Red Mountain exterior
Red Mountain interior
Lost World (snake chamber)
Final Egg
Open Your Heart

>great tracks in SA2
City Escape
Wild Canyon
Metal Harbor
Green Forest
Pumpkin Hill
Aquatic Mines
Mission Street
Pyramid Cave
Eternal Engine
Meteor Herd
Crazy Gadget
Final Rush
Radical Highway
White Jungle
Cosmic Wall
Final Chase
Egg Golumn
Cannons Core 3
Live and Learn
It Doesn't Matter 2.0
Unknown From M.E. 2.0
Throw it all Away
Supporting Me

SA2 has more tracks that stick out as memerable. As pointed out, SA1 has better variety in its level music, but it cheats by reusing a bunch of Sonic 3D Blast genesis tracks. Also, the theme songs in 1 are far more cringe-inducing.

What the fuck happened with the Heroes models?

Did they even try?

I hate Heroes' underlying game engine so goddamn much. It would've been GOAT if it controlled like SA2 did.

It had to be made with the PS2 in mind.

Sonic Adventure DX was planned for a PS2 release and the game literally couldn't run on the console without tanking the frame rate

Not much. It's pretty mediocre over all.

3D sonic has never looked as good as he does in SA2DX

Sonic games are only good on reflection, after seeing how bad the current release is.

I fucking hate the writing for boost sonic.
His delivery is forced as fuck and he's never funny.

He was best here, and not just because Ryan was a good VA, but because they weren't trying to make him HEH HEH TOO GOOD FOR YA LET'S GO FAST!

One of the guys on the team has said that part of the reason he acts more mature in SA2 is because when they were making the game, they had in mind that the characters had aged and they were portraying a young adult rather than an early teen.

But then heroes decided to make him 15 again so now it just feels off

He was still great in unleashed though.
In fact, everything about sonic's design,voice acting, and writing, was pretty much perfect in unleashed imo.

Ehhhhhh I mean he was better than in the more recent boost games but it was still a but cheesy for me

Yeah he was serious and it looked fine since it wasn't Sonic 06 tier drama.

That's because the comic relief was chip, in the newer games they don't have any non evil character that appears constantly do and say wacky shit so they use sonic which i think is awful too.

At least it's very likely we will never hit Heroes level of corny dialogue though.

Why could Metal Sonic not defeat Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles Sup Forums?

What i hate the most about Heroes/shadow the hedgehog models is how they all look oiled in game.

I wonder why they don't use the rails movement of SA2 in newer games.

Rails in that game where always fun.

I legitimately like the Sonic, Shadow, Eggman and Knuckles stages.

For Tails I only like Mission Street and Eternal Engine, and the only Rouge stage that doesn't bore me to death is Security Hall.

>"Knuckles and Rouge stages sucked."

Chao Garden
Fastan levels
Shootan levels
A few of the Huntan levels

A little janky but overall it's a pretty good game


Serious Sonic > Goofy Sonic.

He was always serious in the classics anyway.

I'm not done with you y-

Sanic/Shadow levels were OK.
Music was cheesy but fit the mood.
That's it.

>He was always serious in the classics anyway.

I thought OVA Sonic was the best Sonic.

"Oh, for God's sake"


The sonic twitter is always the personality I associate with an ideal sonic personality as well

>The removal of Amy as a playable character
SA1 Amy with a bit more speed would've been more enjoyable than the treasure hunting (barring hard mode) and mech (barring Cosmic Wall) levels.

>Pretty much all the Ark levels. Even the mech ones
The ARK interior and exterior are when the game completely falls on its face. The only decent levels are Cosmic Wall and maybe Final Rush if you like all that automated grinding. All the rest are complete ass.

Agreed with the rest though.

I feel like Rust does Sandboxes pretty well. The key to a good sandbox MMO or anything is that you have to make the players really feel like they're earning everything through hard work. Then they attribute value to their digital progress and won't act like wonton retards.

>play rust
>build a base next to a few neighbours
>at first we are hostile
>constant back and forth battling
>we finally get sick of losing all our shit to each other and to other invaders
>sign a peace treaty
>soon we develop into a town
>then a village when more people join
>chaos turned into order out of the sheer desire not to lose our hard work

That's the key, Of course we raped and pillaged other stragglers and clans forming that posed a threat. But that's for them to deal with.

Crazy Gadget is my favorite Level...

Post YFW

>Sonic and Shadow were the only good characters meme
>People who unironically dislike destroying everything in sight as Eggman




I guess it was fun a couple of times.
A third of the game though is too much.

Funny, I replay Eggman stages a lot more than Sonic and Shadow's stages.

Most of the mech stages just don't have the magic of Gamma's Hot Shelter or Red Mountain.

Weapons Bed and Cosmic Wall are legitimately good.
I can't think of a single Tails level I enjoy to this day but I'll concede that Mission Street has a nice theme.

did anybody actually like searching for emeralds and shards though?

>my friend didn't get the unlimited oxygen power up and had to do that swimming level at the end of the game without it

chao garden
sonic and shadow levels
knuckles and rouge levels except a couple real shit ones
shadow died at the end

I find it gets boring quick. Gamma's campaign in Sonic Adventure was short and didn't interrupt the other stages.

It would have been a lot better if the radar wasn't gimped.

I wonder if there's a mod for that.

>did anybody actually like searching for emeralds and shards though?
It's the best multiplayer mode
>who cares about the mult-
No, stop. SA2 multiplayer is clutch

Who /All A Rank/ here?

Hard mode was legitimately decent and should've been the basis for the main gameplay instead of "run around hoping the RNG pings"

I'll agree with this though.

Gamma's story as a whole was 10/10 and is easily the best thing about SA1 for me. It makes me wish for SA3 just so we can have an Omega story in the same vein.

His theme is fucking great too.

100%ing Adventure 1 is harder

If the radar wasn't fucking shit, I would like those stages.

You hide in shadowy areas.

Weapons Bed/Cosmic Wall > Red Mountain/Hot Shelter > the rest of SA2 mech stages > the rest of Gamma's stages

Those early Gamma stages are just embarrassingly small

>Those early Gamma stages are just embarrassingly small
Good, it means they drag on less.

Hardest 100 ring A rank in the game.
Well, canons core is pretty bad too.

It's weird, I'm not usually a storyfag, but I didn't actually mind the stage length because I really liked his character arc.

>they bumped up the score requirements for Cosmic Wall in all ported versions
it's the one level I need A ranks in.




>tfw picking chaos and purposefully choosing aquatic mine so he always drowns before he gets the pieces.

>It's a "I pick metal sonic and a rails level" episode

Daily reminder that this fucker is banned in the competitive scene


Metal is not any faster on rails

Press B next time